Xun Yu really couldn't understand why His Majesty would do this. He carefully looked at the blue-and-white porcelain in his hand. This blue-and-white porcelain was indeed different from other porcelains.

On weekdays, Xun Yu hadn't paid much attention to it, but after being reminded by these merchants today, he carefully looked at the blue and white porcelain in his hand, and then looked at the others.

Only then did I understand that the blue-and-white porcelain was worth thousands of dollars, and it wasn't a vain name. Its texture is delicate and crystal clear, and every stroke on it seems to come from the hand of a master.

It is definitely not something that ordinary painters can draw. This line is agile and smooth without being sloppy, and it is done in one go.

Coupled with this crystal clear white background, it can be said that they complement each other. No wonder 10 will be sold at such a high price. At this time, he is even more incomprehensible, since there are such good things.

Then why not spread it to other places? Wouldn't that make Wei more powerful? But this idea only existed for a moment.

Xun Yu understood, His Majesty is a very business-minded person. Every decision he makes seems unusual, sometimes even contrary to common sense, but every time it has a surprising effect.

And the reason why His Majesty this blue-and-white porcelain made such a choice is to make it a rare commodity. The more treasures cherished like this, the scarcity of quantity and high quality must be guaranteed.

Only in this way can it always be in a highly sought after position. If there are too many of them, then his cherishing degree will decrease.

And once there are more and more, there will inevitably be uneven levels of quality. In that case, it may turn this peerless treasure into a public item.

Then he would not be able to generate such a high value. Thinking of this, Xun Yu was relieved.

"My lord? Are you listening, my lord? Can you give up this treasure in your hand? The price can be determined by you.

"Haha, this treasure is the only one I have and it is a gift from the imperial court. How dare I sell it at will? Besides, even if I am willing to sell it, would you dare to buy it, sir?"

The businessman was still thinking of seeing if he could buy this blue-and-white porcelain, but when Xun Yu said that it was a gift from the imperial court, the businessman still kept his luck.

He felt that Xun Yu was lying to him, but at this time Xun Yu reconfirmed the matter with him, and the businessman did not dare to say anything more.

After all, these things were indeed given by the imperial court, and Xun Yu would definitely not dare to sell them. No matter how much money the merchant gave, it was impossible to sell them.

After all, you actually sell the things that the imperial court has given you. Isn't this disrespectful to the imperial court? And something like this, these ordinary merchants would never dare to buy it.

Once they bought 713 and went back to the imperial court to know, presumably their lives would not be guaranteed. This rule is actually set down through the dynasties.

And Cao Yang also inherited this rule. After all, Cao Yang often takes some rare things and rewards the people below, in recognition of their achievements or used to win people's hearts.

If these people will sell these things, it will reduce the effect of these treasures, and it will not be able to fully achieve the goal of hunger marketing that Cao Yang hopes.

"My lord is joking. Since it was given by the imperial court, I would never dare to buy it, but please ask your lord. It is convenient for me to wait."

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