Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 349: Taking advantage of the situation

Seeing that Wang Ling was out of character, not only did he no longer cower, but the whole army stormed the city without worrying about being attacked in the back. This situation made Ma Su feel that something was wrong, 10 or even 9 out of 10.

Ever since Wang Ling came to Runan in pursuit, the opponent has been timid. Today I suddenly became aggressive, as if I wanted to give it a go. I wouldn't believe it if there wasn't some problem.

Ma Su became suspicious, so he sent scouts to investigate to see if there was any ambush nearby.

But soon, the scout came back and the answer he gave was no. There is absolutely no ambush within more than ten miles nearby.

"This is strange, this is very un-Wang Ling!" Ma Su touched his chin, feeling something was wrong no matter how much he thought about it.

"General, shall we fight or not?" Ma Di's personal guard asked, and received an extremely straightforward reply from Ma Di,

"Fight! Why not fight! It's all in our faces, how can we hesitate!"

"Pass my order. The entire army will attack and give me a hard beating! It's best to beat Wang Ling bald in one battle so that he never dares to look at us again!"

Following Ma Su's order, the three thousand cavalry quickly formed a team and rushed out in a formation with Ma Su taking the lead.

Now Ma Di's three thousand troops have all been replaced with stirrups and horseshoes, and they have been promoted from shock cavalry to light cavalry with stronger comprehensive combat capabilities. At this time, the combat strength of the Han army's cavalry surged.

People can borrow strength from horseback. Whether they are attacking or killing people, they can rely on stirrups to stabilize their bodies. The strongest impact of the cavalry was thus released, and Ma Su could safely attack the infantry phalanx head-on.

Three thousand cavalry rushed at full speed and reached the gates of Dingying City in an instant.

The Wei army, which was attacking the city with all its strength, seemed to have no idea that Ma Di would appear here at this moment, and quickly formed a scattered square formation to try to resist the Han army. However, this extremely fragmented formation was in vain. Ma Di completely defeated the Wei army with just one charge.

"Ma Su is here again!"

"Run quickly! Protect the general and evacuate!"

"Help! Our army is defeated!"

The fighting lasted only half an hour, and the Wei army began to lose morale as usual. Wang Ling's banner quickly fled westward, surrounded by his personal guards and defeated soldiers, and fled in confusion.

"Chase me! Don't let anyone go!" Although he speculated that there was a conspiracy on the other side, Ma Di would definitely not let go of such a good opportunity. Then Ma Su pursued with his spear and led his cavalry to pursue the Wei army for more than ten miles. He made a lot of gains and defeated Wang Ling.

Chasing until the end, the Wei army ambush that Ma Su imagined did not appear. Wang Ling walked away in embarrassment, as if there was no conspiracy at all.

Ma Su, who did not believe in evil, ordered some prisoners to be captured and escorted up to ask what was going on. The personal guards quickly captured several Wei soldiers and escorted them to Ma Su.

"How is your general Wang Ling doing recently? Why did he not take any precautions and order you to attack Dingying so rashly?" Ma Su looked at the few pawns, asked them to separate them, and then interrogated them one by one.

"It is said that our general has been dismissed. Now he is leading the army in the name of Wang Shijun, but in fact he is Jia Chong, the son of Governor Jia!" The soldier answered honestly, with a hint of indignation in his words.

"Jia Chong looked down upon the general's talent and ordered Wang Shijun to attack the city by force, but the general defeated it."

"What? Your actual commander is Jia Chong?" Ma Di raised his eyebrows, a little unbelievable.

This seems a bit outrageous, right? When the general is replaced, it is his own son? Is Jia Kui really so brainless?

Ma Di didn't believe it, and then interrogated several prisoners one after another. However, the news received is that Wang Ling has been deprived of military power, and the actual command has been replaced by Jia Chong.

And it seems that this matter has spread within the Wei army, and everyone in the Wei army is a little angry at Jia Kui's actions. After all, no matter how weak Wang Ling was, at least he didn't let the army lose so miserably.

After some interrogation, Ma Di was basically certain that there was definitely something wrong with Wei Jun.

In such a critical battle, it is a taboo for military strategists to forcefully change generals before the battle begins. Jia Kui followed Cao Cao and conquered the world. He couldn't be ignorant.

So no matter what, it was absolutely impossible for him to seize Wang Ling's military power so that his son Jia Chong could take over.

So no matter how unbelievable it is, Ma Su is certain that this is definitely the opponent's arrogant strategy.

"Jia Kui is really cruel. He used the lives of tens of thousands of Wei soldiers as bait just to make me let down my guard..." Ma Di shook his head gently and couldn't help but sigh.

"But you really think highly of me, Ma Su. You have 30,000 soldiers and horses just to seduce me, Ma Su."

If it were anyone else, he probably wouldn't be able to believe that someone would dare to use the lives of so many soldiers as bait. But Ma Su did dare to think about it. After all, there were many such examples in history.

After confirming that Jia Kui wanted to use this to make his troops proud, Ma Su also successfully guessed Jia Kui's next plan.

Such a big battle is certainly not for no reason. The other party is most likely trying to lure Ma Su into a trap. Then the army surrounded him and wiped him out in one fell swoop.

I have to say, what a big deal!

What to do next is easy to figure out. Normally, Ma Su only needs to continue chasing and eat all the bait. Then turning around and leaving when the other party is about to close the net is enough to make Jia Kui, a fisherman, lose all his money.

Let you use so many soldiers and horses to make a nest...

"Perhaps I can also use the enemy's tactics to their advantage... But it seems like I can't take much advantage of the opponent with my few troops." Ma Su frowned, thinking about the benefits and how to maximize them.

"You are not afraid of taking risks, but even if you risk your life to fight, how many people can you kill? Only Water, Fire and Merciless can... huh? Wait a minute."

Ma Su looked at the map he carried with him, and suddenly a plan to kill two birds with one stone flashed in his mind.

Runan has two large rivers, Jishui River and Huai River, flowing through it. The water flow is very large. If he could take advantage of his plan and use himself as bait to lure the Wei army to surround the river valley, and flood the seven armies with a wave of water, he would be able to defeat the Wei army.

The reason why it kills two birds with one stone is that this plan can not only annihilate the Wei army on a large scale, maybe even destroy Jia Kui's army, but also fulfill his original wish to commit suicide.

As long as he and the tens of thousands of Wei troops died together, objectively speaking, it can be said that the Wei army was contained. Without Wang Ling Jia Kui's 70,000 Wei army, it would be impossible for the Wei army to break through Kunyang within a few months.

By then the war situation in the south has been revitalized, Nanyang has been captured, the prime minister can successfully attack Guanzhong, and he, Ma Su, can also defraud his father and return home.

Only in this way can everyone truly be happy, right?

"Finally, I figured out a way to die that is reasonable and doesn't affect the overall situation!"

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