Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 553: Overcoming the plan to merge states

As one of the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty, Bingzhou is an extremely important border military state. Like Liangzhou and Youzhou, this place was the front line for the Han Dynasty to fight against foreigners, and it was naturally rich in elite soldiers.

However, compared to Youzhou and Liangzhou, Bingzhou's future does not appear to be that good.

Before the Han Dynasty was disbanded, the counties located on the Hetao Plain had already fallen one after another. After Lu Bu led the Bingzhou army to escape, most of Bingzhou's core hinterland fell.

After the establishment of Cao Wei, he recovered the Hedong and Shangdang areas, and surrendered the Xiongnu tribes in Taiyuan. This was the final way Cao Wei, who claimed to exert an iron fist against foreigners, dealt with Bingzhou.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on Cao Wei. This area is so poor and there are always riots. The Cao family has no motivation to regain this place.

Last year, when Ma Di violently beat Sun Quan in Jingzhou, Cao Wei dispatched all the troops in Bingzhou and Youzhou to launch a diversionary offensive on the Hetao Plain controlled by Ji Han.

Unfortunately, they encountered a tough situation and lost most of their troops on the Hetao Plain, which made Ma Di turn his attention back.

Because next, the Han Dynasty’s strategy must be towards the rich Central Plains region. Regardless of whether they attack in the direction of Yecheng or Luoyang, Bingzhou has become a nail that the Han must pull out.

Therefore, Ma Su proposed to Shangshutai in the name of the Hussar General's Palace to allocate resources to conquer the state.

But it is a pity that even after the official system was basically rectified, Jiang Wan could not spend much money to support him.

In the financial file Fei Yi sent to Ma Su, it was written clearly that the imperial court could now provide food for 10,000 people for two months at most. Beyond this time, the court will not be able to spend a penny.

Two months for 10,000 people... It may take just one month for the troops to gather and rush to the front line!

Fei Yi had nothing to do about it. Now the Han Dynasty's finances had just breathed a sigh of relief, and then they were led by Ma Di to carry out a huge reform. It's already great to be able to allocate this little money and food now, but what else do I need for a bicycle?

Ma Su was not very satisfied with this, but there was nothing he could do about it. In deep thought, he began to think about how to deal with this matter.

It is not difficult to deal with this kind of thing, it is nothing more than increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

Regarding the open source, Ma Su's first reaction was to go to the south and ask Sun Quan, a criminal, to borrow some money and food. At worst, when Sun Quan is captured, the punishment will be less severe, and the punishment will be changed from lingchi to beheading as a reward.

But soon, Ma Su gave up this idea. It's not that he doesn't want to, but that the current territory can no longer find Sun Quan to bleed.

After Jingzhou was recovered, Xiakou was basically the only connection point between Jihan and Soochow. In addition, Lu Xun died in the battle, Soochow's vitality was severely damaged, and everyone from top to bottom was reduced to a coward, and there was nothing he could do.

Soochow could not raise money and food, so Ma Su could only consider it from the perspective of reducing expenditure.

The Central Army in Guanzhong is probably unable to move. With this budget, it would be great if it can support the army to reach the Hedong area.

If the regular army cannot be mobilized, Ma Su can only consider the direction of militia and mercenaries.

"It seems that if we want to conquer Bingzhou, we will have to rely on the Hu soldiers from the north as the main force." Ma Su was a little helpless. After many years, he once again had to lead a ragtag group to fight a tough battle.

When was the last time he took a ragtag group to war? Anyway, since the beginning of the Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang has given him the most elite troops every time.

But the only good news is that this time there is no need to worry about death. Ma Di doesn't know whether to be happy or excited.

All in all, after some planning, the Hussar General's Mansion submitted a plan to conquer Bingzhou to Shangshutai.

Ma Su planned to bring only a thousand of his elite cavalry as the main force, and then arrive at the Pubanjin front line. Then a recruitment order was issued to the six towns in the north, and Hu soldiers were recruited from the six towns to supplement the troops' operations.

Under Deng Fan's transformation, in addition to the cattle and sheep tax, the most important output of the six northern towns was the blood tax. A large number of Hu people need to pay blood tax for military service in military towns every year, and use the blood tax to offset the cattle and sheep tax.

After all, the cattle and sheep tax is simply a blood loss to the Hu people, and it is not as direct as the blood tax.

Of course, to pay the blood tax and participate in the battle, you need to prepare your own food, which greatly reduces the cost of maintaining the army.

The combat effectiveness of the Hu soldiers recruited by the blood tax is obviously high, but this is the only option at the moment. Moreover, Ma Di's own combat effectiveness gave Shang Shutai confidence in the feasibility of this plan.

So after some discussion, the Shangshutai approved the plan and handed it over to Liu Chan for personal approval.

With the sealing of the Han Dynasty's jade seal, the Han Dynasty's strategy for Bingzhou was officially launched.

By the way, it is now the fifteenth year of Jianxing...




After launching the strategy plan, Ma Su was not in a hurry, but patiently waited until October.

The main force this time was the Hu people in the Hetao Plain, and their life patterns destined them not to participate in the war in spring and summer. Only in late autumn and early winter will the grassland Hu people's desire to participate in the war increase significantly.

In October of the 15th year of Jianxing, Ma Su led a thousand elite soldiers of the Xuanfeng Battalion from Chang'an and went straight to Pubanjin.

The six towns in the north were also called by the Hussar General's Mansion to recruit Hu people to participate in the war with blood tax. In half a month, more than 30,000 Hu soldiers were recruited from the six towns to join the battle.

Such a large-scale mobilization naturally could not hide the meticulous work of Cao Wei. Soon Bingzhou heard about the incident, and Wang Jing, the governor of Bingzhou, quickly sent someone to report to Yecheng. At the same time, he ordered all units in the Bingzhou Military Region to be on high alert.

The Shu army is about to invade!

When Cao Wei was facing a formidable enemy, Ma Di led a thousand men from the Xuanfeng Battalion to Pubanjin. The uncle Wu Yi received him here and quickly welcomed Ma Su into the city.

"Youchang, I heard that you were assassinated in Chang'an a few days ago. How is your injury now?" Wu Yi looked at the lively Ma Su and asked curiously.

During this period, the Yang Yi case was really causing a lot of trouble, and the waves it caused were no smaller than the Li Yan case back then.

"It's already fine. It's just a minor injury." Ma Su smiled slightly and said without caring at all. In just a few days, Hua Fei completely forgot all about the doctor's instructions before leaving.

"Now that my body is so strong, it's not difficult for me to mount a horse and kill dozens of thieves myself!"

"So what's the situation now? Is there any difficulty in conquering Hedong?"

"It won't be difficult to conquer the east of Hedong, but I'm afraid it won't be easy to capture the ferry." Wu Yi waved his hand, and then said to Ma Di seriously,

"Because Pubanjin has insufficient troops, we can only keep Fenglingdu for now. As for Pujindu in the north, it is now in the hands of the Wei army. If you want to take it, you have to fight it yourself!"

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