“Cao Cao eliminated the bad government of the Han dynasty, curbed the arrogant and powerful, developed production, implemented the settlement of fields, promoted the rule of law, and urged the reclamation of land… Which one, not for the benefit of the country and the people? ”

“Cao Cao is bold and unruly by nature, unruly, dares to say and do, and is even more talented, and the martial arts of the Qin Emperor are also slightly inferior!”

“Such a person can be called a rare hero in ancient times, who dares to say that he is a national thief?”

Shen Xuan felt a burst of admiration from his heart.

When he was a child, Shen Xuan admired Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang the most.

When he grew up, he began to truly admire Cao Cao.

Really not licking Lao Cao.

Lao Cao’s courage and talent can be called a rare hero in history, which cannot but be admired.

In particular, Lao Cao’s hobby of liking wives has made countless married men in later generations talk about it.

“That’s what the gentleman said!”

Cao Cao burst into tears.

What kind of compliment, he has not heard?

Even if the emperor praised him in the face, he would not react.

Shen Xuan’s words.

But it made Cao Cao feel like he was talking about the nest of his heart.

Every pore feels incredibly comfortable.


This is the evaluation of the world’s highest, definitely not a tout!

Shen Xuan said in surprise: “Mr. Xiahou, what’s wrong with this?” Didn’t you hate Cao Cao deeply just now? ”

Cao Cao: ???

Xun Yu and Guo Jia were all stunned.

Shen Xuan said in a tone of lesson: “Mr. Xiahou, you are a person like the clouds and see the wind and steer, but it’s not right!” ”

“Sir taught a lesson!”

Cao Cao smiled awkwardly, sweat began to break out on his forehead.

Pierced my heart!

Guo Jia and Xun Yu looked at each other and smiled, both breathing a long sigh of relief.

I didn’t expect Mr. Shen to respect Cao Cao so much.

Then that’s it.

Cao Cao was in a good mood and drank a few glasses of wine.

Then he asked, “Does Mr. Shen know that Xun Yu, the adviser under Cao Cao’s account?” ”

Shen Xuan said: “Cao Cao’s Zhang Zifang, how could I not know? ”

Cao Cao: “Sir, what does Xun Yu think?” ”

Xun Yu tensed up.

Shen Xuan nodded and said, “It’s a rare talent!” ”

Xun Yu smiled and glanced at Guo Jia proudly.

That means: see no, even the superior people look up to me so highly!

Guo Jia was a little taken aback.

Who knew that Shen Xuan’s words turned sharp: “It’s a pity… So stupid! ”

Cao Cao was stunned, and then burst into laughter.

The turn was too sharp, and Xun Yu almost couldn’t breathe in one breath.

After a while, he finally let go and asked unconvinced: “Even Duke Cao praised Xun Yu for having Wang Zuo’s talent, how could he be stupid?” ”

“Xun Yu is talented, I don’t deny it.”

“Since Huan Ling, the emperors have been incompetent, resulting in a poor life for the people. Emperor Xian continues to be the emperor, how good can it be? It’s just a puppet of the powerful clans! ”

“The Han family has exhausted its qi, and the Liu family continues to be emperors, whether it is a curse or a blessing for the people of the world, and the fool also knows.”

“Xun Yu is foolish and loyal to the Han family, this is not stupid, what is it?”

“Sooner or later, he will give his life for his stupidity!”

Shen Xuan sighed.

As he said, Xun Yu really failed to end well.

Xun Yu’s hand trembled, and the chopsticks in his hand fell.

Although he was the first adviser under Cao Cao, he was loyal to the Han court.

Therefore, his heart is always in a state of contradiction.

Now he was broken by Shen Xuandao.

He even asserted his future destiny.

How could he not be shocked?

Cao Cao glanced at Xun Yu and said meaningfully: “What Mr. Shen said is not bad, Xun Yu, it is indeed stupid!” ”

Guo Jia shook his head slightly.

Come down to persuade Xun Wenruo well.

Cao Cao asked again: “Sir, what does Guo Fengxiao think?” ”

Guo Jia was drinking from a wine glass when he suddenly stopped when he heard this.

Shen Xuan said without thinking: “Guo Jiacai’s strategy, the world’s wizard, can be called a ghost talent!” ”

Guo Jia was overjoyed and drank the rest of the wine in the glass.

Who knows, Shen Xuan then said: “It’s a pity that Guo Jia is also a fool, even more stupid than Xun Yu!” ”


Guo Jia sprayed the wine from Dian Wei’s body.

Cao Cao laughed loudly: “Why did Mr. Shen say this?” ”

Shen Xuan said: “Guo Jia is young, but he doesn’t know to take care of his body, let loose the wreckage, and indulge in wine, I dare to assert that in less than two years, he will definitely die!” ”

Guo Jia’s expression changed drastically, and his eyes were full of awe when he saw Shen Xuan.

As Shen Xuan said, he really likes to drink and visit the green building.

And he knows his body very well.

His health has deteriorated in recent years, and it has recently become more serious.

However, even Cao Cao did not know these things.

How did Shen Xuan know?

It is even asserted that he will not live more than two years.

People from the immortal world are so terrifying!

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