Three Kingdoms: Becoming Cao Cao's Chief Adviser at the Start

Chapter 212 The Great Wei Li, The Emperor Surnamed Cao

Yuhang, at this time, the sky is exceptionally clear and transparent.

It's not normal to see consecutive sunny days in this season.

The warm sunshine dispels all the chills of early winter, and the land of Yangzhou almost immediately becomes an appearance of living and working in peace and contentment.

Almost everyone has gathered in the office, and all those generals and counselors are here.

Cao Yang was the first to look at the people below, and he sighed at this moment.

If there is no accident, I will go back to the capital today.

He raised his hand, and just as he was about to announce, a sudden sound of footsteps interrupted him.

Everyone present looked towards the source of the sound and outside the door.

I saw a man striding here with a package on his back.

Everyone is no stranger to it, and Cao Yang also showed a hint of surprise.

"Miao" "440" Why did you come here?

I saw Xiahou Yuan showing a smile, he took down the package of sadness, and then opened it in front of everyone.

A scroll of imperial edict appeared in all eyes.

All eyes flickered, all showing a hint of surprise.

Cao Yang also turned his attention to the imperial decree, and everyone watched Xiahou Yuan's movements quietly.

Their eyes all converged on this imperial decree, showing a hint of anticipation.

That Xiahou Yuan stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

"Now Emperor Xudu thinks he is incapable of governing the country, and is willing to hand over the throne to the King of Wei!

As soon as this statement came out, the breathing of all the civil servants and generals present increased a lot.

Although they had already thought of this possibility in their hearts, at this moment, they were also extremely shocked, and a turbulent wave was stirred in their hearts.

For them, the emotion is more of anticipation.

In front of everyone, Xiahou Yuan knelt down on one knee toward Cao Yang, holding the imperial decree in his hand above his head.

shouted in his low voice.

"The late general Xiahou Yuan begged the lord to accept Xudu as the emperor!!"

Everyone looked at Cao Yang with a hint of fanaticism in their eyes. They had no idea that this day would come so quickly.

They have worked for it for so long, isn't that what they want to wait for?

Cao Yang's heart is also quite ups and downs, and his heart is a little uneasy.

Cao Yang knew about Cao Cao's actions in Xudu, but he didn't expect Cao Cao to act so decisively.

And while Cao Yang was thinking about it, the other generals present all looked at each other.

One by one, all the counselors and generals stood up one after another, stepped forward and knelt down to bow.

"Zhuge Kongming urges the lord to go to Xudu to be appointed emperor!"

"Guo Fengxiao urges the lord to go to Xudu to be appointed emperor!""

"The last general Guan Yunchang implored the lord to go to Xudu to be appointed emperor! 39

"The last general Zhao Zilong begged the lord to go to Xudu to be appointed emperor!

For a while, there was a lot of noise in the house.

Everyone's eyes are on Cao Yang. Now that the great cause has become an emperor, how long will it be?

Now all the generals and advisors are in front of him, just waiting for Cao Yang to say a word.

Looking at the people below, Cao Yang showed a smile.

He has been waiting for today for a long time, and it is time to end it all.

Under the eyes of everyone's expectations, he took this step.

Cao Yang walked in front of Xiahou Yuan, took the imperial edict in his hand, and said lightly.

"The whole army returns to the capital! 35

Hearing this, everyone present stood up, with a smile on their faces.

Everyone bowed and retreated one after another, and began to rectify.

In less than an hour, Cao Yang and others had already set off for Xudu.

At this time, all the people around Xudu heard that King Wei was about to enter the capital to take the throne.

In the eyes of the common people, the name of Wei Wang Cao Yang has won the hearts of the people, the promotion of the field system, and even the appearance of the Quyuanli.

The prestige of the owner is naturally supported by the world.

Cao Yang's ascension to the throne is the aspiration of the people, not only Cao Cao's words, but also by the people of the world.

Moreover, he never killed or wounded prisoners at will, nor did he harm the common people. This is not only the prestige of Cao Yang, but also the entire Cao family is deeply loved and loved by Wu and Wu.

When Cao Jun's army just arrived outside the city, they saw a shocking scene.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Xudu went out of the city to meet them, and Xudu turned into an empty city.

Not only that, these people are proud of having young adults join the army.

From today's point of view, a man should protect his family and the country, and serve the country, and even if he is killed in battle, he must never live with his family.

Nowadays, countless soldiers have disarmed and returned to the fields, which makes the faces of the people all over the world show a smile.

If there was no Cao Wei, how long would the world be in chaos?

And the advisors of the Han family, who had some criticisms about this matter, saw this scene, and they all sighed and regretted.

Dong Zhao looked at Xun Yu who was on the side and persuaded him.

"Now that Cao Wei is in the sight of the world, the luck of the Han family has long been exhausted, and Zi Ruo does not have to rest on his laurels.

At this time, Xun Yu also looked at such a sensational scene and sighed slightly.

Where is this usurper?

This is what the people all over the world want, and the Han Dynasty has long since existed in name only.

Hundreds of thousands of people went out of the city to greet them. Who was the emperor of all dynasties who could be loved like Cao Xingwei?

No, only him!

Looking at the civil and military officials who went out of the city to meet Cao Yang, he finally let go of the last bit of grudge in his heart.

At this moment, Cao Yang looked at the people who came to greet him, and his heart showed a trace of shock.

Even he himself never thought that he would have such a great influence on the people of the world.

Outside the city gate, he could see and see the civil and military capitals of the Manchu Dynasty quietly waiting for him. 1.4.

A little closer to the city gate of Xudu, I saw that all the civil and military men of the court were all bowing their heads and shouting loudly from one side.

"Welcome Your Majesty back to the palace!!"9

"Welcome Your Majesty back to the palace!! 35

The previous ceremony of giving in had long been arranged by Cao Cao.

Now that Cao Yang has returned to Xudu, he is the real emperor!

Not only the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, but the surrounding people all kneel and worship.

Watching the scene, Cao Yang raised a hand.

All the people stood up and looked at Cao Yang with curiosity and excitement in their eyes.

Now he is the Great Wei, and the person in front of him is the current emperor?

On this day, the world returns to heart!

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