Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 156 In this troubled world, choice is always greater than effort

——Did you look unruly at the beginning?


Guan Lin's words echoed in Guan Yu's ears, eyes, and heart.

It seemed like it was swimming around every inch of his body.

Guan Yu immediately realized that this father-son duel ended in his failure once again.

Guan Lin's dark pupils were as bright as gems, fixed firmly on his father Guan Yu's face.

Seeing Guan Yu Danfeng's eyes open, You Zi looked like he was just recovering from the shock.

Guan Lin spread his hands,

If dad doesn't want to recover, forget it! I just think dad is more heroic when he is unruly!

As for those repeating crossbows, sidecars, wooden oxen and stray horses, dad can just take them back. Speaking of which, Huang Laoxie may still have some, so I'll ask him to send someone to the Guanjiajun barracks.

Having said this, Guan Lin showed a smile that showed his face, and he rubbed his hands again.

Okay, these hands have been wiped clean. Dad's ordnance is about to arrive. The smell in the latrine is quite strong. Let me go ahead and order the troops. Dad must not forget that this green robe will be wiped. You still need to wash your hands after using them, and our family members always need to be hygienic.

Having said this, Guan Lin turned around, raised his hands, and walked out of the hut like a winner.

In fact…

Between father and son, if we really want to talk about who can pee far, Guan Lin's small body is still far behind.

Guan Yu won the pee...

I won this batch of weapons, but lost a point of pride to my son!

Watching Guan Lin slowly leave...

A mixture of joy, melancholy, emotion, and sadness gradually appeared on Guan Yu's lips, and also appeared on his eternally paralyzed face.

Rarely, the corners of his mouth widened, and all the emotions seemed to turn into a pure smile at this moment.

--Ha ha…

Guan Yu smiled, very restrainedly and quietly.

He seemed to be afraid that Guan Lin would hear it and laugh at him, which would affect his son's image of Guan Yu standing tall and tall.

But soon, Hahaha Guan Yu's laughter started again.

This time, there was no restraint, it was laughter... a sad smile.

He realized that why should he care about the so-called standing tall image?

This image was worthless in front of Guan Lin.


The laughter rose again, and this smile was like a warm spring breeze melting the snow that had been condensed for a whole winter.

Incredibly, the stench in this hut place was so bad that Guan Yu seemed to feel winter turning to spring and smelling the fragrance of flowers... the fragrance was overflowing.

Haha, I don't know if this fragrance comes from Guan Lin's urine or from Guan Yu's urine.

Who would have thought…

The reconciliation between the Guan father and son was actually in the hut, and it was so savoury!

When Guan Yu walked out of the hut...

Zhou Cang is waiting here.

Where is Yun Qi? Guan Yu couldn't help but ask.

Zhou Cang pointed to the school grounds, Fourth Young Master said he was going to give some training to the soldiers!

Does that kid know how to lecture? Guan Yu murmured. This voice was made subconsciously. It was very low and thin... but it contained the slightest worry about the brat's lecture.

Zhou Cang didn't hear clearly.

Guan Gong just said...

Oh... Guan Yu did not repeat, but straightened his chest and looked in the direction of the school field.

——Follow Guan to have a look!

As he spoke, Guan Yu was thinking of what his son had just said.

——The child still likes his father's unruly look at the beginning

——‘Are you unruly? 』

Thinking of this, Guan Yu smiled, smiling like a face again.

What Yun Qi reminded was that he could lower his profile in his heart and admit that he had lost to his son again.

But...this can only be buried in my heart.

Externally, he is still the god Guan Gong in the eyes of the people of Jingzhou.

It was time for him to return to his unruly self.

Thinking of this, Guan Yu Danfeng's eyes opened and closed, and the majestic aura swept through his body again. There was no expression or color on his cheeks as before.

He took the steps of a dragon and a tiger, and his steps were sonorous and powerful.

He has turned back into the mighty and unyielding and arrogant Guan Gong on the outside!

But deep down in his heart, huge changes had subtly occurred.

This is...a change in mentality, a change in personality.

In fact, just now, when Guan Lin was leaving the hut, he stopped for a moment.

Instead of waiting for his father Guan Yu, he suddenly thought of something.

Words from a great man.

A person who is not crazy at the age of twenty has no future.

But if you are still crazy at the age of thirty, you will have no future.

——Now is the age when children are crazy, but it is the age when dads have to restrain themselves! 』

Jiangxia, south of the Yangtze River, E County.

The guards sent by Sun Quan to summon him rolled away, and soon there was only a trace of dust and smoke left, which gradually became lighter and heavier in the cold and hard air.

After quitting the hard work along the way, Zhuge Jin stood in front of the gate of Guanyi with a worried look on his face.

He just arrived here this morning. He was originally going to send a message to the old general Cheng Pu, but before he could rush there, he heard that the governor, Lu Zijing, was ill and dying.

At that time, Zhuge Jin's mood was like a roller coaster, and he was suddenly cast into a heavy haze.

He knew very well what Lu Su meant to Soochow.

In Zhuge Jin's mind, without Zhou Yu in Soochow, everything would be the same as before, but without Lu Su, the situation... would be uncontrollable!

Fortunately, just now, the guards sent by Sun Quan told Zhuge Jin that the governor was just overworked and had a cough, so he was weak and fainted, and his life was not in danger for the time being.

Along with this news, Sun Quan summoned Zhuge Jin to go.


Ask him to take the son who is going to be adopted by Zhuge Liang and go with him!

It is precisely because of this incident that Zhuge Jin's mood is now cast in a thick haze.

Didn't Marquis Wu summon my father? Why is my father motionless? Aren't you afraid that Marquis Wu will be impatient? Zhuge Ke walked to his father Zhuge Jin and asked quickly.

When the guards summoned him just now, he hid in the back hall and heard clearly.

Zhuge Ke's words made Zhuge Jin, who had a gloomy face, suddenly look up. He touched his son's face with his hand and smoothed away the hair that was blown by the wind and stuck to his face.

At the same time, low words came from Zhuge Jin's mouth.

Ke'er, have you decided? Zhuge Jin said urgently: I know it's not fair to Qiao Er as a father to ask you this, but Ke'er... as a father... as a father...

At the end of the sentence, Zhuge Jin choked up and couldn't speak out the words in his throat.

Yes, Zhuge Jin lets his son Zhuge Ke choose to stay or go. How is this fair to his other eleven-year-old son Zhuge Qiao?

These are just excuses.

After all, Zhuge Jin was reluctant to let go of Zhuge Ke. He also wanted to retain this beautiful jade from Lantian, this son who gets a donkey by adding words.

But inexplicably, since returning from Jingzhou, Ke'er seemed to have decided to leave.

Extremely determined to decided to leave!

After listening to his father's words, Zhuge Ke stepped towards Zhuge Jin and went to get clothes and hats to put on his father, preparing to go with Zhuge Jin to meet Sun Quan.

His words also came out at the same time, A child can't bear to leave his father, but since someone has to go there, why can't it be his son? Brother Qiao will definitely fulfill his filial piety for his son!

Zhuge Ke's words first showed a gentle side.

Then...his words became colder, Before, the child and his father went to Jingzhou with high spirits and ambitions, but he never thought that they would end up returning in vain, and the father would be humiliated in the palace. That time, the child lost to Hong Qigong!

But for so long, Hai'er has sent many people to investigate Hong Qigong. From the clues, from the beggar gang he established, from...his unpredictable legends, but in the end, Hai'er found nothing. , what the child got is that Lu Boyan’s death in Changsha was also related to Hong Qigong!”

The more this happens, the more it proves that Hong Qigong is unfathomable? Hei'er claims that... he may not be his opponent, and Hei'er is too curious about him. Maybe he can only go deep into Jingzhou, go deep into Shu, and become his comrade-in-arms. Only then can we get a glimpse of its mysterious true face, so that... it will live up to the child’s tossing and turning at night.”

Zhuge Ke said a lot.

It's nothing more than, I can't beat you, and I can't find you, so... I choose to join you.

In this way, I don't have to look for you, and I don't have to worry about losing to you, and I can even... get your help.

Of course, this is a reason.

Not absolutely.

Haha... Zhuge Jin suddenly laughed, Ke'er, you were brought up by your father, how could you deceive your father?

Zhuge Jin stared deeply at his son, but ultimately couldn't bear to let him tell the truth, so he directly brought the topic to the point. My son thinks there is no hope for Soochow, right?


Suddenly being told what he was thinking, Zhuge Ke pursed his lips subconsciously and hesitated.


You don't need to say it. Zhuge Jin lowered his eyes. He had already vaguely guessed what his son was going to say. He still couldn't bear his son to open his mouth. He said directly: My son thinks that after the defeat in Hefei, I will give Jingzhou to After Liu Bei is defeated, there will be no hope for Soochow!

Zhuge Jin's expression was indifferent. He put his fingers in his sleeves and continued to sigh: Yes, Hefei in the north cannot be broken through, and Xiakou in Jiangxia blocks the development of Soochow to Jingxiang. To the west... there are Changsha and Jiangling, once Failed to make a sneak attack? To raise the defense...How can we break through there?

Another Jiangdong soldier asked about Liao's disgrace. Even a child would not dare to cry when he heard Zhang Wenyuan's name. The morale of Soochow was low, the military morale was disorganized, and the people were impetuous... The only way to alleviate this growing problem was through the conquest of Jiaozhou. What a decadent situation! My son is so smart, how could he not see that Soochow today is like a trapped animal, and all actions are just a struggle for the trapped animal!

Zhuge Jin said a lot in one breath.

Zhuge Ke looked deeply at his father, his eyes fierce, Ever since the Marquis of Wu decided to attack Jiaozhou, Soochow has already gone far, and it is destined to never get out of this trapped beast...

No need to say any more. Zhuge Jin interrupted Zhuge Ke. He slowly walked a few steps to one side, held on to a half-dead old tree, and smiled miserably. It's good, Ke'er is smart. If he can get Kong Ming's teachings, his future will be boundless... The Zhuge family has planned a plan and made it to this point. It is already invincible!

This is natural. Zhuge Ke said with a smile, After all, the Zhuge family has a long's just...

At the end of his words, Zhuge Ke's brows raised, and an evil spirit flashed on his cheeks.

The child is worried about his father...

Are you worried that you and I will be our own masters? We will be enemies of each other? Zhuge Jin asked back.

No... The evil look on Zhuge Ke's face did not dissipate, as if he was harboring huge worries for his father.

Instead of speaking out, he asked his father. Father, does he know how Cao Cao's first soldier, Xun Yu of the Xun clan in Yingchuan, died three years ago?

Cao Cao ascended the throne as Duke of Wei, and Xun Yu was unable to stop him... so he suffered from heart disease. Zhuge Jin said uncertainly. You eventually died of illness, right?

No... Zhuge Ke said: This is not a secret in the north!

Cao Cao became Duke of Wei. Xun Yu tried hard to persuade Cao Cao to no avail. Then... Cao Cao sent someone to deliver a food box to his house. When Xun Yu opened it, he saw it was empty. Does my father know... what does this mean?

What do you mean? Zhuge Jin asked quickly.

Zhuge Ke bit his lip slightly, Cao Cao is telling Xun Yu... that he has been an official for thirty years, but in the end he has no Han salary to eat!


Zhuge Jin felt a thump in his heart, as if he thought of something, but he quickly shook off the thought.

Zhuge Ke's words came one after another, Isn't my father afraid that after decades of serving as an official, on the last day... he will be forced by Cao Cao, Guan Yu, and Hong Qigong... to have no more salary to live on?

Ke'er... Ke'er shouldn't say this! Zhuge Jin stumbled in his answer.

Dad... Zhuge Ke held his hand tightly and said loudly: In this troubled world, it is always... it is always the choice that outweighs the effort!


As long as I can win but cannot beat, what if I join?

Winner and loser, in this troubled world of strife, the world will only remember the winner!

Even if it is... an inglorious winner!


Is there still hope for Soochow?

Is there any hope of becoming a winner?

People say that Zhuge Jin was a wise man throughout his life, but his son Zhuge Ke had a better understanding of Soochow, the current situation, and everything in the future than he did.

He...he seemed to be able to see Soochow's not-so-good future.

Guan Lin can always surprise others, such, standing on the wooden platform, standing in front of the loudspeaker, he is giving a lecture in front of a thousand songs.

It stands to reason that this power... Dad Guan Yu has already established it for his son, and so many officials have also expressed their stance.

Guan Lin's army has been established.

The lectures... were nothing more than boosting morale and shouting some slogans, such as Han and traitors are not at odds with each other, Kill the traitors of Cao, revitalize the imperial court, and revitalize the Han Dynasty and so on.

If nothing else works, just say harsh words and make a big deal out of it!

This is the normal way.

Zhang Xingcai has long been accustomed to strange things...

Even if Guan Lin asked Qian Bubu to shout The young general is the most handsome, there would be no problem.

Zhang Xingcai is not even a little surprised...

Because she felt that if it were Guan Lin, he might be able to do such unprovoked things.

However, Guan Lin's lectures were uncharacteristically uncharacteristic. He did not use harsh words, nor did he make flattery, nor did he shout slogans.


From now on, our military camp will train all the time, finish work at midnight, and take an hour's rest at a quarter past noon. Four hours of training every day is enough. If anyone dares to practice for an extra quarter of an hour, I will let him know. It’s called cruelty!”

Also, every sergeant must rest for two days after five days of training. If he cannot rest during an expedition, he must make up for it when he comes back...this is the rule!

This rule... Guan Lin's starting point is resolutely not to get involved...

In these troubled times, everyone is too confused...

One by one, do you want to break one into two pieces and use them?

As everyone knows, if everyone takes the exam, it means they don’t take the exam.

As the first person to anti-involution in his previous life, Guan Lin must have strict training time requirements. He works from nine to five and gets off work when the time is up...

No one can even think about practicing for more than a quarter of an hour.


When Guan Lin blurted out these words, Zhang Xingcai was could it still be like this?

Then...then this part of Yun Qi's team is too easy, right?

What Zhang Xingcai couldn't help but think of was how miserable his father Zhang Fei's soldiers were!

Every day I am either training or on the way to training. I wish I could have twelve more hours in a day.

Anyone who doesn't practice hard will be beaten with a whip or a stick by his father Zhang Fei.

The whole... As soon as he entered the military camp, Zhang Xingcai could feel the urgency and tension here... He could feel the urgency of every soldier who was ready for battle.


It seems that Yun Qi is completely opposite to his father Zhang Fei.

Guan Lin's words continued, Besides, you know that I don't know martial arts, so if you really go to the battlefield, I will not lead you to charge. I also hope that you can cherish your life!

When you can hide someone behind your back, you should never confront him head-on. If you can shoot the enemy from a long distance, you should never attack him head-on. The soldiers under my command must be 'living' and 'living' as the criterion! Whoever is not stubborn will dare to If he attacks without authorization, the commander will be polite to him, but the commander’s father has a bad temper, but he is not very polite to him!

Speaking of this, Guan Lin seemed to feel that it was not enough and quickly added.

By the way, during normal training, we practice repeating crossbows and side carriages. Whoever can shoot accurately and steadily, and who can quickly arrange the carriage formation, is the centurion...The second is the commander, the corps commander... The exams for our legion are all based on repeating crossbows, sidecars, and mounted archery! As for the halberds and armors of the tiger and leopard can wear them, use them, or fight in close combat, but at have to win against me. this.

Guan Lin looked at Zhang Xingcai.


When Guan Lin mentioned this.

These parts just don't feel right...

Originally, under Mi Fang, he would still be somewhat nervous when going to the battlefield, seems that with Guan Lin, this training...and going to the battlefield seems a bit childish.

It seems that there is no need for them to charge at all. They just place hidden arrows behind their backs and swing their chariots around?

Can fighting be so easy?

The words are astonishing.

Guan Lin's words are always so shocking.

And... Guan Lin's lecture continued: I have a problem, that is, I am good to my subordinates!

As for how I can treat you well, I can't think of much, so I'll just give you two. One is your family. I will take care of them all. If you don't have a house, I will find a house for them. I want to do some work and earn some money. For money, I’ll find jobs for them!”

But if any of you disobeys on the battlefield, then there's nothing else but sit down!

Secondly, you each feed me two kilograms of grain, half a kilogram of meat, and one kilogram of fruits and vegetables every day. How can you win the battle with your sallow complexion? Even if I am standing among you, I will not feel safe!

Speaking of which... Guan Lin noticed his father Guan Yu who was completely stunned on one side.

Don't blame Guan Yu for being stunned.

He felt that these soldiers were not soldiers when they came to Guan Lin.

This is totally for vacation!

A vacation with a salary!

At this moment, Guan Lin asked with great interest: Dad... As you said just now, my army's food supply is enough. My rough calculation is that each person eats two kilograms of grain per day. Half a catty of meat and one catty of fruits and vegetables, it shouldn’t be a big problem, right?”


Guan Yu hasn't reacted yet.

Cao Yu, who was in charge of the granary, shuddered subconsciously.

Guan Yu looked at him and asked lightly.

Is it a big problem?

Big...or not big... Cao Yu didn't know how to answer for a while, he couldn't make up his mind, but when he saw Guan Yu's red phoenix eyes suddenly condensed, he immediately answered, Not big...not big! As long as the Fourth Young Master wants to Yes, take care of enough, take care of enough!”


At this time, Qu, a group of people in the audience, screamed.

——Fourth Young Master, Fourth Young Master!

——Fourth Young Master, Fourth Young Master

Everyone shouted in unison.

When I was a soldier, I had to eat food. I had never had such a rich life.

Be good, follow the Fourth Young Master and you will get some meat to eat!

Just such a food issue set a thousand stories on fire...

Listening to the shouts of these troops, Guan Yu couldn't help but feel worried. He couldn't help but ask Guan Lin: It's too childish to lead troops like this.

Guan Lin spread his hands: Father, please don't forget that we still have a bet. This kid's child's soldier is going to humiliate father's Guan family army. When the time comes, father don't forget to apologize to me in front of the whole city.

This guy still remembers this!

Don't wait for Guan Yu to think about it.


Guan Lin coughed lightly, then turned back to Qianbubu and continued to give instructions, There is an important matter now. Mi Yang, please order a hundred people and follow me to Changsha by water! Let's go rescue One person, no, to save two people!

This side…

Guan Lin ordered the troops to train, and Qianbu worked from nine to five, with five days off and two days off. It didn't look like leading troops at all, it looked like he was on vacation or just joking.

Over there...

At the dock of Jiangling City, a awning boat stopped here.

A woman in red clothes wearing a bamboo hat slowly stepped off the awning boat. It seemed that a farmer had been waiting for her.


Farmers are very respectful to women.

And the woman just asked lightly: Can I still contact the seller of the Liannu?

This...the farmer lowered his head, as if hesitating.

The woman understood immediately. She sighed softly and murmured It's a pity.

Immediately, she raised her hand and continued to give instructions.

——Lead the way, I want to see where the enemy who killed my mother lives?


——The hatred of killing one's mother is irreconcilable and leads the way.

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