But for Han Fu, he didn't forget that Pan Feng was already the only general Han Fu's subordinates could take. .

After seeing this scene, Yuan Shao was also gloating at the misfortune. After all, someone like Han Fu would end up with a result that everyone hated.

At this moment, Cao Cao and the others had returned to the tent, Yuan Shao stood up and said.

"Leader, I have an admiral under my command, whose surname is Guan, the first name is Yu, and the word "Yun Chang" can take over the opponent."

Yuan Shao naturally knew that now was the time for him to show off his power, and immediately pushed Guan Yu out and said he could do it, but Cao Cao shook his head and said.

"Brother Benchu ​​took a lot of trouble. Brother Benchu's generals unfortunately lost to me last time, so it's better to send my generals to this match."

"But, what if you can't beat it?"

Yuan Shao blurted out in a hurry, but Cao Cao just gave him a calm look.

"Then no one else can beat it."

When Yuan Shao heard Cao Cao's arrogant words, he was about to scold, but he abruptly held back.

"Brother Meng De, it is true to say that, but it is not necessary to use a bull's knife to kill a chicken. Such trivial matters do not require the presence of the leader of the alliance."

"Brother Benchu, that's not what you said. The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. What's more, this is the first stop after the coalition forces converge. Naturally, it is impossible for the opponent to kill the morale. A third time is allowed, so don't wait for anything to go wrong."

· 0 for flowers · · · ·

Cao Cao said a lot in one breath, and then he ignored Yuan Shao.

"Zilong, you must have never experienced a real life-and-death struggle. This time, your chance has come."

After Zhao Yun heard Cao Cao's words, he stood up. Cao Cao stood up and raised his wine.

"Zilong, wait a little while, until I warm a glass of wine for you."

"My lord, you're welcome. My lord just warms the wine. I'll be right back."

Then Zhao Yun walked out of the tent with a weapon specially made for him by Qin Yi.

Soon, under the city wall of Luoyang, it became two people and two waves of troops fighting again. Hua Xiong was holding a big sword, and Zhao Yun was holding a long spear. On the other hand, Zhao Yun's spear is more balanced and fast enough.

... 0 ...

"I heard that you killed Pan Feng with three moves, and I want to fight you Huaxiong again, Changshan Zhao Zilong, please advise!"

"Hua Xiong!"

Hua Xiong said, and then rushed towards Zhao Yun with a big sword in his hand. Zhao Yun successfully held Hua Xiong's big sword with the tip of his spear, and then slammed it to throw off Hua Xiong's big sword.

And in this city crossing, Hua Xiong felt the pressure from Zhao Yun, and he was able to use the tip of his spear not to fly Hua Xiong's big sword, but now he regretted it again and it was useless.

He never imagined that the seemingly malnourished guy in front of him would have such enormous strength. Everyone picked up.

Then Zhao Yun cut off Hua Xiong's head and brought it back to the big tent of the alliance. The moment Zhao Yun entered the tent, the wine that Cao Cao had boiled for him was boiling right now.

"Okay! Little brother Zilong, kill the enemy generals with warm wine! The future will definitely be unlimited."

Bao Xin, who had always been on Cao Cao's side, praised him.

"That's right, then Huaxiong took the name of General Pan Feng in three moves, and little brother Zilong just walked for a long time, and then he returned with a full reward. The wine has just been warmed up, just as Brother Bao Xin said, warm wine kills. Hua Xiong! It really makes us old people envious."

Sun Jian also said with a smile.deficit.

Chapter 132

Cao Cao sat on the main seat, his mouth was grinning to the bottom of his ears. Zhao Yun's battle really gave him a face.

"Cough, the first battle was beautiful, showing the momentum that our alliance army should have, and showing our style!"

Cao Cao said loudly.

"Dong Zhuo's old bandit has already retreated to Chang'an, and sent people to recruit troops all over the country, causing the people to suffer, so the battle in Luoyang must not be delayed any longer! We should cut the mess and attack Luoyang quickly, and then rectify our forces and take Chang'an in one fell swoop!"

"Brother Meng De is right, I would like to be the vanguard and march into Luoyang!"

Sun Jian with a red scarf on his head stood up and said that after seeing Sun Jian's statement, some of the other princes also took the initiative to speak.

"Leader, I would like to stand up for Brother Wentai and help Brother Wentai enter Luoyang!"

"Leader, I would like to lead the troops and enter Luoyang from the east gate!"

"The ally..."

Basically all the princes were invited to fight, only Yuan Shao was not included, and Cao Cao didn't care about him, and arranged it according to Qin Yi's instructions.

After all the tasks were arranged, Cao Cao got up and raised his wine glass.

"Heroes, since the ten permanent servants came to power, the people have been struggling. After Dong Zhuo's old thief entered the capital, it has intensified. Now, we are doing a great and meaningful thing, just today, to break Luoyang! Xing Fu Han! The room is still in the old capital!"

After hearing Cao Cao's words, everyone was impassioned, and Cao Cao was secretly happy. The last sentence, which Qin Yi told him, was used by him.

The attack was scheduled for that evening, and just as the attack was about to begin, a small group of men slipped out of the camp.

In fact, they are already very secretive, but what they don't know is that the place within ten miles of Luoyang is all over the White Horse Captain. How could their actions escape the investigation of the White Horse Captain.

This group of people who slipped away was none other than Liu Bei and his party who had had a holiday with Cao Cao and Qin Yi. Liu Bei also felt that he couldn't get along anymore.

He also had self-knowledge, and immediately took Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and his own soldiers with five hundred children to evacuate the place.

When he was leaving, Liu Bei stopped his horse and looked back at the camp. Originally, he had come to join Yuan Shao to do a great job, but who would have thought that Yuan Shao lost his position as the leader of the alliance by accident. His enemy Cao Cao took it.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei couldn't help sighing slightly. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei on the side stopped after hearing this.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Guan Yu drove his horse behind Liu Bei.

"It's nothing, I just think it's a bit absurd. We set off with great ambition and came here to make a name for ourselves, but now we can only be forced to flee, alas."

From Liu Bei's tone brother, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei both heard a hint of decadence, Zhang Fei spoke immediately.

"Don't be sad, eldest brother, all this is because of Cao Cao and Qin Yi. Without them, the leader of the alliance would still be General Yuan, and we would not be suppressed. It was the second brother who won Huaxiong, not the little white face. !"

As Zhang Fei said that, he slammed the big tree next to him resentfully. The whole big tree was trembling, and a lot of leaves were shaken off the tree that didn't have many leaves.

"That's right, if it wasn't for Cao Cao and Qin Yi, how could we end up like this! I will definitely make you pay the price! Let's see!"

Liu Bei said in a vicious voice, with undisguised anger and resentment in his tone, Guan Yu looked at the two with a little "surprise", the surprise and puzzlement in his eyes were no less than the anger and resentment in the eyes of Liu Bei and Zhang Fei.

"Brother, it's time to set off."

Guan Yu said in a deep voice, there are some unknown emotions in his words, but Liu Bei, who has been carried away by anger and resentment, can't hear it.

A group of more than [-] people set foot on the journey like this again.

Just after everyone in the tent had been assigned their respective positions, Zhao Yun, who was outside the tent, walked in, came to Qin Yi's ear, whispered a word, and then left.

Qin Yi didn't say anything after listening to Zhao Yun's words, just shook his head and smiled.

Of course, this was just a small episode. The Alliance Army, with Sun Jian as the vanguard, had now been reorganized and was ready to attack Luoyang at any time.

With Cao Cao's order, the alliance army began to charge, and Sun Jian's army launched a charge at the forefront. At this moment, in Luoyang City, most of the soldiers who stayed here were trembling all over. They faced twice as much as they did. Union County to spare. 0

The city gate of Luoyang is not the kind of solid city gate, and because it is Kyoto, the solidity of the city gate is really indescribable.

On the top of the city, Dong Jun's archers are tilting arrows down towards the rain, but the effect is not very good, because the charging infantry has people with shields every few rows, Dong Jun's arrow rain can't be worn at all. Through the shield, but the speed of the Alliance Army's charge is also slowed down.

Soon, Sun Jian's army had already rushed under the city wall, and the rich and gorgeous city gate was broken in response to the attack of the infantry, and it was of no use at all. The armies of the two princes who were in the formation all started to charge into the city.

At the same time, in the city, Dong Jun had already been ambushed. They were few in number and could only rely on the terrain advantage to conduct street battles with the Alliance Army, then it was possible to defend against the opponent's attack.

As for the main general Lu Bu, who stayed in Luoyang, he had already fled with his own soldiers at this moment. How could he stay in Luoyang and wait for his death? The generals who are staying in Luoyang now are not Dong Zhuo's henchmen, they can be said to be abandoned sons.

After entering the city, the real fight began, but once it started, there was a big problem on Dong Jun's side. Most of Dong Jun's [-] people were called on a temporary basis. Where have I seen such a bloody scene, there are many moments where I was so scared that I didn't dare to move.

There were a total of eleven princes who attacked Luoyang this time, and the others were sent by Qin Yi to attack Dong Zhuo's other quarters.

Before Dong Zhuo left, he left a few generals behind and stationed troops in various places to check and balance the alliance army. Dong Yue stationed troops in Mianchi, Duan Xun stationed troops in Huayin, Niu Fu stationed troops in Anyi, and other generals also stayed in each county, forming Chang'an. One after another defense line in the Luoyang area.

But Dong Zhuo didn't expect that this time the alliance army would attack so many places at the same time, preparing to wipe out the forces under his command in one fell swoop, without giving him a chance to struggle, let alone a chance to counterattack. .

Chapter 133

In the middle of the night, a team of thousands of soldiers and horses was heading west at high speed.

This group of people were Lu Bu and others who fled from Luoyang. Lu Bu was full of resentment at the moment. Dong Zhuo's throwing him here was tantamount to sending him to death. Lu Bu was not an open-minded person. Dong Zhuo's move , and also planted the seeds of resentment in Lu Bu's heart.

Fighting with [-] people against [-] people was courting death at the time, so Lu Bu left most of them without hesitation and fled to Chang'an with his own soldiers.

When the alliance army and Dong army were fighting in the city, several other princes also killed Dong Zhuo's general's army and launched an attack at the same time.

The battle lasted for a day and a night. The entire city of Luoyang was a battlefield between the Union Army and Dong Army. The city was full of corpses and blood flowed into rivers. Where is the appearance of the prosperous Kyoto before, only the Dong Army was besieged by the Union Army. In the palace, the palace became their last stronghold.

In the final stronghold, Dong Jun was stubbornly resisting, and the Alliance Army was unable to take down the Dong Jun inside because they took care of the palace and did not want to damage the palace, so it was a stalemate 10.

Cao Cao also didn't want to destroy the palace. If they did, the nature of their alliance would be different.

And Dong Jun also grasped this, so he stubbornly resisted in the palace, hoping to wait for the arrival of reinforcements, but what they did not know was that those generals who were arranged by Dong Zhuo to station troops in various places had already been captured by Qin Yi. , Lu Bu has also fled to Chang'an, where there are any reinforcements, only the remnants of the defeated generals are left.

On the third day of the war, the princes from all over the place rushed back. So far, they have captured more than [-] Dong soldiers, plus the more than [-] remaining soldiers trapped in the palace, a total of [-]. More than ten thousand people are either dead or trapped at this moment.

With the arrival of the princes, the alliance meeting was held again. In the tent, everyone was discussing how to take down the last [-] soldiers. Everyone had their own opinions and could not reach an agreement. In the end, Cao Cao coughed and hit Interrupted the discussions of the princes.

"Everyone, please stop arguing and listen to what Brother Ziyang has to say."

As Cao Cao's words fell, everyone turned to look at Qin Yi. They all knew a thing or two. All Cao Cao's strategies came from Qin Yi, and all the details of this war were finalized by him. That is to say, in a sense, Qin Yi has been directing this war.

Now Cao Cao directed everyone's attention to Qin Yi, who smiled slightly.

"The princes are too obsessed with one thing."

Qin Yi paused.

"Imperial Palace, all the princes have always wanted to preserve the Imperial Palace, but why do you want to preserve the Imperial Palace?"

"The imperial palace is the symbol of the Han family. When we come to King Qin, how can we destroy the palace."

The one who spoke was Kong Rong, the prefect of the South China Sea. He was a famous person in the local area, so he was unwilling to take on the taint of destroying the palace. Qin Yi smiled freely after hearing Kong Rong's words.

"The prefect looked too shallow."

"Oh, how do you say that?"

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