Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 393 Must be wiped out

Under Ma Su's fierce pursuit, two thousand Wudang flying troops transformed into barbarian butchers and attacked their former fellow villagers mercilessly.

When a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, he raises his hand and shoots.

As a result, a group of Nanzhong barbarians, led by a Jingzhou man, frantically swept away the Nanzhong rebels. Tens of thousands of unruly barbarians who were good at fighting had no room for resistance in front of Ma Su. They could only trample on each other while being massacred and driven, and many people died.

At this time, Guan Yinping also reacted and quickly led the soldiers and horses in the city to open the door to help in the battle. Caught between two sides, the barbarian soldiers were defeated and quickly retreated to the south.

Ma Su obviously didn't want to let them go, and continued to pursue them with the Wudang Feijun. This group of barbarians retreated all the way, and Ma Su did not give up until he hid in a miasma-ridden mountain forest.

It wasn't that he didn't want to pursue him anymore, but because the miasma was too thick and the terrain was a bit dangerous, Ma Di's soldiers held him back.

It was not until this time that Ma Su turned back to join the defenders of Jianning County. The crisis in Jianning County was relieved in an instant.

After joining the Han army in Jianning, Ma Su saw a woman in uniform leading the troops to pay a visit.

"General Ma, thank you for your timely rescue, otherwise something might have happened in Jianning County. On behalf of the soldiers and civilians of Jianning County, I would like to express my gratitude to General Chariot and Cavalry!" Guan Yinping was wearing white clothes and white armor because Li Yi died in the battle. Dai Xiao had the demeanor of a heroine. After seeing Ma Di, he saluted, raised his hands and raised eyebrows, and solemnly thanked him.

After Guan Yinping expressed his stance, the barbarian chiefs and representatives of local wealthy families behind him all looked flattering and praised Ma Su without listening.

This man had just defeated the rebels who had been besieging them for more than a month under their noses. His demeanor was enough to frighten these people so much that they no longer dare to have any other thoughts.

Ma Su looked at Guan Yinping with a little more interest.

There are not many records of Miss Guan San in history books, but her deeds have been circulated in Nanzhong for thousands of years. Until later generations, the legend of Miss Guan San was still circulated in Yunnan.

Ma Su didn't really believe it at first, but today he saw a group of ferocious barbarian soldier leaders respectfully standing behind Guan Yinping. Everyone waited until Guan Yinping finished speaking before speaking. Only then did Ma Su realize that this descendant of the Guan family was indeed a great talent.

"For the sake of the common people and the country of the great Han Dynasty, all this is necessary." Ma Su smiled slightly and his attitude quickly softened.

Ma Su's peaceful attitude appeased the frightened wealthy clan and barbarian soldiers, and the two sides joined forces and retreated to Wei County. After some business exchanges, both the host and the guest were happy, and the worries about the rebels' power were completely dissipated.

With General Ma here, let alone tens of thousands of rebels, even if there are hundreds of thousands, they are just a mantis blocking the car in front of Ma Di.

Then Guan Yinping also told Ma Su about the current situation of Nanzhong.

At the beginning, the rebels rebelled against Xinggu County, and their strength was only about 10,000 people. However, Li Yi, the governor of Jianning County, was a little contemptuous. Qinggong rushed in and was ambushed by barbarians. He died in Xinggu County.

As soon as he died, all parts of South China could no longer suppress him. Nanzhong, which was originally empty of troops, quickly became full of rebels. As a result, Gao Gao gained momentum and then moved north to attack Jianning County.

Fortunately, in Jianning County, with Li Hui in charge and Guan Yinping's comfort over the years, the local barbarians and Han people were basically on the same page. With the concerted efforts of the Han barbarians in Jianning County, Gao Gao's army did not do what he wanted, and they waited until Ma Di arrived.

It’s hard for Ma Su to comment on this. The troubles in Nanzhong have never stopped. The Shu Han had a very resolute attitude towards this. They always suppressed violently, and there was no such thing as the seven captures and seven attempts in the novel.

In fact, Nanzhong, a place with many barbarians, is still a heavy tax area. After the large number of rebellious barbarians were suppressed, taxes were quickly raised, draining all their strength and leaving them unable to continue to resist.

Although this effectively prevented many barbarians from rebelling once, the situation in Nanzhong did not improve much. At least now there are still many barbarians in Nanzhong who hate the Shu Han to the core. This can be seen from the fact that Gao Gao came back from Jiaozhou to lure him with a lot of money, and quickly raised tens of thousands of soldiers.

This area has always been a big problem left by the Shu Han, and the central government has never been able to deal with it.

"I am deeply saddened by the death of Li Taishou in battle. He is indeed a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty." Ma Su cupped his hands and said to Guan Yinping, who was wearing mourning clothes,

"However, the rebels have not been wiped out yet and are still entrenched in the mountains and forests to the south. At this time, we should attack quickly and quickly wipe out all the barbarians to avenge Governor Li and the Han soldiers who died in the battle."

"The Crown Prince is right!"

"That's right, those traitors must be eliminated as soon as possible!"

"If you dare to rebel, it's time to give them some color!"

With Ma Su's words, all the generals agreed. The barbarian generals who had been besieged in Wei County for a long time and were filled with anger even asked for orders to be the vanguard. They had to fight to the death with those barbarians.

In response, Ma Di looked at Guan Yinping again, and quickly got Guan Yinping's nod.

"The rebels caused rebellion in South China and the army and the people suffered greatly. I am willing to clear the way for the generals of the cavalry!"

"No need, I will personally take charge of the vanguard, so there is no need to bother you. All you need to do is follow my troops and follow the army to pursue the defeated rebels!"

What Ma Di said is very straightforward. The translation is:

Follow me and I will lead you!

Under Ma Su's deployment, Wudang Feijun rested in the city for two days, and then joined forces with the Jianning Han Army, totaling more than 5,000 people. The Han army then moved south along the highway and quickly pursued the rebels in the direction of their retreat.

The Han army marched very fast and caught up with the fleeing Nanman rebels within two days. However, when the rebels saw the Han army's pursuers arriving, they quickly dove into the forest and defended themselves in a miasma-ridden valley.

This group of barbarians are all locals, and they know very well where the terrain is dangerous and suitable for fighting. After the Han army pursued them, they were immediately helpless in the face of this miasma-filled place.

Although the flying army can resist the miasma, the valley chosen by these rebels is too dangerous. Ma Su personally took the lead and rushed in. As a result, as soon as he reached the entrance of the valley, he was met by a large rolling stone. If the soldiers had not had quick eyesight and quick hands to pull Ma Su back, Ma Su would have gone home on the spot.

The Han army was stuck here for half a month, but there was nothing they could do. Ma Su was very anxious about this. He could stay for another month at most. If he could not defeat the enemy in another month, he would have to return to Chengdu.

But soon, Ma Su discovered the problem.

"These barbarians have been hiding in the valley for so long. Don't they want to eat?" Ma Di frowned and immediately sent scouts to investigate. The matter was definitely not simple.

Sure enough, the scout soon discovered an extremely steep mountain path behind the valley. The barbarian soldiers relied on such a food road that was easy to defend and difficult to attack to consume the Han army here.

This road was not enough to support the evacuation of the barbarians, but maintaining the food road gave the barbarians a lot of confidence to continue.

After seeing all this clearly, Ma Su couldn't sit still.

"There is no time to wait. Since these barbarians are surrounded here, we must find a way to cut off the food road in order to kill them all in one fell swoop!"

"This group of barbarians has been unruly all year round. If they are allowed to escape, it will be a disaster sooner or later. We must annihilate them all today!"

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