Liu Xie waved his hand impatiently. Having just experienced Dong Zhuo's rebellion, he was most disgusted with people like this who brought disaster to the country and the people.

Liu Bei woke up with a start, his eyes immediately filled with mist, and he knelt on his knees and shouted:

"His Majesty! Weichen is wronged! What if His Majesty kills the ministers indiscriminately without asking any questions? Weichen is dissatisfied! His Majesty!~~~~~"

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei woke up with a start and fell to their knees!

They attached great importance to Liu Bei's status as a member of the Han clan, not to mention the order from the Han Emperor himself?!

Everyone kowtowed and begged for mercy without any resistance!

Seeing that Liu Bei was about to be dragged out for questioning, Yuan Shao was still considering whether to stand up, but Cao Cao had already taken the lead.

"His Majesty! Liu Bei has done meritorious service this time. Since Liu Bei claims to be unjust, why not give him a chance to defend himself so that he has nothing to say!"

Cao Cao's words made Liu Xie calm down. After thinking about it, he nodded and said:"Left and right, drag Liu Bei back!""

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei looked at Cao Cao, their bodies and minds full of gratitude!

This made Yuan Shao secretly resentful. He didn't expect that Cao Cao had taken the lead. It was so hateful and annoying!

Jia Xu and Lu Bu also cursed in their hearts, it's all about you and Cao Cao. So many!

Liu Bei had just walked away from the gate of hell. He nodded gratefully to Cao Cao. Then he looked at Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, and said with tears in his eyes:

"Your Majesty, if this minister is not a member of the Han clan, why do you know all the family information of the past three hundred years?

"If Wei Chen is a fake person, how can he know this direct genealogy of the Han clan?

"Luoyang has just experienced the chaos of Dong Zhuo, the warlord of"Xiliang". It is not impossible that the genealogy information is wrong. Your Majesty, please be aware of the details!"

Liu Bei said sadly, especially the word 'Xiliang' was very emphatic.

This completely meant something, saying that Lu Bu and other Dong Zhuo's subordinates had done something!

This made Lu Bu stunned for a moment, and then he yelled!

Liu Bei His acting skills are much better than Lu Bu's. His true feelings, tears, and gestures that don't seem to be fake are very convincing!

Many people even sympathized with him and looked sideways, feeling compassion.

In addition, Liu Bei's performance in escorting even the Han Emperor Liu Xie looked suspicious.

This made Jia Xu's heart skip a beat!

Liu Bei wouldn't be able to overturn him like this, would he?! He suddenly regretted making suggestions for Lu Bu's evil deeds!

It would be better if anyone else came to act like this. Did he do better?

Seeing everyone confused and confused, Liu Bei was overjoyed and was about to continue his drama, pointing the finger at Lu Bu for tampering with the Han family genealogy.

Xun You said calmly:" During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Liu Yan, the governor of Youzhou, issued a notice to recruit troops.

"After County Magistrate Liu revealed his Han clan origin, Prefect Liu Yan was overjoyed and accepted him as his adopted nephew. He swept the couch to welcome him and hosted him at his home.

"As far as I know, Grand Administrator Liu Yan is the son of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty. After King Lu Gong and Liu Yu, he is a member of the Han clan and must have a family tree rubbing in his home."

Xun You's words shocked everyone again!

If Liu Bei had peeked at the specific family lineage from the family tree of Liu Yan's family, it would have been explained!

"Liu Bei, is this true or false?"Han Emperor Liu Xie asked with a frown.

Liu Bei was shocked. He didn't expect that Xun You had even had this information in the past five or six years.

He wanted to deny it, but he could only bite the bullet and said:"Your Majesty, this matter is for real!"

The crowd became even more uproar!

Sun Jian, the governor of Changsha, said calmly:

"It could be a coincidence that"Hong died early and had no descendants" in the Luoyang royal family tree, and it could also be a coincidence that he was adopted as his adopted nephew by Taishou Liu. But, is this too much of a coincidence?"

Kong Rong, the governor of Beihai, came out and said:

"His Majesty! In order to prevent thieves from pretending to be Han clan members, and to avoid unjustly accusing innocent people, I suggest that we find out the truth from the backup of the genealogy of other princes and kings!"

"I second the motion!"

"I think what Prefect Kong said is reasonable and well-founded!"

"The minister also seconded the proposal!"

Every official in the court agreed.

This made Lu Bu look ugly and Jia Xu's heart trembled.

They only tampered with the original genealogy of the Luoyang royal family, but they did not have the ability to tamper with the backup genealogy of the princes and kings from all over the Han Dynasty!

Now there are some This is superfluous!

Liu Bei was a little happy in his heart!

Although it did not state that he was the son of Liu Hong, it also did not state that"Hong died early and had no descendants". As long as the genealogy backup of other princes and kings is the same as that of Liu Yan, then it can be proved , the original Luoyang genealogy has been tampered with!

By then, Lu Bu and other Xiliang army original members will definitely be investigated and questioned. On the other hand, Liu Bei has no evidence to prove that he is counterfeit, so naturally he is a Han clan member!

This time it is a blessing in disguise for him!

However, when Liu Bei glanced at Xun You from the corner of his eye, he was stunned. I wonder if it was an illusion, but Liu Bei always felt that Xun You had a back-up plan!

At this moment,

Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou, came directly out of the queue, raised his hands and said:"Your Majesty, I am here to serve you." The first rescue happened to bring the family tree! Emperor Liu

Xie of the Han Dynasty, who was about to order an investigation, was stunned and asked with a surprised look on his face:"Liu Governor, you... are still going to war with your family tree?""

Everyone was stunned!

"That's natural!"

Liu Dai said matter-of-factly:"This time I came to attack the Dong thieves and help the Han Dynasty. I brought the genealogy with me, just like the great ancestor came in person, and the ancestors protected me. I am full of courage!"

Everyone was speechless.

Liu Dai was the eldest son of the Han Emperor Liu Bangshu, the descendant of Liu Fei, the King of Qi Hui, and his younger brother Liu Yao, all of whom were clan members of the Han Dynasty.

Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty said with a speechless face:"In this case, Then please ask Governor Liu to come up with the genealogy!"

"I take your orders!"

Liu Dai immediately ordered people to go to the station to ask for the genealogy.

Everyone was looking forward to it.

The eunuch reported again in front of all the officials:

"Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty gave birth to fourteen sons, the seventh son being Liu Sheng, Prince Jing of Zhongshan. Sheng was born Liu Zhen, Marquis of Luchengting... Liu Buyi was the son of Liu Hui, Marquis of Jichuan. Huishengdongjun Fanling Liu Xiong. Xiongsheng Liu Hong. Hong is not an official."

This meal almost made everyone's heartstrings tense!

Liu Bei's heartbeat was even faster, and his heart was about to jump into his throat!

"……Hong died early and had no heir!"


All the officials in the Manchu Dynasty were in an uproar!

Or he died young and had no heirs!

The original Luoyang genealogy can be tampered with, but it is impossible that the spare part of Liu Dai's genealogy has also been tampered with, right?!

Everyone looked at Liu Bei with a look of confusion. It’s a bit complicated!

The acting is so good!

They almost believed it!


No wonder he dared to pretend to be a clan member of the Han Dynasty. This courage and acting skills alone were enough to kill many officials present!

Liu Bei was so disheartened that he sat down in despair. Come down!

How could this happen?!

Why are Liu Yan’s genealogy spare parts different from those of other princes?


Guan Yu and Zhang Fei on the side also looked desperate!

They are dead now!

They are sworn brothers, All will be prosperous and all will suffer!

Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty snorted and asked:"Liu Bei, now you have no complaints, right?" Didn’t I wrong you?"

Liu Bei was already speechless!

Just because he was desperate for survival, Liu Bei still had to bite the bullet and said:"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Is it possible that there are also errors in the spare parts of Liu Prefect’s genealogy?!"

"snort! Liu

Xie was so angry that he laughed and said angrily:"Liu Bei, you are playing tricks on me again and again. Do you really think that all the officials in the dynasty are just idiots?""

Every official in the court angrily rebuked Liu Bei, and no one came forward to speak out for him!

Even Gongsun Zan could only act like a tortoise, watching his nose and heart, for fear of causing disaster!

"Liu Bei pretended to be a member of the Han Dynasty, which was the crime of confiscating the family and exterminating the clan. Left and right, Liu Bei was thrown into death row, paraded through the streets for seven days to inform the world, and then beheaded in public display!"

Liu Xie said coldly.

Liu Bei was heartbroken and completely desperate!

The guards on the left and right dragged him down without continuing to struggle!

Liu Xie looked at Guan Yu and Zhang Fei below, frowned and said,"You two He is Liu Bei’s sworn brother……"

It's finally my turn!

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were worried about gains and losses!

If he fights Liu Bei on the battlefield, both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei can accompany him through life and death!

It's just that the reputation of pretending to be a clan member of the Han Dynasty will be infamy for thousands of years. The two of them still want to live to wash away the shame!

At least a hundred years from now, when people mention it, they will not immediately think that they are the Liu Bei brothers pretending to be relatives of the Han Dynasty!

But before Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie could finish speaking, Xun You quickly came out and said:

"His Majesty! After all, Liu Bei had made a meritorious service in rescuing him. It would be better to balance the merits and demerits and spare Liu Bei's family and brothers so that the world would know about His Majesty's benevolence and righteousness!"

Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and other princes who were waiting for Han Emperor Liu Xie to finish speaking and then immediately came out were all slandering!

Xun You was stepping on Han Emperor Liu Xie's face to give Guan Yu and Zhang Fei favors and save their lives. Well!

They had to sigh, Xun You is so bold!

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei looked at Xun You with gratitude, with tears streaming down their faces!

Looking at all the officials in the court, no one interceded for them, and only Xun You stood out. He was really a loyal and kind person.!

Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty was unhappy!

He also wanted to use Liu Guan and Zhang's contribution to the rescue to give him a step to recruit powerful generals such as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

But now...

He felt unhappy. Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty only wanted to The able and kind person responded:"What Grand Administrator Xun said makes sense. I hope you have done some good work in rescuing me, so let's just balance the merits with the faults!""

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei kowtowed repeatedly.

Jia Xu, Lu Bu and others breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Xun You with gratitude. If he hadn't turned the tide, Liu Bei would have overturned the situation today.

I have to say that Xun You is worthy of being defeated. The existence known as the"Master Planner" is a first-class existence in terms of military strategy, wisdom and political affairs, etc.!

With this operation, he not only killed Liu Bei, but also gained Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Jia Xu, Lu Bu and others. Xun You didn't care about losing the favor of Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie!

Even though Han Emperor Liu Xie was smart, it was just that after Dong Zhuo's rebellion and the young Han Emperor, it was difficult for him to take power.

Now all the princes in Luoyang are like Wolves are like tigers. If it weren't for the Changshan Army to defend them, Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty would have been eaten to the bone. The farce in Luoyang ended, but chaos began in Hedong.


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