The civil servants and generals of the Yizhou Army and the generals such as Guan and Zhang of the Jingzhou Army were discussing Zhuge Liang. Who knew that Cao Cao was about to arrive.

The messenger reported at the door:"Report!"

"If you have any information, tell me quickly!"

"General! Zhuge Liang, the governor of Shu County, has set off for our army's front line and applied to join the front line battle!"

The words of the messenger made everyone present stunned, and everyone looked a little surprised!

After Zhang Ren dismissed the messenger, he looked around and asked:"This Zhuge Kongming is not engaged in internal affairs in the rear, why is he coming to the front line? ?"

Everyone looked at each other in shock!

Fazheng frowned and thought deeply for a moment, then guessed:

"Is it possible that this person is an all-rounder in military and internal affairs? After solving Yizhou's rear logistics, do you want to come to the frontline headquarters to make suggestions and contribute? Li

Yan nodded and said:"With Zhuge Liang's ability to win the first place in the imperial examination, maybe he is really an all-rounder in military and internal affairs!"

Do you still remember the invention of the 'fire beast'? I heard it was written by Zhuge Liang."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this!

They were disturbed by the 'beast army' of the Southern Barbarian rebels at first, and had been unable to deal with King Mulu's beast army.

Later, Zhuge Liang's invention of the 'fire beast' It gave them a chance to break the situation, so that they were no longer afraid of the invasion of the Beast Legion.

Never thought that such an ingenious invention came from the hands of Zhuge Liang, the champion?!

Guan Yu was also shocked and said:"No wonder Military Master Xu once said, Zhuge Kongming is a rare all-rounder in the world, and he can be called Guan Zhong Leyi of the Han Dynasty!"

Guan Zhong Leyi's evaluation is comparable to the combination of Zhang Liang, Xiao He and Han Xin, the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty. Xu Shu's evaluation of Zhuge Liang is really very high!

Meng Da snorted and said:"But this Zhuge Liang, kill first and then report. I have already set off, so I came to apply to join. Fazheng and Mengda were good friends. He smiled and comforted him:"With such talent, it is normal to be a little arrogant."

Anyway, we have been waiting for a stalemate on the front line for a long time. With a little more strength, we can solve the Nanman rebellion as soon as possible."

Many civil servants and generals nodded.

But if Zhuge Liang really solved the rebellion of the Southern Barbarians when he came, wouldn't it make them even more incompetent?!


They also defeated the Southern Barbarians rebels several times and even captured the rebel Meng Huo alive. The leader of the military thieves was the King of the Southern Barbarians. But they still could not convince him.

Killing Meng Huo and other thieves leaders would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and would not help at all.

They wanted to see how Zhuge Liang would solve the problem, and if they worked together, they might actually be able to break the situation. count


Ten days later, Zhuge Liang finally crossed the mountains and reached the front line from Shu County.

The generals and civil servants led their troops to welcome him. After all, he was the number one scholar in Jinke, the governor of Shu County, and a high-ranking official in Yizhou who was in charge of politics.

What shocked Fazheng, Li Yan and others was that Zhuge Liang not only came, but also brought a strange team.

It was a transport truck made of wood that looked like an ox or a horse. It was filled with grain. Judging from the look on the faces of the transport army escorting it, it seemed to be very easy and convenient.

"Well done, colleagues!"

Zhuge Liang greeted everyone from a distance with his hands raised.

He stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling person, and there was no grudge between the two parties. The civil servants and generals of Yizhou, Guan and Zhang of Jingzhou and other generals all raised their hands to Zhuge Liang in return.

Zhuge Liang greeted them one by one, and unexpectedly He was very familiar with everyone present. Even after seeing Liu Bei's former generals such as Guan Zhang and others, he still smiled and recalled the past.

This diplomatic method and ability to deal with people made everyone secretly admire him.

Even Fa Zheng, the top frontline staff officer , all admired him very much, he was indeed a person who could manage Shu County in an orderly manner.

After everyone exchanged greetings, Zhang Fei couldn't help but asked:"Prefect Zhuge, what kind of transport vehicles are these? Why haven’t I, Lao Zhang, seen this before?"

"hehe. Zhuge

Liang chuckled:"This is not a wooden cow but a stray horse. It is a kind of transport vehicle that I came up with before setting off."

I heard that the road to and from the front line in Shu County is rugged, and the transportation of grain is often uneven. With this transport vehicle, it can carry more than 400 kilograms and travel more than 30 miles a day.……"

Listening to Zhuge Liang's explanation, everyone was amazed at this 'wooden cow and flowing horse'.

Because according to what Zhuge Liang said, the load and distance of this transport truck can at least shorten the time compared to before, and the weight of the grain transported is more.

"Brother Zhuge is worthy of being the number one scholar in this subject. We can only hope to catch up with his fantastic ideas and ingenuity!"

Li Yan said with admiration:"Brother Zhuge's fire beast invention has even made a great contribution to our army's fight against the Hundred Beast Legion of the Southern Barbarian rebels."

The sedan chair was carrying people, and Zhuge Liang was full of praise for Li Yan.

From the conversation between the two parties, it can be seen that at least there was no shady atmosphere or workplace fights, which made Zhuge Liang satisfied.

Workplace fights, according to Zhuge Liang's With resourcefulness and skill, he can defeat his opponents to death.

In the original history, Zhuge Liang secretly used stumbling blocks in the face of the powerful nobles in Yizhou, and always controlled the military and political power, and even made everyone submissive.

This is a kind of skill, and it is also an internal affairs ability. A manifestation of strength.

Internal affairs does not only refer to governance, allowing the people to live and work in peace and contentment, allowing the local area to develop rapidly, and the country and the people to be peaceful. It also generally refers to a person's political struggle ability.

Zhuge Liang is obviously the highest-ranking internal affairs talent.

Yizhou Army The civil servants and military generals greeted Zhuge Liang and washed away the dust. After changing glasses and drinking for three rounds, Zhuge Liang went straight to the point and asked about the war straight to the point.

Thanks to the initial approach and relationship, everyone had a good impression of Zhuge Liang and had nothing to hide..

It took more than half an hour to talk about the strategies and tactics of frontline operations in detail.

After listening to this, Zhuge Liang sighed and said:"Play hard to get, and use Meng Huo's character to set this up." Plan, Xiao Nao is indeed a top-notch resourceful person!"

"Kong Ming was so impressed! Fazheng said humbly:"It's a pity that it is still difficult to solve the problem of the Nanman rebels. I have betrayed His Majesty's trust!""

Many civil servants and generals sighed, a little ashamed!

Zhuge Liang was trying to comfort everyone, but in his heart he was analyzing the problem with the Nanman rebels.

There is nothing wrong with Fazheng's strategy. Even if he, Zhuge Liang, came to plan it, it would not be any better..

Both sides are talented top advisers. Even if there is a slight difference, it is only a subtle difference.

This is because there are specializations in the arts, and both sides have their own opinions and habits, as well as different layout ideas.

For example, Cheng Yu His strategy is masculine, and Guo Jia's strategy is a bit more dangerous, like Jia Xu's, who plots people first and then the world.

Fazheng is closer to Guo Jia's dangerous tactics. In addition, the Yizhou Army and Jingzhou Army The strength of the army almost overwhelmed the Southern Barbarian rebels.

Unfortunately, Meng Huo seemed to be convinced that the two armies did not dare to kill him. He refused to let go, surrendered and then rebelled, capricious. We must think of a perfect strategy to solve the problem in one fell swoop. Only in this way can the Southern Barbarian rebels be defeated once and for all.

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