Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 519 Sun Quan’s assist

Quan Cong was defeated in a confrontation with the Han army at Chencheng City, and was chased by the Han army for dozens of miles to the north. In the end, they were forced to lead the defeated soldiers to flee to a narrow hill, basically forcing them into a desperate situation.

But even so, Quan Cong didn't panic at all, and was more confident of winning.

"Ma Su has fallen into my scheme, and his death has come!" Quan Cong said cheerfully to his left and right, and the confidence in his tone made the generals look at each other.

General, is this crazy? Why are you so confident when you are almost defeated by the opponent?

After traveling with the general for so many years, why didn’t you see that he was so trustworthy before?

Fortunately, Quan Cong's prestige in Cangwu County for many years was still there, and although the generals were murmuring in their hearts, they were still willing to obey his orders. Under his deployment, the remaining Soochow troops were defeated and began to rely on the difficult defense of the hills.

It's not without reason that Quan Cong is so confident. This is the place he carefully selected to fight. Although the hill he was guarding was a dead end, there was plenty of water and there was no need to worry about Ma Su poisoning him.

Although the place where Ma Su was stationed seemed to be able to contain him, it was too narrow, so the front and rear of the camp were in danger. Especially the Xiangjiang River behind the Han army, this is the most critical link in Quan Cong's story from beginning to end.

Because long before the confrontation with Ma Su, he had already written a letter to Sun Quan asking for reinforcements. At that time, Sun Quan had promised that reinforcements would arrive in the near future and asked him to fight Ma Di first.

In this case, Quan Cong wrote another letter specifically to indicate to Sun Quan that reinforcements should land here. At that time, in such a narrow place and being attacked from two sides, even if Ma Su had the power to reach the sky, it would be difficult to use it. In the end, no matter how arrogant Ma Su was, he could only lose in despair.

I didn’t expect it, Ma Su, this is my strategy to defeat the enemy!

Quan Cong was full of confidence in this, and while pacifying his troops, he waited for reinforcements to arrive. Just wait for Sun Quan's support to arrive, and then defeat Ma Su in front of the battle!

However, compared to Quan Cong, Bu Qu under his command obviously does not have this patience. After being defeated several times in a row and desperate, Sergeant Wu's soldiers had begun to flee.

After all, they are not from Yangzhou. Most of them are barbarians and have no sense of belonging. They are all working for the Han people, so whoever works for them is not working for them, so why hang themselves on this tree.

After being besieged for several days, some of the more than 3,000 remaining people began to escape and descended the mountain to surrender to Ma Su. Ma Su accepted all the orders and sent various people to persuade Quan Cong to surrender.

Ma Su's goal was Quan Cong, and he wanted to personally ask what this great wise man thought.

The two sides faced off like this for several days. Seeing that Wu's army was about to run out of food, Quan Cong couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Why haven't the Supreme reinforcements arrived yet? The soldiers of Soochow wouldn't be so slow to follow the current, right?

At this time, in the Han army camp at the foot of the mountain, Ma Su also received a report from the scouts.

"General, we captured three Soochow agents and found several letters from them!" A scout met Ma Su and reported respectfully.

"Letter from Soochow?" Ma Su was slightly startled, as if he suddenly thought of something, and immediately straightened up and said.

"Show me the letter!"

The scout then handed the letter found from Xizuo to Ma Su.

But Ma Su opened it and took only one look, then his expression became strange. Especially after browsing it carefully, I felt a little speechless.

"I see. No wonder General Quan is so confident. It turns out there are reinforcements." Ma Di shook his head gently, his expression regained his composure.

"But it's worthy of him. If Sun Shiwan hadn't been strong enough, I would have been tricked... Go and send someone up the mountain to show General Quan Cong a look and let him make his own decision."

With that said, Ma Su pulled over one of his guards and ordered him to send the letter from Sun Quan to Quan Cong up the mountain.

At this moment, Quan Cong was already a little nervous. He was looking forward to seeing what happened every day, waiting for Sun Quan to come and save him. At this time, when Quan Cong heard the report that an envoy from the Shu Army was coming up the mountain, Quan Cong refused without even thinking.

"Tell the envoy that as long as I, Quan Cong, am still breathing, I will not surrender!"

But this time, the general looked embarrassed and said cautiously,

"General... the envoy from Xishu said that they intercepted a letter from the Supreme, so..."

"What!!" Quan Cong suddenly turned around and his expression suddenly changed.

Why did something like this happen at this time? How could he carry out his plan if the Shu army was prepared? And the most important thing is that after Ma Di read the letter, he sent someone to deliver it to him. This means...

"Quick! Let him come up!"

Soon, Ma Di's envoy was brought up, handed over the letter directly, and said calmly,

"General Quan, our envoy will let you make your own choice!"

Quan Cong took it with an ugly expression and almost fainted after just one glance.

Sun Quan only had a few short sentences above, but they completely shattered Quan Cong's hopes.

"Now I am leading an army to attack Gong'an, but it cannot be defeated. The troops cannot leave, and the reinforcements we need cannot be sent out for the time being. I will do my best to resist them and drag the thieves to the south. If we are defeated, I will remember you as the first to contribute!"

Such a short sentence described a cruel fact to Quan Cong.

Sun Quan missed the deadline, and he is now isolated and helpless!

Damn you...

Quan Cong now had the idea of ​​killing people. You must know that he was luring the enemy like this just to defeat Ma Su. As a result, Sun Quan failed to fulfill his promise after making it. What should he do?

But after being furious, Quan Cong suddenly slumped down in his seat, looking extremely tired.

He was the lord of the southeast and abandoned himself. What could Quan Cong say?

"General Quan has finished reading. It's time for me to leave. You can make your own decisions for the rest." After Ma Di's envoy finished speaking, he turned around and planned to leave.

But before leaving the military tent, Quan Cong's tired voice was heard.

"Wait a moment... help me deliver the surrender letter to General Ma..."




Because of Sun Quan's powerful assists, Ma Su was able to win from a dead end. Quan Cong, who had completely lost hope in Soochow, took the initiative to surrender and submitted a surrender form to Ma Su.

Ma Su was very happy about this, and he also hoped to set an example of surrender for Soochow.

However, it was clear that Ma Di still underestimated Quan Cong's loyalty to Soochow. After the Mingbu general led his soldiers down the mountain to surrender, Quan Cong drew his sword and killed himself on the top of the mountain alone, taking his own life.

By the time Ma Su led his men to the top of the mountain, Quan Cong was already dead.

"I have seen a gentleman in Soochow... Although his methods are not very good, he is indeed a man." Looking at Quan Cong's body, Ma Di could only shake his head and calmly ordered.

"Give me a good burial!"


Who on earth had class the night before vacation? Oh, it turned out to be me.

There are only two updates today. I had ten classes in Shuzhong in one day and my brain was almost confused.

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