Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 114 The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying, my brother Guan Lin is everywhere

Jiangxia North, the entrance to the valley.

At dusk, the sound of fighting could be heard faintly. Cao Ren still maintained his nervous mood. He got on his horse and ordered the whole army, Line up to meet the enemy!

From a distance, I saw a group of soldiers riding tigers and leopards fleeing. They had no horses, and even discarded their armor and weapons. They fled in panic like bereaved dogs, running towards this side in a state of disarray.

There is still a little bit of that once arrogant tiger and leopard look!

Behind them was a group of pursuers brought by the three brothers Guan Ping, Guan Xing, and Guan Suo.

Niu Jin shouted to the archer: Cover, shoot!

The archers fired in turn, blocking a round of pursuing troops. The neat array opened a gap, allowing the embarrassed remnant soldiers to gallop into the rear.

Guan Ping saw Cao Jun's orderly formation from a distance, and he immediately issued an order, Stop the pursuit!

Guan Xing was puzzled: Brother?

Guan Ping explained calmly: Fourth brother said that if we attack the enemy in the valley, we will definitely win this ambush. Once we get out of the valley, life or death will be uncertain. Therefore, fourth brother wants me to stop chasing the enemy! At least now it seems that this Zhan, fourth brother still has to listen to his words!

Besides... looking at their military formation, it looks a bit like Cao Ren's 'Eight-door Golden Lock Formation'. They are preparing for the formation, waiting for work, and attacking rashly. Our army has no chance of winning!

Guan Ping made some rational analysis.

Guan Xing no longer questioned.

Guan Suo opened his mouth. Actually...he wanted to say that Cao Ren, who was sent by Cao Cao to garrison Xiangfan, could not bear to see his half-brother...whose entire army was annihilated.

However, Guan Suo still swallowed these words.

He remembered... a series of stories that his fourth brother Guan Lin once told him.

——Brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu killed each other;

——Brothers Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, sons of Yuan Shao, killed each other;

——Liu Biao’s sons Liu Qi and Liu Cong fought against each other...

So, isn’t it the same for Cao Ren and Cao Chun today? How could Cao Ren risk saving his legitimate brother?

With this in mind, Guan Suo made a gu dong sound, swallowed softly, and raised his eyes to look at the clear blue sky.

He recalled...

That was after the fourth brother Guan Lin disobeyed his father again and again.

Guan Suo couldn't help but ask him.

Fourth brother knows that it will anger my father, so why do you do this? Why do you have to make your father hate you? What good does this do to you?

Under Guan Suo's doubtful eyes, Guan Lin said meaningfully: Fifth brother, you have a simple don't know this!

Throughout the ages, many examples have shown an extremely cruel reality, that is, as a younger son, or a concubine, if he pleases his father too much, it will often lead to brotherly disharmony, leading to tragedy... and becoming the key to the success and decline of the family. Twist!”

At that time, Guan Lin's tone became increasingly serious.

For example, how did the Yuan family in Runan rise from prosperity to decline? Isn't it because Yuan Feng just wanted to share a bowl of water with the legitimate son and the common son? He first adopted Yuan Shao to his brother, removed Yuan Shao's identity as a common son, and then helped During the calamity of the Party, he established 'Running Friends' to rescue the Party members, and in this way he gained popularity and caused a large number of heroes to join Yuan Shao!

But what about Yuan Shu? As a legitimate son, he sees a humble concubine now rising up the ladder. This is like a wolf that originally lived by eating sheep. Suddenly one day, it was ridden by a sheep on its neck and urinated on it? How can he calm down in his heart? ? How can we not be envious and jealous? And this envy and jealousy, in the end, turn into a sense of 'hate'!

Yuan Shu once openly mentioned, 'If you don't follow me, you will be a slave to my family!' He regarded Yuan Shao as the most humble servant of the Yuan family. He also wrote to Gongsun Zan, saying that Yuan Shao was not a member of the Yuan family. They even... did not hesitate to confront Yuan Shao and attack each other after the alliance against Dong broke up!

Since this topic was mentioned, Guan Lin also specifically told it to his fifth brother Guan Suo.

The Central Plains where heroes once competed.

Regardless of the excitement of the fight, in the final analysis, there are actually two camps!

Just a contradiction.

One is the eldest son of the Yuan family alliance headed by Yuan Shao and followed by Cao Cao and Liu Biao.

One is the eldest son of the Yuan family alliance headed by Yuan Shu and followed by Gongsun Zan and Tao Qian.

Liu Bei and Lu Bu are special, jumping between these two camps repeatedly.

After all...

Because of the Four Generations and Three Dukes, there are old officials all over the world.

And because of the disaster caused by the party's imprisonment, the Yuan family secretly rescued the party members, and the huge reputation they accumulated at the beginning of this troubled times was Tianhu's start, and it was also the support of the Yuan family who wanted to become emperor.

This resulted in the fact that even if there were a lot of heroes vying for the throne, the princes would still look up to the Yuan family.

Further deduction according to the timeline.

First, the Yuan Shao Alliance defeated the Yuan Shu Alliance, and Cao Cao, Liu Biao, and Liu Bei all shared a share of the pie;

Then the external enemies are gone, leaving only the internal ones.

It is equivalent to entering the finals.

Yuan Shao was first eliminated by Cao Cao, and Liu Biao was eliminated by Cao Cao again.

At this point, in the entire Central Plains, Cao Cao is the only one left in the finals!

Then, who else could aspire to the title of Central Plains, other than Cao Cao?

And tracing back to the source, the source of all this is caused by the disagreement between the brothers of the Yuan family!

Just imagine, if Yuan Feng's bowl of water was flat back then, he would directly support his legitimate son Yuan Shu and completely ignore Yuan Shao, or simply make a decisive move, support Yuan Shao, and let Yuan Shu out.

In this way, in this troubled time, the Yuan family has formed a joint force, where can there be anything to do with other princes?

——Can Cao Cao get up?

That day, Guan Lin talked a lot. He first told the story of the brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu fighting each other, then Yuan Tan, Yuan Shang, and then Liu Qi, Liu Cong...

Guan Suo was dumbfounded.

Suddenly, he could understand why the fourth brother always disobeyed his father.

Fourth brother is because of this family!

It is also for the good of the family to make his father hate him.

At that time, Guan Suo still felt that he was too naive, and the fourth brother and him... As the fourth and fifth sons of the Guan family, they really shouldn't be too sharp.

It was at that time that Guan Suo secretly made up his mind to stop working so hard and spend more of his hard work elsewhere.

For example - women!

And this idea suddenly opened the door to a new world for Guan Suo!

At this moment, Guan Suo pulled his thoughts back from the distance, looked at Cao Ren's soldiers and horses waiting in front of him, and sighed.

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu are like this!

Yuan Tan, Yuan Shang is like this!

Liu Qi, Liu Cong is like this...

Brothers Cao Ren and Cao Chun? How can we be brothers and sisters?

At this time, Guan Jiajun stopped chasing, Guan Ping slowly rode forward, and looked at Cao Ren from a distance in the Eight-door Locking Formation.

He shouted: I didn't expect that this time I alerted General Cao!

Cao Ren also replied loudly: This time, I, Cao Zixiao, lost my mind and fell into Guan Yunchang's trick. I admit defeat!

Isn't General Cao here to pick up ordnance? There are many ordnances in the Sunset Valley, including side carriages, wooden oxen and stray horses, and even crossbows. There are also the armors, weapons, and horses of Cao's army. They are placed in the valley. General Cao is letting go of his horses. Come and get it?

Guan Ping's words made Cao Ren grit his teeth.

Just as Guan Suo thought just now, he really doesn't care whether his younger brother Cao Chun is dead or alive...

But the tiger and leopard ride...

In particular, the armaments and war horses of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry were all made with heavy gold, which made Cao Ren extremely distressed.

This time, Guan Ping's words were like adding salt to his wounds.

However, Cao Ren's expression was calm, My Cao Wei family has a great business. I can afford to throw away some weapons, so I will give them to General Guan as a meeting gift! But I am curious, since Master Guan Ping has chased me here, why doesn't he come over? ah?

Guan Ping laughed haha, how could he not know that the other party was trying to provoke the general?

Guan Ping shouted loudly: As a human being, how can you be greedy? I have already received so many gifts from General Cao, so I can't chew off more than I can chew! However, don't worry, General Cao. Sooner or later, this general will be broken. Your formation!

Haha! Cao Ren laughed pretending to be high-spirited, Nowadays, do the juniors of the Han army dare to speak to me like this? Haha, okay, I, the general, are waiting for that day!

As Cao Ren's voice came out.

--There is ample time.

Guan Ping replied, and immediately showed his decisive side as a general and raised his hand.

——Ming Jin, withdraw the troops, and triumph!

For a time, the Guan army retreated slowly. During the retreat, Guan Ping led a group of soldiers and sang the military song of the Han army leisurely:

Guan Jiajun prefers to sing The Song of the Wind than The Horse Treads on the Swallow:

——The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying!

——Weijiahai is back home!

——If you have strong men, you can defend the four directions; if you have strong men, you can defend the four directions...

He was singing the song of the wind on his lips, but in Guan Ping's heart, he completely changed the lyrics and sang in his heart.

——The strong wind is blowing and the clouds are flying. My brother Guan Lin is in control of all directions!

For a time, this shocking song formed an echo in the valley, and the lingering sound lingered for a long time!

On the contrary, Niu Jin, the deputy general in Cao's army, looked at Guan Jiajun's arrogant figure.

He asked angrily: General? Aren't you going to pursue me?

Cao Ren shook his head bitterly, He doesn't dare to come to the battle, just like I don't dare to step into this valley again. Let's help the wounded of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry!

At this moment, Hubao rode in the ranks of the wounded.

A voice suddenly came out.

Where is the general? Where is the general of my Tiger and Leopard Cavalry?

He was asking Cao Chun...

Indeed, Cao Chun was not among the less than a thousand remaining Tiger and Leopard Cavalry soldiers who escaped.

When he heard the soldiers calling for Cao Chun, Cao Ren's sharp expression suddenly changed. He anxiously stepped over the wounded soldiers, searching and calling.

——Zihe? Zihe? Where is my disciple He?

Outside the window, the rain gurgled.

Guan Yu and Ma Liang listened attentively to Zhou Cang's report.

In today's Jingzhou, under the peaceful appearance, there are undercurrents surging. The batch of ordnance produced by Huang Laoxie alone has stirred up the changes in the situation.

——Master Yunqi received a deposit of 20,000 dendrobium of grain from the Jiangnan woman and the merchant from Jiaozhou respectively, and the transaction place was set at the junction of Changsha and Jiaozhou.

——Now that the delivery is getting closer, the merchants Shi Huolong and You Tanzhi have also rushed to Changsha County. Along with them, the Jiangnan woman and the Jiaozhou merchants have also rushed there!

——In addition, the governor of Changsha County, Liao Li, sent back news that a large number of merchant ships have poured into Changsha recently, but they did not go to the Xiangjiang River, but just stayed at the junction of Changsha and Jiaozhou. I think so. It’s related to this batch of ordnance.”

Listening to Zhou Cang's report...

Guan Yu and Ma Liang looked at each other, both of them lost in thought.

The thing is actually very simple!

Guan Yu and Ma Liang can be sure that the Huang Laoxie who manufactured this batch of ordnance is either Zhuge Liang's father-in-law Huang Chengyan, or Guan Lin himself.

Of course, it's also possible... that the two of them did it together.

This, although the investigation has not been continued before, is already a certainty.

So, here comes the problem.

Guan Lin promised this batch of ordnance to four families at once.

One of them has been confirmed to be a craftsman from Xiangfan...

Guan Lin's purpose is to lure the snake out of its hole.

Moreover, Guan Ping has secretly rushed to Jiangxia and laid an ambush in Sunset Valley.

Then there are three left...

You should know that among these three, Guan Lin received a deposit of 20,000 dendrobium of grain from each of them.

Speaking of this, Guan Yu suddenly felt that although it was not much, his son still had some conscience. At least Mi Fang's deposit was confiscated.

Of course, this also showed that this guy had no intention of selling this batch of ordnance to Guan Yu.

Among the two, Zhou Cang has already investigated clearly. One of them is negotiating with a merchant from a Jiangnan woman, and the other party, judging from their accent, is from Jiaozhou.

One is Jiangdong and the other is Jiaozhou.

When things have developed to this point, Guan Yu and Ma Liang are thinking about it - things are getting more and more mysterious and interesting.

The current situation is that the deposit has been collected and the goods are about to be delivered!


By some strange coincidence, everyone involved in this incident went to Changsha, and a large number of merchant ships appeared in Changsha.

Things have developed to this point and are no longer as simple as interesting.

Guan Yu and Ma Liangliang had the same suspicion.

Is this guy Yun Qi planning to...two tigers competing for food?

You know, Guan Yu hated this two tigers competing for food plan!

That goes back to when he and his eldest brother Liu Bei were in Xuzhou.

At that time, Cao Cao was eyeing Xuzhou, but Liu Bei and Lu Bu were stationed together, with one station stationed in Xiaopei and the other stationed in Xiapi.

If Cao Cao wants to attack Lu Bu, Liu Bei will rush to help and attack Liu Bei, but Lu Bu will not sit idly by.

This is the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, which can also be said to be a group to keep warm.

So, Cao Cao followed Xun Yu's two tigers competing for food plan, and in the name of the emperor made Liu Bei the shepherd of Xuzhou, and sent Liu Bei to kill Lu Bu!

If it goes through, Liu Bei will lose an ally. If it doesn't go through, Lu Bu will definitely kill Liu Bei to vent his anger.

No matter what, Cao Cao can reap the benefits.

The subsequent development was indeed as Xun Yu expected. The news of this letter spread like wildfire. Lu Bu and Liu Bei had a lot of dissatisfaction with each other and started to conquer each other. Instead, it was a snipe and a clam fighting, the fisherman benefited, and Cao Cao made money. !

If Guan Yu hadn't briefly stayed in Cao Ying for more than a year and accidentally heard someone mention this matter at a banquet, he would have been kept in the dark now.

Of course...none of that matters.

The important thing is, because he suffered the loss of the two tigers competing for food plan, when Guan Yu saw Guan Lin's deployment, this is what he subconsciously thought of!


——'Jiaozhou? 』

——『Koto? 』

——Two tigers competing for food? This is...Yunqi's gain! 』

In fact, Ma Liang also thought of this. He smiled first and said: Guan Gong, Mr. Yunqi has set up a stage in Changsha, and the singers must be in place. I believe this play will be very exciting, right?

On the contrary... until the end of this play, someone should end it!

Ma Liang blurted out these meaningful words.

Guan Yu's heart moved, and he once again showed his resolute side.

Pass Liu Pan!

Not long after, Liu Pan arrived and saluted Guan Yu with his hands raised.

What is General Guan's mission?

To make a long story short, you immediately rush 600 miles away and rush to Changsha County in person. Tell Governor Liao Li to pay close attention to the border between Changsha and Jiaozhi. An informant has sent back the news that foreign merchants want to trade another piece of goods here!

When merchants trade, there will inevitably be price discrepancies. If you encounter an emergency, you can make a prompt decision and take extraordinary measures!

When mentioning the last two extraordinary words, Guan Yu deliberately emphasized his tone.

After that, Guan Yu's words became even more meticulous.

——If someone dares to fight in Changsha and even kill someone, even on the border, you and Grand Administrator Liao Li will never tolerate it!

Fighting, human life, appeasement...

Guan Yu chanted these six words with almost twice the tone.

Liu Pan raised his eyes and faced Guan Yu's sharp and cold gaze. He swallowed subconsciously.

I know...this job won't be easy!

Immediately handed over.

Don't worry, General Guan, the last general will definitely fulfill his mission!

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