Chapter 76 The world is shaken, and Jiang Dong Xiong is out [Third Change]!!

Yuan Yin died.

Sun Ce took hundreds of generals and his family fled.

The Chibi Army won the battle almost without paying any price. Ferry.

The Chibi general commanded the surrender army to collect the corpse.

Wang Xiong looked at Huang Gai’s corpse and said in a deep voice: “Ziyi, bury this person thickly in the ferry, hoping that he will have a spirit in the sky, not to see Sun Ce coming to Japan to conquer Jiangdong, but we will kill Huainan.” ”


Tai Shi Ci bowed down and drank. Late July. Wang Xiong’s class teacher Danyang County.

The news of the great victory of the Chibi Army also spread.

Sun Ce was defeated, and Huang Gai killed Yuan Yin on the bank of the river, which shocked the world. Huainan.

Shouchun, prefecture pastoral prefecture.

In the lobby, all visible ornaments were smashed.

Ji Ling, Chen Ji, Liu Xun and other Wen Wu all stood in the distance with trepidation.


Yuan Shu roared angrily, “Sun Bofu, this wolf-hearted thing, have you forgotten who risked the world to protect their orphans and widows in the first place?” ”



Li Wei, Ji Ling and the others said without any anxiety.


Yuan Shu slashed at the Xi case with a sword, and said fiercely: “Yuan Yin is dead, he is the only son of his uncle, so he died, where is Sun Bofu, this son, now?” ”

Chen Ji smiled bitterly and said, “Lord, Sun Bofu left Huainan three days ago and entered the Pei Kingdom. ”

“Ji Ling.”

Yuan Shu said sharply: “Cut the first rank of Zhou Shang, and then lead the thousand horses to bring Sun Ce back.” ”


Ji Ling turned and left the lobby.

Yuan Shu said darkly: “Li Feng, you go to Jiangdong to see Wang Zhengnan and recover Yuan Yin’s body!” ”


Li Feng replied helplessly. Jiang Xia. Xiling, Taishou Mansion.

Huang Xu, Su Fei, Deng Long and others walked to the lobby.


Huang Zu closed the war report, his eyes full of jealousy: “The Chibi army won a great victory in Danyang, and Huang Gongfu was forced to kill Yuan Yin, and sacrificed his life to ensure that Sun Ce and hundreds of people crossed the river safely. ”


Everyone gasped.

Huang Shu said in shock: “Father, Wang Zhengnan should not be underestimated.” ”


Huang Zu’s face sank, and he said coldly: “Now there is no time to pay attention to Jiangdong, our struggle for authority with Pang Zi in Nanyang has fallen into the downside, and we are going to Wancheng tomorrow, you are not allowed to cross the river to anger Wang Zhengnan!” ”


Everyone said respectfully. Jingzhou. Xiangyang, prefecture pastoral prefecture.

Liu Biao and Jingzhou Wenwu were also shocked.

The strength of the Chibi Army is simply increasing day by day.

Now, as if he has the power of the Jiangdong hegemon, he will be able to discuss with Jingzhou in a few days.


Liu Biao said in a deep voice: “Jiangdong, the curtain is coming to an end after all.” ”

Qualiang sighed: “Lord, the momentum of the Chibi army is unstoppable, and it is also a matter of time before Wang Zhengnan sweeps Jiangdong, so it is still important to train the army.” ”


Liu Biao’s eyes were deep.

Kuang Liang raised his head and said, “Lord, I heard that Pang Shanmin is already quite prestigious in Nanyang, it seems that Huang Zu will not be able to sit still in Jiangxia. ”


Liu Biao sneered.

The dispute between Huangzu and Ponzi was beneficial to the prefecture pastoral government.

As for who will win in the end, it can also delay the establishment of Cai Yao’s army. A few days later.

Outside Danyang County, Chibi Camp.

The five departments of internal affairs of the Chibi Army, the Military Council Department, and so on were all present. Handsome.

Qiao Rui, Huang Qi and the others looked excited.

The Chibi army won a great victory, and Liu Xiu’s army of the prefecture and pastoral government was already vulnerable.


Qiao Rui bowed and said, “General Zhou has moved to Yuzhang Taishou, and his engineering department is temporarily led by me!” ”


Wang Xiong bowed his head indifferently.

Lu Su said respectfully: “Lord, now that Yan Baihu and the others are in Moling, do we want to send troops?” ”

“No rush.”

Wang Xiong waved his hand to stop and said in a deep voice: “From today onwards, Huang Qi will be appointed as the Taishou of Danyang, Liao Hua will be appointed as the commander of Danyang, and the military and government will be divided, and the First Army will still be stationed in Danyang to guard against the Huainan army.” ”


Liao Hua bowed and drank.

Huang Qi’s face turned pale, and he bowed and said, “Lord, when there is a war, the operation of the military department may come to a standstill. ”


“You are in charge of the military department.”

Wang Xiong’s gaze fell on Huang Qi.

The five ministries of internal affairs, with high authority, are the absolute core of the Chibi Army.

It is normal for Huang Qi to have such a gap, after all, being too guarded for one party is equivalent to being released.


Zhuge Jin, Huang Qi bowed.

Wang Xiong’s gaze was long, and he admonished: “Huang Qi, your rise is at the end of the year, it is feasible to manage the military department in the past two years, so it was put in Danyang to sharpen, I hope that in the future, there will be no guilt against you in Si Tianjian!” ”

“Don’t worry, Lord.”

Huang Qi’s face suddenly turned white.

His loyalty can be seen with each passing day, but no one is exempt from selfishness in authority.


Wang Xiong’s expression eased a little, and he said in a deep voice: “As the Danyang Taishou, you should be careful about the governance of the people, and in the future, the Chibi Army will be placed in the core of Jiangdong in Moling.” ”


Huang Qi’s eyes lit up.

If Jiangdong Chengping, the core of the Chibi Army is in Danyang.

Then, there is no difference between Danyang and Henan Yin, where the capital of the Great Han is located, Jingzhao Yin.


“Yuan Jian.”

Wang Xiong looked down and said, “Tomorrow, the two of you will divide the roads left and right, recover the counties of Danyang, and finally join forces in Moling, if Yan Baihu dares to send troops, he will respond to it.” ”


Tai Shici, Liao Hua should drink.




Wang Xiong knocked on the table and said indifferently: “Good governance and Yuzhang go hand in hand, I don’t care what method you use, in the shortest possible time, the good government of the Chibi Army, and all the laws are spread out in Danyang.” ”


Everyone said respectfully.

“Zhao Yi.”

Wang Xiong’s eyes were deep, and he said in a deep voice: “You go to Qu’a, and summon Wucheng Huang Hansheng, let him lead the army across Taihu Lake, directly attack the prefecture pastoral mansion, and bring Liu Xiu and the others to Moling!” ”


Zhao Yi said respectfully.


Wang Xiong’s gaze swept over everyone.


Everyone bowed and exited the tent.

The Chibi Army now certainly has the power to sweep across Jiangdong.

But it is not enough to sweep the army, and the internal political theory cannot be left behind.

Therefore, the pressure on the five ministries of internal affairs has increased sharply, especially the reserve officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which have become clumsy.

Following. When the sky is bright.

The First Army was a large army on the left and marched along the river towards Moling.

The Second Army was a large army on the right, and it surrounded Moling along Jurong, Jiangcheng and other counties.

Meantime. Si Tianjian sent a letter to Wucheng.

The dark son buried in Wu County will be the surprise soldier who will defeat the prefecture pastoral mansion.

The Chibi army mobilized, the people, and the officials of various counties were watching, and this war would be doomed to Wang Xiong, or Liu Xiu, who would rule Jiangdong in the future.

But six days.

Liao Hua, Tai Shi Ci Lian Victory.

The two broke more than eight cities, changed the Jing banner in the land they passed, and brought the county and townships under the rule of the Chibi Army.

Mouling. The city is full of soldiers.

“Yu Zhengnan.”

“The army is too strong.”

Yan Baihu stood on the city tower, looking at the smoke clouds in the distance, and said in a complicated way: “The two major legions, but only 20,000 people, dare to surround the Moling of more than 10,000 defenders. ”


Fan Neng couldn’t help but ask.

Yan Baihu shook his head and laughed at himself: “We can’t compare to Sun Bofu, but Wang Zhengnan can make him flee back to Huainan with only a few hundred soldiers, you don’t really think that you can defeat the Chibi army!” ”


Fan Neng’s face sank.

Yan Baihu waved his hand and said indifferently: “Defend the city, wait for the prefecture pastoral office to respond!” ”


Fan Neng sighed. Xingping two years. August. Moling besieged the city again.

This time, the state pastoral government was exhausted and unable to help. Qua.

The people of the state pastoral government are panicking.

Xu Shao, Xu Gong and the others did not say a word.

Liu Yi sat alone in a high position and said with a sad smile: “Everyone, Moling is surrounded again, who are we going to rescue this time, or surrender to the thieves?” ”

Xu Shao pondered, “Zhou Mu, maybe you can ask the auditor for help.” ”

“Will you?”

Liu Xi shook his head and said in a deep voice: “It’s the autumn harvest, the mountains of Huiji County are raging, Pan Lin and other thieves are out of the mountains to plunder, Wang Lang is not enough to protect himself, how can he come to the rescue.” ”

Xu Shao said bitterly: “Zhou Mu, retreat into the guild and temporarily avoid Wang Zhengnan’s front!” ”

Liu Ye stood up and saluted, “Uncle, let’s open the city and surrender.” ”


Liu Yi angrily reprimanded: “After I became a clan relative, the world received the favor of the emperor of the clan family, and when the world collapsed, An Neng committed himself to the thief, let alone sacrifice.” ”


“It’s really too late.”

Liu Ye smiled bitterly and said, “My nephew is in Yuzhang Yueyu, he knows the Chibi Army and Wang Zhengnan very well, his strategy is amazing, and he uses troops like gods, it is impossible to give us the opportunity to fight back!” ”


Liu Miao’s gaze was cold.

Liu Ye let out a long sigh and said: “The soldiers and horses in the hands of Jianrong are the last defenders of the prefecture pastoral mansion, and Yan Baihu is a strange soldier, and now they are all trapped in the tomb, Danyang has long been empty, presumably his army has gone straight to Qu’a!” ”


Liu Yi’s pupils shrank.

Xu Shao, Xu Gong couldn’t sit still.


Liu Ye bowed again and said, “When supporting Moling, my nephew said that once the White Tiger sends troops, Wu County will inevitably be empty, and with Wang Zhengnan’s strategic vision, how can he not see it!” ”

Liu Xiu said angrily, “Why didn’t you say it earlier.” ”

“Useless work.”

Liu Ye did not refute and said, “Even if we say it, won’t we save Moling?” ”

“It’s over.”

“It’s really over.”

Liu Xiu sat down on the big chair.

If Liu Ye’s guess is false, then it’s just a big deal. But if Wang Xiong really divided the troops against Wu County, then now Qu’a is the place where the beasts are trapped!

“State pastor.”

“Let’s retreat.”

Xu Gong sat on pins and needles and spoke again.

Xu Shao was the same, and said: “Now it is all Ziyang’s speculation, even if Wang Zhengnan wants to use troops against Qu’a, it will take time to march and transport grain and grass, which is enough for us to retire to the meeting!” ”

“It’s too late.”

Liu Ye closed his eyes.

It seems, the clarion call of war rings in the ears.

In my mind, the tragic situation of the city of Qu’a being broken and the defenders being defeated by the Chibi army has already come to mind.

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