Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 158: Quan Zi asks to marry the tiger girl. This is called killing three birds with one stone

The mountains of Fanshan are within the stone pavilion.

Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Ke said goodbye to Sun Quan, got on their horses and walked slowly down the mountain.

Sun Quan gave Zhuge Jin three orders in total.

Actually, there are four things in total.

However, Sun Quan handed over the task of investigating Mianshui Villa and assassinating Huang Laoxie to the more ruthless Lu Meng.

Let him contact the killer and assassinate Huang Laoxie!

As for Zhuge Jin’s mission.

In addition to sending Zhuge Ke to Jingzhou and adopting him to his second brother Zhuge Liang, there was also a marriage proposal in which Sun Deng, the eldest son of Soochow, proposed marriage to Miss Guan San, the daughter of Guan Yu.

Apart from that, there is the most important thing left, and it is also the thing with the highest priority that Sun Quan has repeatedly emphasized.

——Go to Changsha County and bring the miracle doctor Zhang Zhongjing.

As an envoy who often travels to other countries, Zhuge Jin has a unique source of intelligence.

Therefore... when he heard this order, Zhuge Jin pointed out to Sun Quan that Zhang Zhongjing had been seriously ill for a year and was now lying in bed, dying.


At that time, when Sun Quan heard the news, he stood up uncharacteristically with a cold and firm tone.

Zhuge Jinyou kept his words in mind.

——This Zhongjing is a dead man, and he was brought back to Gu. Gu doesn't care whether he lives or lives, but Gu only wants Zijing to live!

Although he was speaking angrily, Zhuge Jin could feel from these words that the condition of Grand Governor Lu Su was definitely not easy.

This also made Zhuge Jin's heart suddenly cast into a heavy haze.

Indeed, the importance of Dharma to the Shu Han Dynasty.

Zhuge Jin knew very well what Lu Su meant to Soochow.

However, considering Zhang Zhongjing's current situation, this task is not easy!


Suddenly hearing his son calling him, Zhuge Jin felt a sigh of relief. He was thinking...perhaps, the fate between father and son only has a few days left, right?

And the sudden change of this fate that has lasted for more than ten years will always make the father heartbroken!


After taking a long breath, Zhuge Jin slowly raised his head and looked at his son.

It is different from the rapid running up the mountain.

When going down the mountain, the atmosphere between the father and son Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Ke suddenly became much silent.

The two rode side by side, as if there was a tacit understanding lingering between the father and son.

Do you plan to go to Fankou, pass through Xiakou, and go to Jiangling?

Zhuge Ke opened his mouth first, breaking the silence.

No. Zhuge Jin said softly: Let's go to Changsha by water. It's more urgent there. My lord wants that Zhang Zhongjing!

In fact, Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang had an agreement long ago. Zhuge Jin was going to send a son to Jingzhou to adopt him. After he was sent to Jingzhou, there would be someone to take care of him, so there was no need to worry about this.


There was another shout from Zhuge Ke.

Inexplicably, I didn't think it before, but now that father and son are about to separate, this Dad suddenly seems so precious.

what happened again?

Zhuge Jin controlled his emotions. He was an adult and didn't want to be too sentimental. He should also support his son's choice.

As the saying goes, choice is greater than effort, Keer has his own unique understanding of this troubled world.

The child has something to remind his father. Zhuge Ke blurted out.

Without waiting for Zhuge Ke to speak, Zhuge Jin quickly raised his hand to interrupt him, You must think clearly. After you have been to Changsha and come to Jiangling, you will be your second uncle's son. Wherever you stand, The position should be Uncle Liu’s side…”

Zhuge Jin is too wise.

Some topics that were mentioned and discussed freely before are now discussed with caution due to their different positions!

But... before I got to Jiangling, I was still my father's son! Zhuge Ke said with a smile: Before the position changes, the child can still remind his father, right?


Zhuge Ke's words made Zhuge Jin feel somewhat relieved.

He raised his hand: Are you talking about Zhang Zhongjing?

No... Zhuge Ke waved his hand quickly, The child reminded his father that it was 'Miss Guan San'!


Before Zhuge Jin could be surprised, Zhuge Ke's words came out one after another.

The child feels that Marquis Wu asked his father to propose marriage to Miss Guan San on behalf of the eldest son. This is a clever move to 'break the situation in Soochow'. This move... Marquis Wu can... not...

Zhuge Ke suddenly changed his mind and said: This must be a reminder from the Governor of Lu Su. Only Wu Hou could come up with such an ingenious strategy of killing three birds with one stone!


Zhuge Ke's words made Zhuge Jin a little confused.

He asked, How do you say you kill three birds with one stone?

Father, I think... Zhuge Ke talked eloquently, If Guan Yunchang agrees to propose marriage this time, the first person who will bear the brunt is Miss Guan San marrying into Soochow. Once the situation in Jingzhou changes in the future, Miss Guan San will be the most important person in Soochow. A good hostage can make Guan Yunchang throw a rat-proof weapon, this is the first stone!


Zhuge Jin narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although he didn't think about it deliberately, when he heard his son's words this time, he felt that they made sense.

Zhuge Ke's words continued, Secondly, if Guan Yu agrees, will Miss Guan San become a hostage? What's worse, Guan Yu will fall into a trap. A Wu Hou... No, Wu Hou and Lu Da The trap laid by the governors together successfully set off the trap between Guan Yu and Liu Bei!”

As Zhuge Ke's words reached Zhuge Jin's ears.

Boom...a blast!

Zhuge Jin's pupils suddenly widened. He stopped his horse and looked at his son in front of him in disbelief.

Zhuge Jin is a smart man and good at diplomacy.

When his son reminded him to this point, he suddenly understood.

You know, in diplomatic actions, matching is always important. For example, Guan Yu attending a meeting alone can be invited by Lu Su.

But it couldn't be invited by Sun Quan, let alone Lu Meng and others.

This is because of the unequal status of the two parties.

That is to say…

How could Sun Quan's eldest son marry Miss Guan San?

According to the ranking of status, Sun Quan's eldest son Sun Deng can only marry Liu Bei's daughter, or conversely, Liu Bei's son marries Sun Quan's daughter!

——Otherwise, this would be an extremely disrespectful diplomacy.

Even if, to say the least, Liu Bei has no daughter, Sun Quan's son asks to marry Guan Yu's daughter.

For this matter, you cannot propose marriage to Guan Yu, but you need to propose marriage to Liu Bei.

When Guan Yu proposes marriage to Guan Yu, he wants to agree. To Sun Quan, it means degrading his status, but to Guan Yu, what does this mean?

Does this Jingzhou belong to Liu Bei? Or is it your Guan Yu’s?

Who is in charge of the Liu Bei Group?

How could there be no rift in the relationship between Liu Bei and Guan Yu?

The provocation and dissension here... are hard to guard against.

This time, Zhuge Jin completely understood.

In such a small marriage proposal, there are many twists and turns.

Sun Quan was not good at commanding troops, but he was still good at struggle. Neither Guan Yu nor Liu Bei were his opponents.


What if you don’t agree?

Zhuge Jin quickly asked another question.

Then... what if Guan Yu refuses with fierce words?

That's the last of three birds with one stone.

Zhuge Ke explained. If Guan Yu refuses, he must have seen the trick here, and he will definitely speak fiercely and angrily rebuke Wu Hou, but this... just plays into Wu Hou's hands!

How to say it?

——It seems that Guan Yu's words are sharp and he is quick-tongued for a while, but in fact, in the eyes of the world, Wu Houcai has a hot face but a cold butt, and he has suffered great grievances! And this grievance can also make the world's Soochow is even more sympathetic, after all, 'Wu Hou lowered his status to seek marriage' but was met with such humiliation!

Speaking of this, Zhuge Ke paused for a moment and continued, In this way, in the future, once the situation changes, Wu Hou can always switch sides on the grounds that 'the allies look down on Soochow'. The so-called 'departure is famous', Sun Tzu's The Art of War emphasizes Tao, heaven, earth, generals, and laws. At that time, morality will be firmly on the side of Wu Hou. This is the most suitable excuse to send troops to Jingzhou and even do evil things behind his back. And the reason!”

In other words, no matter whether Guan Yu agrees or refuses this marriage proposal, the situation set up by Wu Hou and the Governor of Lu is already invincible!

Well-founded and conclusive.

Zhuge Ke's words made Zhuge Jin take a breath of cold air.

He was surprised by Wu Hou and Lu Su's perfectly coordinated and guaranteed victory plan;

But he was even more surprised by the wisdom and wisdom of his son Zhuge Ke...

He...has seen through it all!

Suddenly Zhuge Jin felt a little regretful. He regretted taking Zhuge Ke to Jiangling that time. If it hadn't been for that failure, if it hadn't been for Hong Qigong's interference, such an outstanding son would have definitely stayed in Soochow, right?

He...he will definitely be able to grow into Soochow's humerus, right?

But now, because of Hong Qigong, this Lantian Beautiful Jade has drifted away from Zhuge Jin and Soochow!

Inexplicably, Zhuge Jin felt worried.

This is a deep concern for Soochow and this plan.

Will my son tell this to Guan Yunchang?


Sure enough, Zhuge Ke hesitated for a moment and quickly shook his head.

Children can't!

You are the son of Zhuge Kongming? There is nothing wrong with helping Guan Yunchang? Why didn't you tell me?

Zhuge Jin was a little surprised.

Zhuge Ke shook his head, Because, even if I see through this situation, I can't break it, so why should I humiliate myself? What's more...

Besides what?

Besides, I also want to see how Jingzhou responds? I'm sure that in such a difficult situation, 'Hong Qigong' will definitely take action! If it's him, maybe he can turn things around!

When he said these words, Zhuge Ke's eyes were filled with light, a light of great expectation.

——Is it...Hong Qigong again? 』

Looking at his son's eyes full of hope, Zhuge Jin suddenly understood.

Yun Chang, Yunchang, finally we have collected the money to build a new city. Seeing Guan Yu wearing brand new clothes, Mi Fang suddenly seemed very excited.

However, this excitement surprised Guan Yu and Ma Liang.

The two looked at each other...

Through the exchange of eyes, it seems that he is sighing, when did this uncle-in-law who relyed on connections have such the ability to turn stone into gold?

You must know that building a new city is not repairing the city. The cost required is a huge number, easily hundreds of thousands of gold... This is not just talk for any prince.

It was precisely because of this that Mi Fang had repeatedly avoided Guan Yu and kept silent, but Guan Yu didn't mind at all.

Who knows why a clever woman cannot make a meal without straw?

When it comes to money, you can't force it.

But now...

Zifang, don't get excited, speak slowly, speak slowly... Guan Yu motioned for Mi Fang to sit down.

So the three of them sat on bamboo mats.

I have calculated it in detail... Mi Fang eagerly opened her mouth: Changsha County and Jiangling City will need a total of 450,000 gold to build a new city. The money and grain in the treasury only amounts to 300,000 gold!

Guan Gong's Northern Expedition conservatively estimates that he will consume 150,000 gold of grain. The remaining 150,000 gold of grain and grass will only be enough to cover the expenses of the soldiers before next autumn's harvest. We also have to take precautions in case next year is a disaster year, so... this city building If so, cutting expenditures is no longer an option, we can only increase revenue.”

What Mi Fang decent!

For a while, Guan Yu somewhat admired this Jiangling prefect who rose to power through relationships.

Ma Liangze quickly said: I don't know where Zifang got the money from? This can solve Guan Gong's urgent need!

Hearing this, Guan Yu took the tea cup and took a sip slowly, intending to listen to Mi Fang's story of how to turn stone into gold.

But seeing that Mi Fang was quite excited, he stood up suddenly and started telling the story immediately.

Originally, I was also suffering from having no way... But after thinking about it, the food supply for Guan Gong's Northern Expedition cannot be cut off, the salary of the soldiers cannot be reduced, and the money for building a new city is quite huge? Where does the money come from? Just when I was frowning, A man found me and told me... that he was willing to put up 450,000 yuan to help... When I heard that, I was so happy!

The tea was still in Guan Yu's mouth. Guan Yu looked sideways slightly and muttered in his heart.

--Who is this? 』

——For such a generous donation, a monument of merit must be built for him! 』

For a moment, Guan Yu was still full of expectations.

Ma Liangze asked quickly: Zifang, please stop showing off. Who is he?

This person is not an outsider. Mi Fang said directly: He is Yunchang's Sizi Yunqi... In the entire Jiangling City, who else can spend so much money besides him?


As soon as these words came out, Ma Liang felt his throat tighten.

Guan Yu made a pop sound, like a whale squirting water, and the tea in his mouth spurted out.

Along with cough cough cough... cough cough cough... Guan Yu kept coughing.

While patting his chest, he thought to himself:

——I knew it was this guy! 』

So naive... Why did Guan Yu find out that he was so naive?

What was he expecting just now?

The room was in such a mess now that Guan Yu even thought that if Guan Lin were here, he would definitely say - On the issue of gold, I am not targeting anyone, everyone here is rubbish!

Guan Yu found that he could already figure out the behavior of Yun Qi.


Guan Yu's coughing sound is still there.

Yun Chang...we won't do it... Mi Fang quickly went to pat Guan Yu's back, I know he's your son, I'll make you happy! No, we won't do it!

——'Are you happy? 』

Guan Yu felt haha in his heart!

——This guy never engages in loss-making business? Would he be so kind? Who knows... what he had in mind! 』


After coughing for the last time, Guan Yu took another sip of tea, moistened his throat, and then said: Zifang, just tell me, what does this kid want?


Mi Fang was a little surprised. How could Yun Chang guess that Yun Qi had a request?

——Is this Zhizi Mo Ruofu? 』

Mi Fang muttered in her heart.

But for Guan Yu, he didn't know whether he knew his son better than his father.

All he knew was that how could Mi Fang know...the severe beating that Guan Yu had received from his son? What a painful realization this is!

Tell me, it just so happens that Ji Chang is here, tell him all his demands.

Guan Yu chanted again.

Mi Fang paused for a moment, organized her words a little, and then opened her mouth, Actually, Mr. Yun Qi didn't make too many unreasonable demands. It was nothing more than that he would pay for it, and Yun Chang and I would build the city, and then... On the day it was built, 70% of the houses, shops, businesses in the city... even a tree or a blade of grass, all belonged to Yunqi.


As soon as these words came out, Guan Yu was shocked.

Ma Liang was also shocked.

The two of them chanted something in their minds at the same time.

——‘Isn’t this an unreasonable request? 』

——Do you, Mi Fang, have any misunderstandings about ‘unreasonable demands’?

Mi Fang continued, Besides...

——‘What else? 』

Guan Yu was shocked. He couldn't imagine how Mi Fang talked to his son. Was there such a talk?

Besides...Yun Chang also knew about Mr. Yun Qi's temperament, and he was just talking nonsense, so he asked both parties to sign a contract and stamp it with the seal and ribbon of my Jiangling Prefect. Yun Chang, the Xiangyang Prefect, the Han Shouting Marquis, Make three copies of the seal and ribbon of General Dang Kou, and send them to uncle Liu Huang, Kong Ming, and Yide! Then announce it in the whole Jingzhou for three days, and then the money will be sent in full!


Guan Yu and Ma Liang are still incredible.

This series of demands is, without exaggeration, quite overbearing!

But...Mi Fang actually...actually agreed?

Still excited and impatient...


Guan Yu came back to his senses. Why did he feel that Mi Fang and that brat were wearing the same pants?

When did they become so close?

Sure enough...Mi Fang is still persuading.

Yun Chang, I have calculated carefully. Master Yunqi wants 70%, so there is still 30% to return to Yun Chang. In this way... we have the barracks, the city defenses and sentry towers on the city wall, and we can also give Yun Chang You build a general's mansion.

To take a step back, although 70% of the land belongs to Yunqi, we are not not allowed to move around! You should garrison troops as usual. You are father and son. If it is necessary, how can he use a few of his houses? Don’t agree?”


Mi Fang's rapid-fire words made Guan Yu feel unable to refute.

Having said that, how... can he refute?

Now, to refute is to say that Xincheng's affairs are out of business!

As if she saw Guan Yu's dilemma, Mi Fang's words became more sincere.

Yun Chang, you have to be considerate and considerate of me... You need money for the Northern Expedition, money for making ordnance, money for distributing salaries to the soldiers, money for maintaining the government... There are so many places where Jiangling City needs to spend money in a day. ”

Yun Chang, you are not a family member and don't know how expensive firewood and rice are... so... so so, so so, if... if you don't agree to Yun Qi, won't this... this new city be stillborn? You just kill me, I can’t change that much money for you!”

Almost in tears.

Mi Fang wants to move people with her love!

Ma Liang finally figured out something. Come on...the current Jiangling prefect has rebelled. He is already from Young Master Yunqi's side.

Thinking of this, Ma Liang took a deep look at Guan Yu, shook his head helplessly, and said with emotion:

——Yun Qi is really all-pervasive... If this continues, in less than a year, Guan Gong will be arguing with Yun Qi, fearing that he will become a loner in Jiangling City. 』

Thinking of this, Ma Liang saw Guan Yu's face turning red. It was about Yun Qi's affairs. It didn't matter whether he agreed or not. It was a dilemma.

Ma Liang simply said: Zifang is right. Money and food are needed everywhere in Jingzhou. What Zifang, the prefect, does is not easy. Since Yun Qi intends to share the burden with his father, then Guan Gong, why not... let's call Yun Qi Young Master, come here and talk face to face... This new city must be built, but we can still talk about how much it will be divided between each other!

——I'm afraid we can't talk! Mi Fang spoke first before Guan Yu could reply.

In his opinion, of course we can't talk about it...

He, Mi Fang, enjoys 30% of the income from Guan Lin's land!

If we let some more out, wouldn't Mi Fang suffer a loss of blood?

What Mi Fang can't stand the most is money. She has it in her arms and hidden in her pocket, but someone else drags it out.

——Yes, I’m talking about you, bastard Sun Zhongmou!


Immediately, Mi Fang said: Ji Chang, I'm not talking about you. We can't just think about ourselves. That would be too selfish. We need to be kind!

If you think about it, it's not easy for Yun Qi to give out so much gold at once. Is there such a generous young master in Jiangling City? Besides, his gold didn't fall from the sky, right? You say Say yes? Really?

——Fell from the sky?


Guan Yu said hehe when he heard this.

——This brat's money is easier than money falling from the sky! 』

Thinking of this, Guan Yu finally spoke. Building a new city is by no means a trivial matter, let alone an easy one. Guan is very relieved that Yun Qi has this intention. Let's pass it on to Yun Qi... and let him speak clearly to his face.

Say so.

What Guan Yu was thinking about was.

——You, my boy, are allowed to make an offer, but I am not allowed to pay you back? 』

Who would have thought that... Guan Yu was going to pass on Guan Lin, and Zhou Cang immediately reminded him: Guan Gong may have forgotten, but Master Yunqi has already left the city, saying he was going to Changsha to save people!


After Zhou Cang reminded him, Guan Yu recalled that Guan Lin had indeed said that when he lectured him just now.

Click on a hundred songs and go to Changsha.

Yes, to save people?

But who is this guy saving? Who has such a big face? Can this kid come to rescue you?

Guan Gong... Zhou Cang seemed to have remembered something again, and quickly reported: The last general just met the three generals, and he also hurried out. He said that Master Yunqi called him to go to Changsha to save people!


Mentioning Zhang Fei, Guan Yu immediately understood.

The third brother Zhang Fei indeed mentioned to him that the eldest brother had asked him to come to Jingzhou to search for famous doctors to save Fa Xiaozhi in Shu.

According to this assumption...

——Changsha, save people. 』

——That must be Zhang Zhongjing. 』

Zhang Zhongjing is still very famous in Jingzhou, because of the publication of Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases. After all, Guan Yu also admired this man whom the people called - the sage of medicine!

However, this year, Guan Yu once heard someone mention that Zhang Zhongjing was suffering from a more serious typhoid fever and could not afford to fall ill.

Now... one of his adopted daughters is taking care of him, but his three disciples still go out for consultation.

Guan Yu also wrote a special letter to Liu Pan, the governor of Changsha at that time, and sent him to ask... The answer he got was that he was seriously ill in bed and dying.

Now, it’s been a long time since there was this letter from Zhong Jing?

I don’t know, are they still there?

Even if he is here, he is probably already terminal, right?

Thinking of this, Guan Yu's cheeks couldn't help but feel sad, but soon, this sadness was replaced by greater surprise.

——Wait...Yun Qi is going to him? 』

——Zhang Zhongjing can write Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases, so that he can't save himself from his illness? When did Yun Qi learn medical skills? How can we save this Zhongjing? 』

Guan Yu is not the only one who has this idea?

Ma Liang was also confused.

Zhang Zhongjing is... known as the Sage of Medicine. He is extremely rich in both pharmacology and medical science. No one in the world can match him!

Is he like this?

A boy in his teens? Can he be saved?

This medical skill can't be learned even from the mother's womb, right?

For a moment, Guan Yu and Ma Liang's foreheads were quickly covered with a layer of confused smoke.

However, Mi Fang's voice continued inappropriately.

——Yun Chang, I, Mi Fang, am serious this time. Look into my eyes...I am serious!

——We must be kind as human beings!

——If you don't agree to build the city, I won't be able to get enough food for the upcoming Northern Expedition. I won't be able to get even a handful of food!


The battle for the power list is on Monday, so there will be one less chapter each on Saturday and Sunday.

On Monday morning, two more chapters will be released, making a total of five chapters. (If you can complete the coding, add an extra chapter.)

[There must be some handsome readers out there who have monthly tickets in their hands. With a shake of their little hands, vote! 】

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