This young insect catcher is as steady as an old dog

Chapter 250 The Explosive Muscle Mosquito and the Pheromelis

The Gobi area on the border of the European Union.

Finding that Frozen Bird didn't seem to know about "that person", "Four Demonic Dragons" asked Frozen Bird, "Aren't you sent by that lord?"

Frozen Bird shook his head and said, "I'm not here to pick you up. As for whether it's here to pick you up, I don't know."

"Four Demonic Dragons" nodded and said, "May I ask it?"

"It may not answer your question."

"Although inbreeding has caused some defects in the IQ of our family, I am the smartest of my father's thirteen children. May I ask it?"

Frozen Bird didn't answer, and used its beak to clean its feathers as always, maintaining its beautiful and elegant image.

The "Four Demonic Dragons" didn't care, and soon began to ask: "Are you sent by that adult to meet us?"

"Gulu Gulu..."

"Can you tell me what you're here for?"

"Gulu Gulu..."

"what should I do?"

"Gulu Gulu..."

"Well, how do I arrange my ethnic group?"

"Gulu Gulu..."


"Four Demonic Dragons" and the carp king had a question and an answer.

Not only Frozen Bird, but even Ye Hao who was riding on Gyarados not far away showed a look of surprise.

This is the first time Ye Hao has seen an elf who can communicate with this carp king. You must know that even Frozen Bird does not communicate with the carp king.

But soon Ye Hao discovered something was wrong.

There was something wrong with the expression of the legendary Frozen Bird, and its Gyarados also showed some doubts.

What happened?

In Ye Hao's sight, Frozen Bird started communicating with the "Four Demonic Dragons", but Ye Hao couldn't understand the language between the elves at all.

Frozen Bird asked: "You can communicate with it, what did it say?"

"Four Demonic Dragons" replied: "Although it doesn't seem to say anything, I seem to understand something."

"What do you understand?"

"I don't know, but if I think about it, I should be able to figure it out. There must be some kind of deep meaning for 'that person' to let him come here."


"I get it, this must be 'the guy' wanting me to follow it and do something."

"do what?"

"I don't know yet, but if I think about it, I should be able to figure it out."



In Ye Hao's sight, the group of hundreds of three-headed dragons continued to migrate eastward, while the "four-headed dragons" and the other two three-headed dragons stayed behind.

It seems that the "four-headed dragon" does not intend to leave, and may walk with him.

Ye Hao is not very clear about the strength of the "Four Demonic Dragons".

But Ye Hao could feel the strength of those two-headed and three-headed dragons. The magnetic field of life was different from ordinary life, and they were all heavenly king-level elves.

While Ye Hao was curiously looking at the "Four Headed Demon Dragons" and the other two three-headed evil dragons.

Suddenly, amidst a sonic boom, two powerful elves flew over from the west.

A muscle that seemed to be bulging, seemed to be filled with red liquid, like a huge mosquito, with an extremely strong body, with long and thin silver mouthparts like sharp needles.

It is the ultimate beast owned by Oulian, the Explosive Muscle Mosquito.

Code bloat.

One has a humanoid body, its body is very slender, most of it is milky white, it looks extremely beautiful, and it has a pair of slender tentacles.

This elf is also the ultimate beast owned by Oulian, the Pherometa.

The code name is beautiful.

Ye Hao looked at the two coming elves with doubts on his face.

The two elves should be of the insect type and are very powerful, but Ye Hao searched through the memories in his mind and did not think of the types of these two elves.

Then, while Ye Hao was thinking, his eyes involuntarily intersected with the beautiful white elf, and Ye Hao felt that his body had become abnormal.

He clearly knew that he had become abnormal, but he couldn't control his body, and couldn't help but look at the body of the philodendron.

Ye Hao was extremely puzzled, why is there such a beautiful elf in this world?

Unknowingly, he has been immersed in the beauty of pheromelia and cannot extricate himself.

In addition, Ye Hao also learned about the race of this elf——Pherometa while intoxicated.

After that, Ye Hao felt a biting chill.

Ye Hao found that his body was covered with a thin layer of frost. In the biting cold, Ye Hao had regained control of his body.

At this time, he collapsed on the ground, and its Gyarados twitched on the ground not far away. On the Gyarados' head, Ye Hao also saw a hole the size of a thumb.

Could it be the mosquito elf covered in red muscles who took a bite with its mouthparts?

"Gyarados, are you okay?"

While talking, Ye Hao fed wound medicine and painkillers into the mouth of the tyrannosaurus. The twitching body of the tyrannosaurus calmed down, but it still looked weak.

"Gulu Gulu..."

The legendary carp king didn't care about everything around him, and was still jumping around not far from him.

Ye Hao looked up.

The "Four Demonic Dragons" let out an angry dragon chant in the sky, and had a massive collision with the Explosive Muscle Mosquito, which seemed to be evenly divided.

As for the beautiful phelomy beetle, it was frozen into an ice cube by the freezing bird, and then the ice cube shattered during Ye Hao's observation.

Ye Hao only noticed a white afterimage passing by quickly, and then he found that the philodendron had disappeared from his sight.

The Muscle Explosive Mosquito also turned into a red afterimage at the same time as the Pheromyces left, leaving the battlefield quickly.

Seeing the collapsed trees and the icy debris all over the ground, Ye Hao knew that a large-scale battle had obviously taken place while he was lost.

But why this battle happened, Ye Hao didn't understand at all.

It seemed that the two elves had no interest in the legendary carp king either.

"Four Demonic Dragons" flew in front of Frozen Bird and said, "What are we going to do next? Are we going to chase those two guys?"


Frozen Bird didn't answer, and landed on a tree branch, combing its feathers quietly. It always felt that there was something wrong with the legendary dragon elf's IQ.

These two elves clearly appeared after chasing this legendary dragon elf, why should they ask what to do with it?

And obviously it was the one who helped, why not thank it?

The "Four Demonic Dragons" circled twice in the air.

In Ye Hao's sight, the "four-headed dragon" suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of his Gyarados.

From the mouth of the "Four-Headed Demon Dragon" spit out a ball of blue energy, and then spit out a ball of black energy, and the two balls of energy poured into the body of the weak Gyarados one after another.

"Four Headed Demon Dragon" let out a huge roar, his tyrannosaurus body shook violently, some black lines appeared on the scales of the body, and the weak body recovered.

Ye Hao found that his Gyarados seemed to have got a certain opportunity, and his strength became stronger...

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