Although he didn't think highly of the generals in Guanzhong, Ma Su had to admit that they were the most difficult opponents at the moment.

Because with the progress of the Han Dynasty, the balance of power between the two sides has long been no longer so disparate. In the case of a head-on confrontation, the easiest thing is for the two sides to open up and fight in the field.

In this way, Ma Su could rely on his advantage of bravery in individual combat to quickly complete breakthroughs on local battlefields. Then he broke through the surface with a few points, and finally completed the overall victory over the Wei army.

In contrast, what troubled Ma Su most was the Wei army's inability to hold on. The current advantage obviously cannot support the Han army's continuous attack, which makes Ma Su unable to use his strength in many cases.

Of course, Cao Rui also understands this. It is precisely because of this that Cao Ruicai chose to appease the Guanzhong army after Sima Yi's defeat in Guanzhong.

Even if only their bare commanders die, the surviving generals are still a valuable asset. When Ma Su invaded again, he did not hesitate to send these defeated generals to the battlefield again.

"If Sun Li is here, I'm afraid it will be difficult to fight the Shangdang." Ma Di frowned and said to himself.

Just looking at Shangdang's terrain makes it difficult, let alone the fact that the opponent is Sun Li, an old acquaintance.

Needless to say, the opponent has built a strong fort on the key road and is waiting for him.

Deng Ai saw Ma Su's headache and immediately offered suggestions.

"General, now that the five Xiongnu tribes have joined, our army has sufficient strength. It is better to divide the troops into two groups and launch an attack from Nie County and Guyuan at the same time."

"At that time, the Wei army will not know our true and false situation, so they will inevitably divide their forces to defend. At that time, we can also launch a key breakthrough under your leadership."

There were only a few ways to win over the Communist Party, which did not give the Han army much room to develop. Therefore, Deng Ai could only suggest splitting up the attack to divide the enemy's forces and reduce the difficulty as much as possible.

"Then let's do this for now, and we can make plans for the rest when we confront the Wei army." Ma Su shook his head and made the final decision.

"Jiang Wei and Shu Ji were responsible for leading the troops of the five Xiongnu tribes to march northeast and launch an offensive against the Northward Party from Nie County."

"Deng Ai and Zhang Yi will follow me to Guyuan with the remaining troops. We will attack the party head-on!"




There is only one road from Pingyang County to Shangdang, and that is Guyuan Road.

This road is a river valley with narrow roads and steep terrain. It is very suitable for an ambush at first sight.

But under the leadership of Ma Di, the Han army marched into Shangdang with no worries about the possibility of being ambushed. Even if he found a Wei army flag guard in a dense forest on the way, Ma Su didn't take it seriously when all the generals were alert.

"Don't worry, Sun Li doesn't dare to set up an ambush, he doesn't have the guts!" Ma Di waved his hand and said very confidently.

"Just move forward boldly and confidently. Even if he sets up an ambush, I can turn defeat into victory!"

Facts have proved that Ma Su is indeed very accurate in judging his opponents. The Han army marched all the way to Guyuan, but the Wei army set up no soldiers or soldiers to ambush except for false flags.

By the time Ma Su's army arrived at Guyuan, the main force of the Wei army had been waiting here for a long time.

Sun Li also knew Ma Su very well. Having participated in the Great War in Guanzhong, he knew Ma Su's strength very well. So he relied on the valley terrain to quickly set up three lines of defense and dug two trenches with three layers of antlers interspersed in between.

When Ma Su saw the Wei army's defense line, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Why don't you be so defensive? I believe you when you say you are guarding against the Romans!"

"General, look at this situation, what should we do..." Deng Ai also realized that this was a difficult place to attack, so he looked to Ma Su for advice.

With the density of antlers and the strict defense of trench watering, I'm afraid even the most powerful flying army would be useless.

"Let me go forward and provoke him first, and see if I can trick him out." Ma Di shook his head, said hello to Ma Zhong, and prepared to step forward to persuade him to surrender.

However, Sun Li had already prepared for this and would not let Ma Su get close at all. When Ma Su had not crossed the first trench, the Wei army fired arrows directly, indicating that we had no need to discuss our attitude.

It can be said that this group of Guanzhong generals are really capable of innovating. It had only been a few years, and they were already on guard against all the crafts that Ma Su had started out with.

I can't win from the front, and I want to persuade the opponent to surrender, but I won't give him a chance. And because of the special terrain of Guyuan Road, it would be difficult for the army to get around it, so they could only be trapped here.

But at this moment, Ma Su looked at the heavily guarded Wei army camp and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"That's not right. Since the Wei army didn't know which way I was going at the beginning, their troops would be equally divided between the two sides."

"There are nearly 30,000 defenders here in Guyuan, and there are probably about the same number in Nie County. The total strength of the Wei army in Bingzhou is only 60,000, so their rear should be very empty now."

"Shizai, what do you think about me taking the Select Front Battalion into the Shangdang Basin via a small road at this time, and going directly to the Changzi County of the Administrative Office?"

"I don't agree." Deng Ai raised his objection without saying a word.

"General, judging from the current layout of the Wei army, it is obvious that the opponent understands your fighting style very well. And it is not like you have never tried this strategy of infiltration and surprise attack by a small force. The opponent is probably prepared."

"And Shangdang is not another place, it is the core hinterland of the place. If your raid fails, I'm afraid you won't have anywhere to run. The risk factor is too high!"

"In that case, the matter is settled." Upon hearing this, Ma Su nodded with deep understanding, and then said decisively.

"I will immediately take the 300 people from the selection camp to set off! I am determined to join the party!"





While Ma Su made corresponding actions, Sun Li was also in Guyuan City, watching various reports anxiously.

"As expected, Ma Di's main attack direction is still Gu Yuan." Sun Li squinted his eyes, looking at the direction of Fu Fang Tu and the Shu army's attack, and couldn't help but ponder.

"Now the defense line has been deployed relatively firmly. But we can't relax yet. If there is a slight leak in the defense line, Ma Su may get in!"

"By the way, pass my order. Don't send away the conscripted civilians yet. Build a few more fortifications in the far back of the valley, just in case."

"General Sun, we are so strict, I am afraid that even if Ma Su can fly, he will not be able to bypass us and enter the Shangdang..."

"Yes, you are right. Ma Di may also bypass us and directly attack the party! This is his specialty!" Sun Li suddenly slammed the table, stood up suddenly and said through gritted teeth.

"We suffered a lot from him in Guanzhong back then, and the Shangdang side also wants to do the same! Take strict precautions!"

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