On March 5, the train to the east of the Ural Union was still in operation.

Kiraqi was lying in Xia Lingyun's bag with strawberry-flavored candy in his mouth, staring blankly at the gap in the bag, at the roof of the train, and at Xia Lingyun's hair.

The strawberry-flavored candy in his mouth was really delicious, but Kiraqi felt that the candy had no taste.

You know, Kiraqi could still taste the deliciousness of this candy yesterday.

Yesterday was also the happiest day Kiraqi felt after waking up this time.

Wang Qing and Xia Lingyun didn't make any other wishes until the end, but the seven days were up.

Yes, March 4th is the seventh day of Kiraqi's awakening this time.

Kiraqi was very happy yesterday when he thought that he would be able to get out of the sea of ​​suffering and fall into a deep sleep as long as he stayed for another day.

Kiraqi ate a lot of candy in his bag during the day yesterday, waiting for the death training to end at night, it will turn back into a sleeping cocoon and enter a deep sleep.

Kiraqi, who once resisted sleeping extremely, wanted to sleep very much.

As long as Wang Qing's training is not carried out, it is fine to let him sleep for three thousand years.

Kiraqi knew that what Wang Qing and Xia Lingyun said were right.

Kiraqi also knows that Wang Qing and Xia Lingyun are doing it for its own good. When it violates Wang Qing's training and wants to be lazy, Kiraqi will even feel that he is a bad elf.

Kiraqi really doesn't want to be a bad elf.

But, it's really hard.

It is not strong enough to face death directly, but it can only rely on making wishes in the face of devastating disasters, and will not consider using its own strength to turn the tide.

Wang Qing once told it a worrying story.

It is about the ancient times, a man of Qi State was worried that the sky would collapse, and lived in fear all day long.

How could the sky fall down?

Kiraqi felt that the story was ridiculous at first, and then it heard Wang Qing say that he was very similar to that Qiren.

Wang Qing said that he was also very scared, but he did not do the same thing as Qi Ren, he would seriously prepare.

Wang Qing said that when one day the innocence really collapses, he will find a way to raise the zenith to the top.

Kiraqi knew that Wang Qing did not lie, Wang Qing would really do that.

Wang Qing hopes that it can also stand up in the face of disasters and fight side by side with them to make this world a better place.

It told Wang Qing many times that it couldn't do it, but Wang Qing forced it to train it.

In fact, Kiraqi can be lazy.

Kiraqi can do nothing or think about it, and let Geng Gui Xiaohei control its body, so that it can bear it and pass.

It is just a tool star without human rights and should not bear such a heavy responsibility.

But until the end of last night, Kiraqi still completed the training seriously.

——Geng Gui Xiaohei's puppet trick can't perfectly control all its power, Kiraqi must control it by himself to achieve the best training effect.

But even though he trained hard, Kiraqi still hoped that he would fall into a deep sleep.

There are some contradictions, but this is what Kiraqi really thinks in his heart.

As long as it sleeps for a thousand years, it will not face these.

Then, the morning of March 5th came, and Kiraqi woke up.

Kiraqi found that it had not fallen asleep, and felt that there was no love in this world.

Everything about it is tasteless, the candy in his mouth is no longer sweet, the chocolate is no longer fragrant, and the "League of Glory of Elves" on the phone is no longer fun.


Aware of Kiraqi's lying corpse, Xia Lingyun reached into her bag and gently rubbed Kiraqi's head.

Connected with Kiraqi's mind power, Xia Lingyun asked: "There is a drink seller on the train, what flavor do you want to drink?"

Kiraqi was still lying on the corpse, motionless.

Xia Lingyun continued: "Then I'll buy pineapple-flavored juice."

"You villain, you know that I hate pineapple-flavored drinks, and you still want to buy pineapple-flavored drinks. I don't like you anymore." Kiraqi looked resentful, and when he heard that the water cart seemed to be leaving soon, he continued: "Buy me cherry-flavored soda, remember, it's soda, not juice."

Soon, Xia Lingyun put a small bottle of cherry soda into her bag.

Kiraqi chewed the hard strawberry candy in his mouth, twisted open the bottle with his mind, and then controlled it with his mind to drink the cherry-flavored drink.

As a result, it was tasteless.

Double dullness.

The first level was as dull as before. Kiraqi felt that the training was too hard, and he felt that he would no longer love this world.

The second level is tasteless, because the strawberry-flavored hard candy has just been chewed, and the mouth is full of the sweetness of strawberries, so the taste of cherry soda cannot be tasted.

Kiraqi complained to Xia Lingyun: "I worked very hard in the training last night, but you still treated me like this. You gave me soda as soon as you gave me candy, and the taste of soda faded. You are really vicious.

I just looked at my phone, those trainers are very kind to the elves, so they won't be so careless like you.

Although I am a strong tool star, I still need to take good care of it. "

"Didn't you eat that piece of strawberry candy for an hour? I thought you had finished it long ago."


Kiraqi snorted, and continued to lie dead in Xia Lingyun's bag.

Xia Lingyun gently rubbed Kiraqi's head, and the latter bit her directly with his mouth, but he didn't use any force. After that, he drank the cherry-flavored soda very quietly with his mind.

Xia Lingyun shook her head.

Although it is unbelievable, Kiraqi has passed the special training to face death directly, and defeated the fear of death in only five days.

Yes, three days ago, Kiraqi had already passed the trainer who faced death directly, and he was learning the control of power in the past few days.

After all, it is the legendary phantom elf, or it should be said that it is worthy of being the legendary phantom elf.

Although his personality is like a child, Kiraqi is obviously not an ordinary child. Like Little Peace and Riolu, Kiraqi has his own beliefs.

The first day of training kept crying, but after the training ended, after Wang Qing explained the concept to her, Kiraqi already understood something.

On the second day of training, Kiraqi was still crying and begging for mercy, but Xia Lingyun found that Kiraqi's trembling was much smaller, and he could even eat candy while being beaten up.

After the body was broken and repaired, Kiraqi would pick up the dropped candy, cry and use his thoughts to clean the dirt on the candy, and continue to hold it in his mouth.

And on the third day, Kiraqi started not to control his body with Xiao Hei, and tried to fight by himself. Although he was beaten worse and cried louder, Kiraqi's trembling was further reduced.

Then on the fifth day, although Kiraqi was still crying, he had passed the training to face death and completely defeated the fear of death.

All in all, Kiraqi is an elf who looks weak on the outside and looks weak on the inside, but is actually very strong.

Kiraqi will cry because of the pain after being injured, and will keep saying that I can't do it, I'm so scared, please, have pity on me...

But no matter how much Kiraqi said, it would still train very hard.

In some respects, Kiraqi is completely opposite to Xia Lingyun's Dianlong. Dianlong is very strong on the surface and never cries, but when it comes to training, he will try his best to be lazy.

Thinking of this, Xia Lingyun continued to rub Kiraqi's head, and Kiraqi fell asleep after drinking the soda.

Xia Lingyun picked up Dianlong's elf ball again, and suddenly found that Wang Qing turned his head to look to the side, where some familiar red-haired alcoholics appeared, and they were discussing about the frozen bird again...

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