Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 352 The general wants to die but refuses to obey

Ma Su's wave of veteran attacks and Wang Ling's superiors basically ruined Jia Kui's plan to besiege Ma Su.

He did indeed kill hundreds of Ma Su's soldiers through an ambush and surprise attack. But the final target, Ma Su, did not die and rushed out from the front with a thousand people.

Not only that, but before rushing out, he seemed to have taken away an important member of his family. If this had not killed Ma Su, Jia Kui would not have known how he would have faced his Majesty and Cao Cao.

Only by killing Ma Su can the shame be washed away!

Fortunately, the Xishu cavalry seemed to be exhausted at this moment, and their impact was not as strong as before. As long as we chase all the way, Ma Su will be the first to collapse from exhaustion!

Under this concept, Jia Kui quickly ordered the three armies to stop the ambush and the entire army pursued Ma Su. The cavalry intercepted Ma Su first, and the infantry followed up. Be sure to keep Ma Su in Runan!

Jia Kui gave an order, and tens of thousands of Wei troops launched an all-out attack, coming from all directions to pursue Ma Su.

Ma Su's current situation is indeed not good, and Jia Kui is right.

Longwu Yicong had marched hastily to pursue Wang Ling for hundreds of miles. Even if the cavalry had horses rotated, it was already unable to withstand it. Although with Ma Su's blessing, the cavalry broke through the Wei army's siege in one wave and killed Wang Ling in formation, but they were at the end of their strength.

But the good news is that Ma Su's planned water attack battlefield is not far from here. And Jufu has already made preparations. With just one order, the dam can be dug, and Jia Kui will be wiped out by a large water ball.

Just get to that place and everything will be fine!

"Hurry up and notify Jufu. When dusk falls, the dam will be dug on time at dawn! Don't worry about my safety. God will definitely protect me from death!"

After saying that, Ma Di ordered several of his cronies to leave the team and send a message to Jufu. Then he personally led his headquarters and continued to circle with Jia Kui's Hebei Wei army.

Although the horse power is now low and the soldiers are almost exhausted, Jia Kui still can't take it in a short time with the strength of Longwu Yicong.

Jia Kui then released seven thousand Hebei assault cavalry and pursued Ma Su from a distance, and he personally led a large infantry force to follow.

Even in order to pay attention to Ma Su, Jia Kui basically brought all the infantry with him. Including the cavalry, there were a total of about 40,000 troops. There were only a few thousand soldiers and horses left behind in Xiping, and the rest who were able to move were all dragged onto the battlefield by Jia Kui.

To put it bluntly, if you run out of troops, you can recruit them again. With the national strength of Wei Dynasty, losing a hundred thousand troops is not considered a loss of strength at all. But now you in Xishu rely on Ma Di and Zhuge Liang to support the situation. As long as one of you dies, half of the sky in Xishu will collapse!

Seven thousand Wei cavalry chased them from both sides, but they were immediately shot by Han cavalry. The two sides fought for more than ten miles, and both the Shu and Wei armies suffered considerable losses.

Ma Su also spent a lot of money on this battle. In addition to his own life, he also suffered a lot of losses. But the overall situation is the most important thing, and it can't be said that he feels distressed at this moment. Ma Su must invite the Wei army into the urn before he collapses from exhaustion.

After some entanglement, Ma Su finally arrived at his destination - Yuzui Valley with the good luck of being protected by heaven.

This river valley is near the Jishui River and the Huai River. It is surrounded by swamps and is basically uninhabited. The terrain is low and it is an old river bed. As long as the mouth of the river is dug a few miles upstream, the water of the Huaihe River will surge out and flow from the Huai River to the south into the Thorn River.

Ma Su had deduced all this early, so he dared to choose this natural water channel to lead the Wei army.

When Ma Di arrived here, most of the cavalry's replacement horses had already died of exhaustion on the road. Everyone is like a shellless bastard, holding on to the table for the sake of fighting.

"This is it." Ma Su breathed heavily and said to himself, while turning his head to look at Cao Wei's pursuers commanded by Jia Kui.

"Next, I, Ma Su, will lead tens of thousands of Wei troops to die together! As long as this battle can be successful, the future of Shu Han will be opened!"

Enter the game with your own body and play against the sky

Playing life as a chess piece, defeating half a piece miserably

Having reached this point, no matter what I do, I, Ma Su, can be regarded as a qualified hunk from heaven!

Now, it’s time to wait for Xu Shi!

Although Jia Kui is a veteran, he doesn't quite understand what this terrain represents. So when he saw Ma Di crawling into a valley suitable for infantry fighting, he was overjoyed and personally led the army in pursuit.

But when he saw Ma Di's thousands of people stopped in the middle of the plain, Jia Kui shuddered subconsciously.

"Is Ma Su going to fight the trapped beast and make a last stand?"

As a high-ranking official in Cao Wei, Jia Kui has been very familiar with Ma Di's name in recent years. The entire Cao Wei Dynasty knows how capable this man is in fighting, and he can win you unexpectedly no matter how hard the battle is.

It doesn't matter if your strategy isn't right, this powerful brick fly can always force you to turn defeat into victory.

Don't look at Ma Su now because he is tired and exhausted. It seems that he will fall to the ground in the next step. But who knows if he will suddenly activate the trait of fighting against the odds and defeat his own side in a desperate attempt?

It's not like he's never done this before. Wang Shuang and Hao Zhao both know how they lost.

Therefore, it is still too risky to fight Ma Su on a flat area, and you may lose inexplicably. We must drive Ma Su to a place that is not suitable for cavalry combat, use the advantage of numbers to seize the right time and place, and kill this tiger by force!

Jia Kui looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up because he saw a hill not far away. And although this hill is not high, it is extremely steep on all sides and is not suitable for cavalry to descend from it. There is only a flat road up the mountain.

Although it was a bit strange for such a hill to be isolated in this valley, Jia Kui still seized the opportunity. As long as Ma Su is driven up and a large number of armored soldiers block the road down the mountain, Ma Su will starve to death!

And with luck, you might even catch Ma Su alive!

Ma Su's head is worth ten thousand households. If you send such a large and intact Ma Su, how big a reward will your Majesty give you!

"Archers fire arrows! Find a way to drive the Shu army to that side! Drive them up the mountain and surround them on all sides. If you can capture Ma Su alive, your Majesty will definitely be rewarded!" Jia Kui made up his mind and turned to the generals and ordered.

With Jia Kui's order, Wei Tuqi, who was eager to fight, had to withdraw and no longer fought with Ma Su. The Wei army surrounded Ma Di and suddenly fired arrows at Ma Di's side to suppress him.

"Let me test! Are you so careful? You are already like this and you still want to kill me with an arrow?" Ma Su was surprised by Jia Kui's caution. However, just when he was about to throw down his helmet to pose, the soldiers had already restrained his movements and forcibly surrounded Ma Su and moved eastward.

"General! The situation is already dangerous. We should avoid the arrows first! Please follow me and avoid them first!"

At the critical moment, Ma Di's soldiers tried their best to pull Ma Di to avoid the Wei army's arrows. However, Ma Su waved his hand and felt a little sorry for these veterans who had traveled with him.

For the sake of the overall situation, it was right for him to do this, but in the end, these veterans also sacrificed. You can go home if you die, and if they die in battle, they really die in battle.

Although the Prime Minister will never lose their pension in the future, he has been fighting with himself for five years, and it still feels a little uncomfortable.

That's all, let me let you protect me this time, even if it's in vain...

Ma Di sighed slightly, subconsciously no longer resisted, and allowed his general to lead him to dodge the arrows that the Wei army kept shooting at.

Until Ma Su found his soldiers dragging him higher and higher, and when he was about to go up the mountain, Ma Su realized that something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, where are you taking me to hide!"

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