Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 195 On the orders of Hong Qigong of the Beggar Clan, I asked to see Guan Gong

——Spread it out!

Liu Bei decided to do this from the first moment he saw it.

This coincides with the purpose and philosophy he practiced in the first half of his life.

Once upon a time, he was pure. He simply wanted to make his way in this troubled world by relying on his kindness and popular support.

He firmly believes that - he who wins the hearts of the people wins the world.

But... the consequence of doing so was that reality gave him severe beatings again and again.

But who could have imagined that at this moment, he...he would see his original intention again!

From Guan Lin’s answer sheet;

From Guan Lin’s words;

From this bamboo slip, he saw the original color of his original intention.

At this moment, Liu Bei turned around and faced the youth covered by the moonlight.

His heart was filled with emotions.

The harsh beating of reality made his mood no longer pure, making him conflicted and eager for quick success.

He has to consider the people, the clan, the Han Dynasty, the great cause, and himself!

Many times, he had to tear down the east wall to repair the west wall.

He had to do some unacceptable villain behavior.

But all this is to survive!

What if everyone is gone? To whom should he tell his original intention?

Liu Bei spent his whole life at a loss, at a loss, not knowing where to go.

He was very lucky that when he was in Xuzhou, he met Chen Deng and Chen Yuanlong. Chen Deng taught him how to think when he didn't dare to think;

Liu Bei was also very lucky that after three visits to the thatched cottage, he got Zhuge Liang.

Kong Ming told Liu Bei what to do when he didn't know what to do!

Liu Bei was even more fortunate that he met Pang Tong.

Pang Shiyuan corrected the deviation in his approach and told him that before realizing the ultimate ideal, one must give up small goals for the sake of big goals;

After seeing Fazheng, Fazheng opened his arms:

——Good gay friend, I’ve finally waited for you.

——I know your bitterness along the way. Now, leave this bitterness to me.

——Whoever needs to be killed, let me do it! If you need to do evil, let me do it. You will be your benevolent master as always!

For a long time, Liu Bei felt that... he was unfortunate because he started from a humble background and did not have the support of big families like Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.

But Liu Bei also felt that he was lucky because he had such a group of people around him who could always give him sufficient help at the right time.

Chen Deng left and Kong Ming came;

Pang Tong left and Fa Zheng came.

Nowadays, Yun Qi seems more like someone sent from heaven to help him.

He proposed dividing a small amount into an acre;

He proposed harnessing the power of the people;

He proposed relying on the working class to ultimately lead to victory.

This is tantamount to allowing Liu Bei to see a brand new track, a road that he has fantasized about for a long time but has never really taken.

He does not need to rely on aristocratic families like Cao Cao;

He does not need to rely on the natives like Sun Quan and compromise with the locals...

He wants to find a new path, a path that relies on the people and achieves final victory.

Guan Lin is like a lighthouse. He flickered inadvertently, but it gave Liu Bei great hope and vision.

Under the stargazing platform, the guards who had been waiting here for a long time saw Liu Bei and immediately stepped forward to meet him. Seeing his gesture, they understood and went to lead the horse.

Now Liu Bei is too eager to gallop...

He wanted to release the excitement in his heart.

He felt like he was finally seeing the light.

At this moment, Zhao Yun reported in advance: The urgent message from Fei Ge just received and the news from the informants along the way have confirmed that Cao Cao is heading south to Jingzhou, but...

But what?

Zhao Yun frowned slightly, I don't know why, but the number of stoves in Cao's camp in Hanzhong City has more than doubled. It doesn't look like a reduction in troops, but like an increase in troops!

Has this matter been reported to Military Advisor Zhuge and Military Advisor Fazheng? Liu Bei asked Zhao Yun.

Commander Zhuge has been at the Star Observation Deck and has not yet reported that he is with the lord, but it is over with Military Counselor Fazheng... Zhao Yun hesitated slightly.


Zhao Yun told Fa Zheng's words truthfully. Fazheng's military advisor said that Cao Cao intended to reduce the number of troops and increase the number of troops, so he set up a suspicious formation to prevent our army from making a sneak attack from the north.

Liu Bei nodded gently, Xiao Zhi and I have thought together. Cao Cao has really left.

Pass my military order to remove the guards at the passes on Jinniu Road and Lychee Road, and let the soldiers go home to rest. They have worked hard in a short period of time, so please take some time to rest!

Here - Zhao Yun accepted the order, but raised his eyes to look at the observatory, and did not forget to add, My lord, do you still need to ask Military Advisor Zhuge about this matter?

No need! Liu Bei waved his hand, Kong Ming has ten times more important things to think about than this!

After the words fell, the horse was brought, and Liu Bei got on the horse.

With the neighing of Dedede, Liu Bei rode his horse and rode away along the deserted street.

Facing the strong wind, his eyes were extremely sharp, like...

He seems to have found a way to two mines against nine mines!

He found a way to make Bashu and Jingzhou prosperous.

The battlefield of the Three Kingdoms is all about population and productivity!

The battlefield of the Three Kingdoms is not the battlefield of the people!


On the observatory at this moment.

Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan gently, and he chanted softly to himself: The traitor of the Guan family, you will spread your family's life... you will live your life!

Having said this, he raised his head towards the sky...

The sky is full of stars tonight.

Zhuge Liang couldn't help but chant again: Father and son of the Guan family, can the bright moon and bright stars light up the way forward?

While he was talking, he made a prediction.

There is only one word in the coat.

——Can the bright moon and bright stars light up the way forward?


Big yes!

A firm yes!

Jingzhou, Fancheng.

Outside a wine shop, a vigorous figure was walking. He leaned against the wall and walked outside. His shadow was stretched extremely long by the lights in the wine shop.

Like a whisper, extremely careful steps...

He looked lonely, calm, and magnanimous!

If you look carefully, you will see that this is a beggar in tattered clothes. He seems to have just walked out of the hut of the wine shop...

I don’t know where else to beg or find shelter from the wind in the dead of night.

Finally, he entered an alley. There was no one in the alley. He opened the door carefully. It was not until he entered the house that the tension all over his body dissipated.

But his hands were trembling, as if he had heard something incredible.

This beggar is Lu Youjiao, the elder of the Beggar Clan!

Just now, he met Li Miao at the hut, and Li Miao left him a message - Listen, Zhang Liao is here, there is an ambush in Fancheng!

Speaking of which, Lu Youjiao from the Beggar Clan appears here just to cooperate with Li Miao's actions...

There were not many beggars sneaking into Fancheng, only Lu Youjiao.

Here, if something really happens, no one can discuss it with him.



Heavy breathing sounds continued to come out.

Ever since he heard Li Miao's words, Lu Youjiao's mood was filled with infinitely expanding tension.

——Zhang Liao is here, there is an ambush in Fancheng!

He knew exactly what this meant in today's situation.

It stands to reason that he needs to quickly deliver this news to the old man Hong Qigong, that is, Guan Lin.

But... now, Guan Lin is still in Changsha County, even if he flies... it is too late.

How to do how to do?

Lu Youjiao couldn't help but pace left and right, a huge feeling of loneliness swept through his body. He felt that he really wasn't doing this kind of job behind enemy lines.

He can't hide things in his heart...

But for such an important task, going deep behind enemy lines, Guan Lin asked him to choose someone. Apart from himself, who could he trust in the entire beggar gang?

The errands assigned by Mr. Hong Qigong must not fall to the ground!

calm down!

'Don't use things to dampen your ambitions.' Hong Qigong said that you can't let external things disturb your mind. I have to calm down, calm down!

After pondering for a moment...

Lu Youjiao finally calmed down a lot. He tried to analyze: Now, it will definitely be too late to send this letter to Hong Qigong, so... then...

Thinking of this, Lu Youjiao suddenly remembered.


After confirming that he sneaked into Fancheng as a beggar to cooperate with Li Miao's actions.

Guan Lin specially called him into the wine cellar and gave him some serious instructions.

It's said to be an instruction...

In fact, it mainly taught Lu Youjiao a series of methods of cooperating with Li Miao to transmit information.

Today, oral communication outside the latrine is one way.

But it cannot be used frequently.

As a result, many methods came into being.

For example, listening to the urn...

Just take a jar with a small mouth and a big belly. Bury a listening urn in the ground, cover the mouth of the urn with a thin layer of leather, and lean on it to listen to the surrounding sounds. This is called popular listening

If Li Miao needs to convey information, he will use special instruments and make special sounds so that Lu Youjiao can hear them from the urn.

In addition, as for the paper kite, who would have thought that special symbols would be recorded on this flying kite.

The transmitted information can be seen from a distance.

Engraving, Yin Fu, Yin Shu...

They are all equivalent to making the information conveyed more confidential.

Especially the Yin Shu, a complete piece of information is cut into three parts and written on three bamboo slips. Three people are sent to hold three bamboo slips and set off separately. After arriving at the destination, the three bamboo slips are combined into one. , you can understand its meaning!

These seem to be of great use...

But in fact, it plays a vital role in espionage work!

Guan Lin not only taught Lu Youjiao, but also tried each one in front of him many times for three days to ensure that he could understand Li Miao's tokens and cooperate with Li Miao's actions.

After teaching these methods of transmitting information one by one, Guan Lin gave him special instructions.

——Being behind enemy lines, while protecting yourself, you also need to have a certain ability to analyze the news, and follow the authority when the situation arises. If... you cannot pass the news to me immediately, then pass the news to my third sister, or Fifth brother, or even my father, whoever is closer and the information is useful to whom can be given to him.

——Fei Ge corresponds to a posthouse outside the city. To whom it needs to be passed on, a special code word must be marked on the engraving. Remember to act in a hurry and don't stick to just passing it to me! When there is a large number, there is no time to send it. , you have to trust your own judgment!

When I think back to this...

Lu Youjiao composed himself.

——‘My own judgment? 』

He swallowed with a gudong sound.

He quickly took out a pen and paper and wrote the ten words Zhang Liao is here, there is an ambush in Fancheng on the paper. Because it was the first time, Lu Youjiao even forgot to use the engraving block commonly used in Guan Jiajun.

When he finally put pen to paper...he did not forget Guan Lin's special instructions.

——If it is sent to my father, then be sure to add three words when you start writing!

At that time, Lu Youjiao innocently asked: What three words?

Guan Lin was absolutely certain.

——Hong Qigong!

That's right.

Not Guan Lin, not Huang Laoxie, but Hong Qigong!

Guan Lin knows his father Guan Yu very well.

Huang Laoxie and Guan Lin, whose identities are almost written on their faces, will definitely not let their father realize the seriousness of the problem.

But the mysterious Hong Qigong couldn’t be better!

People like Dad have to rely on bluffing!


Lu Youji carefully wrote the words Hong Qigong where he put down his pen.

After doing all this, he let out a long breath... quickly copied the paper and tied it to the left and right legs of a silver-gray pigeon.

This pigeon...was bought by Guan Lin at a huge price.

Among the merchants of this era, there were many who were in the business of homing pigeons and training homing pigeons.

And this kind of silver-grey pigeons are already expensive, and if they are trained using their 'homing properties', they will undoubtedly be even more expensive, and can be compared to the price of a young girl in Dongshi City.

The advantage is also obvious, that is, it makes it easier for pigeons to hide at night.

Then let the dove fly.

The gray dove quickly soared into the sky, and in just a moment it merged with the black night...

After doing all this, Lu Youjiao finally let out a long breath.

As for the gray dove, it flew quickly over Fancheng, over Jingjiang River, and over Xiangyang, but it only took half an hour to land in the post house twenty miles south of Xiangyang City.

The manager of the post house is a strong man, who is actually a member of the Beggar Clan...

Because he had made great achievements in the process of arresting Jiangling Wei spies, he was promoted to become a disciple of Sanbao. He and his family were able to move into Mianshui Villa and live a life with work and food to eat. Good times.

At this moment, he took the flying pigeon and when he saw the words on it, he immediately did not dare to neglect it.

The letter continues... It is said that the flying pigeon is sent south, which is sent to Hong Qigong and his family.

The other letter was sent immediately to Guan Jiajun's camp...

Extremely urgent.


This place is not far from Guan Jiajun's camp.

The official road from Xudu City to Runan has reached Runan City.

Two fast horses, one behind the other, drove quickly on the official road. In front of them was the outskirts of Runan City, where soldiers and horses were stationed in Yujin.

The people on the horse are Yu Jin, the leader of the five good generals, and Liu Ye, the most talented Wang Zuo.

They had just returned from Xuducheng.

In the current situation, Xiangfan and Jiangxia were in danger, and Xiahou Dun had no choice but to launch his eldest brother Cao Cao's second plan.

——An ambush was set up outside Fancheng.

——Ambush from all sides to capture Guan Yu!

It should be noted that in Cao Cao's plan, the emphasis is not on ambushing from all sides or setting up an ambush, but on capturing Guan Yu!

It’s the word “capture”!

In the whole plan, Guan Yu can be defeated, but he cannot be killed. Firstly, Cao Cao appreciates Guan Yu, and secondly, in this situation, if Guan Yu is killed, all Liu Bei's hatred will flow onto him.

——Sun Liu Lianhe...

Even if Cao Cao captured Jingzhou, he couldn't hold it.

The most ideal method is to kill all the Guan family troops, but let Guan Yu go, and then send the news to Soochow, allowing Soochow to take advantage of the opportunity to attack Jingzhou...

According to Guan Yu's character, even if he is a one-man horse, he will never give in!

In this way, Guan Yu died at the hands of Soochow, and everyone was happy.


Wei generals Gao Lan and Huang Xuer Cao Zhang respectively led the Xudu garrison to aid Fancheng.

It is worth mentioning that Cao Pi actually stayed at Gao Lan's garrison, waiting for General Gao Lan's return. He very sincerely requested General Gao Lan to send troops.

Then they set off to Xiangfan together.

Liu Ye's mission is to take charge of Jiangxia.

Yu Jin's task was to mobilize all the soldiers in Runan to help Jiangxia.


The problem lies in the garrison at Yujin on the outskirts of Runan City.

At this moment, Yu Jin, who came here, was completely confused.

——It was fine when I left, but when I came back, I found...the soldiers were gone!

The soldiers who stayed behind informed him that Yu Jin knew that it was Cao Zhi and Yang Xiu who not only killed his lieutenants, but also falsely conveyed Prime Minister Cao's military orders and transferred his troops!

After all, Yu Jin has always been cautious, but at this moment he couldn't hold himself tight anymore.

I'll go get Zijian back -

Yu Jin shouted loudly and turned his horse's head, wanting to chase him.

Liu Ye looked calm and said, General Wen Ze, please be patient.

The man is dead and the soldiers are gone? How can I be at peace? How can I not be impatient? Yu Jin's whole body was filled with anger. Fortunately, he was Yu Jin and he was well-educated. If it were another vulgar general, he would have scolded his mother if he had not been able to protect himself. .

Calculate the time, are you afraid that your soldiers have been kidnapped by Master Zhi and taken to Fancheng? If you catch up now, by tomorrow, Guan Yu will have been ambushed from all sides. Master Zijian has meritorious service in the ambush, and he will also be attacked. Prime Minister Cao’s reward, what else could you have done if you just rushed over?

What can I do? I'll sue Cao Zijian! Yu Jin said angrily.

You sue Mr. Zijian? Haha, will you win if you sue?

Liu Ye showed his wise and insightful side that can only be found in a grand strategist.

He had a good relationship with Yu Jin, so he wanted to give him some advice. Don't forget, Master Zijian is Prime Minister Cao's most beloved son. He also captured Guan Yu... With such a record, how can you complain?

Then... let's forget it? Yu Jin angrily said: According to the arrangements left by Prime Minister Cao, General Wen Yuan arrived in Fancheng. I am going to guard Jiangxia. In case of Jiangdong's invasion, I will rush to rescue Hefei. If However, something went wrong between Jiangxia and Hefei, I...I...

Don't worry... Liu Ye comforted him: The news I just received is that Guan Yu has ordered a rapid march to attack Fancheng early tomorrow morning. By then, he will fall into Prime Minister Cao's ambush plan and will be captured.

Master Zijian, if you use your soldiers, you will also have a share of military exploits. As for Jiangxia... Haha, we used to just stabilize people's hearts. In fact... How proud is Guan Yu? When he can't have both, he will definitely give up the fish. And take the bear’s paw, because the bear’s paw is more valuable!”

Therefore... it is impossible for him to attack Jiangxia! Whether or not you have soldiers from Yanzhou is not important to Jiangxia! As for Hefei... why did Sun Quan ever take the initiative to attack during the dry season? Not before, but now... his Jiangdong soldiers have long been broken. Even less so!


Hearing this, Yu Jin was stunned.

He obviously wanted to refute, but found that he couldn't refute it at all.

What Liu Ye said makes sense!

As an important counselor under Prime Minister Cao, Liu Ye's military exploits, strategies and results achieved over the years are also very convincing.

Not to mention, in the Battle of Guandu, as a great inventor, he made a thunder chariot and destroyed Yuan Shao's archery tower in one fell swoop;

In the subsequent battles, Liu Ye often had a precise understanding of the development of the world's situation. He was able to predict events like a god, make plans, and recognize people with a keen eye.

Not to mention, when Cao Cao conquered Hanzhong last year, he faced off against Zhang Lu's younger brother Zhang Wei.

Cao Cao's army ran out of food and supplies and almost retreated. It was Liu Ye who persuaded Cao Cao not to retreat.

Sure enough...the one who couldn't bear it first was Zhang Lu!

It can be said that the biggest contributor to Zhang Lu's surrender was this great inventor!

Liu Ye's strategic vision is also renowned throughout Cao Wei.

It is no exaggeration to say that since the death of Xun Yu and Xun Lingjun, Liu Ye has become Cao Wei's leading strategist.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter...

Yu Jin scratched his head helplessly... He let out a long sigh, What should we do now? Without soldiers, I can't follow you to Jiangxia alone, right?

Anyway, it's all a credit to the profit? Why not? Liu Ye felt relieved.

I can't afford to lose that person! Yu Jin spread his hands...

He showed a look of embarrassment.

Hahaha... Liu Ye laughed. Okay, then you stay in Runan, waiting to capture Guan Yunchang, and waiting for the great contribution that Mr. Zijian will give you! If you don't want Jiangxia's contribution, I will accept it with a smile.

Because the relationship was so good, Liu Ye also made jokes at the right time.

As he spoke, he turned his horse's head and planned to leave.

But suddenly, something occurred to him, and he added meaningfully, Wen Ze, don't forget, the Prime Minister is sixty years old this year? But our position as the Crown Prince of Wei has not yet been settled... Young Master Jian...hehe, that's fine, that's fine!

Just this sentence...

As soon as Liu Ye ordered it to stop, he immediately rode his horse to Jiangxia.

But it left Yu Jin's eyes as if he had suddenly realized something.

Over here, in Liu Ye's opinion, this trip to Jiangxia was just a casual tour.

Guan Yu can neither attack Jiangxia.

He earned this credit just by lying down.

Over there... a fast horse from the station outside Xiangyang City has entered the Guan family army's camp.

Facing the rejection of horses in front of the military camp.

The man on the horse shouted: ——Urgent! Urgent!

——On the orders of the old man Hong Qigong of the Beggar Clan, I ask to see Guan Gong!

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