——Zhuge Liang, Wolong, who was in charge of the government affairs in central Sichuan.

——Fengxiao Pang Tong died in Luofengpo.

And... Fazheng, the Shu Zhi Filial Piety who will die suddenly two years later.

These are Liu Bei's three great counselors and three great military advisors.

Their situations are different, their endings are different, and their philosophies are also different.

Han thieves are not at odds with each other.

Every time you do the opposite, things will come true!

This is the strategic plan proposed by Zhuge Liang Longzhong, and it is also the code for Liu Bei's behavior and his clear positioning for himself.

But in fact, after the Longzhong match, Liu Bei was still losing.

——Defeat Dangyang, rush to Xiakou, abandon Xinye, go to Fancheng, prepare to experience hardships!

Why is it that despite having strategic plans, principles, and positioning, it is still difficult to find a victory?

Until he met Pang Tong, Pang Tong told Liu Bei, The situation of contingency cannot be determined by one person. Pang Tong was not against Liu Bei's benevolence and righteousness, but he felt that Liu Bei placed too much emphasis on benevolence and righteousness, and too much emphasis on everything is contrary to Cao Cao. The so-called excessive Less than that!

So Pang Tong advised Liu Bei to attack the weak and attack the ignorant, it's the fifth uncle's business, which means that sometimes you have to be like Cao Cao and be ruthless when you need to be ruthless.

If we say that Zhuge Liang established a great, glorious, and upright strategy, criteria, and positioning for Liu Bei.

That Pang Tong was the one who cut off all Liu Bei's benevolence and reminded Liu Bei that you can maintain your ideals, but you must base yourself on reality.

So, one after another, shady tricks came out of his mouth.

In order to turn Liu Bei into a black man, Pang Tong taught Liu Bei what it means to be a master?

Taught Liu Bei that if he wants to gain a foothold in these troubled times, he must adopt ruthless and destructive methods.

It's a pity that Pang Tong died in an accident.

Fortunately, God closed a window for Liu Bei, but opened another door.

Fa Zheng appeared.

Fazheng's big legion combat capability and his ingenious schemes have given Liu Bei's legion a qualitative leap in combat effectiveness, and this is not what Liu Bei likes most about Fazheng.

Liu Bei and Fa Zheng are the same type of people.

Fa Zheng understood Liu Bei's thoughts best.

It is precisely for this reason that all the Han officials only care about whether Liu Beifei is tall or not, but Fazheng only cares about whether Liu Beifei is tired or not.

On the Hanzhong battlefield, Liu Bei was furious.

He has been waiting all his life for this decisive battle with Cao Cao.

He rushed among the arrows, and no one dared to persuade Liu Bei, because... Liu Bei is the lord!

Only Fa Zheng stood in front of Liu Bei and did not cry, make a fuss or hang himself. He just said, My lord is not afraid, so what should I be afraid of? At worst, I will just go underground to meet Pang Tong.

At that time, Liu Bei thought of...

Pang Tong, who was shot to death by an arrow in Luofengpo, almost cried!

I no longer have red eyes, so I retreated.

This is the biggest difference between Fazheng and Zhuge Liang.

He understands Liu Bei better, which is similar to... Zhuge Liang is Liu Bei's admired master, but Fazheng is Liu Bei's close friend.

It's a pity that Fa Zheng... died young.

Otherwise...not to mention that the story of Shu Han will be rewritten.

At least, when launching the Battle of Yiling, Fa Zheng would definitely say so in the face of Zhuge Liang's dissuasion from Chen Mingyi.

——Your Majesty, I will go with you to kill the Soochow Biyan. We will set off immediately!

The result after that must be - Lu Xun died and Soochow was defeated!

For the Shu Han and Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang was virtuous and loyal, while Pang Tong was cunning and cunning, but Dharma was sentimental and skillful.

This is the great significance of Fa Zheng to Shu Han and Liu Bei.

That's why some people judge -

——If the righteousness of the Dharma does not die, there will be no Three Kingdoms.

It's a pity that such a vital figure died two years later...

He died in the great victory in the Battle of Hanzhong, and died in Liu Bei's most glorious moment, which he created with his own hands.

Of course, Zhang Fei didn't know this.

I just feel that everything Kong Ming explained is so difficult?

Hong Qigong... Until now, we still haven’t figured out who he is, so that’s all.

However, Fazheng looked at him and saw that there was no way he could be saved.

What is all this about?

Of course...if the task is not completed, it will not be completed. This is nothing, but Zhang Fei understands his elder brother Liu Bei. When he thinks that if Fazheng dies suddenly like his father Fa Yan, how sad will his elder brother be?


Zhang Fei suddenly thought of something and asked quickly.

Old man Huang, on my way here to Jingzhou, I heard that there is a miracle doctor in Changsha County. His name is Zhang Zhongjing. He wrote Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases a few years ago and saved many people! If I take him back, I won't be able to protect them all. ...You can see something!

——Zhang Zhongjing!

As soon as the name came out, Huang Chengyan was slightly startled, but he quickly waved his hand, You can't invite him!

What's wrong? Zhang Fei asked with great interest: Could it be...that he was close to Cao Cao? I heard rumors that during the battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao at Guandu, there was a man named Zhang Xian who served as the governor of Changsha. , mobilized all the troops from the four counties in Jingnan to attack Liu Biao? This made Liu Biao fail to fulfill his agreement with Yuan Shao, and attack Cao Cao together! Many people say that Zhang Xian is Zhang Zhongjing? Is it true?

No wonder there are such rumors.

Not to mention it was in the late Han Dynasty when three people became a tiger and rumors were flying everywhere.

Even in later generations, in the Biography of Zhang Zhongjing written by Sun Dingyi of the Qing Dynasty, it was also believed that... Zhang Xian, the governor of Changsha who supported Cao Cao and raised troops to resist Liu Biao, was the real scene of Zhang Zhongjing.

The reason is that in Zhang Zhongjing's name, Zhong means second, and Jing means admiration, which is the same as the word Xian. Moreover, both of them served as governors of Changsha during this period.

Therefore, let alone future generations, people in this world...

You may also wonder, this Medical Saint Zhang Zhongjing is probably Zhang Xian himself, right?


In fact, these two people are not even close to each other, and they are not even the same race.

Huang Chengyan waved his hand and said firmly, Zhang Xian is not Zhang Zhongjing. Zhang Xian's grave is ten feet high and he is buried on Malan Mountain in Changsha!

Although Huang Chengyan lives in seclusion, he is a famous person in Jingzhou and has a network of connections all over Jingzhou.

In this land, there is no one with a name that he does not recognize.

And this medical sage who wrote Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases, whose real name is Zhang Ji, is definitely not Zhang Xian, and his courtesy name is Zhongjing.

Because when he was the prefect of Changsha, he held clinics on the first and fifteenth day of every month to treat diseases of the poor people, which was widely spread.

This is the origin of tang.

Even later generations, in order to commemorate Zhang Zhongjing, collectively referred to doctors who sat in pharmacies to treat diseases as sitting doctors.

If these doctors opened their own pharmacies, they would all name them XX Tang, like Tongren Tang Pharmacy!

Of course it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that when Huang Chengyan mentioned Zhang Zhongjing, his expression suddenly changed and became very ugly.

Zhang Fei was confused and patted his forehead.

Since this Zhongjing is not Zhang Xian, he can't be said to have kissed Cao Cao. So? What can't I invite? If he doesn't know how to praise me, I will tie him up and take him to Chengdu. A living person cannot be Are you holding in your pee to death?

Don't wait for Zhang Fei to finish speaking.

Huang Chengyan waved his hands and said regretfully: You can tie him up, but when you get to Chengdu, there will only be a dead miracle doctor left!

What? Zhang Fei was shocked, Could it be that this Zhongjing's grave is also one foot high?

That's not... Huang Chengyan's voice was like ice, chilling to the bones, as if he had thought of something extremely regrettable.

After a while, he said softly: Zhang Zhongjing has been bedridden for a year. He has suffered from 'severe typhoid fever'. I'm afraid...

This is wrong! Zhang Fei quickly interrupted: Didn't he write Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases?

As soon as this statement came out,

Huang Chengyan's face became even more ugly. He stood up and just took a step out, but couldn't help but stop.

He raised his head and looked at the rafters, with infinite regret in his eyes...

There are not many people in this world that Huang Chengyan can admire.

Speaking of it, Guan Lin is one who has countless, wonderful ideas and inventions in his mind;

Son-in-law Zhuge Kongming is considered one;

As for Liu Bei, Cao Cao and others... they can only be regarded as half at most.

In addition, there is another one, Zhang Zhongjing, who used his life's experience and experience to compose Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases, but he himself fell into severe typhoid fever due to a large number of experimental medicines.

This is no longer a matter of sympathy. Zhang Zhongjing's illness made Huang Chengyan mournfully regret it!

This is the loss of the entire Han Dynasty Xinglin!


Thinking of this, Huang Chengyan murmured, leaving only seven words -

——A doctor cannot heal himself!

Hearing this, Zhang Fei scratched his head.

After a long mental process, he probably understood what Huang Chengyan meant.


The situation is now clear.

Fa Zheng is basking in the sun after autumn - it will be cold in the morning and evening!

For Zhang Zhongjing, this is the first glass of milk wine in autumn - it will be cold in the morning and evening!

——Sooner or later it will turn yellow!

This is embarrassing.

Liu Bei asked Zhang Fei to seek medical treatment, but now it's good, the miracle doctor himself is almost ga.

It’s over!

This matter is not complete...is it over?

Changsha County, by the Laodao River.

In the courtyard of an inconspicuous farmhouse, a forty-year-old woman was playing the piano.

Although the traces of time have acted on this woman's face, adding many fine lines...

But these still cannot hide her beautiful body and the charm on her cheeks...

At this age, with You Zi’s charm, it’s hard to imagine how beautiful and beautiful she would have been when she was young...


The sound of the piano is loud and rhythmic. As the tune is played, the sound of the piano becomes more intense and sonorous, seeming to be filled with the endless resentment, sorrow and indignation of the player.

It's like a person fighting against fate.

In the middle of the song, the tone became euphemistic and melodious again.

It seemed like...after the endless struggle, everything fell silent again.

The entire second half of the song is like a harp player... being disheartened, she chooses to drift with the tide, letting the huge waves of this era submerge her and turn her into a speck of dust, floating in the world.

Suddenly, there was a clang sound...

The strings of the piano broke... It was as if God had once again added a touch of injustice to fate. Before the song ended, the sound of the piano suddenly stopped.

Cough cough cough...

At this moment, a violent coughing sound came from the back room.

It turned out that there was an old man in his sixties lying in the room. Although he was old, he seemed to be extremely kind. After all, he was lying on the hospital bed, especially the steady and dignified doctor...

It was he who wrote Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases, which solved the problem of typhoid fever that once ravaged the Han Dynasty and caused ten rooms in his hometown to be empty... Zhang Zhongjing, the medical sage of the time.


Accompanied by another bout of coughing, this one seemed much more serious. Zhang Zhongjing's mouth was covered with blood. This kind of blood coughed up from his throat was the most painful.

The woman quickly took a silk handkerchief to wipe it...

Zhang Zhongjing waved his hand, He...are they back?

Zhang Zhongjing studied medicine all his life, but he never married and had no heirs. The they he mentioned were his three disciples-Wang Shuhe, Du Du, and Wei Xun.

According to the records in Book of the Later Han, among the three disciples of Zhang Zhongjing.

Wang Shuhe is particularly good at pediatrics and is called the originator of pediatrics;

Du Du had a profound knowledge and was passed down by his master. He also became a famous doctor and was known as the Famous Doctor.

Wei Xun is the author of Four Niss and Three Parts of Jue Jing, Women's Fetal Store Sutra and Children's Cranial Font Prescriptions, and is quite accomplished in the fields of gynecology and pediatrics.

Of course, they are still very young today and still accompany their master Zhang Zhongjing.

As for the woman who took care of Zhang Zhongjing, her surname was Ren. She was a woman who Zhang Zhongjing rescued when he went to Nanyang to practice medicine twenty years ago. At that time, the woman was only in her prime, but she had just given birth and was disheartened. I almost want to die.

In order to save her, Zhang Zhongjing took her by his side, treating and enlightening her at the same time.

In the end, Zhang Zhongjing learned her identity and adopted her as his adopted daughter.

In a blink of an eye…

Twenty years have passed.

Because he had no daughter, Zhang Zhongjing treated this woman as his own for twenty years, and this woman also regarded Zhang Zhongjing as her own loving father.

Father, take a drink first...the three of them haven't come back yet.

The woman brought water and fed it to Zhang Zhongjing one mouthful at a time.

Zhang Zhongjing just took a sip, and then sighed, Although they are all typhoid fever, Li San from Malan Mountain, Mrs. Xu from Guanshan, Du Shi from the city... all have different symptoms, and the disease has different degrees, so the medicine It varies from severe to mild, three points require external treatment, and seven points rely on internal nourishment...I'm worried about them...they...cough cough cough...cough cough cough...

He spat out another mouthful of blood.

Even on the sick bed, I cannot sit in the hall.

But... Zhang Zhongjing still has not forgotten his responsibility as a doctor. Every night, he will ask three disciples to describe the difficult diseases they encountered during diagnosis today, and then give detailed instructions on how to diagnose and treat them.

Whenever his disciple made another diagnosis, Zhang Zhongjing would be worried...worried that his disciple was inexperienced, asked the wrong pulse, and used the wrong medicine.

This is not to say that Zhang Zhongjing cannot be trusted as a disciple.

You should know that Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases records 22 articles on typhoid fever using dialectical methods.

Among them, there are 397 treatment methods, 113 prescriptions, a total of more than 50,000 words, and the bamboo slips alone took up 30 volumes.

Unless Zhang Zhongjing goes to consult the doctor and prescribe medicine himself...

Otherwise, many diseases have similar pathologies, and it is very easy for negligence to lead to completely different treatments.

The woman held the silk handkerchief and asked Zhang Zhongjing to cough blood on the silk handkerchief.

She asked worriedly: My foster father always saves people, but...but in the end, who will save my foster father?

Zhang Zhongjing replied: The doctor is kind-hearted. As a father, I only want to diligently seek ancient teachings and have the ambition to help people...for the rest, let him go, let him go...

But... The woman was crying, her throat seemed to be choked with sobs,

It took a long time before he spoke, Twenty years ago, my adoptive father rescued my daughter in Nanyang, but... But now, my daughter sees that her adoptive father is suffering from such typhoid fever, but... she can't do anything? Sometimes, my daughter really... really wants to use The life of the daughter is exchanged for the life of the adoptive father...the adoptive father will be much more useful than the daughter if he remains in this world!

By the end of the speech, I was bursting into tears and hoarse.

Cough... Zhang Zhongjing's coughing stopped suddenly. He stretched out his weak hand and stroked the adopted daughter in front of him.

After a long time, he murmured: You...you have experienced more, you...you are even more miserable!

at this time…


The voices of three male disciples came from afar.

The woman quickly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her sleeves. She forced out a smile and immediately got up and went out to meet him.

The three of them were young disciples accepted by their adoptive father.

——Wang Shuhe, Du Du, Wei Xun!

Where are you, master, right?

Senior sister, don't worry, master... The leading disciple was only in his early twenties, but he seemed to be very smart. Just from the woman's words, he could guess the master's worries.

With a smile on his face, he shouted loudly: Everyone is cured. The medicine has cured the disease. The villagers also gave us a chicken and a fish. We just stewed them tonight to give the master a good raw food supplement.

Yes, after using the master's prescription, the disease was cured! Haha...

Because the patient was cured, Zhang Zhongjing seemed to be in a good mood.

He managed to laugh out loud.

For a time, the inside and outside of this humble hut was filled with cheers.


Everyone here knows that their master, this extremely weak and cold old man...

How much pain has he endured with his remaining sick body?

He wanted to be freer and let go completely, but he couldn't do this. He had to pass on his ability to treat typhoid fever to them.

As the saying goes - if you don't pass it on to others, you may become a loser!

In Jiangling City, Guan Lin is sitting in the study of the Prefect's Mansion at this moment, with his chin in his hands.

Zhang Xingcai sat beside him.

Sitting on his knees on the main seat opposite is Mi Fang, the prefect.

Guan Lin followed Mi Fang to the Prefect's Mansion not only for the debt of Qianbubu, but also for a meal.

He is here to discuss cooperation.

Cooperate with those soft little wings that prevent side leakage!

Early in the morning, when Zhang Xingcai suggested that he still needed these little wings, Guan Lin immediately sent someone to inform Ma Bing, a subordinate of the thief Cao Yu.

Let him try to use the paper that has been dried before, paired with cotton...

Let’s do some processing and see if we can make a few of them today.

In addition to solving Zhang Xingcai's urgent needs...

Mi Fang is not only talking about cooperation, but also needs samples.

Speaking of which, Guan Lin knew that Mi Fang had connections. Since he had the ability to resell arms, he must have the ability...to sell these little wings as well.

——There are many clans in the north. There are many people who are not short of money, and the market is still very broad!

However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very backbone.

Even after waiting until the afternoon, the sample of the little wings from the thief Cao Yu was still not delivered, which was a bit embarrassing.

Guan Lin has sent someone to urge...

Of course, Guan Lin knew that there was a process of drying the pulp, which took a lot of time.

However, Guan Lin can't afford to wait!

He sent someone to tell Ma Liang to fan him and speed up the drying. Samples must be sent today!

On the contrary, Mi Fang's eyes moved...

He has been waiting for two hours, but the business Guan Lin mentioned has not been delivered yet.

Mi Fang was wondering, was this kid bluffing him?

Are you not going to help him get rich?

But as soon as the thought came to her mind, Mi Fang shook her head. Why was Guan Lin bluffing him? Guan Lin is the creditor!


With this in mind, Mi Fang slowly opened her mouth, How about... let's see tomorrow? My dear nephew, don't worry... don't be in a hurry right now. As long as it's a good thing, then you and I have plenty of ways to sell it! You can sell it wherever you want!

Guan Lin was helpless. He sighed, stood up slowly, and was about to leave.

But at this moment...

Report to the Grand Administrator... A civil servant hurriedly came over and immediately reported: Guan Gong asked the Grand Administrator Mi, can the grain and grass needed for the Northern Expedition to Xiangfan be raised? How much money is needed to reinforce and build the city of Jiangling City and Changsha County... ? Can it be raised?


Hearing this, Mi Fang's head was about to explode.

Another debt collector!

Speaking of which, Mi Fang felt bitter.

It is true that the four counties in Jingnan have a good harvest this year, especially Changsha. One county alone has harvested 200,000 dendrobiums of grain, and the four counties combined have harvested 300,000 dendrobiums.

But... where there is food, there is food.

I can't stand you Guan Yu... The Northern Expedition to Xiangfan requires food, the reinforcement of the city requires food, the salaries of the soldiers of the three armies, and the daily meals also need food?

There are only 300,000 dendrobium grains in the granary now.

We need to go on the Northern Expedition and tighten our belts, but we can barely make it together...but don't even mention strengthening the city!

If we want to strengthen the city, we will naturally not be able to carry out the Northern Expedition...

this is the truth!

But how was Mi Fang going to tell Guan Yu about this?

You can’t say, Yun Chang, stop the Northern Expedition? Go home and wash up and sleep!

If these words are spoken, Guan Yu's eyes can turn into a knife.

But if you say, don’t reinforce the city, just save it!

This did not require Guan Yu to draw his sword. Mi Fang himself disagreed!

It was Soochow who fortified the city!

——This is Soochow!


It's that shameless Sun Quan!

How can this not be reinforced?

——Must be reinforced!

Reinforce it to be impregnable and solid as a rock!

Because Mi Fang hated Sun Quan so much... He would never let Sun Quan take advantage of him at all.

Mi Fang would not allow Sun Quan to be born with even the slightest bad intention.

He just had an idea in his mind!

——'Hey, you blue eyes, just stay with me in Soochow. When I lead troops to destroy you later, what you have belongs to me, and what you have in Soochow belongs to me too! 』

Of course, Mi Fang thought so in her heart, but she couldn't say it with her mouth.


He let out a long sigh.

But Guan Lin suddenly thought of something.

He quickly asked: Uncle Zifang? Is my father planning to reinforce Jiangling City? Changsha City?

Yes... Mi Fang sighed faintly, Because of the shameless attack on Jingnan by Dong Wu before, I gained a lot of wisdom... In order to conquer Cao Wei in the north, Jiangling and Changsha, the barriers of Dong Wu, must be strengthened and must be impregnable!

At the end of the sentence, Mi Fang's tone was gritted.

Guan Lin, on the other hand, blinked and asked again.

Since Grand Master Mi said that? Then...why do you have to look so sad?

To tell you the truth... Mi Fang spread her hands, I'm so poor... It's the Northern Expedition and it's building a city. How can there be so much money and food in the treasury? Your uncle and I... I am also a clever woman who cannot make a living without rice!


After saying this, Guan Lin immediately thought of something, his eyes were sure, and he said with a smile. Uncle Zifang? The money for building the city... doesn't exist in the treasury, but my nephew does.

——On my nephew's side, all the poor have left is money and food!

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