Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 587 I just want a fight

Chapter 587 I just want a fight...

Because Ma Su did not understand his reputation in Guandong, he was rarely defeated at Hulao Pass.

After seeing him, the defenders sitting in the solid fortress had already begun to write suicide notes. How could they have the courage to go to war?

However, due to the quality of the part, it was difficult for Ma Su to storm Hulao Pass. This resulted in Ma Su having no choice but to lead his troops to station on the spot, trying to find a way to conquer Hulao Pass while cutting off the enemy's supply line.

After being stationed under the city of Hulao Pass, Ma Di was still thinking of ways to lure the enemy into battle. Not only did he expose all kinds of flaws, he also sent Wei soldiers to surrender in order to show the illusion that the head on his neck was very easy to obtain.

It's a pity that no matter what Ma Su planned, the guards at Hulao Pass pretended not to see it. As long as someone approaches Hulao Pass and immediately fires arrows, the people sent to pretend to surrender will not even get close to the pass.

After all, for a big shot with a bounty of 100,000 households, a military god who even defeated the imperial captain, it was not his turn to collect the heads no matter what. These Guandong generals understood this very clearly, so they did not fall into Ma Su's trap at all.

This actually left Ma Su speechless. After traveling all over the country for so many years, this was the first time he saw such a timid character.

tnnd The Jiangdong rats are bolder than you. Although they are weak, at least they still have the courage to fight!

In this way, Ma Di spent another half month in the pass, but he was helpless at this dangerous pass.

In the end, Ma Su couldn't bear it anymore and started to protest directly.

"Okay, you're all too cowarded, right...I don't want to fight at Hulao Pass! Bring some people with you, we'll bypass Hulao Pass and attack Xingyang first!"

"I don't believe it. In such a huge Guandong, isn't there anyone with courage?"

The frustrated Ma Su gave up his plan to capture Hulao Pass. After ordering his confidants to set up camp with 10,000 Han troops and setting up his own banner as a deterrent, he personally led 2,000 men carrying provisions and prepared to bypass Hulao Pass.

As long as you pass Hulao Pass, you will then reach Chenggao County, and further east is Xingyang, an important town in Guandong. These places are extremely important strategic locations. Ma Di doesn't believe it. Are all the dignified states in Guandong just cowards?

Ma Su is already familiar with bypassing the pass. In just two days, Ma Su led his troops to bypass Hulao Pass by taking a small road and appeared on the main road east of Hulao Pass.

Ma Su was very lucky. When he led his troops to rest on the official road, scouts came to report that a large number of Wei troops appeared in the direction of Chenggao. Its troops number at least tens of thousands, all are well-equipped, and their morale is high.

Hearing this, the newly recruited soldiers under Ma Su were all frightened. But Ma Di's soldiers were all extremely excited and gearing up to fight.

In this regard, Ma Su was also prepared to fight hard and ordered his troops to form a defensive formation.

Soon, another piece of exciting news came back. The Wei army had obviously also discovered them. They had formed an offensive formation and were running toward them aggressively.

This made Ma Su very satisfied. It seemed that there were still warriors in Guandong.

"The coward of Hulao Pass, take a good look, this is the general!" Ma Su turned back and looked in the direction of Hulao Pass, his eyes filled with contempt.

He, Ma Su, hates cowards the most! Should be killed!

However, when the Han army lined up and waited for the Wei army to arrive in sight, an accident happened.

After seeing the banners of the Han army, the Yanzhou Wei army, which was rushing towards them with great momentum, suddenly froze on its commander's face.

"Ma...Ma Su? The Xishu Cavalry General Ma Su?"

"Holy shit! How could it be this butcher! Scout! Where is the scout! Why don't you report such important information? What are your intentions?"

"General! My subordinates are illiterate and cannot recognize the flag of the Shu army..."

The general of the Wei army was trembling when he was frightened at this moment. Before going to battle, Zhou Mu also explained this matter.

Before Yanzhou Mu sent him here, he told him to lead the troops and not to let the army collapse midway. The victory would be considered complete when they reached Luoyang. He originally thought that the task was very simple, but Zhou Mu didn't say that he had to face Ma Su first before arriving in Luoyang!

The reputation of Ma Di's flooding of the Seventh Army and the fierce battle in Guanzhong had already spread throughout Guandong. There are rumors in all the states of Guandong that Ma Su is the reincarnation of the Overlord. People in Guandong don't even dare to talk about Ma Su's name in front of their children for fear that they will be scared to death.

Although Ma Di seemed to have only 2,000 men at hand, the Wei army was panicked from top to bottom. The general gritted his teeth and directly ordered the entire army to retreat.

Under Ma Su's longing eyes, the entire Wei army rushed towards them in a menacing manner, then turned around and ran away in panic.

Due to the confusion of the troops in the middle, the soldiers in the front who wanted to escape backward and the soldiers who were still advancing without knowing what was going on behind were crowded together, causing the troops to trample on each other, and a large number of soldiers died under their own feet.

From beginning to end, Ma Su stood there without moving...

"You damn...come back!" Ma Su couldn't hold himself any longer.

After I became the Crown Prince and Tutor and obtained the Iron Scroll to avoid death internally, are you planning to give me an Iron Scroll to avoid death on the battlefield?

I just want to fight. Is it so difficult?

"General, they ran away on their own... Do you want to chase them?" The personal guard following Ma Su also saw that Ma Su was in a bad mood and asked cautiously.

"Of course we chased him! We finally managed to reach the enemy's large force in the wild, how could we let them escape!" Ma Su said with a sinister voice.

"Besides, it's come to this point, how can they just leave if they want? Whether they want to fight today or not, they have to fight for me!"

So, east of Hulao Pass, such a dramatic battle broke out.

The more than 30,000 Wei troops in front abandoned their helmets and armor and fled, preferring to fight against their own people rather than turning back to fight. Behind them, the Han army of only 2,000 men followed closely, chasing the Wei army with murderous intent.

After chasing for nearly a hundred miles, the Wei army lost more than half of its troops in the trampling on each other. In the end, Ma Su stopped his pursuit after abandoning all his baggage and even fleeing into Chenggao County, regardless of the troops behind him.

The generals in Guandong are so afraid of Ma Di.

After the war, an inventory was taken and it was found that the Han army seized countless baggage and weapons, and obtained thousands of armored heads, which greatly defeated the enemy army, and the soldiers' swords were not even stained with a drop of blood...

"It's numb, now there is an iron scroll on the battlefield..." Ma Di was already desperate, and he had already begun to think about other ideas of seeking death.

Now, whether internally or externally, the situation has become such that he cannot die even if he wants to. If this continues, will he have no choice but to stay and provide for his retirement?

Ma Su, I'm numb...




At the same time, Jiang Ji in Luoyang had gone completely crazy.

"Do you know what you did? You two idiots who deceived others may have destroyed the entire Wei Dynasty!"

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