Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 190 The Southern Emperor is born, prepare for a rainy day, and have rare things to live in

——‘This time, we can finally put an end to the shame of ‘losing Jingzhou’ before. 』

Zhuge Jin was still sighing.

But suddenly, a palm touched Zhuge Jin's shoulder. Zhuge Jin trembled all over and subconsciously turned his head, only to see a dark-faced man standing behind him.

Seeing this dark-faced man, Zhuge Jin exclaimed as if he was a thief with a guilty conscience.

Zhang...Zhang Yide?

It was Zhang Fei who tapped him on the shoulder.

Zhang Fei grinned, Zhuge Ziyu, long time no see. The last time we met was in Shu, when you went to Kong Ming to sue Jingzhou, right? Oh, I never thought that this Jingzhou fight would end in the end. You don’t have to beg anymore, ah...hahaha! But you, you don’t have to run around here and there, it’s a lot easier, right? Ah...haha?”

If it were anyone else, these words would have been sarcastic.

But Zhang Fei's words sounded a bit innocent.

However, even if it is innocent, it still seems to be piercing Zhuge Jin's heart.

Speaking of which, Zhuge Jin was a tall and lanky man who always had a strong aura. In addition, he had a long face. Sun Quan always joked that he had a donkey-like face.

But at this moment, because of Zhang Fei's words, his long face turned pale, and his aura seemed wilted, like a frustrated white donkey.


He coughed slightly and quickly opened his mouth: I didn't expect to meet Yide here, but Yide? Why did he appear in front of this official office?

Oh... Zhang Fei scratched his head and explained, That boy from Yunqi, when he heard that there were many people around here, he concluded that someone must be adding fuel to the flames. He also said that the person adding fuel to the flames would definitely appear here, so I came to take a look. , let’s see if we can find out who is adding fuel to the fire, and poke twenty transparent holes into him to relieve his anger.”


Zhuge Jin was startled when he heard this. He subconsciously put his hands on his chest to cover up his guilty conscience.

However, as the envoy of Soochow, Zhuge Jin's psychological quality was still excellent. He immediately replied: Yes, I was thinking that even if Mr. Yunqi did a little more, there wouldn't be so many people in front of this official office. Man, it turns out that someone is adding fuel to the flames, then this man must be extremely hateful, and he should really let the three generals poke twenty transparent holes in him.

When you say that, I get even more angry. Twenty transparent holes seem a bit too little.

Zhang Fei bared his teeth, but while he was baring his teeth, he seemed to suddenly think of something. He looked at Zhuge Jin suspiciously, Speaking of which, why are you here?


Zhuge Jin was a little embarrassed, how should he make it up?

Before he could speak.

Oh... After a strange mental circuit, Zhang Fei suddenly understood: I remembered that your son was still at Yun Qi's place yesterday. He said that he was adopted by you and given to Kong Ming. I think you came to see him off. It’s my son’s!”

But... no wonder you adopted that boy Zhuge Ke. This boy seems to be unsmart. Yesterday, I heard from the girl that he actually accepted Yun Qi's mission and went directly to Jiangxia. He said that Go scold my second brother, do you think his son is stupid?


Zhuge Jin didn't know how to answer for a while.

This was the first time he heard someone say that his son was stupid.

In his mind, Zhuge Ke was recognized as the child prodigy of Soochow, and he was the uncut jade from Lantian!

However, at this time, Zhuge Jin would not explain that much.

Yide, now Ke'er is no longer my son. From now on, he is the son of my brother Kong Ming. I hope Yide will take good care of him!

He is so unintelligent. For Ziyu's sake, I will just take care of him. Zhang Fei patted his chest.

Zhuge Jin showed doubts.

In fact, he had two questions at this time. The first was that Ke'er was so good, why did he accept Guan Lin's mission and go north to scold Guan Gong?


Scold Guan Gong? Is he crazy?

The second question is why... so many people gathered here and made such a big noise.

Zhang Feiyou looked confident, watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously.

Is he too innocent?

I never thought... what Guan Lin did, how much impact would the current turmoil have on Guan Gong?

After much thought, Zhuge Jin still abandoned private feelings and put justice first.

He looked concerned and asked his second question: Where is Mr. Yun Qi? Why doesn't he come out to explain such a big commotion?

Explain it! Zhang Fei said without thinking, with a smile on his face, Yun Qi said, there will be a good show coming soon!

Ah...what a show?

Zhuge Jin looked puzzled. He really felt...

This Fourth Young Master Guan has the attitude of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

Didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all.

at this time.


The suona sounded again, and the eyes of Zhang Fei and Zhuge Jin were also attracted to Ge Hong.

As the sound of the suona fell, Ge Xuan shouted: Zhongjing, the divine doctor, lived a noble and philanthropic life. His Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases saved thousands of people all over the world. He once served as the governor of Changsha and was well-known for his virtues. Such a great benevolent man, such a great sage, there no one in the Changsha County Office who can come out to uphold justice for him?

Following a sound, the suona sounded again.

The sound shook the sky.

It seems that the 'pathos' rhythm played by such passionate tones is becoming more and more infective to the world.

It makes people admire Zhang Zhongjing, but also condemns Guan Lin's evil deeds.

——If no one is in charge of this place, then we will go to Jiangling, and we will ask Guan Gong, does he care about this 'rebellious son' or not?

Following another voice from Ge Xuan, the sound of suona started again.

Immediately, many people in the crowd responded, Guan Gong is unfair, follow Master Ge to Jiangling City to seek justice!

Yes, Guan Gong is unfair, Guan Gong does not teach his children well... Guan Gong allows his rebellious children to do evil!

Guan Gong is unfair...

Guan Gong is unfair——

For a time, with the help of thoughtful people... the crowd was excited.

The sound of injustice is deafening.

These sounds came to the ears of Changsha Prefect Liao Li. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but he could only move around and stomp his feet dejectedly...

What can he do?

The gate of this official office? Does he dare to drive?

This Guan Lin? Does he dare to arrest him?

He discovered that...this time, the Fourth Young Master Guan was simply putting him on the fire to roast him.

And just then...

Everyone, make way, make way.

In the distance, a carriage was slowly approaching. The driver on the carriage was Wang Shuhe, Zhang Zhongjing's eldest disciple.

It seems that he did not expect that there would be so many people here today.

And seeing Uncle Wang and...

Everyone suddenly became more energetic.

The disciple of Divine Doctor Zhongjing is here... quickly get out of the way, let him in, and let the carriage in.

He must be here to beat the Dengwen drum again...

Could it be that Miracle Doctor Zhongjing has already...

Some people are already holding their breath.

As the carriage stopped in front of the gate of the official office, Wang Shuhe motioned to everyone, Everyone, be quiet.

Immediately, Diao Chan was seen. She quickly walked out of the carriage wearing a hood and walked to the Dengwen drum again.

This time...she raised the drumstick without hesitation.

——Boom, boom, boom!

However, only four days later, the Dengwen drum in front of the Changsha County Government Office was beaten again.

The sound was loud.

——Your Excellency, Zhang Zhongjing's adopted daughter is...beating the Dengwen drum again.

There is a guard passing the news.

The county magistrate of the government office reminded: Sir, Military Advisor Zhuge has issued a strict order. Whenever someone sounds the drum, the local government office must investigate. If there is anyone who refuses to interrogate or question, he will be severely punished according to the law!


Liao Li in the government office felt that he was no longer being roasted by the fire, he was simply roasted and cooked.

Open the door, I...I'm going out!

Faced with the rules set by Zhuge Liang, Liao Li noticed that he couldn't retreat...

If he continues to shrink back, his reputation may be completely ruined by Guan Lin.


As the door opened, Liao Li stepped out. He saw Diao Chan and Wang Shuhe standing in front of him, and he let out a long breath.

He has decided.

You can't let your reputation take the blame for Guan Lin's behavior!

He must reprimand Guan Lin...

He must be ordered to release Zhang Zhongjing's two disciples now to calm this incident.

——Ouch, ouch, ouch.

With the appearance of Liao Li, everyone around them shouted loudly, as if... they had achieved a staged victory.

You...if you have any grievances, tell me!

Liao Li asked Diao Chan.

Diao Chan said sternly: It's not that the little girl is wronged... but...

As she spoke, she returned to the carriage and slowly opened the door. Zhang Zhongjing's second disciples, Du Du and Wei Xun, stepped out first.

There were still discussions in the crowd, and some people added fuel to the fire, Weren't they arrested?

Did the evil young man get scared and let them go?

We can't let go...that Guan Lin!

During these discussions, Du Du and Wei Xun had just gotten off the carriage, and another person in the carriage slowly walked out with the support of two disciples.

And his appearance...

Everyone here was shocked.

——Zhang Zhongjing!

——It is Zhang Zhongjing.

Zhang Zhongjing's appearance caused an uproar around him, and at the same time, there were even more discussions in groups.

Isn't the miracle doctor Zhongjing...isn't he terminally ill and bedridden?

But now, he seems...not that weak, right?

Miracle Doctor Zhongjing is

Don't wait for everyone to discuss and come up with a result.

With a click sound, Zhang Zhongjing knelt down in front of Liao Li.

Liao Li recognized the person at a glance and hurriedly knelt down to help him, Old Prefect Zhang... don't be too polite. Old Prefect Zhang is a miracle doctor and the old prefect of Changsha County. He is my senior! I can be your I can’t afford your courtesy.”

——Cough... Zhang Zhongjing coughed lightly.

But it's not a weak cough, but a loud cough...

There were many people in the apricot forest present, and from this cough, they could feel the condition of Divine Doctor Zhang.

That's not just an improvement, it's simply... a lot better.

They couldn't help but ponder.

——That kind of severe typhoid fever? Can anyone cure it? 』

At this moment, Zhang Zhongjing had stood up with the help of Liao Li.

His voice came out with an extremely thick tone.

——Today, I, Zhang Zhongjing, am here to ask my adopted daughter to beat the drum for me. It is for one person and one thing!

I want to avenge a person! I also want to wash away all the grievances for this person!

This man... this man is my benefactor, Zhang Zhongjing, who cured my typhoid fever and saved my life. This man is the son of Guan Gong, the fourth son of Guan, and also the son of Yunqi!

Zhang Zhongjing's voice was not loud, with a thick nasal sound in his tone.

But...when these words came out, everyone present seemed to have forgotten to breathe.

The savior of Dr. Zhongjing is... the evil young man Guan Lin?

Doctor Zhongjing wants to avenge Guan Lin?

It was as if I heard something incredible and unimaginable.

They looked at Zhang Zhongjing in astonishment.

These people also include Ge Hong.

Including that——Zhuge Jin.

Ge Hong was stunned and speechless, while Zhuge Jin thought he had heard wrongly and scratched his ears over and over again. His face gradually turned pale, as if he was ill.


The eerie silence.

Only Zhang Zhongjing continued to speak.

Previously, Fourth Young Master Guan came to visit me. He wanted to diagnose and treat me and save me from a serious illness, but he was turned away by two of my disciples. Instead of blaming him, Fourth Young Master Guan understood their filial piety and treated them both. Bring him back, Haosheng guides and teaches medical skills, and finally... through the hands of these two people, I was cured... Fourth Young Master Guan is my savior, Zhang Zhongjing!

Of course, my adopted daughter didn't know the truth. She beat the Dengwen drum and caused the people in the apricot forest to denounce the Fourth Young Master Guan. This caused the Fourth Young Master Guan's reputation to be ruined. This is all my fault! The grace of saving my life is the same as the one I created! As a person from Xinglin, I, Zhang Zhongjing, know what it means to 'repay kindness'.

Well, I, Zhang Zhongjing, must avenge my sins, and I must atone for my sins...Today I am beating the drum to sue the official, Zhang Zhongjing. It is I who have ruined the reputation of Fourth Young Master Guan, and it is I who... Xinglin and others have to denounce Fourth Young Master Guan like this, and all the blame lies with me...I hope...I only hope that the prefect will punish me severely!

Today, I, Zhang Zhongjing, am here to tell all the people in Xinglin that after I am punished, I will lead a group of disciples to join the fourth master of Guan, recognize him as my lord, and regard him as his lord. From now on, I will use my remaining body to repay my kindness. , I will also spend the rest of my life repenting!

Zhang Zhongjing’s words... are sincere...

And as Zhang Zhongjing's voice fell.

A group of disciples expressed their opinions one after another.

The Fourth Young Master Guan is a great benefactor to our family. The tutor regards the Fourth Young Master Guan as our master. From now on, I, Wang Shuhe, will also regard the Fourth Young Master Guan as my master. I will work as a cow, a horse, and a slave for the rest of my life without any complaints.

I, Du Du, will recognize the Fourth Young Master as my lord from now on. I will work as a cow, a horse, and a slave for the rest of my life without any complaints. If I disobey you, I will be struck by thunder!

I, Wei Xun, will recognize the Fourth Young Master as my lord from now on. I will work as a cow, a horse, and a slave for the rest of my life without complaint. If I violate the rules of the Yellow Sand Cover, I will not die!

After the three disciples knelt down.

Diao Chan also knelt down, I, Ren Hongchang, am the daughter of my adopted father. If my adopted father appoints me as the master, how can my daughter not follow?

She didn't say much, just knelt down.

On the contrary, the senior brother Wang Shuhe said loudly: Please tell the Fourth Master Guan, Governor Liao, if the Fourth Master Guan does not accept us as 'evil slaves' and does not allow us to atone for our sins, then we will not get up... We will die on our knees here. No complaints at all.”


Liao Li, the governor of Changsha, was completely stunned.

Looking at the people in front of me, except for Zhang Zhongjing who was not in good health and did not kneel, all the others were kneeling.

That's right, it wasn't just Zhang Zhongjing's disciples, Liao Li could feel it. Everyone around him knelt down in his heart, kneeling down for his wrong behavior, subjective imagination... and for his conclusive denunciation of Fourth Young Master Guan.


Isn't this incredible?

And just half a quarter of an hour ago, everyone here was still denouncing the Fourth Young Master Guan, and the suonas came out... They really wanted to send the Fourth Young Master Guan away.

But now, those suonas seemed to have completely withered, and could no longer produce any lingering sound.

It’s so heartbreaking!

Everyone is ashamed of themselves...

Originally, he came to denounce the Fourth Young Master Guan.

But now, the Fourth Young Master Guan not only did not oppress good people or use power to bully others, he also used his own actions to save people despite all the misunderstandings in the world...

They also saved the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing.

Even now, Zhang Zhongjing, his disciples, and adopted daughters all want to worship the Fourth Young Master as their master!

To know.

In the Han Dynasty, if one really performed the ritual of recognizing one's master, then if one betrayed one's master again, one would be despised by the world!

He will always bear a title similar to house slave with three surnames.

——The spine has to be pierced!

And obviously…

Zhang Zhongjing said this in public, it can be seen that... he is not just talking, he really wants to recognize the master!

At this moment, there was silence outside the government office.

Even Liao Li didn't know what to do.

He wondered: Doctor Zhang... this... this is related... to the Fourth Young Master, I... how can I be in charge!


If you can't make the decision just now, you will be despised by thousands of people. doesn't matter.

After all, bad things turned into good things.

——I would like to ask Governor Liao to introduce the Fourth Young Master Guan to us... Zhang Zhongjing handed over his hand with an extremely determined attitude.

Liao Liyou looked like he was in a dilemma... It's not that he didn't recommend him, he wasn't familiar with Guan Lin either!

But this time.

——Hahahaha! A burst of hearty laughter came from the crowd.

It was Zhang Fei who was laughing, and he was smiling quite boldly.

It's such a small thing like an introduction? Let me do it...Don't kneel down one by one, follow me to see that boy Guan Lin!

However, when it comes to the front, whether he accepts you or not, is that his business?

As he spoke, Zhang Fei turned around gracefully and stepped forward. When he came to Zhuge Jin's side, Zhang Fei reached out and patted his shoulder with interest.

He lowered his voice and asked:

Hey, I never thought that today's drama... would be over in such a hurry!

I don't know...does Zhuge Ziyu think it's wonderful? it wonderful?

Zhang Fei was smiling, proudly.


Zhuge Jin only felt pain in his head!

He wants to cry...

But he had to endure the pain in his head and the feeling of crying without tears, and he had to answer with a smile.

Wonderful... so... so wonderful! Haha... so wonderful!

Guan...Guan the fourth young master is a great talent! Haha...hahahaha!

Hahaha... Zhang Fei laughed with satisfaction, showing a row of white teeth, Let's go...see you later!

He waved his hand and led Zhang Zhongjing, Diao Chan, and a group of disciples towards the post house.

In Zhang Fei's world.

There is another good show next, which is the highlight.

——Recognize the Lord!

Let the medical sage recognize the master, this is a good show.

On the other side, Guan Lin in Guanyi was not idle either.

Regarding Zhang Zhongjing, Zhuge Jin...or in other words Soochow, Guan Lin knew everything about it.

There was a commotion in front of the government office, and he knew exactly what was going on.

Zhang Zhongjing woke up and he knew better.

In fact, even if Zhang Zhongjing has not woken up, people's hearts are full of flesh, and Zhang Zhongjing's disciples are not stupid, and they can distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, as long as they stand up and say a word to Guan Lin.

The trouble caused by his reputation as a rebellious son and evil young man was quickly resolved.

Of course, Guan Lin didn't know that Zhang Zhongjing would come to the Yamen Office, nor did he know that he even beat the Dengwen drum to avenge Guan Lin.

If he knew, he wouldn't just let Zhang Fei go and join in the fun. He would have to go there no matter what, and forget about Zhang Zhongjing. It's not too much for these disciples of Zhang Zhongjing to kowtow to Guan Lin, right?

However, it is obvious that Guan Lin has more important things to do.

To be precise, it was because I thought of Zhang Zhongjing.

Guan Lin thought about something big.

At this moment, Zhang Xingcai was grinding ink and Guan Lin was writing something on the paper.

In the 22nd year of Jian'an, every family suffered from the pain of zombies, and every room was filled with wailing and mourning. Some died with the door closed, or the family was overthrown and mourned. Some thought that the epidemic was caused by ghosts and gods...

Zhang Xingcai muttered the words above.

But he wondered, It has only been the 20th year of Jian'an. How can brother Yun Qi write about the 22nd year of Jian'an? Will there be a big epidemic in the 22nd year of Jian'an? How did brother Yun Qi deduce it?


Guan Lin sighed faintly, but just replied lightly, An alchemist calculated it. I don't know whether it is true or not, but you must take precautions before it happens!

Although he said this, in fact... Guan Lin wrote an article called Speaking of Epidemic Gas written by Cao Zhi in the 22nd year of Jian'an, that is, two years later!

In Guan Lin's memory, in the 22nd year of Jian'an (217), the entire Eastern world, yes... the Eastern world would experience a rare super plague.

How serious is this plague?

Zhang Zhongjing's Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases cannot cure it at all.

Cao Zhi's description in Talking about the Epidemic is that every household has died this year. It is common for no one in the family to die, and it is not uncommon for the entire clan to die.

And in Guan Lin's impression.

This year, due to the plague, some famous people also died, such as Sima Lang, the eldest brother of Sima Yi, the mainstay of the Sima family, and the epidemic spread among the army.

Five of the seven sons of Jian'an are all ga this year!

Even this year, Cao Pi, who had just become the prince, saw so many people dying due to the plague, which made him realize the impermanence of life. He thought about writing a book quickly and passing it on to future generations. What if he died?

So there is…

——There is a shape of seven feet in life, and the only soil in the coffin in death is to establish one's virtue and become famous, and the second best is to write books.

In the same year, almost 30% of Soochow's soldiers died. Even the 29-year-old whirlwind Ling Tong was taken away by the plague.

Of course, this is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that Lu Su, who was forty-six years old that year, was also taken away.

That's why.

Guan Lin thought... Now Zhongjing's life has been saved.

In addition to medical treatment, can we use some residual energy, such as... building a hospital or something, or doing research and development of drugs to prepare for a rainy day... to fight the plague in two years' time?

Let those who deserve to die die and those who do not deserve to die live.

In fact, as long as this so-called hospital can treat the plague, then the north and the Central Plains will have to move south with one household registration and one household registration.

Will Jingzhou and Yizhou still lack population?

Will there still be a shortage of soldiers?

Cao Cao occupies nine mines, but there are no farmers to mine...

The more he thought about it, Guan Lin felt that... there was a lot of potential for the hospital to prepare for the big epidemic in two years.

——If Zhang Zhongjing is just one person, then he is Zhang Zhongjing.

——But if he can be used to gather a group of people in the apricot forest and get the anti-plague prescription in advance, then Zhang Zhongjing will no longer be Zhang Zhongjing, but Nan Di... ah no, it's Nan Yi!

Now that Dong Xie and Bei Bei are here, we are missing a Southern doctor.

Nanyi not only saves people, but also competes with Cao Cao for population!

It should be noted that among the three kingdoms, population is the top priority and the primary productive force.


——‘This is doable! 』

The more Guan Lin thought about it, the more he thought about it. Zhongjing, the Xinglin doctor, was such a curious person to live in!

So many people reminded...

Don't worry, I remember I owe you three chapters.

Let my stomach heal, and I'll make up for it slowly!

That damn ice cold watermelon juice.

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