Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 127 General Lu, there is no greater sorrow than death.

Changsha County, Luohan Village.

At this time, winter is approaching, and even the cicadas have become mournful.

The leaves are turning yellow and withered leaves are everywhere. Accompanied by the sound of sharpening knives in the Luohan Village, it is a desolate scene.

Lu Xun's high fever today subsided a little. He supported the wall and staggered to the kitchen, where Sun Ru was making medicine for him.

Bo Yan? Why are you here?

Sun Ru saw Lu Xun and quickly helped him sit down.

Lu Xun sighed and whispered: Don't worry about you here!

Sun Ru poured the medicine into the bowl, Bo Yan doesn't trust me, he obviously doesn't trust your son...

According to Sun Ru, Lu Xun's son is naturally Lu Yan, the eldest son of the third eldest son of the Lu family.

As for the son's side, it was at the Guanshan Stone Cave early this morning. Lu Yan went to count the weapons and clear all the money and goods.


Lu Xun seemed particularly frustrated by his unsatisfactory body.

——It's better to have a high fever in the morning than it is to have a high fever in the evening, but at this time. 』

Sun Ru handed the medicine cup to Lu Xun, Stop guessing, it's almost noon, and the news will be sent back soon.

Lu Xun looked at the slightly rippling black liquid in the bowl and said in surprise: This medicine?

Sun Ru whispered beside him: I saw your fever getting worse last night, so I added some licorice and ginger.

Lu Xun drank the medicine in small sips, frowning in pain.


A servant of the Lu family ran in, Master, madam... it's not good, there is a dispute in the Guanshan cave... there is a dispute!

Lu Xun choked, quickly put down the bowl, suppressed a cough, wiped his mouth casually with his sleeve, and asked uneasily.

How...why did you get into a dispute? Was it...with that Jiaozhou merchant?

It's from Jiaozhou, but... it shouldn't be that merchant. The servant answered truthfully: It's... another group of Jiaozhou people. They said this batch of goods belonged to them, so... the young master started arguing with them.


Lu Xun became obviously nervous, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably. The high fever that had finally stabilized suddenly spiked up again, and his whole body was a little shaky.

Sun Ru quickly supported Lu Xun, and she opened her mouth and said to the servant: There is no such thing as an argument for no reason. Please tell me in detail what happened this morning!

The servant swallowed and quickly answered truthfully.

It turned out that this morning... Jiaozhou merchant Shi Huolong told them that the ordnance was ready, and asked them to go and count it in advance. After more than an hour, the inventory was clear, and the goods were exactly the same.

So, Lu Yan handed the gold to Shi Huolong, which was regarded as handing over the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other.

Shi Huolong was also very happy. After counting the amount of gold, he immediately removed all the guards at the Guanshan cave.

It stands to reason…

Once the money and goods are cleared, the deal is concluded.

Lu Yan ordered the Lu family to move the ordnance to the ship and transport it back to Soochow by water.

But... I never thought that when they were moving this batch of ordnance, someone else was also moving it.

After the Lu family found out, they questioned those who were carrying the ordnance, and both parties insisted that the goods belonged to them.

Because there was someone behind them, the tone was naturally not good. After only three or two sentences... the two sides started arguing, and there were even signs of starting a fight.

Lu Yan naturally also went to argue.

This servant saw something was wrong and came back to report.

At this moment, as the whole process was unfolding, Lu Xun felt a growing pain in his head...

Even Sun Ru couldn't calm down.

Sun Ru asked anxiously: Why do they say that the ordnance belongs to them?

Young ones don't know... the servant frowned, You can tell from their accents that they are from Jiaozhou. Jiaozhou is a wild place. These Jiaozhou people are extremely reckless. It seems that they can also tell that we are from Jiangdong. The tone of our words You’re even more welcome…”

at this time…

Clan leader, clan leader... Another servant rushed over. It's not good... there's a fight over there in the Guanshan Stone Cave, there's a fight... Then there's a fight between the two sides in the Guanshan Stone Cave!

As he blurted out these words, Lu Xun felt countless cold sweat pouring down from his forehead. It was because of this cold sweat that his high fever dissipated a little.


He couldn't stop coughing, but he stretched out his hand and commanded, Take me... take me there!

There was a big fight because of a batch of ordnance...

This is no longer a trivial matter.

There are two possibilities. One is that the merchant is causing trouble.

After they got the money, they still lurked people here to find trouble. The purpose...maybe to get another blackmail, or maybe they had no intention of selling this batch of ordnance to the Lu family.

The second one is that the location of this batch of ordnance is exposed, if... if you consider that the other party is from Jiaozhou.


Is it a scholar change? He also covets this batch of ordnance?

It was hard for Lu Xun. In such a weak body, he still tried hard to conceive of two possibilities.

No matter which one it was, Lu Xun felt that... his son Lu Yandu... might not be able to handle it properly.

Take...ahem...take me there...

Lu Xun said to Sun Ru, his tone increased this time.

Bo Yan... Sun Ru gritted her teeth, But your body...

If this batch of ordnance is gone, then...then...ahem...ahem...then what use would I have for this body? Lu Xun's eyebrows tightened and his tone became more urgent.

at this time…

Clan leader, it's not good. Another servant hurriedly came over, Those Jiaozhou people have killed themselves... There were repeating crossbows everywhere in the cave again, and the two sides started shooting at each other. Young Master... he was hit. Crossbow arrows! We, the Lu family, are fighting against those from Jiaozhou!


Crossbow arrow? Shooting?

Has it reached this level?

Lu Xun only felt a thump in his heart.

Such a close distance, so many repeating crossbows, and they have to shoot at each can they still survive?

Yan'er, Yan'er... Lu Xun managed to hold himself up and walked out the door, but after only taking two steps, he fell heavily to the ground with a dong sound.

Bo Yan, Boyan... Sun Ru quickly went to help him up.

Lu Xunyou made a low voice, Yan'er...Yan'er!

——Take me there, take me there...quickly...ahem...take me there quickly!

Jiangling City, noon.

A notice from the Prefect's Mansion was posted in the city.

The common people gathered in front of the notice in twos and threes, and the literate ones read the words on it aloud.

——Cao's traitor was disobedient, and heaven was angry and people were resentful. The emperor's uncle raised righteous troops to attack Cao's traitor, regained Nanjun, and vowed that Han and traitors would not be at odds with each other!

——However, when Cao Cao's thieves escaped into Xiangfan, they posted dozens of Wei spies in Nanjun. They bribed officials, bribed key people, and passed on information for several consecutive years. This sincerely jeopardized Nanjun's great cause of rejuvenating the Han Dynasty!

——However, there are thieves Cao Yuli and Lin, the fourth son of the Guan family. They have a keen eye to recognize thieves. They arrested dozens of Wei spies in one day and severely beat up more than a hundred traitors who surrendered to Wei. Now they all confessed, including their letters, stolen goods, All the engravings were seized and the evidence is conclusive, so they are displayed here as a warning to others!

Next to the announcement, a series of evidences were displayed...

These were all handed over by the Wei spies headed by Wang Qi on their own initiative, which was enough to prove their identity as Wei spies. It also compiled some of their previous actions into an album and posted it next to the notice.

All the people watching could not help but be shocked...

Looking at the boxes of stolen goods, the people whispered to each other.

I told you with my own eyes that one hundred thousand gold was dug up in a house next to my house the night before yesterday... I heard that it was Wei spies who buried it in the soil and used it to bribe Nanjun officials.

If it is according to what you said, then...if the Fourth Master Guan hadn't uncovered these Wei spies and uncovered these bribed officials, wouldn't it mean that...every move in Nanjun would have been exposed to the eyes of that Cao thief?

Isn't that right? Otherwise, why would Guan Gong's repeated Northern Expeditions return without success? These Wei spies are often operating behind the scenes!

Speaking of which, what method did Fourth Young Master Guan use to capture these Wei spies? Logically speaking, as Wei spies, they should have received strict training and should be well hidden.

Hey, don't you know? I heard that there was a Wei spy named 'Wu Liu'. It was he who tipped off the Fourth Young Master Guan, and then all these Wei spies were caught in one fell swoop. Governor Mi even specially commended Wu Liu! The Changxin Restaurant was given to him!

Then isn't this 'Wu Liu' afraid that his family in the north will be harmed by Cao Cao?

Haha, one general can make thousands of bones wither. In this world... if I want glory, how can I care about so many people?

Hey, take a look at the list of bribes. Yesterday...the people who caused the most trouble with the famous scholar Li Miao turned out to be officials bribed by Wei Spies...

Is it any wonder?

Just as the people were talking about it.

On a wooden stake nearby, a shirtless man was tied here. His body was completely exposed, but he was cursing: The fourth son of the Guan family has humiliated me. He and I are inseparable. Unlike the sun and the moon, I want to eat their flesh alive and drink their blood!

This man is none other than Li Miao...

In fact, few people turned their attention to him.

It's not because of anything else, it's mainly because he's not good-looking, and his figure is even worse.

However, there were also some common people who looked at Li Miao with extremely contemptuous eyes.

It was almost because of you that we delayed our Nanjun's mission of clearing out Wei spies!

...You deserve to be humiliated like this! If I were Fourth Young Master Guan, I would never be so kind and righteous to you!

If it weren't for today's announcement, if it weren't for these evidences, I would have almost been deceived by a villain like you and wrongly blamed the Fourth Young Master Guan. Bah! I'd like to return a famous scholar in Shu, a villain, a villain!

A mouthful of thick phlegm spat onto Li Miao's face.

Li Miao's arms and hands were tied and he couldn't wipe off the thick phlegm...

This made him uncomfortable and humiliating.

But he didn't show any signs of giving up.

——I will bite you to death...

——Guan Lin kid... don't let me see you again, I'll bite you to death!

However, among the gathered crowd, there was a Confucian scholar. He raised his eyes deeply, read the notice, and turned around slowly... But when he turned around, he couldn't help but look back, and stared meaningfully at the shirtless Li Miao. One glance.

Changsha, Guanshan Stone Cave.

When Lu Xun was helped and rushed here, the place was already a sea of ​​blood.

At such a close distance, the power of the repeating crossbow is infinitely amplified.

And as long as someone shoots the first crossbow bolt, the two sides will shoot at each other... After a burst of chunk, tug, tug, tug, there will never be a winner in this stone cave!


There was blood everywhere, hundreds of people... almost fell into a large area, and the rest were lying on the ground moaning.

The huge power of the repeating crossbow, at such a distance, is almost fatal!

And this scene gave Lu Xun the most intuitive feeling, which was four words - shocking.

How could this happen? Sun Ru was also so shocked that she couldn't breathe.

She seemed to hear something in her ears. She turned around quickly and raised her long sleeves... A shadow arrow shot out from the cuffs and hit a Jiaozhou native between the eyebrows.

Accompanied by two sounds of dong, dong, the Jiaozhou man fell to the ground, his pupils widened...

He held the repeating crossbow firmly in his hand.

It was as if he was planning to launch a sneak attack on Lu Xun's side just now.

It's not suitable to stay here for a long time... Sun Ru quickly reminded.

Where is Yan'er? Where is Yan'er? Lu Xun quickly ordered: Look, find him!

Lu Yan is Lu Xun's eldest son and his only son so far.

At least for now, Lu Xun still has high hopes for him... This is the future of the Lu family, this is the hope of the Lu family.

Bo Yan...

try to find…

Lu Xun roared hysterically.


At this moment, a miserable and weak voice came out, and among the dead people, a hand was raised.

Lu Xun ignored his physical weakness and quickly knelt down to dig...

After uncovering the bodies of two big men from Jiaozhou, he finally saw his son.

Yan'er, Yan'er...

Lu Xun covered Lu Yan’s face…

Dad... Lu Yan's voice was as thin as a gossamer, We fell into a trap... fell into a trap...

Lu Yan's words were like a flash of light.

Lu Xun only felt that the strangeness he had felt since he first heard about this weird thing surged up at the same time. He suddenly figured out something and felt a tremor in his chest!

This this…

Lu Xun breathed rapidly and gritted his teeth.

Any reselling of arms, any agreed deal, this is just... it's all a game.

A bureau that introduces two buyers to the same ordnance.

This is a plan between two tigers competing for food...

He, Lu Xun, didn't realize until now that this was a plan between two tigers competing for food!

After confirming that Lu Yan's life was not in danger, Lu Xun's eyes stayed on the crossbow in his hand.

The bright words Huang Laoxie on it are still clearly visible.

Lu Xun gritted his teeth: Huang...Huang! Old! Evil!

When he chanted these words, cold sweat was dripping from his forehead...

He seemed to have thought of an extremely miserable thing.

When they went to Jiangling as an envoy, Zhuge Jin and his son fell into the hands of Hong Qigong.

And he, Lu Xun... was careful enough.

But...but in the end...he still fell completely into the hands of this Huang Laoxie!

I am heartbroken and heartbroken!

It’s ten times more tragic than what Zhuge Jin and his son suffered!


The huge shock caused a cold sweat, and Lu Xun finally calmed down to analyze the matter.

He looked around...

He looked at the repeated crossbows held in the hands of the fallen strong men, as well as the sidecars, wooden cows and stray horses that were already stained with blood.

He suddenly thought of something again.

If...if this is a game, then...there is one less step, that is...that is, there are still some people left to finish it!

Sure enough, it was just as Lu Xun expected.

Clan leader, clan leader...

A Lu Jiajun ran over quickly, On Guanshan Mountain, we found... we found the officers and soldiers of Changsha County. It was... the county guard personally led the troops, and they were... heading towards the cave.

--I knew it! 』

Lu Xun couldn't help but clenched his fists...

——The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows behind!

——If two tigers compete for food, will no hunter benefit?


Lu Xun still couldn’t bear it, still couldn’t bear it…

With eyes full of regret, he looked around at the repeated crossbows, sidecars, wooden oxen and horses in the cave...

He is not willing to give in!

——I’m not willing to give in!

But... things have come to this, what else can be done?

Bo Yan, Yan'er is still seriously injured. The officers and soldiers are coming. If you don't leave, it will be too late. Sun Ru repeatedly advised.

At this moment, Lu Xun's facial features were tightly condensed together.

This expression can be summed up in six words - no sorrow is greater than the death of heart!

--well! 』

--well! 』

After sighing heavily, Lu Xun could only stand up unwillingly. He used his extremely hoarse voice to order: Go...go!

——Take Yan'er and let's go!

I can only take Lu Yan with me...

This repeating crossbow, this wooden cow and stray horse, this sidecar, he...he can't take it away.

Their Lu family’s 200,000 hu of grain converted into gold...can’t be taken away either!

Following Lu Xun’s instructions…

Sun Ru commanded the following Lu family soldiers to immediately carry Lu Yan and Lu Xun on their backs and evacuate quickly before the officers and soldiers from Changsha County arrived.

Coming in high spirits...

But, go in despair!

And in this cave, there were a lot of corpses lying around.

But here, the blood gathered together and turned into small streams... slowly red.

The smell of blood is everywhere, this smell is disgusting!

Not long after...

A group of officers and soldiers came quickly.

The voice of Liao Li, the governor of Changsha, chanted at the same time.

——In the Changsha territory, in the clear sky, there is such a shocking weapon fight. Come on... capture them all!

It seemed that after this sound, Liao Li noticed something.

That’s right…

It's the sidecar, the wooden cow and the stray horse, it's the... deadly repeating crossbows!

Seeing this, Liao Li subconsciously held his chin.

He murmured in his mind.

——Is this the surprise mentioned in Hong Qigong's note? 』

He looked at the four words Huang Laoxie Made written in golden light on a repeating crossbow.

Liao Li couldn't help but murmur.

Hong Qigong, Huang Laoxie!

For a moment, he was a little stupid and couldn't tell the difference.

But soon, he came back to his senses.

He shouted orders.

——These weapons are all stolen goods, take them all back!

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