Three Kingdoms: Becoming Cao Cao's Chief Adviser at the Start

Chapter 222 The Xianbei Clan, the Clan Surrender!

The Xianbei people's royal court, the last fifty thousand people, followed Helian's death-style charge, and died in one wave.

The 10,000-strong army sent by Zhao Yun went straight into the royal court and completely wiped out the several hundred guards inside.

All the members of the royal court have been controlled, and all of them are terrified.

In the periphery, many Xianbei people who tried to escape were killed on the spot.

When Zhao Yun and Guo Jia arrived, the army covered the sky and the sun, causing the Xianbei people to despair.

Zhao Yun looked around and immediately shouted: "Who can come out and translate? If not, then they will all be killed."

Many Xianbei people trembled and walked out, even a few Xianbei people dressed as nobles also walked out, one of them said with a strange emphasis: "I can speak Han Mandarin!

Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment, feeling that something was wrong with this guy.

"Four, five, three" Guo Jia immediately frowned: "Come on, let me vomit blood from his mouth!"

Two soldiers came out immediately, went up and took a slap, and the Xianbei people were immediately beaten and vomited blood, and they were miserable.

Guo Jia then scolded coldly and arrogantly: "Remember, now, the Han era has passed, and now China is dominated by our Great Wei Empire! 35

Those Xianbei people suddenly realized what was wrong with them, and quickly nodded their heads in agreement.

Zhao Yun also looked suddenly: So, the problem is here!

With the translation, Zhao Yun immediately began to convey the will of the emperor, Cao Yang!

"Listen! From now on, all of your Xianbei tribes will be sent to the Great Wei by your royal children to accept the Confucian teachings of our Great Wei Empire. Anyone who dares to hide their children and do not send them will be exterminated! In addition, every year the Xianbei will be handed over to the Great Wei Dynasty. 10,000 cows! 30,000 horses! 100,000 sheep! One less sheep, kill one Xianbei man! One less horse kills ten Xianbei people! One less cow, kill a hundred people! If you understand, go to each department Spread the word, come here within ten days, if it does not expire, the family will be wiped out!

Zhao Yun's voice made these Xianbei people almost faint!

When one of the Xianbei nobles heard the interpreter, he immediately showed an angry look, and pointed at Zhao Yun for a while, Zhao Yun didn't even bother to ask the interpreter, he shot him directly, and his bowels were all over the place.

"Do you understand? If you understand, give me a nod!"

Zhao Yun's face is ruthless!

The surrounding Xianbei people nodded immediately, and the few who didn't nodded were immediately shot by Zhao Yun like lightning, instantly killing them!

"Okay, your clansmen are here, send a few people to spread the news along the way, remember, each department only has ten days!

Zhao Yun's army was repairing at Junji Mountain, waiting for news.

In a few days, those who went to interrogate all the Xianbei tribes, spread the news of the destruction of the royal court and the death of the Xianbei king and Lian Zhan, and explained the request of Da Wei in detail.

The various ministries immediately discussed and became extremely entangled.

At Junji Mountain, Zhao Yun looked at Guo Jia with a bit of confusion: "Master, I think it's better not to ask, and let them surrender one tribe by one! If I were them, I would definitely rise up and resist!

Guo Jia smiled slightly: "But they are not you after all! First, 180,000 Xianbei people were defeated, and now Helian is dead, the royal court is destroyed, and the Xianbei people know that I, the Great Wei, rule the world, and they must not dare to resist. Meaning! From my point of view, these tribes will definitely be pressed on the last day, all of them will come here, send protons, and announce their surrender!

So Zhao Yun sent scouts to investigate around. In the last few days, scouts have been reporting frequently, saying that many tribes have some people who stopped outside and watched, and some of these tribes only brought A few, some brought a dozen or so, and none of them seemed to be here to fight.

Zhao Yun was immediately overjoyed: "Fengxiao, I really let you guess right! These guys are basically all coming down! In this way, this trip to Xianbei will end here. 39

On the last day, as Guo Jia said, many people were pouring in and sent their own children. Zhao Yun immediately sent someone to verify the identity of these people, and arranged for them to live around, just waiting. These people have verified their identity and are about to return.

However, at night, something went wrong.

In a military tent, Tuoba Chi and Tuoba Jinghong, who were entrusted by Helian to recruit warriors, even lived together.

"Jinghong, haven't you recruited troops?

"No, in the battle of Jiluoshan, the iron cavalry of the Great Wei Empire has already broken the hearts of the Xianbei warriors, and we no longer have the ability to resist. What about you? Could it be that you have not recruited troops"?

"No! However, this does not mean that we have no chance! Tonight, as long as you and I kill the general of the Great Wei, they will throw their army into chaos. At that time, we can attack while they retreat. The army must die!

So, the two murmured for a while, and after nightfall, everyone fell asleep, but they walked in the dark and quietly touched outside Zhao Yun's tent.

The two crept in, a green lamp was still burning in the tent, one covered his head, showing half the back of his head, and was sleeping on a wolfskin mattress.

That Tuoba Chi and Tuoba Jinghong immediately walked up, and the daggers in their hands immediately turned into a burst of stabs!

"Stop, stop!"

Tuoba Jinghong suddenly whispered, and then turned the man on the bed over, Tuoba Chi couldn't help but exclaimed: "Grass man!

"Of course it's a straw man!

The sheepskin mattress flew up suddenly and covered the two of them together. Zhao Yun was wearing soft armor, but stood up from below, and after a hit, he shouted: "Come here, arrest these two thieves for me. Afterwards, tie your head outside my tent!"

The two had already reported their demise, and although they didn't know what Zhao Yun was talking about, they had already guessed their ending, and they immediately scolded him for a while.

Zhao Yun smiled: "I don't understand, take it out!

Immediately outside, a guard came in and dragged the two out.

"The strategist is really good at 1.4!" At this time, Zhao Yun was full of admiration, "If it wasn't for the strategist, I might have suffered today!"

At this moment, Guo Jia had already put on his clothes and rushed in. He was relieved to see that Zhao Yun was fine.

Seeing Zhao Yun staring at him with joy in his eyes, Guo Jia laughed: "Zilong, is my prediction accurate today?"

Zhao Yun immediately gave a thumbs up: "As expected of a military advisor, no wonder His Majesty sent you here so you can rest assured! Zilong, I admire it! But military advisor, will there be assassins coming in tonight?"

Guo Jia shook his head: "How can there be so many people who don't open their eyes? There are. When you tie their heads to the door, who would dare to come?"

Soon, the heads of the two were beheaded and hung high in front of Zhao Yun's door. Zhao Yun really slept peacefully, and soon he snored loudly.

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