This young insect catcher is as steady as an old dog

Chapter 299: The Adventure of the Destiny Protagonist

Xiaozhi remembered what Xia Lingyun had said to him in private, telling him to take care of Wang Xiaobing and protect Wang Xiaobing.

Xiaozhi also remembered what Brother Wang Qing had secretly expressed to him, that he also asked him to protect and take care of Wang Xiaobing.

Not only Brother Wang Qing and Xia Lingyun, but Grandpa Wang also told him to take care of Wang Xiaobing.

And most importantly, he also personally told Wang Xiaobing that if necessary, he can protect her at any time.

Although it was just joking and chatting at that time, Wang Xiaobing didn't take it seriously, but Xiao Zhi took it seriously.


If Wang Xiaobing becomes stronger than him, what can he use to protect Wang Xiaobing?

Does he want Wang Xiaobing to protect him?


Changbai City Changbai Research Institute rooftop.

Wang Qing casually looked at the purple pendant that looked like eyes. As a legendary nanny who controlled the holy light, Wang Qing found that this pendant seemed to contain some kind of ghost power and could be purified by his holy light.

It's a pity that Geng Gui Xiaohei is not by his side, otherwise he can ask Xiaohei to investigate carefully.

Wang Qing touched the pendant twice, and suddenly remembered the ghostly eyes that Bi did not know before.

The turmoil that should have occurred in Qingshan Province was that Ye Shenjian III inherited the ghost eyes of Ye Shenjian I, and then mixed the power of the two eyes, sacrificing millions of human beings, forming a ghost realm that never dissipates, like a secret realm.

Could it be that the two beads Xiaozhi picked up were the eyes of Ye Shenjian III?

Wang Qing found that Yu Wenjian seemed to know the pendant, so he passed the pendant over.

Yu Wenjian looked at the pendant twice and wondered: "Could it be ghost eyes? That's right, it should be ghost eyes."

After Yu Wenjian finished speaking, he held the sword monster in his hands, the sword in one hand, and the ghost eye in the other.

Although Yu Wenjian's strong shield sword monster ghost type is not very powerful, it still has ghost attributes after all.

Because of the bond with the Shield Sword Monster that is like a human sword, Yu Wenjian easily borrows the power of the ghost system and activates the ghost eye.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Wenjian lost sight and breath in front of Wang Qing, achieving a certain invisible effect.

But this kind of invisibility is not perfect, Wang Qing can see through it easily, and Leolu keeps rolling his eyes as Yuwen Sword moves on the rooftop.

Yu Wenjian revealed his body and said: "I understand why your Riolu can find this person. This ghost eye has a very strong hidden power. I didn't expect your Riolu to be able to find it easily."

Before Wang Qing could reply, Bi Bubu also remembered the incident of Ye Shenjian III and asked, "The Ghost Eyes of the Netherworld? Aren't the Ghostly Eyes of the Netherworld the eyes that appeared after the bloodline of the Netherworld clan awakened? Why did it become this crystal pendant?"

Yu Wenjian seemed to have a deep understanding of the Nether Clan, and quickly explained: "It is very difficult for the Nether Clan to open their eyes, but as long as they open their eyes, their ghost eyes can be kept and used as items after death.

However, compared with the original eyes, the ghost eyes that have been separated from the human body have only a single effect, and their power is much smaller.

It is said that there are not many Ghost Eyes in the Nether Clan, and this person with Ghost Eyes should have an important status in the Nether Clan. "

Bi Buzhi continued thoughtfully: "So that's the case. I heard that the Ghost Eye of the Nether can be transferred. Can this eye be sent back to the body of a member of the Nether tribe?"

Yu Wenjian looked a little surprised, he didn't understand how Bi knew these secrets, but he still explained: "It is true that there is such a saying, the ghost eyes are relatively soft when they are just separated from the body, and the ghost eyes will crystallize as time goes by.

It is said that as long as the ghost eye is transferred before crystallization, it can be transplanted, but the probability of success is very low, it must be a close relative, and there is a certain degree of danger. "

"That is to say, this ghost eye cannot be transferred?"

Yu Wenjian shook his head and said: "It's not absolute, it is said that if there are ghost elves above legend, and some special methods are used, this kind of ghost eyes can still be diverted.

However, the risk is also great, the probability of success is very low, and failure will lead to disability or even death. "


Kunshan Forest·Underground Training Ground.

Xiaozhi turned his gaze back from Wang Xiaobing's, his body was still trembling because of facing death directly.

Although Xiaozhi's physical condition has improved because of the power of love, he still can't reach Wang Xiaobing's training progress.

Xiao Zhi exerted all his strength to control the muscles in his mouth.

Xiaozhi's tongue was a little stiff because he faced death continuously, but he still tried his best to ask Genggui Xiaohei his own question: "Is there any way to make me stronger?"

When Xiao Zhi asked the question, Xiao Hei was still feeling the power of ghosts contained in the two ghost eye pendants.

The metal block on Xiao Hei's forehead shattered again, revealing the purple eye in the middle of his forehead, and carefully examined the two pendants.

These are two peculiar pendants, independent of each other, but their strengths complement each other, and can achieve the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

But this item is of no use to it.

On the one hand, this kind of item requires human vitality to use, and on the other hand, it is really useless to it, because it has already understood the power principle of these two ghost eyes.

"Is there any way to make me stronger?"

Xiaozhi's voice appeared again, and the legendary Geng Gui Xiaohei used the dream realm to generate a deep and depressing voice: "Do you think that training to face death is not enough, you have to become stronger?"


The legendary Geng Gui's voice put a lot of pressure on Xiao Zhi, but Xiao Zhi nodded heavily.

Same as Wang Qing, after reuniting with Xiao Zhi in the Tianhe Dojo, Xiao Hei also had some good feelings for Wang Zhi, so he thought carefully about Xiao Zhi's request.

As for Xiao Hei's voice becoming deep and depressing, it's not that Xiao Hei wants to scare Xiao Zhi deliberately, but Geng Gui's unique aesthetics.

Legendary Geng Gui said: "I can feel your desire to become stronger. I have already taught you the "Dragon Ball Fusion Art" before. Your current progress is actually very good, but the blood is a bit mixed. It will take a few days to visualize the Dragon Ball. Let me think..."

Xiao Hei suddenly saw the two pendants in his hand and realized something.

The legendary Geng Gui showed a sincere and strange smile, and unconsciously let out some kind of eerie laughter.

"These two pendants belong to you, and the power inside is also very good. I can try to help you obtain the power inside, but there are certain risks."

Xiaozhi didn't have any hope at first, but just tried to ask.

Just before the training, this legendary Geng Gui taught him the "Dragon Ball Fusion Technique" and many secrets of Qianlong Clan through dreams.

Xiaozhi was already very grateful, but he didn't expect the legendary Geng Gui to help him.

But looking at the terrifying appearance of the legendary Geng Gui, Xiao Zhi knew that he would definitely pay a certain price.

"What's the risk? If I fail, will I become disabled, or die?"

The legendary Geng Gui let out another eerie laugh.

"It's not that serious. With me, Kiraqi, and the holy water, you won't have any problems even if you fail. It's just that the two pendants will disappear. In addition, the success rate is lower. I'm only less than 80% sure."

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