Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 527 Liu Yin offers advice

Guo Huai was not willing to come this time to attack the Shu Han.

He was having a great time recuperating with his old boss Sima Yi in Nanpi, eating hot pot and singing songs. As a result, the court suddenly transferred him from Nanpi with a transfer order and asked him to face his old enemy Ma Di alone. He was only happy if he was happy.

But no matter how unhappy he is, there is nothing he can do. After all, this is an order given by the emperor himself. The envoy's explanation for this was that the emperor considered that Guo Huai was the most experienced general against the Shu army, so he was relieved to send him.

This left Guo Huai speechless. I guess you weren't the one who was beaten and deflated.

Still experienced? In the entire Cao Wei Dynasty, I, Guo Huai, received the most beatings. If he really encounters Ma Di, Guo Huai will always have to run away immediately, without even daring to look back.

There is no way he is too familiar, he has been beaten since the battle of Chencang. After so many years, Guo Huai has long understood that he just can't beat others.

If possible, Guo Huai really wants to live in Nanpi for the rest of his life and not suffer this kind of torture again. But he had no choice but to accept Cao Rui's edict, so Guo Huai could only bid farewell to his old brothers in Guanzhong with tears.

This time Cao Wei sent troops to rescue Sun Quan. According to Cao Rui, Jingzhou was just a place for military merit in Sun Quan's hands. But if it is handed over to Xishu, it will become the most deadly poison of the Wei Dynasty.

Therefore, the Shu army cannot be allowed to capture Jingzhou no matter what!

It's just that Guo Huai sneered at this. After all, he had never seen Ma Di fail to get the place he wanted.

"According to Soochow's combat power, Ma Su has probably been stunned by now, right? Let you idiots who can't see the situation join the Shu army in the Northern Expedition earlier, and now you have to suffer a little." Guo Huai looked to the south. He snorted coldly at the information that came through.

But ridicule was ridicule, and Guo Huai knew that the situation was already quite tense. Ma Su lost control in Jingzhou, and he would definitely come thousands of miles away when he heard that they were launching an offensive.

And once Ma Su is allowed to rush to Ye County, I am afraid that Guo Huai will not even have a chance to withdraw. This 100,000-strong army looks quite intimidating, but in front of Ma Su, it is probably no different from paper.

Logically speaking, Guo Huai should retreat now. While Ma Su still needs time to come over, he still has a chance if he retreats in time.

But if he did this, Cao Rui would not be happy. So after pondering for a while, Guo Huai decided to do something before withdrawing.




Guo Huai's guess was not wrong. Ma Su did set off immediately after receiving the emergency. In order to travel lightly and easily, Ma Su took only a few personal followers and marched northward for reinforcements.

There was no way. Although I didn't know why Cao Wei fell ill, the troops and generals dispatched were really something Ma Su couldn't ignore.

The lineup of one hundred thousand troops and the famous general Guo Huai is luxurious. In a war of this level, even if Ma Su fought on his own, he would probably need an army of 50,000 to win.

Ma Su quickly led his entourage, Liu Yin and several others to cross the Yangtze River from Yidao, and then headed north along the path. Within a few days, Ma Su arrived near Dangyang.

This is the forefront of Han army control. To the north is the Han Kingdom and to the south is the Wu Kingdom.

But what surprised Ma Su was that Dangyang was not peaceful at the moment. Thousands of Wu troops are launching a fierce and urgent attack on the city head, trying to capture this place.

Fortunately, Ma Su appeared from the side, and as soon as the hussar general's flag was raised, the Wu army quickly fled.

"It's Ma Su! Why is he here!"

"Shouldn't he still be in the police?"

"If I had known that Ma Di was here, I wouldn't have dared you to come out!"

Several Soochow generals threw down their baggage and other things and fled. Ma Su was left looking at their backs as they walked away in embarrassment, his eyes a little more thoughtful.

"It seems like Sun Quan's defeat didn't teach them to behave?"

Sun Quan had just been severely defeated by the Han army, with losses exceeding 50,000. The entire Jingnan was recaptured by the Han army. This should be the most cowardly time in the country.

As a result, Ma Su found that he still underestimated the Soochow general's desire to wander. Even in this situation, he and the police were only a few hundred miles away, but they still dared to send troops rashly.

It's no wonder that Lu Xun was so unpopular among the generals of Soochow. It was really strange to be surrounded by a group of brainless fools every day.

But just when Ma Di lamented that it was not easy for Lu Xun, Liu Yin's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Your Majesty, I have an idea that will definitely lure the Wu army out of Jiangling!"

"Are you planning to let me show up somewhere else on purpose, and then induce Wu Jun to take the initiative to fight, and then catch them off guard?" Ma Su added bluntly before he could finish.

"This approach will basically not succeed. The intention is a bit too obvious. And even if it can lead to part of the Soochow tribe, as long as the Wu army in Jiangling does not move, it will be basically meaningless."

Now Ma Su also admires Lu Xun very much, he can really endure it. Even in the most difficult moments of the Public Security War, he could sit back and watch the main force of Soochow being destroyed without moving any troops.

And with this little trick, trying to lure Lu Xun out was simply a fool's errand.

However, Liu Yin waved his hand and replied with a smile,

"If that's all, then it's naturally impossible to lure Lu Xun out. But if we add some other actions, I believe that even if Lu Xun doesn't come out, Sun Quan won't be able to hold it in!"

"Oh? Let's hear it." Ma Su was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously.

Faced with Ma Su's inquiry, Liu Yin didn't have a Riddler, so he immediately offered advice to Ma Su and explained it in detail.

His plan was very simple, which was to stop Ma Di from going north and suddenly take up residence in Xiangyang. When the Wei army's offensive became extremely fierce, he sent another person to follow him in disguise and went north. Then Ma Di personally led his troops south into Nanjun to deliberately attack the city and seize the territory.

As for the north, a capable general was asked to disguise himself as Ma Di to scare the Wei army into retreating.

The core of this plan is not only to make Soochow think that Ma Di has gone to attack Guo Huai, but also to make Guo Huai himself think that Ma Di has come to attack him. It must be ensured that when Ma Su is not present, he can still display the prestige of Ma Su himself, so that Guo Huai can escape without a fight.

This is not an easy task. After all, Ma Su's reckless madness cannot be imitated by just dragging someone along.

So now in the Shu Han camp, who can imitate Ma Su's spirit and spirit the most...

"Ma Dai!" Before Ma Su could think of a candidate, Liu Yin had already made a recommendation to Ma Su.

"In the past, when we were fighting in Nanyang, he pretended once and even scared Cao Rui so much that he fell off his horse. Bring him here now, and I will ensure that he can look like you, the general, and scare Guo Huai away!"

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