This young insect catcher is as steady as an old dog

Chapter 437 Surge in Strength (Part 2)

The first is Little Hupa. After continuing to fuse the four sealed Hoopas, Little Hupa finally awakened his true power and could transform into an awakened posture and become a six-armed demon giant dozens of meters tall.

The demon giant's six arms can fly around, and the number of usable void rings has changed from the original three to eighteen rings.

However, the little Hoopa could not continue to fuse, and continued to fuse with the fifth Hoopa. After his power became complete, the last Hoopa could no longer absorb it.

The same goes for Wang Qing's Heterogeneous Kazakura.

After Wang Qing's cultivation during this period, the heterochromatic Rayquaza has grown to nearly forty meters in length.

Then, after absorbing the bodies of the four Skycracking Dragons from the Hidden Dragon Underground Palace, and adding the inheritance of Rayquaza, Wang Qing's heterochromatic Skycracking Dragon officially grew into a divine beast, becoming a hundred-meter-long heterochromatic Skycracking Seat, and could no longer absorb it. The rest of the Skydragon skeleton.

Except for Little Hupa and the heterochromatic Rayquaza, the Dragon of Truth is almost the same. It has reached its limit after absorbing two sets of three brothers, Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem.

The same goes for Necrozma, the Predator of Light. After absorbing three Necrozma, he cannot continue to absorb it.

Wang Qing originally thought that Necrozma could restore his original power, which was his ultimate form, by absorbing these Necrozma.

Unfortunately, even after absorbing three more Necrozma, Necrozma is still in the black crystal state.

It seems that the damage suffered by the former glorious god cannot be solved by simply absorbing the same body.

However, Wang Qing’s Necrozma is not without progress.

First of all, Necrozma can absorb Solgaleo and Lunala and stimulate it into the ultimate Necrozma form for a long time.

Not only that, because of the growth of Necrozma and the emergence of new members in the [Controller of Light] pantheon, Wang Qing's combined form can already exist for 20 minutes, which can be called Wang Qing's final form. Strong trump card.

As for the specific additions to the [Controller of Light] divine system, the first is Wang Qing's light-bound spirit, and then after a month, Gengar Xiaohei, who has grown into a quasi-god. After the breakthrough, Xiaohei has become more comfortable. Transform between light and shadow.

In addition to these, the [Controller of Light] pantheon also has two new members of the pantheon, Groudon and Kyogre who were transformed by Ultimate Necrozma.

There are nine elves in total, Wang Qing, Necrozma, Creation Star Dragon, Solgaleo, Lunayala, Lightbinder, Gengar, Groudon - Light of Gaia, Kyogre - Deep Sea The glory.

When this form is activated, Wang Qing will become a behemoth nearly three thousand meters tall.

Wang Qing couldn't describe what that thing was. It looked a bit like a dragon, but it didn't look like it at all. Its body exuded a golden luster.

If Wang Qing were to describe it, it would look a bit like a strange asymmetrical floating mothership that could extend many crystal-like chains.

His strength cannot be underestimated. The Dragon of Truth is no match for him. Although he cannot completely kill the Dragon of Truth, he can seal or banish it.

However, this form is not without its shortcomings.

When Wang Qing merges into this form, his character will have obvious flaws, giving Wang Qing the illusion that he is invincible and becoming very unstable.

Wang Qing knew clearly that the creation god Arceus was the first to die. Although his trump card was passable, he was still far away from Arceus.

But no matter what, Wang Qing's strength has been further improved.

However, except for Wang Qing and the above elves, the improvement of the other elves is not very obvious, but they have gained more power of law.

For example, Solgaleo and Lunala also encountered young "Star Children", but were completely unable to absorb them.

The wishing star Jirachi also found another sleeping cocoon of his own. He wanted to merge with himself to better maintain world peace, but he couldn't do it at all.

Jirachi just used the wishing spell to wake up his other self, making him cry dozens of times in seven days.

Finally, after seven days, the other self fell into a deep sleep, and Jirachi cried sadly because of this, and was then released early by Wang Qing to seek comfort from his master Xia Lingjun.

The same goes for Groudon, Kyogre, and the Three Holy Beasts, all of which cannot be fused.

However, although they cannot be fused, these mythical beasts can still be subdued.

Wang Qing conquered almost all the elves related to him in different time and space, and then took some of these beasts with him, and some stayed in the Kunlun Mountain underground palace or the ultimate space in various time and space.

In short, during these twenty days, Wang Qing did not stop for a moment, and the results were very obvious.

Wang Qing even took advantage of his free time to go to Dr. Black in the European Union and took away several Z pure crystals and a large amount of information about Z moves.

Although he has not completely integrated it, Wang Qing has a general understanding of the so-called Z moves.

In Wang Qing's opinion, Z moves should be easier to learn than mega evolution. Within a month, Wang Qing's elves can basically learn them.

The only regret is that the timelines of the seven parallel spaces where Wang Qing is located are all at a relatively early stage, and no world has yet experienced the phenomenon of extreme giantization.

Wang Qing still has no idea what kind of power the so-called Wuji Tai has.

In this way, in early August, after twenty days of busy work, Wang Qing returned home.

After having a simple meal at home and briefly talking to Xia Lingjun about the experiences of the past few days, Wang Qing began to gather his own elf army and embark on a new journey.

The sea of ​​natural chasm·Chaomeng Island.

With the warm breeze and sunny weather, Chaomeng once again appeared above the island, patrolling the home he created for the elves.

Citigroup's war is still in a confrontational stage.

The entire Citi Federation has lost nearly four-fifths of its land, and only the last one-fifth of the land still has some human trainers struggling to resist.

In fact, with the power that Chaomeng possesses, it is possible to completely destroy the Citi Federation at this time, but whether to do this or not, Chaomeng has suddenly had some hesitation recently.

Is it really right for it to wage war on humanity?

In addition, the elf that appeared in the Sakura Alliance that could cause a huge explosion, and a mysterious force southwest of Dashang also made Chaomeng a little alert.

Without continuing to think, Chaomeng suddenly sensed something and flew quickly to the biological experimental base on Chaomeng Island.

In Mewtwo's sight, countless green worm elves gathered together, and the ecological monitor Zygarde appeared like a giant humanoid weapon.

Mewtwo can sense that Zygarde is a divine beast that is not weaker than him at all.

With such a mythical beast staying on Chaomeng Island, it can go to Dashang with peace of mind to check out the unknown mysterious force.

But just when Chaomeng had this idea, a voice suddenly appeared in the sky above Chaomeng Island.

——"Mewtwo, for the sake of world peace, maybe we should have a talk."

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