Three Kingdoms: Becoming Cao Cao's Chief Adviser at the Start

Chapter 256 The demise of the Kushuang Empire!

With the help of the soldiers, Zhuge Liang told Guan Yu to go back and transfer his troops, and on the other hand, he forcefully destroyed the remaining temples one after another.

The temple was lost and all were destroyed. The imperial palace of the Kushuang Empire immediately lost the protection of the country's fortunes. From the Emperor Kushuang to the servants and servants in the palace, all were brought under control.

The people of Guishuang outside were eager to try, but they were bloody suppressed by Zhang Fei and did not dare to come again.

Now the Kushuang Empire is defeated, but the Great Wei does not mean to destroy the country like the Japanese state.

Expeditions are not to destroy others, but to plunder.

plunder labor, plunder resources, plunder wealth.

The plunder of the imbecile is a one-time hollowing out, while the plunder of the wise is a sustainable swipe.

Among the sustainable plunder, the most brilliant is the plunder that is difficult to detect.

It is difficult for people to detect, this can eliminate the alert of the alien race, ensure that no one is causing trouble, and even make the alien race feel that it is beneficial to them to be friendly to Wei. This is the most brilliant state. These places are independent again, that's okay, because their resources are still willingly exported to Dawei.

How to do this is the most difficult thing, and it is something that everyone from Cao Yang to his subordinates needs to think about.

This is also the root cause of Cao Yang's painstaking selection of talents.

Of course, in order to break the thinking limitations of a literate minister, Cao Yang decided to give the ministers in the DPRK a brainstorm.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang and others were deliberately recalled so that everyone could handle affairs with a better vision in the future.

"Everyone, I called you today to ask you, what do you think about the demise of Guishuang? How will we deal with Guishuang in the future?

Guishuang belongs to an independent place, and this question must be considered at the height of the emperor. Just from the perspective of a minister, it is impossible to answer this question, and everyone immediately felt that it was a bit embarrassing.

Cao Yang then smiled: "Everyone, don't be so limited, and don't make my thoughts stupid and evil. Whatever you think of, just say it!"

So after everyone thought about it for a while, Xu You was the first to speak: "Your Majesty, the past monarch of the Kushan Empire still has prestige among the people, if he is allowed to continue to rule, something will happen sooner or later! For example, put him to death. , and then choose a minister to govern, so that if the minister leaves our support, he will be overthrown, and he will be able to be our puppet from now on and grab benefits for us.”

Cao Yang nodded: "That's right, but what I actually want is that in the end, we don't need us to send troops, we don't need us to support the puppets, and let them willingly work for my Wei, tell me, can this be done? "

The crowd was immediately stunned!

Even Xun Yu was stunned: "Your Majesty, are you joking?"

Cao Yang laughed: "No, I'm not kidding... But since everyone thinks this is unrealistic, I'll give you some ideas!"

Everyone immediately widened their eyes and pricked up their ears, all wanting to hear what Cao Yang was going to say.

Seeing them being so serious, Cao Yang immediately laughed: "Actually, if we want to talk about this issue, we have to think clearly about what we are conscripting them for. Maybe some people will think that I am a bloodthirsty person, but in fact, I do not No. Expansion of territory is basically for resources, and the most important thing for these resources is population. By enslaving them, we can use them for us! We can let them send whatever we want.

"However, if we only know how to take, but don't know how to give, then we must use the army to suppress, or as Xu You said, set up puppets! But these methods, in my opinion, are too exhausting, and if you are not careful, you will be overthrown. So, to make them willing to serve us, even proud of it, we have to ask for it, but

More to give, learn from each other's strengths, this is the long-term way. "

Xun Yu suddenly showed a splendid look: "Your Majesty, isn't this doing business with them? Give them what we don't use, and give us what they don't use? What they use,

Cao Yang nodded and shook his head: "It's really like a business, but if they don't use it, we have to take it, and if they use it, if we need it, we also take it!

"However, if they don't send the army to suppress them, will they be willing?" Guo Jia expressed puzzled.

Cao Yang smiled slightly: "I tell you one thing, if the basic necessities of life can be guaranteed, the people are actually very patient. 99

·0 for flowers·

People are puzzled.

"And now we just have enough sweet potatoes! We have too many sweet potatoes to eat, but the people of the Kushan Empire are worrying about their livelihoods! Our current smelting, such as weapons, armor, and glassware, these crafts are already small. There is improvement, but these raw materials are not used by them! So, we give them the sweet potatoes that cannot be eaten in exchange for their ore. Do you think they will object to this matter?

"No!" Everyone shook their heads.

"If we sell finished products such as weapons, armor, and glassware to their country, we will definitely make countless profits. At that time, we can buy more ores! It is equivalent to that they have mined the ores and bought the final products. , not only paid a lot of manpower, but also paid a high price, and we made a lot of money just by processing these things! But the most important thing is that they are still happy!"

Cao Yang showed a smug smile.

As a result, everyone was thoughtful and fell into deep contemplation.

These are all smart people, and after a while, they all became enlightened, they all looked happy, they figured out some things, their thoughts exploded, and their horizons were greatly expanded.

Zhuge Liang smiled happily: "We use unneeded sweet potatoes, or very little money, make them pay a lot of labor to mine, and then sell them the finished product at a high price! Your Majesty, here, one of us must have a very high production capacity, One has to master great skills! With these, they can be willing to work for us!

Cao Yang nodded: "Actually, the main thing is technology! Sooner or later, sweet potatoes will be planted on a large scale by them, but as long as we have these core technologies, we can never have to work hard and let them work hard, and They still begged to come to us in order to get our good things, just one day, we left there

They will all be willing to use them for me!

Everyone understood immediately.

It turned out that war is only a means of intervening in characteristic products and technologies. Once the things that Dawei does not use are introduced, the people of Guishuang will like and rely on them in the future. At that time, it will be the people of Guishuang who will take the initiative to seek service! Bu.

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