Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 450 Strategic Change of Family

Cao Shuang is not a playboy without dreams. On the contrary, he has always wanted to do something great.

But it's a pity that he met Ma Di in his first battle. When he was in Nanyang, he was severely educated by Ma Su and thousands of people.

Especially in Wuyin, Ma Su, with dozens of cavalrymen, wiped out hundreds of his own cavalrymen right under his nose. After this experience, Cao Shuang suffered from equine phobia.

If Ma Su were in Pubanjin at the moment, he wouldn't dare to do anything with the courage of Cao Shuang and Jiang Wei.

However, the urgent battle report sent back from Chang'an clearly stated that Ma Di personally commanded the army to conquer Chang'an a few days ago.

After laying down such a large territory and occupying Chang'an, Ma Su was always busy. Recruiting soldiers, appeasing the people, rewarding generals... there are so many meaningful things that Ma Su needs to do, and it is impossible for him to appear in Pubanjin in a short time.

Now that Ma Su is gone, Cao Shuang instantly feels like he's doing well again. Especially in the past few months, he had beaten the famous general Zhang He, which made Cao Shuang even more confident.

"Ma Di is not here. If there is any change in the Shu army in Pubanjin, we can take this opportunity to take Pubanjin back!" Cao Shuang said firmly to Xu Yi,

"As long as we can recapture Kabanjin, even if it's only temporarily, the merit will be huge."

"General Cao, isn't this a bit... why don't we go ask Captain Wang?" Xu Yi looked confused and was a little unsure, so she suggested to Cao Shuang.

"Wang Ji? He is just a coward who was scared out of his wits by the Shu army! He definitely doesn't have the guts to launch a counterattack against the Shu army at this time!" Regarding Wang Ji, Cao Shuang commented disdainfully,

"General Xu, His Majesty has been suffering from insomnia because of Xi Shu's troubles, and he has already suffered from headaches. He really needs a victory report, instead of a battle report that our army has been defeated!"

"Eating the emperor's salary and sharing the Lord's worries, isn't this what we should do? Even if there are some risks along the way, it is all worth it!"

"Don't you want to be like General Xu Chu and make great contributions to the country?"

I have to say that although Cao Shuang is not good at fighting, he still has considerable talent in convincing people to join gangs. After some persuasion, Xu Yi hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement with difficulty.

The two fledgling Cao Wei generals decided to take action against the Han army, which had many veteran generals in charge.

Just like in history, he was as confident as a young man when he attacked his old comrade Sima Yi.

Soon, changes in the Han army appeared.

The Wei army scouts who were investigating Pubanjin reported back to Cao Shuang that the smoke in the Shu army camp stationed near Hebei suddenly became less smoke at some point. Especially the Han troops on the front line of Pubanjin suffered from more than a little less smoke.

At the same time, Sima Yi also sent him a letter. He said that he would arrive in Huayin in just two days, and hoped that the Tongguan garrison could come out to respond.

All these changes indicate that the Han army went east to ambush Sima Yi. At this time, the Han army in Pubanjin should be empty. Now is a good time to raid Pubanjin!

However, on the night when Cao Shuang made up his mind, a huge meteor suddenly appeared in the sky, rising from the west, crossing the sky horizontally and falling in the northeast, making a faint sound. This celestial phenomenon seemed to foretell something, which made Wei Jun's heart fluctuate for a while.

Seeing this celestial phenomenon, even Cao Shuang, who didn't know how to observe the sky at night, could tell that something was wrong. But even so, Cao Shuang was still unwilling to give up this good opportunity.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! We must take action!"

Cao Shuang finally made the final decision and prepared to attack Pubanjin with the entire army the next day.

At dawn the next day, when Pubanjin was still covered in heavy fog, countless Wei soldiers suddenly held torches and stepped onto the north bank of the already cracked Yellow River ice!


"Commanders, charge! Without Ma Su, these Shu people are just a bunch of cowards!"

"Let these southwest savages see the momentum of our Kanto men!"

With Xu Yi personally charging ahead and Cao Shuang suppressing the formation with the Chinese army, the entire 30,000 Wei army was dispatched and went straight to the Han army camp at Pubanjin.

As expected by Cao Shuang, the Han army camp in Pubanjin was indeed empty. When the entire Wei army was dispatched, some of the remaining troops of the Han army quickly collapsed.

In just one morning, the main force of the Wei army conquered Hebei County and other places, and quickly established a beachhead north of Pubanjin.

According to Xu Yi's idea, the attack should stop here. The purpose of containing the Shu army has been achieved. However, Cao Shuang was determined to expand the results of the victory and ordered his troops to pursue the Han army in an effort to regain the entire Pubanjin as soon as possible.

There was no other way. At Cao Shuang's request, 30,000 Wei troops continued to attack Pubanjin. Not only that, in order to recapture the entire Pujin Ferry as soon as possible, Cao Shuang ordered all his troops to seize the ferry non-stop.

As long as Pujindu and Fenglingdu are captured and the Yellow River thaws in a few days, Pubanjin will be defended.

The Wei army's attack seemed to go very smoothly, but when Cao Shuang led a large force to the vicinity of Fenglingdu, he was quickly met with a fierce counterattack by the Han army.

Countless Han soldiers suddenly launched a counterattack against the Wei army, and Zhang He took the lead to fight against Xu Yi.

After all, he was a veteran of the same generation as Xu Chu, and Xu Yi, a young man, couldn't resist him at all. After more than a dozen difficult confrontations, Xu Yi was shot in the helmet by Zhang He and walked away in embarrassment.

And with Cao Shuang's command level, the 30,000 Wei troops were completely unable to stop the counterattack of the 20,000 Han troops. After a difficult confrontation, Cao Shuang was forced to give up the idea of ​​seizing the ferry and prepared to retreat to stabilize the occupied Pujin Ferry.

So far, Cao Shuang has not found anything wrong. The Han army launched such a strong counterattack at the ferry, and he just thought that he was too anxious and took action before the Shu army had completely left.

However, when Cao Shuang led his troops back to Hebei County, he suddenly discovered that

On the south bank of the Yellow River, in the direction of Hongnong County, Cao Wei's flag disappeared without a trace, replaced by a large red flag!

"What! When did the Shu army go to Hongnong County?" Cao Shuang was stunned, and his brain stopped responding for a moment.

But soon, his brain responded again. This was not because he reacted quickly, but because he clearly saw the words on the Han Army Commander's Flag.

"The Han Chariot and Cavalry General Lueyang Township Hou Ma"

"Ma Su? He...isn't he in Chang'an?"




On the other side, in Hongnong County, Ma Di looked at the Pubanjin Wei army and laughed disdainfully.

Sample, want to play with me? You are still a little young!

"Sima Yi should be arriving soon, right? Let the soldiers get ready. Let's fight Sima Yi openly in Hongnong County!"

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