Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 106 Eyeliners are all over the place, a chicken and a rabbit share the same cage, how to sol

Mi Fang's son - Mi Yang.

Not only because of his name, but also the amazing mathematical talent he had just shown in calculating the exchange of grain, gold and silver, all of this made Guan Lin look at him.

In fact, Guan Lin was aware of an unavoidable topic facing the rise of Shu Han.

That's...not picking up the slack.

There is only this group of people that can be beaten, and then there are three or two kittens, and then... they are gone!

There are no generals in Shu, so Liao Hua has to be the vanguard.

It is precisely based on this that Guan Lin will pay special attention to some talented young people in the Jingzhou area.

Guan Xing, Guan Yinping, and Guan Suo are considered to be in this series.

Ma Bing, barely half!

As for...this Mi Yang!

After asking him about the small character Luo Geng again, Guan Lin became even more interested in him.

Mi Yang seemed to have noticed Guan Lin's interest in his small characters and explained immediately.

In the past, when my father gave birth to me, the upright Emperor Liu was overthrown. When the army was defeated, in times of danger...

My father named me because he wanted to give me an auspicious name. There happened to be a saying in Donghai, my hometown in Xuzhou, which is to put the child born in a basket and then put another basket on top. This will ward off disasters. If I take refuge, I will have good luck in my life. My aunt then suggested that I name me and put it in a 'luo' basket to ward off evil spirits. If I live a hundred years with 'geng', the small Chinese characters will be 'Luo Geng'!


Hearing this, Guan Lin exhaled slightly.

He thought that there would be a great mathematician in later generations. His hometown was in Jiangsu. If converted to the Three Kingdoms period, it would have been Xuzhou!

He and the Mi family are from the same hometown!

It can be seen that... from ancient times to the present, the academic spirit of mathematics in Xuzhou has become popular!

Have you read Arithmetic in Nine Chapters?

Guan Lin asked directly...

I have been fond of mathematics since I was a child. I have studied both Zhou Bi Suan Jing and Nine Chapters of Arithmetic repeatedly.

Mi Yang said truthfully: There are nine chapters in Nine Chapters of Arithmetic and two hundred and forty-six mathematical problems. I dare not claim to be well versed in it, but I boast that... I will not be tested by the mathematical problems mentioned in it. arrive!

——What a loud tone! 』

Guan Lin looked at Mi Yang with great interest and continued: Then let me test you. If you count three or three, there will be two left. If you count five or five, you will have three left. If you count seven or seven, you will have two left. How about something?


Mi Yang was startled for a moment. He thought for a moment, then deduced and replied:

The remaining two from the number of threes and threes are placed as one hundred and forty, the remaining three from the number of five and five are placed as sixty-three, and the remaining two from the number of sevens and sevens are placed as thirty. Combined, we get two hundred and thirty-three, and two hundred and one are Subtract ten and you’ll get it.”

Having said this, Mi Yang raised his head: The answer is... twenty-three!


Mi Yang's answer did not surprise Guan Lin, but the speed of the answer slightly surprised Guan Lin.

Of course, the question raised by Guan Lin and Mi Yang's derivation process are slightly different from the mathematical questions and solutions of later generations.


What Guan Lin asked was - if a certain number is divided by 3 and the remainder is 2, when divided by 5 the remainder is 3, and when divided by 7 the remainder is 2, what is the number?

Mi Yang's answer is - multiply the remainder of division by 3 by 70, multiply the remainder of division by 5 by 21, multiply the remainder of division by 7 by 15, add the three products and subtract the multiples of 105, we get The answer is twenty-three!

(Ps: That is, 2×70=140, 3×21=63, 2×15=30, 140+63+30=233, 233-2×105=23)


Guan Lin was slightly startled. In fact, for a moment... he didn't understand Mi Yang's idea of ​​​​solving the problem.


If it were him, he would definitely write down a linear equation of two variables...

——This guy... has some ideas for solving problems! 』

Guan Lin thought to himself, and then asked again.

I would like to ask you again. There are chickens and rabbits in the same cage today. There are twelve heads on top and thirty-four legs on the bottom. What are the sizes of the chickens and rabbits?

Guan Lin pondered.

This chicken and rabbit in the same cage combines mathematics with practical applications.

In fact, mathematics can be related to various things in many fields.

Including the formation of troops, including the skills of hundreds of soldiers, including common pharmacology.

Even more grandly, the P=NP argument was hailed as one of the world's seven major mathematical problems in later generations.

Once completed, it will have a profound impact on cryptography, life sciences, condensed matter... and even the cure of cancer can be easily solved.

Of course, this is for later generations…

However, even in the era of the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, the achievements and contributions that a genius in the field of mathematics can make are still limitless.

From here to there…

Guan Lin could not help but think of the decline of talents in the late Shu Han Dynasty...

After all, it’s not that the younger generation has a bad foundation!

It is because there is no complete system for discovering and cultivating talents.

Zhuge Liang left Qishan six times, and his game was too extreme... The successors he could train were too limited.

This is also the source of the tragedy of there are no generals in Sichuan, and Liao Hua is the pioneer.

This kind of thing can be seen from Mi Yang.

However, having said that, in this era, the game is about battlefields and maneuvering. Who else except Guan Lin would pile resources on a great mathematician?

Thinking of this...

Guan Lin's eyes were dim and he stared at Mi Yang again.

He has some expectations...

Mi Yang can solve this chicken and rabbit in the same cage problem.

However, it turns out...

Guan Lin's expectations were a little too high.

Indeed, according to the concept of linear equations of two variables in Nine Chapters of Arithmetic, this problem can naturally be solved.

But when Mi Yang answered the answer, it took him a total of sixty breaths.

Reporting to Fourth Young Master... Mi Yang said: A total chickens and five rabbits!

Although Mi Yang said it very easily, in fact, this requires going through a complicated two-dimensional problem-solving process in Nine Chapters of Arithmetic.

It’s easy to get lost in your thoughts as soon as they become confused.


Guan Lin shook his head and spread his hands, So slow!


Mi Yang was startled. In the past, when he studied mathematics, there was only right and wrong, not... speed!

But I heard Guan Lin chirping...

He talked: Is it necessary to calculate this question? You can figure it out just by opening your mouth.

Assuming that all the twelve heads are chickens, there will be twenty-four legs, but in fact there are thirty-four. These ten few are the rabbits that are regarded as chickens! Therefore, from the hypothetical twelve chickens Remove five rabbits, 12-5=7, that is, there are seven chickens in total, and five rabbits!


So fast?

Mi Yang was startled. He didn't expect that... this question could be solved in this way.

Who would have thought, before he came back to his senses.

Guan Lin said another solution, Twelve heads and thirty-four legs. We can also assume that half of the chicken and rabbit legs are removed. Half of the thirty-four legs are seventeen, and at this time the chicken's legs are There are just as many heads and legs. We use all the legs, seventeen, and subtract all the heads, twelve, which is equivalent to removing one leg from all the chickens and rabbits. Now the chickens have no legs, but what about the rabbits? There is only one left. Legs are gone, count how many legs are left, that’s how many rabbits! 17-12=5, so there are five rabbits and seven chickens!”


Mi Yang's eyes were already widened, but even bigger was his open mouth...

This big mouth can fit an apple into it.

Mi Yang was dumbfounded, dumbfounded. Can mathematics still be solved like this? It's like...a whole new way of thinking! It's a whole new world!

Looking at his expression, Guan Lin felt that enough was enough...

It's almost a scam.

He said deliberately: These are just two solutions, one is the hypothetical method, and the other is the golden rooster independent method. In fact, there are a total of thirteen solutions to the problem of chicken and rabbit in the same cage... I still have something to do today, I won’t go into details.”

What Guan Lin said...

This can be regarded as completely arousing Mi Yang's interest.

Guan Lin has walked away...

But everything in Mi Yang's mind turned into Guan Lin's words.

He murmured...A chicken and a rabbit in the same cage...the hypothetical method...the golden rooster's independent method, thirteen...thirteen solutions?

That's how people are...

Once a window is suddenly opened to a person in a field that interests him, he will definitely rush towards the window with all his heart and soul.

And there is no doubt that... for Mi Yang, today's Guan Lin is the window that Mi Yang opens!

That window on “new” mathematics!

Although he felt that... the Fourth Young Master was so busy now, he shouldn't ask the Fourth Young Master for advice on this issue, but... he... he just couldn't help it.

Tread, Tread...

Mi Yang gritted his teeth and walked toward Guan Lin.

At this time, Guan Lin had already walked to Ma Bing and listened to Ma Bing's explanation of the arrangements for putting the money and grain into the warehouse and the granary...

This is a big deal.

It’s about a series of things that follow.

Mi Yang had already walked behind Guan Lin. He mustered up the courage to ask...a chicken and a rabbit in the same cage...What are the other eleven solutions?

But at this moment...

Fourth Young Master... a yamen servant reported: Outside the door, Lu Youjiao from the Beggar Clan asked to see the Fourth Young Master...

——Well... Lu Youjiao is here now! 』

Guan Lin's eyes were fixed, and he was thinking...

Most likely, there is news from Shi Huolong and You Tanzhi.

Immediately he told Ma Bing, Ma do it. Next, the money and grain here will be put into the warehouse and it will be handed over to you. When it is finished, don't let the brothers work in vain. The old rule is thirty kilograms of millet per person!

Okay, I've written it down. As the main recorder of the thief Cao Yu, the second-in-command under Guan Lin...

Ma Bing quickly agreed.

On the other hand, when the civil servants and government servants working around them heard that another reward of thirty kilograms of millet was given, they all smiled, and their wilted appearance suddenly took on new life.

They found that working with the Fourth Young Master...even though they were tired and often stayed up late...but the Fourth Young Master never let others work in vain.

Every time it’s “thirty pounds” of millet.

Such a boss!

What a conscience!

In the Han Dynasty, thirty kilograms of millet was almost the same as one bushel, and the annual salary of such a civil servant was only a hundred bushels!

——The Fourth Young Master... is so grand! 』

Countless civil servants and government officials shouted in their hearts.

But Mi Yang was the only one who felt a little lonely and sad as he watched Guan Lin walk away quickly.


The issue of chicken and rabbit in the same cage has not been clearly explained yet!

What are the other eleven solutions... exactly?

At a table, Guan Yu and Mi Fang sat opposite each other.

Yunchang, I've asked everything that needs to be asked. Mi Fang said truthfully: The Jiaozhou merchant said that the armaments this time included two hundred carriages, a thousand crossbows, and crossbow bolts. Thousands of branches, only a hundred wooden cows and stray horses!

Today, Mi Fang's tone is very kind when facing Guan Yu.

After all, Guan Yu had promised him.

When we attack Soochow in the future, let him Mi Fang be the vanguard. After the Stone City is conquered, we will reward Mi Fang with everything from Sun Quan's mansion in Soochow to make up for his shortfall this time.

I didn’t feel that before…

But after experiencing this incident, Mi Fang suddenly felt - Yunchang! How kind!

No wonder, everyone says that Yun Changyi is Bo Yuntian.

Guan Yu was also very polite to Mi Fang.

After all, the Mi family's now in the hands of Guan Yu's son.

Although he was willing to admit defeat, it didn't matter, but for some reason, Guan Yu just felt a little guilty, always feeling sorry for Zifang.

Therefore, when Guan Yu faced Mi Fang, he would never show that domineering attitude that would repel people thousands of miles away, and he would never scold or loudly refute him... Even his initial contempt for him, the uncle of the country, was like snowflakes. Completely melted.

From the slightly casual kneeling posture of the two people, we can see some clues!

——Yun Chang and Zifang are kissing!

At this moment, after listening to Mi Fang's words, Guan Yu took the initiative to pour a bottle of wine for him, It was a cold night, and Zifang came all the way to have a glass of wine to warm up.

Mi Fang took it without saying thank you. It was so familiar that she drank it in one gulp.

Zifang can ask for the price. Guan Yu said softly, in an unhurried tone.

Now that he knows all the truth, he is much calmer and more relaxed.

But unfortunately, Mi Fang couldn't be told about this, Guan Yu had to accompany him to continue the performance.

Even if they can't protect all of them... he will be the big grievance in the end!

It sounds to me that this merchant is not from Jiaozhou, but... he still talks about his credibility, saying that he will wait until the Fourth Young Master quotes tomorrow before he can listen to my price.


Guan Yu didn't know how to answer it, so he could only say Oh casually.

But because he had nowhere to put his hands, he stroked his beard.

Yun Chang, this is...

Mi Fang felt that something was wrong with Guan Yu tonight, he seemed a bit indifferent...

It was that kind of uncharacteristic... indifferent indifference.

Are Yunchang worried that this merchant is cheating? If that's the case, Yunchang can rest assured! This merchant is quite honest and understands the rules. He says what he should say and doesn't mention what he shouldn't. These are definitely not You pretend to be in the 'arms' business!

Guan Yu was still silent...

The atmosphere became increasingly weird.

Yun Chang, why are you... Mi Fang asked again...

This time, before he could speak, Guan Yu looked like a god and asked Mi Fang directly, Zifang, how much does Zifang think Yunqi will quote for these weapons?


Mi Fang's eyes rolled, he thought carefully, and then tried to speak: Thirty thousand dendrobium grains?

After saying this, Mi Fang felt something was wrong...

It won't be so hot. Looking at the heroic appearance of the Fourth Young Master at noon today, I'm afraid the price will not be too low, but... the Fourth Young Master only has 50,000 dendrobium of grain at most... I can't even give more if I think about it. ,only…

At the end, Mi Fang's eyes were fixed, It's hard to guarantee... We have eyes to the north and east in Jiangling City. Since this merchant is so flamboyant, isn't his owner's purpose just to drive up the price? Even... He just wants to attract all parties. In the competition between snipe and clam, the fisherman will gain!

The implication of Mi Fang's words was obvious.

There must be other forces involved.

Guan Yu nodded, Eldest Brother and Kong Ming took the lead in governing Jingzhou. Since then, neither Jingnan nor Nanjun has blocked the border or blocked the entry of external merchant ships...

But because of this, Guan doesn't even know how many informants and craftsmen there are in Jiangling City! This time, when such an artifact appears, how can it not trigger competition among various forces?

Having said this, he sighed quietly.

This ordnance...

Inadvertently, it hit his sore spot!

——In Jiangling City, the eyes and details of various external forces...

How could it not be Guan Yu's personal thorn in his side?

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