Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 571 The Han Army Moves South

The person who spoke was Situ Gaorou. At this time, he stepped forward to rescue Chen Qun. At the same time, he also pointed out the most critical and urgent issue at the moment.

How to stop Ma Su...

Shangdang County fell, and even Huguan, the most dangerous pass in Bingzhou, fell. All Jingxing from Bingzhou to Hebei were exposed. As long as Ma Su wanted to, he could invade Hebei at any time.

Yecheng, the newly relocated capital of Cao Wei, is only two to three hundred miles away from the Taihang Mountains. And with this distance, Ma Su might have rushed over in a day and a night!

Let alone Cao Rui, Sima Yi would be extremely angry with this result. It took FMD three years to move the capital, and then it became a frontline again in the blink of an eye.

How could everyone in Cao Wei hold their nerve?

"Quickly mobilize the Taiwei to come for reinforcements, and mobilize all the troops from Jizhou and Youzhou to block Jingxing with all your strength!" At the critical moment, Cao Rui made a quick judgment and ordered all the troops from Hebei to dispatch, making sure to block the Shu army. outside Hebei.

"Your Majesty, the situation is urgent now. I ask your Majesty to hunt eastward to Linzi to avoid the Shu army!" At this time, Chen Qun also reacted and made suggestions immediately.

Yecheng has become a frontline again and is no longer safe. If he stays in Yecheng now, it will be easy for Ma Di to repeat the Yin Rebellion in Luoyang.

But Cao Rui rejected this suggestion without hesitation and said firmly,

"No! Yecheng is the capital of the Wei Dynasty, and I am the emperor! I swear to live and die with Yecheng!"

Come on, another Dibuna.

However, Cao Rui's refusal this time was not without reason. He also had his own reasons. It has taken so much resources to move most of the political forces in Luoyang, and it will be difficult to move them away in a short time.

And this force is the key to whether the Cao family's throne can be secure, and it must not be messed up. If Cao Rui ran away with the cultural relics and hundreds of officials at this time, once Ma Di came and killed him, Yecheng would be in chaos.

In time, the political foundation of the Cao family is likely to be shaken. Ma Di will not be needed at that time, and the opposition force in the Central Plains will be enough to destroy the Cao family.

Therefore, no matter what, Cao Rui cannot leave and must die in Yecheng!

With Cao Rui's insistence, the entire Cao Wei court briefly stabilized. Then Cao Rui quickly issued an edict, ordering all the forces of the Wei Dynasty in Hebei to gather together and fight to the death to block the Taihang Mountains.

Among them, especially Sima Yi, Cao Rui specially sent his close ministers with edicts, strictly ordering him to come to help.

However, when Gao Rou proposed to bring back the main force attacking Xishu, Cao Rui refused again and only agreed to withdraw the troops attacking Hongnong.

"If Ma Di is determined to invade Hebei, I am afraid that even if the army withdraws, he will not be able to stop him! The only chance now is probably Guo Huai's Nanyang battlefield." Cao Rui smiled bitterly, shook his head and said.

"According to my decree, I ordered Guanqiu Jian's troops who attacked Hongnong to withdraw to Luoyang and defend Luoyang Yin together with Jiang Ji. At the same time, I ordered Sima Yi to return to Yecheng as soon as possible, as the commander-in-chief to resist the eastward advance of the Shu army, and control the entire northern bend of Hebei!"

During this period of time, I am afraid that Yecheng will be sleepless all night...




The whole country of Cao Wei was shocked here, but Ma Su on the other side had already begun to calm down.

With the conquest of Shangdang, the territory of the Han Dynasty expanded to Hebei. On the one hand, Ma Su reported the victory to Chang'an and applied for the central government to send officials to take over Bingzhou. On the other hand, he sent scouts to investigate the reaction in the direction of Hebei.

It is worth mentioning that the containment effect of the Nanyang battlefield, which Cao Rui had high hopes for, was actually meaningless at all. Because when Zhuge Liang left Chang'an to personally supervise Nanyang, he specifically told Huang Quan that there was no need to inform Ma Su about this matter.

"Let Youchang concentrate on fighting in Bingzhou. As long as he progresses smoothly, the pressure in Nanyang will naturally be relieved."

Precisely because of Zhuge Liang's words, Ma Di still didn't know that Nanyang's military pressure had increased sharply. If he knew, maybe he would rush to Nanyang to rescue him single-handedly.

But for now, all Ma Di needs to do is to stabilize Bingzhou's results and wait and see if Jizhou has a chance. If he is lucky, Ma Di still hopes to go to Yecheng for a stroll.

But soon, news from the direction of Hebei extinguished Ma Su's hope.

"The Puppet Wei has gone crazy at the moment, and all troops in Hebei are mobilizing. It is said that Cao Rui wants to lead the expedition himself, and ordered Sima Yi to be the commander." Zhang Yi handed Ma Su the information that the scouts had found out, and reported it specifically.

"Hiss... Cao Rui, why don't you be so irritable? I'm just here to regain Bingzhou. He wants to take out all his wealth." Ma Su took the information and glanced at it, and was immediately shocked.

The Wei army not only recruited all professional troops and field soldiers, but also began to recruit local soldiers from wealthy families from all over the country. Relying on the large population of Hebei, it is not a problem to recruit 200,000 to 300,000 people.

Jingxing in Taihang Mountain is only a few feet wide. Did Cao Rui want to use a sea of ​​people tactic to block the road and squeeze Ma Di out of Jingxing?

What a vicious plan!

"In short, general, I don't think there is a chance to march into Hebei now." Zhang Ni spread his hands and reported honestly.

"There are only a few lines in Jingxing, Heishan, and they are easy to defend and difficult to attack. If Sima Yi, the old bastard, is still in charge, Hebei will probably have no chance at all."

"What's more, the troops we bring are not only small, but they are all barbarian soldiers from the six towns in the north. With this strength, it's okay to hang out with the general, but it won't work if we really fight a tough battle."

You must know that the Han army was able to capture the entire Bingzhou with such overwhelming force. The contribution of Ma Di's Selected Front Battalion was even greater than that of the 20,000 Hu soldiers. So under the current situation, we really can't expect the six towns to be able to stand alone.

Moreover, the reserves of the six towns are now almost empty, and they cannot support Ma Su to move forward.

"Indeed, General, although the road to Jizhou has been opened, the time is not yet ripe." Deng Ai also nodded and said in agreement.

"So if the general wants to move forward, it is better to see if there are any flaws in Sizhou. After all, now that we occupy Shangdang, there are only the Yellow River and Beimang Mountain from Sizhou."

"Sizhou... it's not impossible." Ma Di pondered, and he still listened to Deng Ai's suggestion.

At this time, the Shangdang Basin was under control, but the Gaodu area in the south was still in the hands of the Wei army. Moreover, most of the Yaohan Ancient Road is also in the hands of the Wei army. These conditions are not conducive to the Han army's eastward advance.

Therefore, taking advantage of the current high morale of the army, it is the best choice to take the opportunity to go south to attack Han Valley and completely capture the Yaohan Ancient Road.

As for Hebei... let Cao Rui and Sima Yi eat dirt in Jingxing.

So, while Cao Wei was pouring all his strength from Hebei to block the Taihang Mountains, Ma Su also officially ordered the entire army to go south and take the ancient Xiaohan Road!

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