Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 168 If the ship burns down, won’t my father become the laughing stock of Xiangfan?

Liao Hua was drawing pictures. As Guan Yu's boss, he had some impressions of the stone tablets of Fuhu Mountain and Zhuodao Spring.

Therefore, the location where the ship docked can be roughly mapped.

Guan Lin, on the other hand, kept pacing back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, his eyes constantly looking at the map drawn by Liao Hua.

His hesitant figure was cast on the window.

There is a record in Three Kingdoms - (Wenpin) attacked (Guan Yu) Yu's baggage in Hanjin and burned his ship in Jingcheng.

Just this one... kept replaying in Guan Lin's mind.

Perhaps Wenpin's burning of the ship was not necessarily his action, but Guan Lin was overthinking it.

Perhaps, because of the butterfly effect caused by Cao Ren's fainting, his father's ship would not be burned by Wenpin.

But in any case, Guan Lin learned the existing clues from Liao Hua's mouth.

——At least so far, Wenpin hasn’t burned the boat.

Considering the dry season and the location of his father's ships, Guan Lin couldn't help but worry.

Uncle Liao... Guan Lin no longer uses the title General Liao.

At this time, we have to close the relationship, You must tell my father immediately that heavy troops need to be sent to protect these ships!


Guan Lin's words made Liao Hua increasingly confused.

He reminded, Fourth Young Master, Jingzhou is now entering a dry season. Without water warfare, these ships are useless. Why do we need to send heavy troops to garrison them?

Just because you think so, my father must also think so. Guan Lin's words seemed to be on his lips. Indeed, there is no water war in the dry season, so the boats are useless. Normal people would think so. But what if Wenpin also thought about this? What would he do? He would definitely send people to raid these boats. He would transport them If you don’t leave, it will be burned down.”


Guan Lin's words obviously touched a sensitive nerve in Liao Hua.

This made him feel nervous all of a sudden...

He quickly asked: What do you mean, Fourth Young Master?

I don't mean anything. Guan Lin explained. I just feel that if these ships are burned, it will not have much impact on the current situation, but the low water season will eventually pass, and when the high water season comes next year, without these ships, my father will not be able to survive. The sailors who have become famous are done for!

Guan Lin emphasized his tone, The reason why the Guan family army is strong is that it is proficient in water warfare and land warfare. If these ships are burned by fire, it will be the same as a tiger having its teeth pulled out and an eagle having its wings taken off. Guan Jiajun will become the biggest joke! My father will also become the biggest laughing stock in Xiangfan!

Guan Lin's words are a bit serious...

But this is - deep love and deep hatred.

Historically, after the demarcation of the Xiangshui River, there was a period of peace for at least two to three years on the Xiangfan battlefield.

It was not until the beginning of the 24th year of Jian'an that Guan Yu started the Northern Expedition again, and the Seventh Army was flooded in August of the 24th year of Jian'an;

With the white clothes crossing the river in October this year;

There was also the defeat of Maicheng at the end of this year.

Guan Lin speculated that the reason why the Northern Expedition was postponed for three years and the Xiangfan battlefield was relatively peaceful for three years may be due to the Xiang River demarcation, which divided important grain, grass and ordnance cities such as Changsha and Guiyang to Soochow.

The accumulation of food and grass requires a long process.

However, what cannot be circumvented must be Wenpin's action of burning Guan Yu's warship.

You know, the time, manpower, financial and material resources required to build a warship in ancient times are unimaginable.

It is very likely that Guan Yu was forced to delay the Northern Expedition because of Wenpin's fire.

Otherwise, according to his temperament, how could he stay put for two or three years and let the battlefield in Xiangfan remain calm.

In the past two to three years, Cao Cao actually focused on Soochow's Ruxukou. This was completely ignoring his father Guan Yu.

Guan Lin told Yu Liao Hua all the words and truths he could say.

And until now…

Liao Hua finally realized the seriousness of the problem.


The sound of heavy breathing came from his breath. He had completely forgotten the purpose of coming here, the disciple of Zhang Zhongjing, and the Dengwen drum played by Zhang Zhongjing's adopted daughter. .

As the saying goes - things have priorities.

——Come here, prepare your horses... Prepare your horses...

In the distance, I heard Liao Hua's roaring voice.

Just because of Guan Lin's words.

In an instant, Liao Hua panicked...

He became like an ant on a hot pot - spinning around!

He muttered something in his mind.

——This ship is not going to burn down! 』

——Tang Materia Medica, Thousand Gold Prescriptions, Acupuncture Classics A and B, Elbow Prescriptions for Emergency, Liu Juanzi Ghost Recipes, Compendium of Materia Medica...

Such medical masterpieces were placed on the table in the prison.

The oil lamp had burned out, and the gray morning light came in a little. After a night of hard work, Du Du and Wei Xun, two of Zhang Zhongjing's disciples, finally memorized all of Tang Materia Medica.

At this moment, both of them were feeling a little depressed...

Wei Xun, who is young and energetic, has picked up Emergency Prescription again, but Du Du feels a little unable to bear it.

In fact, he is not very old, but... the biggest difference between him and Wei Xun is the pressure in his heart.

There was no way he could be as naive and unhesitating as Wei Xun.

He was too confused.

Speaking of which, Du Du is five years older than Wei Xun and has more experience.

He boasted that he had seen through the trick of the Fourth Young Master.

How could this evil young man bet with his fellow apprentices...

It's obvious...that they want to abolish their medical skills.

Just imagine, now that they are studying under Zhang Zhongjing, they only have a few hundred prescriptions and medical theories in their minds.

Now, there are suddenly so many thousands of useless and untested prescriptions pouring in, which is bound to have a huge conflict with the original teacher-tested prescriptions.

In a short period of time, it may be possible to distinguish clearly.

But... after a long time, even when doing medical consultations in the future, how can I still tell which one is true? Which one is fake? Which one is tested and which one is not tested.

This is equivalent to the fact that in this life, it will be difficult for him to lift the pot to help the world with a pure heart like the master.


But if you don't memorize it, you won't be able to get out of this damn prison.

The master is so long can he survive?

This is how insidious the Fourth Young Master is, but...his words couldn't be more thorough.

——The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop; the child wants to be raised but cannot be kissed!

Every time he thinks about this, Du Du will gnash his teeth...

He wished he could cut this Four Young Master Guan into pieces, and just like that, the pressure on him was far greater than that of Wei Xun.

He felt...his head was about to burst due to the overwhelming pressure.

On the other hand, Zhang Fei, as the invigilator, had long been sitting in the chief examiner's seat, with his feet on the table, and fell asleep snoring, snoring like thunder!

What Guan Lin asked him to do was to keep an eye on the two young doctors in front of him.

Refresh them every now and then to keep them focused.

Students, how many of them can study without being distracted?

Not to mention being a student, even when the author is typing, he can’t help but browse Xiaobo and TikTok for a while.

But why can the author still code so many words every day?

Just one word - poor!

Poverty makes the author forget about food and sleep, and is tireless.

In fact, Guan Lin thought too much.

In ancient times... the power of the word poor was far inferior to that of the word filial piety.

The Han Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety. The word filial piety has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow and experience world of every Han people.

Why do they need Zhang Fei to cheer them up?

The sentence The son wants to be raised but the relatives will not wait for him is enough to force Du Du and Wei Xun to face death without hesitation.


Du Du let out a long breath. He glanced sideways at his junior brother Wei Xun and thought to himself:

——Junior brother, junior brother, you are still reciting it innocently, but you are not aware of the serious consequences of memorizing this...

With a long sigh of Alas, Du Du didn't dare to point it out or even talk to his junior brother.

He was afraid that his junior brother's mentality would collapse!

Immediately, Du Du resisted his sleepiness and took out a book again. This time he took out A Thousand Gold Prescriptions which was placed in the most conspicuous position.

I just opened A Thousand Gold Prescriptions and a line of small characters jumped out in front of my eyes.

——The five internal organs are the key link, and the cold, heat, deficiency and excess are the eyes!

Hiss...just this sentence attracted him.


Du Du not only lost his voice...not only did cold sweat break out on his forehead.

Just like during the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao was deeply attracted by the first sentence of Chen Lin's Essay on Pursuit of Thieves.

——That's why there are extraordinary people, and then there are extraordinary things; there are extraordinary things, and then there are extraordinary achievements.

Literature and medicine are connected to a certain extent.

Just as Cao Cao was attracted by Chen Lin's writing skills, Du Du was immediately attracted by A Thousand Gold Prescriptions.

——The foundation of a person's well-being lies in diet; if you want to cure diseases quickly, you must rely on medicine.

——“Those who don’t know the appropriate diet will not be able to live long; those who don’t know the contraindications of medicines will not be able to eradicate diseases.”

After reading these two sentences in the Introduction part of A Thousand Gold Prescriptions, Du Du seemed to be shocked for an instant.

It is different from the Tang Materia Medica just recited, which only records a series of uncommon medicines.

The nature, flavor, origin, harvest, function and indications of each medicine are introduced in detail.

Du Du did not recognize most of these drugs, or at most he had seen a few of them.

However, because even my mentor couldn't clearly explain its effects.

Therefore, Du Du only thought that it was written casually by a wild doctor and misled his disciples!

This is also the reason why his evaluation of Tang Materia Medica is not high.

But this thousand gold is enough...

The views on dietary therapy expounded in it are actually the same as what the master has learned from his forty years of medical practice.

Du Du couldn't help but continue to look down.

Diet can expel evil spirits from the body, calm the internal organs, and please people's mind.

Among the Thousands of Gold Prescriptions there is also the Thousands of Gold Food Cure.

Divide food into different chapters such as fruits, vegetables, grains, birds and animals.

The pharmacological properties and functions of various foods are readily available.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that many of the views coincide with those of his master Zhang Zhongjing. For example, eating jujubes, chicken heads, and cherries can make a person as light as an immortal;

For example - plum, tooth of a bad person; peach kernel - makes people feel hot; Li Ren - makes people weak;

Pomegranate - damages the lungs; pear - causes coldness; walnuts, causes vomiting and induces phlegm fire.

Du Du couldn't help but look down.

——Do not eat too much melon, courgette, cucumber, and pepper;

——Amaranth, amaranth, bitter greens, alfalfa, sage, white mugwort, tea leaves, cocklebur seeds, and bamboo shoots can all be eaten for a long time.

These foods not only make the body relaxed and strong, but also delay aging.

That's all.

Maybe it's a coincidence!

Perhaps, due to chance encounters, these wild doctors came to the same medical theory, pharmacology and dietary therapy conclusions as their mentor...

But...the supplements mentioned in the Birds and Beasts chapter are completely different.

——Tiger meat cannot be eaten hot as it can damage human teeth;

——Taking Shimi for a long time can strengthen the will and lighten the body, resist aging and prolong life;

——The belly snake meat soaked in wine can cure abdominal pain;

——Squid is also beneficial to Qi and strengthens one’s will;

Especially the last one - eating turtle meat can cure athlete's foot!

You know, even his master Zhang Zhongjing.

It was only by chance that I came to the conclusion that eating turtles...can cure athlete's foot.

Even though he had been bedridden for a year, he still asked the three disciples to try it themselves.

As expected... turtles are the nemesis of athlete’s foot!

When he read this, Du Du was confused and shocked. He was so surprised that he couldn't breathe.

In this Qianjin Prescription, a series of... dietary therapy methods are all mentioned, and even demonstrated one by one through specific cases.

In an instant, Du Du realized the profoundness of A Thousand Gold Prescriptions.

This is like an ordinary person, no matter how superb a medical work he reads, he will not feel any palpitations.

But doctors are different, especially very powerful doctors.

The more powerful they are, they will have a self-medicine system, and it is often easy to judge whether some prescriptions are true or false.

That's the case with Dudu.

At first, he was interested in A Thousand Gold Prescriptions.

No...not just Thousands of Gold Prescriptions, but also Tang Materia Medica, Thousands of Gold Prescriptions, Acupuncture and Moxibustion Classics A and B, Elbow Prescriptions for Emergency Prescriptions, Liu Juanzi Ghost Recipes and Compendium of Materia Medica placed in the prison. Compendium are not keen.

They all think it was passed down from the rough doctors in the mountains, and it was the Fourth Young Master Guan Lin's revenge on their senior brothers...

Don't say it's a way to reach a high level of elegance. Once you memorize it, it will definitely mislead your disciples.

But as he read more deeply, Du Du felt more and more profound the profoundness of these medical books.

In fact, these medical books not only verified many of the master's medical theories!

It is no exaggeration to say that on the basis of these theories, further development and exploration will be carried out!

These books seemed to have opened the door to a new world for Dudu.

A window into the true meaning of medicine.

Just when Du Du was addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself.

Second Senior Brother, look at this...

Suddenly, the third junior brother Wei Xun seemed to see something and quickly handed the medical book in his hand to Du Du.

Du Du reluctantly removed his eyes from the handwriting of the medical book Qianjin Prescription.

He saw that what his junior brother handed him was a book - Emergency Prescriptions for Elbows!

This one is nothing…

But when Du Du saw the section pointed by his junior brother.

He suddenly lost his composure.

——Severe fever and often bleeding symptoms;

——It will form blood stasis and coagulation in the body;

——Vomiting pus and blood;

——Bleeding from throat;

A case described in Emergency Prescription, the symptoms...are not the same as their master Zhang Zhongjing?

Du Du's eyes widened for a moment...

Even breathing became rapid.

He saw what was recorded in the Emergency Prescriptions for the Elbow, and this condition was called - Zhongjiao Blood Syndrome!

Seeing this, this was enough to shock Du Du and Wei Xun.

But the most shocking thing is yet to come.

This disease is far from incurable!

——This disease can be cured!

There is a text recorded in the medical book - For those who are anxious: remove Guizhi and add Poria and Atractylodes decoction! Or - Da Bupleurum Decoction syndrome.

——Intestinal blood paralysis; syndrome caused by Xiaojianzhong Decoction, syndrome caused by Guizhi plus Shaoyao Decoction, syndrome caused by Guizhi plus Dahuang Decoction, etc.

This is…

For a moment, Du Du and Wei Xun looked at each other.

In their eyes full of shock, they seemed to have found a way to cure the master's violent typhoid fever in an instant!

Changsha County, beside the Laodao River and next to Luohan Village.

In Zhang Zhongjing's house, there was a faint sound of someone's voice in a side room...

My benefactor, my benefactor, my benefactor...

Diao Chan was awakened by the nightmare, and grabbed her forehead with both hands. Her eyes were filled with darkness, and she felt a sharp pain like thorns. She felt like she had been floating in chaos for a long time.

She had a dream about the night fifteen years ago...

She seemed to be woken up suddenly. With a swish, she sat up from the bed and opened her eyes with difficulty.

She pondered for a long time, and then said to herself.

——Benefactor, Guan Gong...

——I...did I do something wrong?

Yes, originally she was only thinking about her master, her two junior brothers, and fairness and justice.

But...suddenly she realized a fact that could not be erased.

That's it... that's it... She beat the Dengwen drum, and the person she sued was the fourth son of the Guan family.

He was the son of Guan Gong who once spared her life under the moon!


Diao Chan figured it out in an instant.

The sound of the Dengwen drum she played will have a great impact on Guan Gong's reputation. She...she is...

It was like he suddenly figured out something.

Scenes of the story from fifteen years ago came into view.

In front of the Tutu Temple, Guan Gong's words were vividly in my mind.

——You go, your daughter Lingju, Guan will find a way to send it to you!

——Of course, you don't need to thank me. It's just that Guan's sword does not kill young and old, nor women and children.

Cough... Thinking of this, Diao Chan coughed violently.

Huge hesitation and uncertainty swept through her body in an instant, making her feel as if she had hit rock bottom.

It also made her suddenly understand all this.

I...I...then Deng Wengu...Guan...Guan Fourth Young Master. I repaying kindness with vengeance?


For a moment Diao Chan coughed violently.

This cough attracted the eldest disciple Wang Shuhe. Following the knock on the door, Wang Shuhe asked: Senior sister...Senior sister, you don't have anyone, do you?

Just now...just now many people from the Xinglin forest came, saying that they heard Senior Sister beating the Dengwen drum and they wanted to support us!

With so many people in Xinglin, if they go to the Changsha County Government Office tomorrow, I don't believe it... that the Fourth Young Master of the Guan family will not let them go!


Wang Shuhe's words reached Diao Chan's ears, making her teeth clenched, and the guilt in her heart expanded and spread infinitely.

--what should I do? 』

——On one side, I am my adoptive father and my savior, but on the other side, I am also my savior! 』

Diao Chan suddenly figured out this matter, and she fell into great confusion.

She no longer knows...


what to do!

A bright moon in the sky sheds its youthful beauty on the tower of Changsha...

The night in Changsha is extremely quiet.

On top of the city tower, Liao Hua quickly stuffed the letter into the carrier pigeon's lap and released the carrier pigeon with his own hands.

Watching the carrier pigeons soaring in the sky, Liao Hua's mood rose to his throat.

He kept urging.

——Hurry up, hurry up.

Later, his eyebrows were raised tightly, and his face was filled with the four characters no time to send out.


Accompanied by a heavy exhale.

Liao Hua wiped the big beads of sweat on his forehead.

He spoke tremblingly:

——Don't be...don't be, and you can't be a crow's mouth!

At this moment, he didn't want to believe that the Fourth Young Master had a miraculous plan, and he even less hoped that the Fourth Young Master Guan Lin's words came true!

As Guan Yu's boss, Liao Hua couldn't understand it better.

Those boats were the key to Guan Jiajun's ability to sail across Xiangfan during the rising water period, and they were all worth it.

Burned...the situation has changed

——The wind direction has changed!

——Fourth Young Master, I, Liao Hua, beg can't be a crow's mouth! It can't be a crow's mouth, please!

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