Three Kingdoms: Becoming Cao Cao's Chief Adviser at the Start

Chapter 243 The Spring of the Great Wei Common People!

Cao Yang's letter, soon, really reached every county in the Great Wei Empire.

It's golden autumn,

It's harvest time!

People from all over the world are moving truckloads of sweet potatoes back to their homes!

Because of the experience of cultivating sweet potatoes in previous years, this year's harvest is higher than in previous years!

Every house in the yard is full of sweet potatoes.

After this autumn, there will be no more hungry people in the Great Wei Empire!

Even the tenants who owe money to the main family have also distributed enough sweet potatoes, not only to pay off the arrears, but also to have the capital to cultivate their own fields in the coming year.

And all the common people, after returning home, saw the written text.

"Scientific research? Your Majesty, the method of recruiting officials has been changed once again!"

"In the future, anyone with knowledge will be able to acquire talent and skills if they pass the examination of Xiucai, Juren, and Jinshi!

"It turns out that our Great Wei is no longer an empire, but a dynasty! In the land of luck, it's no wonder that our bodies have become significantly stronger recently!

"If we can really refer to and pass the exam, then our life will be more moist! Even if we can't be hired, become an official, and get innate skills, I'm afraid it will greatly improve our living conditions!"

All the people are full of confidence in their future life!

However, at the same time, the people were also worried: without books and teachers, how should we study? Without books, those official positions in the future will still be occupied by the great clan!

However, at the same time, they also saw that along with this letter, the Censor's letter appeared.

"The court buys pork at a high price. Anyone who dares to bully and deceive the people is welcome to report it to the censors in various places! The court also distributed a large number of books to the counties. Anyone who wants to study can temporarily go to the county government to attend lectures and be appointed by the county magistrate. Scribe professors can read and read, and those who dare to slack off are welcome to report to the censors! 39

Patrol the censor?

All the people see hope!

Because everywhere, there is no shortage of those tyrannical officials who are corrupt and exploit the people.

There is really an inspection censor who is in charge of this matter, and the people can't ask for it!

But, where is this censor of inspection?

Soon, the censors who were personally selected by Ju Shou went to various counties to buy houses and put them up for sale.

Some people who could write began to write anonymously to the censors in their county,

People who can't write will also visit the censor in the middle of the night!

These censors soon accumulated a large number of files, excerpted all the crimes of the people, big clans, and officials who were reported by many people, reported them to the censor station, and reviewed by Ju Shou, and then together with the newly formed criminal department, arrested these black sheep. , put him in jail, interrogate him, and punish him!

In just three months, the official atmosphere in various places has changed!

In every state and county, most of the top officers were arrested, exiled, confiscated, and beheaded everywhere!

The people have more trust in the censors around the world, more trust in the imperial court, and more admiration for the emperor, Cao Yang!

Because of the establishment of trust, people all over the country began to buy castrated little boars in large quantities, expecting to make a fortune after the year.

If the imperial court really bought pork at a good price, many people would buy sows and start breeding themselves.

Moreover, after seeing a large number of sweet potatoes piled up in their homes, most of the people thought that food would not be a problem in the future, and it would be no problem to lack a few strong men at home. Therefore, many children at home began to be sent to the county government to study and read.

Everything is going on the right track, whether it is Ju Shou or Cao Yang, they all feel the prosperity of the Great Wei Dynasty.

At the same time, Cao Yang also ordered Ju Shi to hold the first scientific examination in various places, and the reference people came strictly according to the imperial examination system.

In order to prevent the imperial court from electing people who are indiscriminate, and in order to prevent incompetent disciples of various clans from mixing in, the imperial court issued a strict order:

Anyone who finds out that the children of the big clan are indiscriminately charged will be sent to prison, and those who pass the test will be dismissed from office and never hired. If the circumstances are bad, they can be thrown into prison or even executed.

In addition, the counties also clearly put forward a decree that if the talents contribute enough, they will reward the examiners and directly promote them to the officials in the prefecture or even the capital.

Soon, Zhongzheng from all over the country made the last contribution to the transportation of talents for the Great Wei Dynasty.

After seeing the determination of the court to crack down on corrupt officials, and seeing the latest court order, these people did not dare to do anything wrong, and they did not dare to push ignorant and incompetent people from their own clan into the examination room. The reward mechanism began to truly select a group of students.

Soon, all these people began to participate in the township examinations in various places. After being selected, they became the first batch of scholars.

After these talents were identified and recognized by the local county government, they immediately awakened their innate skills!

"I felt a bang in my head, and now my brain is much more flexible!"

"My memory seems to have improved a lot!"

"My comprehension of words seems to have increased a lot! 35

"I seem to be able to drive away the pests in the fields!"

"Why do I feel like I can beg for rain in my fields?"

"I can sense the diseases of livestock, and there is a power in my body that seems to be able to cure it!""

Many scholars have different awakened talent skills, but they all seem to be innocuous skills, which seem to be of little help to the court, and are more suitable for use at home...

Because Ju Shou has smashed all the officials in various places, now Cao Yang is eager to get a group of talents and enrich them all over the place, so he does not wait for a year or three years before taking the 597 exam for the juren and jinshi, and directly orders all The scholar continues to refer to.

Soon, the first batch of Juren of the Great Wei Yun Dynasty was also freshly released!

This time, there were significantly fewer people.

However, the talent skills awakened by these people are also more powerful!

Some people lift people, there is a probability of breaking people's hearts!

Some people can make a county have good weather and good weather!

Some lift people, giving birth to a peaceful atmosphere, which can calm people's hearts.

All kinds of talents are different!

The last Jinshi, a total of nearly 400 people!

These people have a lower chance of awakening, but once awakened, they are all extremely useful and extremely powerful abilities.

Some jinshi can make loyal people behave rationally.

Some jinshi can perceive the situation of the Great Wei Yun Dynasty, and make various suggestions accordingly, aiming at the disadvantages of the times.

Some jinshi have a talent for language, whether it is foreign language or dialects from all over the Wei Dynasty, they can learn it as soon as they learn it!

Some Jinshi even have some terrifying talents, which can attract a lot of rain, strong wind, thunder and lightning, and even stir the river!

If you don't use it, it can become a big harm!

Cao Yang immediately used these talents, all of them, and filled them into many important positions.

Great Wei's national fortune, therefore, has been further improved!

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