Chapter 288 Duke Wei is already sixty years old——

Cangwu County, Guangxin City.

Before noon, Lu Xun walked into a quiet side room of the government office and looked at the room with bright and clean windows, but there was no color on his face.

Shi Xie and Han Xuan had been waiting here for a long time, and Han Xuan talked.

General Shi, we've come to this point, and Boyan has made a rough guess. It's time for us to tell Boyan the truth, right?

Shi Xie nodded slowly, smiled and said with emotion: The eight-oxen crossbow that Boyan shocked the world, I only said before that I bought it from 'Huang Laoxie', but I think Boyan must have guessed, 'Huang Laoxie' 'That's Mr. Yunqi!

--really! 』

Lu Xun raised his eyes deeply and met the gazes of Shi Xie and Han Xuan, So, Cheng Bing rescued Lu Ji, killed Lu Ji with the eight-oxen crossbow, and killed Bu Zhi. Was this all Master Yunqi's plan?

No! Shi Xie waved his hand gently, Using Lu Ji to delay Boyan and the Lu Army's offensive to buy time for the delivery of the Baniu Crossbow. This is true of Professor Yunqi Gongzi, but Lu Ji was rescued by accident. Killing Bu Zhao is even more of a coincidence, I would rather say that this is God’s will, it is God who helps Mr. Yunqi, and it is God who helps Boyan escape from the sea of ​​suffering!”

So... Lu Xun said with emotion: Lu Meng's back stabbing later was all as you expected...

That's right...

What about this Wei envoy Sima Yi? Lu Xun asked again.

This time it was Han Xuan who answered, Master Yunqi also expected that once Boyan counterattacked Jiangdong, it would definitely attract Cao Cao's attention. But after all, Jiaozhou is far away from the Central Plains. Cao Cao does not have too many eyes in Jiaozhou and can detect information. It’s also limited, so...with limited information, he will definitely think that you, Boyan, are a worthy candidate...

So that's it... Lu Xun suddenly realized, No wonder Master Yunqi asked me to lead the Lu family's army to Jiangxia by water... I was still suspicious. If we go north with such a big fanfare, wouldn't Cao Cao notice it? How could we launch a surprise attack? The effect? ​​It turns out that Master Yunqi has reached this level...

That's right, Cao Cao is so resourceful. How could he not have thought that Boyan's purpose of attacking Soochow from the north was to protect the Lu family. Based on this, Boyan would definitely not really attack Soochow from the north. Consider it from this perspective , Cao Cao can only recruit Boyan to go to Jingzhou, not to mention the current war situation. For Cao Cao, Sun Quan's Hefei is just a scabies disease, and Jingzhou is a serious problem!


Now I completely understand!

Master Yunqi wants me to use his plan... Lu Xun exclaimed.

So, in order to convince Sima Yi, the envoy of Cao Wei, we must act as realistically as possible. Han Xuan said with emotion. The 30,000 Lu Family Army, in Cao Cao's view, is their immediate combat power and the key to attacking Jingzhou... However, if these 30,000 Lu Family Army defections before the battle, then one will wax and wane, and if you calculate inside and outside, the general will turn around. With a fighting strength of 60,000, Cao Cao will be doomed!

Lu Xun, who was staring at Shi Xie and Han Xuan with concentration, suddenly felt his whole body relax, as if he had lost all strength. But in just a moment, he realized that this was already an arrow on the string and had to be fired. He immediately revealed a sigh of relief. Thousands of smiles.

It turns out that this game of chess has only been played halfway! For the remaining half, I, Lu Xun, will continue to play.

Shi Xie hid a hint of worry in his eyes, nodded, and said with emotion: To be honest, I'm a little worried about you. We haven't known each other before fighting... But heading north to Jiangxia is the real battlefield. Master Yunqi's strategy I admire him, but after all, I wonder if this is too risky, asking Boyan to play with fire!

Hahahaha... Lu Xun swept away the haze just now. After learning the truth of everything, he became much more confident. He immediately laughed and said: It's Cao Cao and Sima Yi who are playing with fire!

As he spoke, he stood up, bowed respectfully to Shi Xie and Han Xuan, then turned around and left.

Han Xuan quickly shouted: Bo Yan, where are you going?

Lu Xun smiled and said: Meet Sima Zhongda and start a new journey for our Lu family army——

Han Xuan shouted again... Lu Xun had already walked away.

In fact, Han Xuan wanted to remind him.

——This Sima Yi is someone who Master Yunqi specially told to be careful with...

——‘However, if it’s Boyan, maybe he really has a match! 』

Jiangxia, Anlu City.

When Guan Lin rushed to the city gate with great joy, he only saw Jiang Gan. There was no white phosphorus anywhere...

——‘Where’s the phosphorus? 』

——Did Jiang Gan set off a dumb cannon? 』

Guan Lin almost cursed...

He was originally full of expectations, but suddenly he felt like a lost dog. Sure enough, he was entrusted to someone else!

Mr. Jiang? Are you kidding me?

Guan Lin frowned and looked at Jiang Qian...

Jiang Gan looked sad, Following Grandmaster Guan's instructions, we did dig out flint. We dug it on the first day up the mountain. But I never thought that after digging it out and putting it in a box, the flint suddenly ignited. All of a sudden, the fire shot up into the sky, and the posture was terrifying... Fortunately, the brothers were far away, otherwise... they would all have been burned to death by that fire!


Don't tell me, Jiang Gan's words made Guan Lin feel guilty all of a sudden.

Too impatient...

He was only thinking about the Phosphorus Mountain of Da Xiaogan, but he forgot that the ignition point of white phosphorus is only forty degrees, and there is a certain probability that it will burn if it is in contact with the air for a long time...

Fortunately, Jiang Qian and these brothers did not get too close and it was winter, otherwise, it would have caused a whole tragedy!

It's...a blessing among misfortunes, it's good news!

Guan Lin sighed.

Who would have thought that Jiang Gan suddenly raised his head, his narrow eyes gradually widened from squinting, and he said extremely excitedly: How does Mr. Yun Qi know? There is good news!


In Guan Lin's stunned state.

Jiang Gan recounted in detail: I looked at the large amount of burning flint, and I thought about it. The purity of the Sifang Mountain flint is so high and it is so easy to ignite. How to use it? How to transport it... This flint is so easy to ignite. It’s awesome, but it’s also too difficult to operate, right?”

Before Guan Lin could ask questions, Jiang Qian suddenly burst into laughter, Hahaha, hahaha, how about you say I'm a genius! I thought about how all things interact with each other. If the air and high heat overcome the flint, then simply ...just use water, and sure enough...I didn't expect that this flint does not melt in water, but can be preserved in water, so...I went out early and came back late during this period, just to dig a ditch in Sifang Mountain and then build a pond. Put the flint into a wooden box on the spot, tie it with a rope, and quickly sink it to the bottom of the pond... In this way, the problem of flint storage is easily solved.

Today, a large number of flints are buried at the bottom of the pond, and they can be pulled up at any time if necessary. In addition, I found that as long as water is poured on top of the flints, as long as the water is there, the flints will not ignite automatically... Haha Haha, no matter whether it is mining, storage or transportation of flint this time, all the problems were solved with the wisdom of Jiang Qian...


Jiang Gan's words immediately stunned Guan Lin.

——This is Jiang Qian? Are you so capable? 』

Thinking of this...

Guan Lin exclaimed subconsciously, You are my Guan Lin's Wolong and Fengxia!

This is Guan Linfeng's third Wolong and Phoenix after Mi Fang and Fu Shiren!

No wonder Guan Lin shouted from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, Guan Lin was worried when he heard that white phosphorus ignited. He was thinking about... what method should be used to store and transport white phosphorus...

Even how to avoid unnecessary casualties during the large-scale mining of white phosphorus!

But before he could figure it out, Jiang Gan had already finished the matter. Not only did he do it well, but his ability to solve problems when he encountered them was also very good!

Suddenly, Guan Lin felt some sympathy for Jiang Qian, a classmate who had been blackmailed for thousands of years by later generations of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, not to mention that Jiang Qian stole books was a fabrication;

Not to mention that Cai Hao and Zhang Yun were not killed by Jiang Gan at all;

Just talking about the ability to mine white phosphorus, encounter problems, and solve problems, Guan Lin felt that Jiang Gan could be used!

When Mr. Jiang was asked to dig up white phosphorus before, it was really overkill. Guan Lin said with emotion.

Before digging out the white phosphorus, I called him Mr. Jiang. After digging out the white phosphorus, I directly called him Mr. Jiang...

I don't dare... Jiang Qian was modest, but before he could even say a word of humility, his true nature was revealed. He sighed: Although it is true that there are some small talents who are very useful, it was the first time that Governor Guan came into contact with Qian, so he didn't know You have the talent and knowledge to do it, and as a subordinate, it is natural for you to go through fire and water for the sake of the Lord... I just hope that Grand Master Guan will not kill a chicken with a bull's-eye next time!

The arrogance in Jiang Gan's bones could not be concealed.

Guan Lin nodded, Jiang Gong can accomplish this, which will impress this junior, but... junior still has another big thing to do. Looking at the whole Jiangxia, only Jiang Gong can do it, so that this junior can rest assured! But this time it is not a killing. The chicken is gone, the cow is really killed...


Guan Lin's words made Jiang Qian feel relieved, and he sighed: I wonder what is going on?

Mr. Jiang, please take a step to speak.

Guan Lin stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, while taking out a blueprint from his arms. This blueprint was exactly what he had thought about for a long time and drawn. It shows the incendiary bomb that can be produced under the current conditions of this era. Ah no, to be precise, it should be the detailed step-by-step diagram of the 'burning tank'.

Mr. Jiang, what is drawn on this drawing is a 'burning can'. I need five thousand of these 'burning cans' for the upcoming decisive battle in Jiangxia. If Mr. Jiang can make it, it will be the defeat of Cao Cao in this battle, and I will be the number one meritorious deed in Jingzhou. Minister! The entire Jingzhou, no, all the official titles, if Duke Jiang is interested, I will definitely ask my father for them on behalf of Duke Jiang!

Needless to say, what Guan Lin said touched Jiang Qian's heart.

Jiang Qian is a famous person, tall and handsome, and famous for his talent... He is alone among the Jiang and Huai Rivers, so don't compare with him!

Growing up, people around him always talked about him and praised him. When he was young, he was as famous as Mizhourou. He was proud...

But after joining Cao Ying, he was not reused!

Cao Cao doesn't like people who are smooth-talking like this. Cao Cao values ​​​​the promotion of talents without avoiding virtue. He likes talents who can do hard work and lead troops and govern the country. But Jiang Gan...

The only one who sent him to persuade Zhou Yu to surrender, what he said when he came back - Yu's elegance and magnanimity are beyond words!

Cao Cao never values ​​the process, he only cares about the results. Of course...Cao Cao doesn't care whether Zhou Yu is magnanimous or not. If you can't persuade him to surrender, then you are incompetent.

So Jiang Gan was immediately sent to Anlu County in Jiangxia to be a small county magistrate.

In recent years, Jiang Qian has been depressed and frustrated.

When he was young, some of those around him boasted and talked about him, some even did better than him, and some compared him with Zhou Yu. Jiang Gan was simply shameless!

Therefore, Jiang Gan did not have much affiliation with Cao Wei at all. He originally wanted to lie down, but by chance, he became Guan Yu's subordinate general.

By chance, he worked beside Guan Lin, the governor of Jiangxia...

and was sent to dig for flint.

Anlu City is the eye of the storm in the current battle between Cao and Liu, the Jiangxia battlefield, and even the entire Jingzhou Huainan battlefield.

Jiang Gan realized that maybe as the former magistrate of Anlu County, he might have an opportunity to prove himself...

He has also been waiting for an opportunity.

So he spared no effort to make the white phosphorus thing extremely beautiful!

He was holding a lot of energy in his heart!

What Guan Lin said at this moment, whether it was a big deal or true, in short... Jiang Gan realized that the real opportunity had come, and he, Jiang Gan, finally had a chance to stand up!

Since Mr. Yunqi calls me the 'crouching dragon and phoenix chick', and since he trusts me so much. Jiang Gan patted his chest, Then leave the making of this 'burning tank' to me. As long as I, Jiang Gan, am still alive. Within half a month, these five thousand incendiary bombs will be delivered!

Half a month... Guan Linba chirped, Time is tight, I will give Mr. Jiang a thousand people, can it be done in ten days?

Actually, the drawing is very simple...

The steps are also very simple…

And the materials are all ready, it just requires some tedious manual work.

Of course, this is theoretical. In practice, you will definitely encounter a series of problems. However, Jiang Gan seems to be a man who is very good at solving problems.

Sure enough, Jiang Qian pondered for a moment. He looked at the drawing carefully again, closed his eyes, and went through all the processes in his mind before finally speaking categorically.

I'll try my best, give it a try -

Haha... Guan Lin said with a smile: This is not a domineering answer. I think back to Military Advisor Zhuge, when he faced Zhou Gongjin's task of 100,000 arrows, he only took three days to complete it!

This is different... I took a rough look at the drawing. Although the steps of the 'burning tank' are simple, they require slow work and meticulous work, and there is no way to take advantage of the situation... Every step must be very careful. Jiang Gan said with emotion: Ten days is already the limit.”

After talking about this, the matter was settled.

Jiang Gan also hurried to Sifang Mountain again. In the past few days, he probably won't be able to return to the city...

Guan Lin, on the other hand, looked at Jiang Qian's retreating back. He called to the soldiers standing outside and said, Uncle Shiwu, please go and find out among the Jiangxia soldiers. Does Jiang Qian have any other family members in Bei? Realm? In the Central Plains?

Yes! Shiwu accepted the order and went to investigate.

Seeing Jiang Gan leave, Zhang Xingcai, who was standing obediently on the outside, quickly walked to Guan Lin's side, I just heard the incendiary canister, what is that?


Not to mention, what Zhang Xingcai said was really difficult for Guan Lin. He smacked his lips, thought for a moment, and then explained: If there is something that can kill hundreds of thousands of people overnight, then I think it must be this burning pot, but with the current conditions, the finished product of the actual burning pot is only 80% complete at most... However, it is still enough for Yu Ban to eat a pot!


Hundreds of thousands?

Or be buried overnight.

For a moment, Zhang Xingcai was stunned and dumbfounded!

Jiaozhou, Cangwu County, Guangxin City market.

Zhang Chunhua and Sima Yi, who had changed back into women's clothes, were already carrying a lot of things in their hands, including a few fish, a large bag of oranges, and a large string of pearls under their armpits.

A vendor at a medicine stall called out to Sima Yi, Sir? You don't look like a local? Are you from the north? Come and take a look at our rhino horns and ivory...I heard that these things are more expensive than gold in the north? Mr. and Mrs. buy some. Go ahead, you can still make a fortune even if you don’t protect everything!”

Sima Yi turned around and saw that there were many specialties from Jiaozhou on the stalls, which were also very rare treasures in the north.

Pearls, ivory, rhinoceros horns, tortoise shells, corals, jade, as well as various spices and tropical fruits...

He freed his hands, selected an ivory hairpin, and inserted it into Zhang Chunhua's bun with a smile. Zhang Chunhua lowered his head shyly and touched the hairpin happily.

The two of them continued to move forward and unknowingly reached the end of the market. Looking at the endless flow of the market, a hint of emotion and sadness suddenly appeared on their faces.

Zhang Chunhua noticed the change in Sima Yi's expression and asked.

Zhongda? What's wrong with you?

Sima Yi murmured: Look, the people of Jiaozhou are so lucky. They live happily here every day and don't have to worry about war at all. But we in the Central Plains are at war every day. In fact, I have always wanted to suggest to the Prime Minister that the Wei Dynasty has come to rest. It’s time for the people to raise the army.”

Seeing Sima Yi's serious expression, Zhang Chunhua didn't know what to say for a moment.

After another half an hour, Sima Yi returned to the inn with Zhang Chunhua carrying many trophies, but Lu Xun was already waiting outside the inn door.

Sima Yi only felt that the young master in front of him was about the same age as him, but he had an extraordinary bearing, especially his eyes, which cast a warm gaze, but there was a bit more edge in his gaze.

I'm Sima Yi, who is your Excellency?

Sima Yi put all the trophies aside and then handed them over to Lu Xun.

Lu Xun greeted him enthusiastically: Sima Zhongda came to Jiaozhou even though he traveled thousands of miles, isn't it just for me and my troops?


Sima Yi was startled and said in surprise, General Lu——

Lu Xun was amused and surprised when he saw what Sima Yi was holding, This...?

Sima Yi waved his hands in embarrassment, Ashamed, ashamed, for making General Lu laugh...My wife and I came to Jiaozhou for the first time, and were dazzled by the dazzling array of goods here...just like country people entering the city.

Lu Xun couldn't help but laugh: When in a country, do as the Romans do, when in a country, do as the Romans do -

Zhang Chunhua went in carrying many things.

Sima Yi and Lu Xun sat down separately. Lu Xun smiled and said: The envoy from the Wei Dynasty went to Jiaozhou and had to cross a hostile territory, but he still brought his wife with him? He is really natural and elegant...

Sima Yi smiled and said: To be honest, my wife's martial arts skills are ten times better than mine. Ordinary warriors are no match for her. She is here to protect me!

Lu Xun was startled, and the two laughed again.

Lu Xun said: As soon as Sima's envoy arrived in Jiaozhou, he inspected the people and observed their customs. Can he gain anything?

Sima Yi sighed: Jiaozhou has been away from the scourge of war for many years. It is extremely wealthy and far from being comparable to the Central Plains. If any power in the Central Plains can get help from Jiaozhou, it is an exaggeration to say that it is a help in times of need. At least it will be more powerful than a tiger!

Lu Xun continued: The envoy of Sima is trying to win over Jiaozhou for Duke Wei. Then I dare to ask, can Duke Wei pass through Jingzhou, recapture Jianghuai, and open up the road between Jiaozhou and the Central Plains again?

Sima Yi shook his head and said: The road from Jiaozhou to the Central Plains is to Wei Gong just like the Silk Road during the prosperous period of the Han Dynasty. Whether it is Wei Gong or the Wei Gong, millions of soldiers are eagerly looking forward to it.

But if I say it bluntly, Liu Bei has Zhuge Liang, and Sun Quan has Lu Zijing. With these two people, under the impregnable alliance of Sun and Liu, even if Wei Gong tried his best, he could not assemble the troops and horses as grand as the Battle of Chibi... But It will be even more difficult for the Sun-Liu Alliance to make the Northern Expedition. There are disputes among the big clans in Jiangdong, and there are factions in Jingzhou and Bashu. What's more, both the people of Jiangdong and the people of Bashu are settled and tired of war. They are more than capable of defending the city, but not aggressive enough... With the Jingzhou Guan Yunchang, in fact, it does not pose much of a threat to Wei Gong!

Lu Xun was puzzled: What does the Sima envoy mean?

Sima Yi said slowly: Jiaozhou had good relations with the Wei Dynasty. Boyan led his army northward and defeated Guan Yu. My Lord gave Boyan the land of Jingzhou. At that time, whether Boyan was paying blood for blood, fighting against Soochow, or recuperating , wouldn’t it be beneficial?”

Lu Xun was shocked: Wei Gong wants to grant Jingzhou to me?

Sima Yi analyzed: After years of fighting, our country is exhausted. If not for this, how could Liu Bei have taken advantage of the situation and taken advantage of the situation to march west to Yizhou and occupy Jingzhou in the east. On the Xiangfan battlefield, this situation was evenly matched, but Boyan's 30,000 Lu family army It can completely flip the balance! Compared with Guan Yu, Wei Gong hopes that General Lu will occupy Jingzhou... Just like Zang Ba, Lu Bu's subordinate in the past, now lives in Langya Kingdom, a state within a state in the Wei Dynasty, and has received all kinds of rewards. There are three thousand households in the city, and even the generals of the Cao Wei clan can hardly match it!

Lu Xun said: Then, how can envoy Sima assure me that Wei Gong is not just talking about it! How can he assure me that after I, Lu Xun, surrender to Wei, my troops and horses will not be affected, and my status and official titles will be soared. ?”

Sima Yi fell silent. He stood up and walked slowly. Lu Xun did not rush him and stared at him quietly.

Sima Yi finally stood still, and with an extremely cautious attitude, he slowly said word by word: Wei Gong is already sixty years old...

Lu Xun smiled: What does Sima Envoy mean?

Before Lu Xun could finish his words, Sima Yi continued, Wei Gong's head illness has never really has gotten worse over the years! The situation in the court has also become increasingly unpredictable.

Especially this year, with an order to levy widows and a law for ninth-rank officials, Cao Zhi has the support of the clan generals, and Cao Pi has the support of the aristocratic families. Young Master Pi is most in need of a trustworthy army of confidants! Thirty thousand The Lu Jiajun is still the Lu Jiajun who is good at water battles, what Boyan wants to achieve will be the merit of following the dragon!

Lu Xun was startled, What does Envoy Sima mean, are you a guarantor for the future Crown Prince of Wei?

Sima Yi didn’t intend to elaborate: “That’s all I’ll say below…”

Lu Xun smiled, I understand!


(The situation has improved significantly today. There should be a second chapter.)

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