Liu Zhang closed his eyes and exhaled a deep breath of turbidity.

He slowly stepped out of his steps and walked towards the door of the dungeon that had been opened.

"Prime Minister, you'd better change your sword!"

Subsequently, Yuan Tiangang directly gave the Chixiao Sword to Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhang nodded and gave the Tai'a Sword to Yuan Tiangang.

Although he didn't know why Yuan Tiangang did this, there was a reason why the other party was so natural.

Liu Zhang, with one person and one sword, resolutely stepped into the gate of the underground palace.

As soon as he entered, the huge bronze door closed automatically.

"Dashuai, the lord will be fine, right?" Ran Min asked Yuan Tiangang.

"Don't worry, general, I just calculated, this trip is a good luck!"

Ran Min nodded, and turned to look anxiously at the bronze door again.

Liu Zhang held the sword in one hand, and walked forward cautiously.

Where he was, it was still a long passage.

However, unlike the passage outside, the passage inside is much smaller.

The width is not more than three meters, and the height is only two meters.

The walls on both sides are paved with fluorescent stone, and the fluorescence emitted illuminates the passage.

But just in case, Liu Zhang still held the flashlight in his hand.

At the moment, he is a person, although he has a good body, but who knows what the hell he will encounter later.

In short, he was ready for 120,000 at all times.

Fortunately, his surroundings are not dark or dark, and he doesn't have to worry about a zongzi suddenly jumping out or something.

That's it, keep going.

Liu Zhang didn't know how long he had been gone, so he didn't have time.

But if you feel like it, it should be at least three or four hours.

However, although the passage in front of me is straight, there is no end in sight.

In this way, after walking for about an hour or two, suddenly Liu Zhang's eyes lit up.

He saw the emptiness at the end, and the light coming from within.

Seeing that it was almost the end, he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

After about ten minutes, he finally reached the end of the passage.

And the scene of the underground palace in front of him also made Liu Zhang stunned on the spot.

Because it's so spectacular!

Compared to the palace hall on the land, it is countless times more spectacular!

Of course, the size of the entire imperial city is not much lower than that of Chang'an City.

The main hall of the imperial tomb is in the center, and then the terracotta warriors and horses are neatly arranged in the three layers and the outer three layers around it.

Liu Zhangchu swept over at a glance, and he couldn't see the end of the terracotta warriors at all, he only roughly estimated, only afraid of no less than 100,000!

I am afraid that this kind of battle can only be done by Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the ages.

Relatively speaking, the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses discovered in later generations are only the tip of the iceberg.

It is very different from what Liu Zhang saw in front of him!

"Do you want to rule the world after death? 100,000 heavenly soldiers will guard all day long?"

Liu Zhang sighed with emotion and went directly to the central hall.

After overcoming many obstacles, he finally reached the center of the main hall.

Looking around, he tried to find the coffin of Qin Shi Huang.

If there is really an elixir of immortality, it can only be in the palace of Qin Shi Huang.

Looking at the splendid palace around, Liu Zhang was unmoved063.

Even the fluorescent stones on both sides of the passage he had just passed through were priceless.

Not to mention the treasures in this great hall.

Gold, silver and jade, rare treasures, piled up.

Everywhere Liu Zhang's gaze passed, there was a golden light.

But now, his desire for money is not so strong.

He is now the number one prince in the world, and there are so many beauties around him.

Money, power, beauty, he doesn't lack any of them.

The only thing is the so-called immortality, which can really only exist in the imagination.

After searching left and right, he finally looked up at a palace at the top.

That palace, the square where Liu Zhang is currently located, is at least two or three hundred meters high.

As far as the eye can see, the steps are all paved with the finest jade.

It can be said that as long as Liu Zhang knocks on a piece of this jade floor, in the future generations, he will not have to worry about eating and drinking for several lifetimes.

The ladder is more than 200 meters high, and there are as many as 1,000 steps.

Liu Zhang looked up at the name of the palace, "Palace of Eternal Life"!

Three words deeply hit Liu Zhang's soul.

He took a deep breath of cold air, and then resolutely stepped into the ladder with his sword.

With each step, he could clearly hear his footsteps.

In the huge underground palace, there was not a trace of other sounds, and the needle could be heard.

At every step, Liu Zhang held his breath and was cautious.

There were 1,200 steps, and Liu Zhang walked 1,200 steps before he walked to the door of the Hall of Eternal Life.

Look at the towering, golden Palace of Eternal Life.

At this moment, Liu Zhang's heart can be said to have raised his throat.


Is there really anyone in this world who is immortal?

If Qin Shi Huang really had an elixir, how could he die?

Taking a deep breath of cold air and groaning for a long time, Liu Zhang exhaled a breath of turbid air directly.

He finally slowly pushed open the door of the Hall of Eternal Life with his left hand.

After entering the inside, he understood what was magnificence and what gold and silver were in.

Every piece of treasure inside is priceless.

If he really empties the treasures here, he can directly declare that he is the richest man in the world!

Overcoming the temptation of money, he walked towards the final bronze coffin inside.

The coffin is three meters high, no less than five meters long, and more than two meters wide.

Such a large coffin, if you run away from the bronze coffin, it will be the coffin inside, and it will not be small.


Is this the coffin of the First Emperor?

Could it be that the legendary Qin Shi Huang was lying in this coffin?

Liu Zhang circled around the bronze coffin a few times, and couldn't stop talking to himself in his heart.

The bronze coffin is engraved with some words in seal script, and Liu Zhang can probably understand it.

The text recorded above does say that this is the coffin of Qin Shi Huang himself, and most of the events recorded are the great achievements of Qin Shi Huang during his reign.

For example, the unification of the six countries, the construction of the Great Wall, etc. (BJBJ) and so on!

When he saw the last paragraph, Liu Zhang's pupils shrank sharply.

What is recorded on it is: "The coffin of the first emperor cannot be moved, if someone comes here, he can take it for himself, if he wants to live forever, he can take it from the Xuanniao spiritual seat in the east hall of the Hall of Eternal Life!"

"The Immortal Pill is after the death of the First Emperor, Fang Shi sent it here, there is only one grain in the whole world, as for whether it can live forever, no one knows!"

Liu Zhang's heart sank, he was almost ready to open the coffin for the elixir.

But now that he encountered such a text, he had no choice but to give up.

Then he walked towards the east hall.

There are large and small tokens enshrined inside, many dozens of dollars.

And what is enshrined in the center is the Great Qin Xuanniao.

In front of the spiritual seat, there is a golden shelf, and a small jade bottle is placed on it.

Looking at the bottle, Liu Zhang's heart beat violently.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

He could hear his own heartbeat clearly.

With a feeling of hot impulse, Liu Zhang shook his head and walked directly towards the bottle of elixir.

He looked around cautiously, but didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

After warping his sword over the gold shelf, and after making sure that there was no mechanism, he planned to take the jade bottle down.

When he entered, Liu Zhang found that under the gold shelf dragging the jade bottle, there was actually a white snake carved with a jade seal.

And the snake's eyes were open, glowing crimson.

Because the snake pupil is the vertical pupil of anti-animal science, it looks particularly panicked.

This snake pupil is like two rubies, and the carving is so finely that it is almost like a real snake eye.

But Liu Zhang knew that this could not be a real snake.

Because the snake's body was already covered with dust, it was obvious that it had never moved.

It's even more because the snake's body is several times thicker than his waist, which can't be a real snake.

Because the largest python can't grow so big.

What's more, it's a white snake that doesn't know the breed.

Liu Zhang settled down and took the medicine bottle directly into his hand.

Then he lifted the lid and saw that there was just one pill left inside.

This pill is completely different from the pill that Liu Zhang rewarded by relying on the Heavenly Dao Holy List.

Its whole body exudes jet black, and its entire body also exudes a thick black mist.

This is clearly not like an elixir, but more like a deadly poison.

Liu Zhang just glanced at it twice, and he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

After putting his nose up and sniffing it, he couldn't help but retch, and almost threw up.

The smell of this elixir is so strong that Liu Zhang can't stand it at all.

He shook his head slightly and closed the jade bottle.

This so-called elixir, Liu Zhang really didn't dare to swallow it.

Even if he had an elixir that could cure all poisons, Liu Zhang didn't dare to eat this unusual elixir in front of him.

If it really is some kind of deadly poison, he will be ruined if he eats it.

If you die after eating it, it's nothing.

But if you turn into a mindless monster, it's really terrifying. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, Liu Zhang thought that it was better to let Yuan Tiangang study its ingredients first.

He glanced at the jade bottle lightly, then took it into his arms.

Although he was not sure about the specific ingredients of this pill, Liu Zhang decided to take this pill out of the imperial tomb this time.

However, just as Liu Zhang was about to put the jade bottle in his arms, suddenly the hairs on his whole body stood on end.

A strong killing intent rushed towards him.

Liu Zhang, almost instinctively, retreated sharply behind him.

As soon as he retreated half a position, the white snake, which Liu Zhang had previously identified as a fake snake, launched a surprise attack on him.

If it weren't for Liu Zhang's instinctive retreat, he was afraid that he would be directly bitten by the huge white snake just now.

The other party's big mouth is much bigger than the footbasin for washing feet.

After this mouthful, Liu Zhang designated that there was no corpse in death!


The White Snake raid was unsuccessful, so he directly raised his upper body and stared at Liu Zhang condescendingly.

Liu Zhang saw his appearance clearly from the other party's pupils the size of a bowl.

He was not frightened by the serpent, but was surprisingly calm.

Now, Liu Zhang naturally knows that if he wants to get out of here alive, then he will naturally kill the beast in front of him.

Now, Liu Zhang finally knew why Yuan Tiangang wanted him to change into the Chixiao Sword.

Chixiao slashed the white snake and achieved Liu Han's world.

Then this time it's the White Snake again, and it's the Chixiao Sword again.

It seems like a doomed ending!

Today's Liu Zhang is naturally able to know the origin of the beast in front of him.

This kind of giant snake should be the one recorded in the "Strange Narrative".

It is a huge venomous snake that lives underground all year round.

Because there is no light all day long, the whole body is mostly snow-white.

Don't look at its big, bright eyes, it's actually a blind man.

It preys on its prey, relying entirely on spitting out the snake hyacinth and feeling the hot breath around it, so as to determine the direction of the prey.

According to legend, the dragon turned into a dragon for five hundred years, the dragon turned into a dragon for a thousand years, the dragon turned into a horned dragon for five hundred years, and the dragon turned into a dragon for a thousand years.

Liu Zhang didn't know if the other beasts could turn into dragons, but it was possible that the beast in front of him would not be far from ten.

Because it is already outrageous now, then give it a few hundred years, and the ghost knows if it will really become a dragon.

This thing is like a statue, guarding the elixir of life.

Apparently never eaten.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is that it has taken the elixir of life!

If this thing is really immortal, then maybe it can really grow into Ying Long.

It's a pity that Qin Shi Huang has been dead for less than 500 years.

So this one is not even a Jiao.

But even so, if Liu Zhang wants to deal with it, it may not be so easy.

After confronting Liu Zhang a few times, Yu directly opened his bloody mouth and attacked Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhang rolled on a donkey and easily dodged.

Yu didn't succeed in the blow, but instead flicked its huge tail and slapped it towards Liu Zhang's face.

Liu Zhang used the cover in the house to dodge the attack of the Yu again.

This east hall is too narrow, and Liu Zhang is afraid that he will not be able to use it.

He hurried out the door.

I thought that I would run to the square first, and if I could run directly, it would be the best.

He didn't want to continue to tremble with this beast.

Who knew that Liu Zhang had just rushed out of the gate, and before he had run a few steps, Yu chased him out.

And although its body is huge, its speed is ridiculously fast.

This is what makes Liu Zhang incomprehensible.

But in the blink of an eye, Yu rushed in front of Liu Zhang, and then launched a fierce attack on him.

Liu Zhang gritted his teeth, and no longer ran away, but met him.

Because he knew that the beast was much faster than him.

The snake's body swayed from side to side, and it was dozens of meters in the blink of an eye.

This kind of speed, I'm afraid that only the white dragon horse can get rid of it.

Although the speed of the big snake is extremely fast, the attack method is very simple.

Either with the mouth or with the tail.

Liu Zhang thought, this big snake must be eager to grow a pair of hands himself, and then fight him.

After Liu Zhang got used to the other party's attacks a few times, he was barely able to deal with it.

After several dangerous evasions, Liu Zhang finally planned to fight back.

The big snake flicked its tail and missed, and Liu Zhang directly slashed at the snake body with the Chixiao sword.

Kenneth !!

To Liu Zhang's surprise, the Chixiao Sword did not break through the big snake's defenses.

It just brought out a burst of dazzling fireworks.

This snake scale is much harder than Liu Zhang imagined.

Liu Zhang's eyes sank, and he carefully looked at the spirit piece of the big snake.

After seeing it clearly, he couldn't help but feel a palpitation.

The scales of the other party faintly shone with a dazzling silver light, and it was clearly as hard as Mithril.

You know, the armor made of Mithril is invulnerable.

Thinking about it like this, Liu Zhang also understood why he couldn't break through the snake's defense.

Liu Zhang shook his head, and unwillingly cut off several other parts of Yu's body.

But the end result is the same.

Liu Zhang thought that it should not be long before this worm could turn into a jiao.

I'm afraid that by then, this thing will really have no weapons to hurt it.

After hiding in embarrassment a few times, Liu Zhang knew that there was no way to go on like this.

This one doesn't need to eat or drink, and its strength must be inexhaustible.

And he is only a mere mortal at present, if it lasts, he will inevitably be played to death by the other party.

So, while dodging the attack, Liu Zhang tried to find its flaws.

But after countless attempts, he didn't find the slightest flaw.

Suddenly looking at the bloody mouth, a bold idea popped up in Liu Zhang's heart.

Since he can't break through this beast on the outside, it shouldn't be possible that the snake's body is as strong as steel, right?

If he sells a flaw and lets the snake eat in his stomach, then he can't mash the snake's internal organs from the inside.

In this case, no matter how powerful Rao is is, it will inevitably be a dead end.

Thinking of this, a fierce light flashed in Liu Zhang's eyes, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he threw himself directly into the blood basin of Yu.

Yu swallowed Liu Zhang almost instinctively.

As soon as Liu Zhang entered the esophagus, he directly used the Chixiao Sword to glide and land in the snake's esophagus.


The snake let out a terrible scream, and the snake body slammed around.

smashed those neatly arranged terracotta warriors and horses into countless pieces.

After Liu Zhang slid into the belly of the snake, he slashed at the snake's internal organs.

After struggling for a minute or two, the serpent finally collapsed, dead through.

Liu Zhang tried to break out, but the embarrassing thing was that he still couldn't break through the scales on the outside.

Helpless, he could only go back the same way, crawl back into the mouth of the big snake from the snake's esophagus, and then use the Chixiao Sword to pry open the snake's mouth, so that he could successfully escape.

After coming out, Liu Zhang looked at his bloodstained body and looked at the huge body of the big snake on the ground.

He couldn't help but feel a tingling in his scalp.

If it weren't for his inspiration, he would have been planted here today.


Liu Zhang exhaled a long breath of turbidity, then sat down, ordered Genhuazi, and suppressed the shock for the rest of his life.

As soon as he took two puffs, there was an earth-shattering roar again in the Hall of Eternal Life above.

"Hmph, little thief, dare to steal my elixir of life and kill my white dragon! When I come out of the coffin in a hundred years, I will definitely break your body into ten thousand pieces!"

The sound was like a bell exploding, and Liu Zhang's eardrums were about to burst.

First encountered the big snake, and then the sound of the explosion.

Liu Zhang was really scared this time.

And judging from the meaning of the above sentence, the person who spoke seems to be the Emperor Rengu lying in the coffin!

This man who has been dead for hundreds of years can still speak, and then to this elixir.

All this has subverted Liu Zhang's cognition, these things are too evil.

Liu Zhang lifted the Chixiao Sword and immediately ran towards the entrance.

He is really very glad that he did not pry open Qin Shi Huang's coffin.

Otherwise, he might have something big going on!

After entering the passage, Liu Zhang's mood stabilized a little.

As long as you escape, then there is no problem.

Besides, Qin Shi Huang said that the coffin would come out a hundred years later, and Liu Zhang would have died a long time ago.

Since Qin Shi Huang wants to find it, it's a big deal to let the other party dig his own grave once.

That's the end of the story.

Looking at the bronze door when he came, getting closer and closer to him, Liu Zhang was relieved.

Directly speed up the pace and walk towards the gate.

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