Ma Su originally came back with endless disappointment. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came back, Wei Jun in Luoyang gave him a big job.

When was the last time the enemy attacked you at the gate of the camp?

Anyway, since the Great War in Guanzhong, Ma Su has rarely encountered situations where the enemy troops came up recklessly. Now I finally encountered it once, and I was a little excited for a while.

But what made Ma Su curious was that just now his personal guard said that scouts had been sent twenty miles away. I didn't expect that Wei Jun would be able to show his face directly. Is this Wei Jun imitating him at the street pavilion and making a desperate attack?

In a few breaths, Ma Di had already rushed out of the military tent, riding his horse to the camp gate. The Han army at the camp gate was also fighting with the Wei army at this time, and was in a suppressed state.

However, as soon as this situation appeared in front of Ma Su, you changed instantly.

"General Ma is out!"

"We will definitely win! Guys, hurry up! If you rush slowly, you won't get the military glory!"

"Following the general's charge will lead to a great victory. Now is your chance for brothers to earn military merit!"

In just a moment, the morale of the Han soldiers who saw Ma Di's banner suddenly rose sharply. Even though they were just field soldiers before, after following Ma Di for a month, they were gradually infected by the pride of Ma Di's men.

After all, when you only need to hold the Ma Su flag and see the opponent's thousands of troops fleeing in panic, everyone will feel proud. It is this sense of pride brought by Ma Su that has led to a qualitative improvement in the combat effectiveness of all the troops who follow him.

Calculated as of now, before Ma Di and his men arrived on the battlefield, the Han army had already pushed back the Wei army. By the time Ma Di rode all the way to the battlefield, the Wei army had been beaten back a lot.

Not to mention Wei Jun, even Ma Su was a little surprised by this result.

"Do all these farmers have such fighting power?" Ma Di scratched his head, feeling very puzzled by this.

However, the Han army's counterattack was limited after all. Under the Wei army's first attack, even with Ma Su's blessing, the two sides could only fall into a stalemate.

But at this time, Ma Su saw the banner of the commander-in-chief of the Wei army. Emblazoned on it are the words "Wei Luoyang Lingfu Military Academy Lieutenant Wang Jun".

After subconsciously ignoring the previous series of pronouns, Ma Su's eyes were attracted by the word "Wang Jun". This is a great talent in history, the first person in the Western Jin Dynasty to annex Soochow.

"I asked why I couldn't find it in Hongnong County before. It turns out that I came to Guandong." Ma Di raised his eyebrows and said to himself.

After returning to Guanzhong, Ma Su consciously tried to search for those great talents whose names were recorded in history books. However, what disappointed Ma Su was that in the end, only a few of them were actually found, and most of them were missing.

Wang Jun is one of them. This former Hedong County official did not expect that he would now follow Jiang Ji.

"I am Ma Su, the hussar general of the Han Dynasty! How dare you come to raid my camp, Ma Su? Why don't you dismount your horse and surrender!" At this thought, Ma Su quickly made a decision. Even if he could not capture Wang Jun alive, he could not leave it to Cao Wei.

Otherwise, for such a late-stage boss, if he succeeds in committing suicide one day, Ji Han will be in trouble sooner or later.

Ma Di quickly rode out and rushed the Chinese army into the battlefield.

At this time, the Wei army and the Han army were fighting each other, and neither side could do anything to the other. However, when Ma Su personally joined the battlefield, the balance of the battlefield suddenly began to spin.

Originally, the Wei army was mainly composed of field soldiers, but they only needed one more year of training. Such combat power was barely enough to face the Han army who were also stationed soldiers. When Ma Su personally left the field, it was a complete dimensionality reduction blow.

When Ma Di rushed into the battlefield, it could be seen from the sparse and ununited formation of the Wei army that the Kwantung Army had already exhausted all its elite troops. In response to this, Ma Di didn't even bother to hide, and directly rushed forward with his head covered. The Wei soldiers fled away in fear.

In just two sticks of incense, Wang Jun's troops were defeated by Ma Su. Wang Jun, who seemed confident, also showed a bit of panic and quickly ordered the entire army to retreat.

He behaves like this not like a military general, but like a scholar who has just entered the battlefield. If we have to make an analogy, Ma Su saw his own shadow in Wang Jun.

They are all just stupid young people who act recklessly when facing powerful opponents. The only difference may be that Ma Su won by luck, while Wang Jun met Ma Su...

"Chase! We must not let this man named Wang escape!" Ma Su narrowed his eyes and quickly ordered, then led his army to chase Wang Jun in the direction of defeat.

After all, when facing any great talent, Ma Su always adopts the attitude that as long as you don't surrender, I will find a way to kill you. For someone like Wang Jun, Ma Su couldn't let him run away.

Both sides chased each other, chasing each other for more than ten miles eastward. Along the way, Wang Jun's subordinates fought less and less, and in the end there were basically only a hundred people left.

However, just when Ma Su was about to lift the curse and prepare to capture the enemy general alive, Wang Jun suddenly stopped.

"Huh?" Seeing this scene, Ma Su immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Ma Su! You are dead today!" Wang Jun's expression calmed down at some point, and he looked at Ma Su with a murderous look.

At this moment, Wang Jun stopped in a flat depression, with dead grass and fallen leaves everywhere. And Ma Su, with his vanguard of the Han army, has also entered this area in order to hunt down Wang Jun!

"Set fire!" Wang Jun winked at his guards, who quickly waved military flags and signaled.

At the same time as this flag was waved, the sound of commotion suddenly came to mind from behind a hillside in the distance. Then, without waiting for the Han army to react, countless flaming projectiles and rockets took off and quickly landed on the Han army's formation.

Because the incident happened suddenly and the Han army was not well-trained, in addition to the officers, a large number of soldiers were knocked to the ground by this wave of sneak attacks.

When the rockets and projectiles hit the ground, the fire spread quickly. In just a blink of an eye, blazing fire appeared behind the Han army!

"Ma Su! You are indeed very good at fighting, and your physical skills are really good! But no matter how good you are at fighting, how can you still survive in this fire?" Wang Jun looked at Ma Su calmly and said with a smile.

"Today, you, the traitor general of Western Shu, will die here today!"

"Hiss... you don't want to die?" Ma Di was a little unbelievable, because in his sight, Wang Jun himself was also in the sea of ​​​​fire.

How cruel does it have to be to risk your own life?

Was Wang Jun so extreme in history? Are you willing to risk your own life just to kill the other person?

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