Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 549 Disembowelment and Healing

Who is Ma Su? Today's hussar generals, princes and tutors, direct disciples of Zhuge Liang... are so powerful that at least half of the generals in the entire Han army were promoted by him.

The remaining half are Ma Su's good friends, and they have a very good relationship with each other.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ma Di is now half as powerful as the Han Dynasty, and is an important minister among important ministers.

And just such a person was assassinated only three hundred steps away from the Chancellery. Moreover, the assassin successfully succeeded, causing Ma Su himself to be seriously injured.

This is no longer an ordinary assassin, he must strike hard!

The first to take action was the Prime Minister's Mansion. Under the order of the furious Zhuge Liang, the Prime Minister's Mansion quickly stated that it would investigate the matter thoroughly. Then the Chancellor quickly followed up, and Fei Yi started to move before Jiang Wan was in place.

Among them, the attitude of the palace was even more resolute. Before Zhuge Liang's petition arrived, Liu Chan took matters into his own hands and issued an edict ordering the Northern and Southern armies to impose martial law immediately. All city gates in Chang'an are closed. The entire Chang'an must investigate this matter strictly!

The 20,000 soldiers of the Han Dynasty's Northern and Southern Army quickly moved into action, and the General's Security Department was sealed off. Later, Liu Chan thought he didn't have enough manpower, so he issued an edict ordering the Wuguan Han army to come to cooperate with the blockade.

In addition, Ma Su's Cavalry General's mansion was directly exploded. Among them, Yao Hu, the Central Guardsman who had the best relationship with Ma Su, even expressed his intention to catch the murderer with his own hands and cut him into pieces.

Under such a wave, the first people to panic were those who had conflicts with Ma Su in the past. Because Ma Su was straightforward and never paid attention to unnecessary rules, he offended many people.

And now that he was assassinated, all the officials who had conflicts with him panicked. He was afraid that he would be misunderstood by the angry people in the Cavalry General's Palace, and then be killed inexplicably.

There is no doubt that the Cavalry General Mansion definitely has this ability.

So under this wave, the most diligent people looking for the murderer were those who had conflicts with Ma Su in the past. Each of them took action and tried their best to help the court track down the murderer. They were afraid that if they acted too slowly, the people in the General's Mansion would be unhappy and they would kill him directly.

In a very short period of time, a storm arose throughout Chang'an.

But these have nothing to do with Ma Su who was carried into the hospital. He can't even speak now. After being sent to Hua Fei's hospital, Hua Fei immediately started treatment.

"Old Hua, shouldn't you write a suicide note before you treat him?" Ma Su looked at Hua Fei, who was nervous but still insisted on treating Ma Su personally, and joked with a smile.

"If it were someone else, I would probably have to rewrite the suicide note, but you won't have to." Hua Fei shook his head gently and said calmly.

"Oh? So you are very confident in treating me?" Ma Di was a little surprised and asked subconsciously.

"No, I have already thought of all the circumstances of my death because of you, so I have already written the suicide note." Hua Fei rolled his eyes and snorted coldly.

"After all, I put Jun in such a dangerous situation every day without caring about his own safety at all. In this case, if I hadn't made some preparations, I might not have had time to write a suicide note."

Ma Su: "..."

I warn you to slander me! How can I be so unbearable!

Afterwards, Hua Fei did not continue chatting, and directly took the Ma Fei soup and handed it to Ma Di and said,

"Please take a nap after drinking the medicine, otherwise it may be bloody..."

"Get out! I suspect you are insulting me!" Ma Su suddenly became unhappy, pushed away the ma boiling soup, and said seriously.

"I, a majestic hussar general, have been fighting on the battlefield for so many years, and yet I still drink hemp soup to heal my wounds? What do you think I am? A coward?"

"What's more, a man is born between heaven and earth. What is there to be afraid of? Just heal your wounds boldly. I, Ma Su, will lose every time I frown!"

"Don't make trouble, please. If you are affected by severe pain during the bloodletting, something may happen!" Hua Fei frowned and immediately advised.

When a person is in severe pain, the muscles of the body will twitch uncontrollably, which will cause surgical effects. Moreover, a person who is not strong-willed is likely to die directly under such severe pain.

"What's wrong! In the past, General Guan scraped his bones and cured the poison, and it was fine. How can I, Ma Di, have the dignity to take Ma Bo Tang? Am I more noble than General Guan?" When Ma Di heard that something might happen, he immediately became energetic and acted righteously. said,

"Just like old Mr. Hua Tuo scraping the bones of General Guan to heal the poison, just boldly heal my wounds."

Then, he saw Hua Fei looking at him like a fool.

"I see that you are really seriously ill. When did my father scrape General Guan's bones to treat the poison..." Hua Fei was speechless. In his opinion, Ma Di was already unconscious because of the poison that had penetrated his flesh and blood.

At that time, Hua Tuo had moved his family to Yecheng. How could he scrape Guan Yu's bones and cure his poison in Jingzhou? However, Guan Yu's scraping of bones to cure poison did give Hua Tuo some inspiration, but he was destined to research but not to practice.

Ma Su couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when Hua Fei choked on such a sentence. The evil Romance of the Three Kingdoms did me a lot of harm, it directly formed a stereotype on me.

However, after such a interruption, Hua Fei did not mention the Ma Fei soup again. He just chatted with Ma Su with a calm face and reminisced about the past, while he began to operate the knife on Ma Su.

Ma Di watched helplessly as Hua Fei used the knife on his wound, and severe pain spread over him. Hua Fei then found a bucket to soak up the dark black blood and applied medicine on it.

From beginning to end, there was no disinfection method except burning the dagger red. Ma Su was relieved about this. If he could survive such a rough operation, he could just stand on his head and drink the golden juice, okay?

It's safe to go home now.

As for the pain caused by the operation... to be honest, let alone the pain of being injured on the battlefield, it was not as painful as Ma Di being hit by a dump truck.

Ma Su, who was in a happy mood for a while, started talking and laughing, calm and composed.

Ma Su's chatting and laughing attitude actually dumbfounded the people peeking outside. Especially when they saw that Hua Fei's bloodletting wound was so deep that bones could be seen, and Ma Su didn't even frown, they were all shocked.

"General Hussar has the demeanor of General Guan in the past... No, in such a situation, General Guan will feel ashamed, right?" Jiang Wan couldn't help but sigh when he saw the end, and his admiration for Ma Su was beyond words.

Everyone knows that Ma Su's idol is Guan Yu, but now, I am afraid that this fan's behavior has already surpassed that of his idol.

After all, when Guan Yu scraped bones to treat poison, it was only on his arms, but now Ma Su directly makes holes in his chest.

"You Changzhen is a hero of the world!"

Ma Su didn't know that after tonight, his reputation would probably rise a lot further.

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