This young insect catcher is as steady as an old dog

Chapter 423 Victini in the Origin World (Part 1)

Origin world·central area.

Guo Han, Hu Mingde and others waited for Wang Qing in the forest for a long time, but did not find Wang Qing returning. Instead, fat man Zhang Le went offline and online one after another because of some real-life things.

Then just after Zhang Le came back from offline again, Fatty Zhang Le suddenly showed a solemn expression.

Zhang Le wondered: "Boss Guo, when I went back to eat just now, I suddenly thought of a question. If I become a permanent resident of the origin world, will I not be able to return to the real world?"

"Theoretically, this is the case. As a permanent resident of the origin world, your real body will merge with your current body.

But there is no way to go back. After all, the real world game login ring was produced by the Elf Alliance in the origin world in various parallel time and space. "

After hearing Guo Han's answer, Zhang Le's expression became much more relaxed.

Although Zhang Le is alone and has no relatives, his deceased parents left him more than fifty properties, and his home has a room full of handicrafts that he has accumulated since he was a child.

It was okay to abandon more than fifty properties, but he really didn't want to give up his precious companion.

Hu Mingde on the side saw Zhang Le's reaction and shook his head: "Don't think too simply."

Hu Mingde looked at Zhang Le's puzzled expression and explained in detail.

The world of origin is very huge, with seventeen gyms on the edge of the central area where they are located, and then extending out into seventeen huge areas.

The central area and seventeen peripheral areas constitute the main plane of the origin world.

In addition to the main plane, there are hundreds of worlds similar to secret realms in the origin world.

There are many types of these secret realms, some can be entered for exploration and experience, and some have some functional effects.

For example, the pastry secret realm where Frost Milk Fairy and Little Fairy Milk live, the honeycomb secret realm where Queen Bee and Three Bees live, the gear secret realm formed by gear monsters and gear sets...

These secret realms are worlds that can be explored and experienced, and are distributed in the seventeen peripheral areas of the origin world.

In addition, there are also arena secret realms used in competitions, training secret realms that allow elves to train various abilities, and medical secret realms that have the function of an elf center...

These functional secret realms exist in the central area.

In the functional secret realm in the central area, there is a secret realm equivalent to the heart of the origin world, which contains space-time wormholes to all parallel times and spaces, and stores the ontology of the origin world system.

If Zhang Le wants to return to the real world, he must pass through this secret realm.

But this secret realm is extremely important. It is guarded by the Origin Elf Alliance, so it is naturally not allowed to approach it at will.

Of course, even if you can sneak in, you can't get in because of system restrictions.

If you want to enter, you must join the Origin World Elf Alliance Headquarters and obtain qualifications in the Origin World Elf Alliance.

Zhang Le frowned as he listened to Hu Mingde's words and said, "Then how can I join the Origin World Elf Alliance, and how can I get the qualifications?"

Guo Han explained: "Being selected by the gym like me is equivalent to joining the Origin World Elf Alliance. However, if you want to be qualified, you must further join the alliance headquarters. In terms of strength, you must at least become a king trainer."

After listening to this, Zhang Le showed a struggling look on his face, and finally sighed and said: "In this case, forget it, I feel that I am still suitable to stay in the real world."

Hu Mingde complained helplessly: "It seems that you don't know what it means to be a resident of the Origin World. As long as you become a resident here, with the help of the system, until the end of your lifespan, no matter how you die, you will be resurrected one day later." "

Fatty Zhang Le said in surprise: "You mean, my body can be resurrected like in the game."

Hu Mingde nodded and said: "Not only that, with some of the medicines here, your body will live longer than in the real world. It is not a problem to live for two hundred years."

Immortality has been a dream of mankind since ancient times.

If Zhang Le didn’t want to enter the origin world because of a roomful of figures before, then Zhang Le now is undoubtedly more inclined to become a resident of this world.

Seeing Zhang Le's excited expression, Hu Mingde continued: "Also, Brother Guo also said in his previous conversation with Wang Qing that Wuji Tai will appear in the real world. Aren't you worried if you stay in the real world?"

"Ah? Will there be Wuji Tai in the real world?"

Zhang Le was shocked. Obviously, Zhang Le basically didn't listen to the previous conversation between Wang Qing and Guo Han.

Hu Mingde shook his head and complained: "I don't know how you got 5,000 achievement points with your personality."

Zhang Le scratched his head and said: "Actually, it's a good friend I made in "Elf World". He and I met what you call the Son of Destiny, and we completed several consecutive large-scale tasks together. In fact, my friend's achievements The points are more than twice mine, but he redeems them for abilities that can enhance his strength.

I saw that there was no guide to redeeming this special function on the forum, so I tried to redeem it. "

Guo Han picked up an elf ball that Wang Qing gave him, looked at it, then looked at Zhang Le and said: "So, being able to come here requires not only strength, but also luck."

After Guo Han finished speaking, he frowned and looked at the elf ball in his hand. The elf ball of this Explosive Mosquito seemed to have been touched by something just now.

Could it be that the explosive mosquito inside has moved?

Guo Han released Wang Qing's Explosive Muscle Mosquito, and the latter behaved very quietly, obviously not seeming to be moving.

Guo Han used his telepathic communication ability to say to Explosive Muscle Mosquito: "Did you move just now?"

Explosive Muscle Mosquito shook his head.

Guo Han thought of something and asked again: "Can you tell me what kind of person your master is?"

Explosive Muscle Mosquito shook his head again.

In fact, it doesn't know much about Wang Qing, the owner of Ultimate Space.

It just obeyed the orders of the God of Ultimate Space Comet and was subdued by a clone of Wang Qing. It was said that it did so to protect the peace of the world.

Not only that, the God of Comet also used a wishing spell on it to prevent it from telling the outside world about the ultimate space.

Guo Han sighed helplessly. He had asked these ultimate beasts many times, but these well-behaved ultimate beasts still had no clue.

Guo Han looked in the direction of the fat man Zhang Le, and suddenly found that Zhang Le seemed to be rummaging for something.

Realizing that he didn't find anything, Zhang Le said, "Boss Guo, is there anything to eat? You have to eat in real life, but you also have to eat in the game. It's very easy to get confused."

Hu Mingde on the side showed a helpless expression and took out a few packages of donut-like pastries from his pocket.

However, before Zhang Le opened the package and swallowed it, he suddenly found that the donut in his hand had disappeared.

Zhang Le looked at his empty palms in confusion, and then saw that the donut floating in the air seemed to have been half-bitten by something.

An elf that looked like a squirrel emerged from the void holding a donut.

The little guy has a creamy yellow body. Its huge and sharp orange ears form the shape of the letter V. It has big blue eyes and a pair of small cloud-shaped wings on its back that look like decorations.

The spirit that emerged from the void was none other than Victini, the phantom spirit that represented victory.

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