Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 315 If you dare to hit me, my son will pay you back tenfold!

Guan Lin is drunk and numb!

Everything that happened on the battlefield of Xiangfan when Guan Suo was in charge, including his father Guan Yu's siege, including the enemy general Xu Huang's deception, including Cao Ren's sudden awakening, including Pang De's ambush, including this insidious ambush.

After telling all these stories to Guan Lin, Guan Lin was also drunk, completely drunk. This was like numbing!

What does it mean that the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change?

Dad Guan Yu...this special thing is called nature is hard to change!

Guan Lin was initially quite hesitant, feeling that the appearance of the burning tank had changed the situation on the entire southern battlefield. In this way, as long as he fought steadily, it would not be a problem to capture Xiangfan.

The advantage is mine——

I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it.

I have the advantage is not something I would like to say randomly...

Sure enough, just as expected... dad Guan Yu is still as happy as ever.

History always says that Guan Yu's death was a stab in Soochow's back, which is understandable;

It was Fu Shiren and Mi Fang's betrayal, it was certain;

But it would be nonsense to say that Liu Feng and Meng Da did not rush to help.

Historically, when Guan Yu invited Liu Feng and Meng Da to rush for reinforcements, the water flooded the Seventh Army and shocked China... It almost dug a big hole in Cao Wei.

That's a big advantage situation...

Guan Lin can guess the thoughts of Liu Feng and Meng Da. You are so awesome. We have a lot of troubles here. Are we here to help you? What do you think? Come to your sister’s aid!

But who would have thought that one month before, flooded the Seventh Army, shocked China, and had frequent good news, Jiangling would be gone the next month, and the Guan Army surrounding Fancheng would be overrun by Xu Huang.

The next month will be more direct, dad Guan Yu will directly defeat Maicheng, and the next month will be gone.

Just so fast…

Guan Linzhen connected the careless loss of Jingzhou recorded in history with this time.

One moment he was arrogant and arrogant, and the next moment he lost because of his carelessness. It's exactly the same...


A deep sigh.

After Guan Lin confirmed that his father was still alive, he really wanted to curse - That's right.

He was really convinced...

Having said that, Guan Yu is the most arrogant Guan Lin has ever seen. He is also the most arrogant and arrogant general who will lose his reputation. But the one who is so cute is his father, which is simply amazing!


Guan Lin listened to Guan Suo's story. The situation laid out by Cao Cao could not be said to be very clever.

In fact, it was nothing more than taking advantage of the Guan family's army to attack the city, and all three groups came out to catch someone by surprise...

But as long as old man Guan Yu doesn't attack Fancheng, or simply targets Xiangyang, he can directly surround Xiangyang without attacking it, and use this most reliable method of encirclement and reinforcements to conquer.

Nothing will happen.

But my father was so proud that he felt so superior that he surrounded himself with caterpillars.

Or because he was confused, Dad didn’t do the multiple-choice question of Fancheng or Xiangyang. He wanted both Fancheng and Xiangyang! …This time we lost because we were greedy and anxious.

However, this is in line with dad Guan Yu’s character...

If he doesn't attack Fancheng and surround Xiangyang, then there will be ghosts...

Sure enough, Guan Lin suppressed his father Guan Yu again and again, suppressed his character, made his mentality change, and made him stop being so arrogant and arrogant, but in the end, he suppressed his loneliness!

He is still the arrogant Guan Yunchang who is as always and whose nature is unchangeable!


I have to admire Lao Cao for his deployment of this battle...

The person who knows Dad best is not his sons, but Lao Cao.

——He is really good at judging people!

Thinking of this, Guan Lin let out a long breath, as if he hated iron for not being able to become steel, no... he hated his father for not being able to become steel.

How is our father injured now? What is the situation in Jiangling City? Are Xu Huang, Cao Ren, and Pang De chasing after him?

I didn't pursue them... Guan Suo said truthfully: At least, when I came here, Cao Jun didn't make any move south. It seems that their purpose was just to protect Xiangfan...

Following Guan Suo's words, Guan Lin thought to himself:

——This is natural. Cao Cao can accept the loss of troops and generals, but he cannot accept the fall of cities, especially Xiangfan! 』

Xiangfan... This is the fortress leading to the north and the southern gate of Cao Wei...

It is also connected with the Han River, which is the main waterway connecting Jingzhou and Yizhou.

It is no exaggeration to say that once Xiangfan is captured, the Han River will be opened...

Jingzhou and Yizhou can be connected as a whole. Under the waterway, it will be extremely easy to communicate with each other and dispatch troops and horses!

This chess game suddenly came to life!

This is a strategically important location!

It is precisely because of this that even if Cao Cao goes to war and deploys such a game, even if his father does not attack Fancheng, the game will lose all meaning...

Even so, Cao Cao would still make such arrangements, not for anything else but to defend Xiangfan!

Guan Lin thought of this...

Guan Suo continued: Before my father fell into coma, he specially ordered the deployment of troops from the public security to strictly guard against Cao's army going south. In addition, the disciples of Zhongjing's divine doctor also looked at my father's wounds. The arrow was quenched with venom. Fortunately, The venom is limited, and the toxicity is far from the strongest. It can be temporarily stopped... to prevent the venom from spreading, but the difficulty is that the venom on the arms is difficult to remove.

Hearing this, Guan Lin let out a long breath...

After just a while, he, who was originally very interested in teaching Wang Can to write The Biography of Xun Yu, became desolate and his expression became even more gloomy.

After all, daddy Guan Yu!

——Swear and scold;

——If you hate your father, you won’t become steel. If you hate your father, you won’t become steel!

But from the bottom of his heart, Guan Lin was still worried about him, fearing that he would have an accident or make a mistake...

But blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. At least this time he is stronger than after the Seventh Army was flooded. He is defeated, not dead!

At least after this experience, Dad will definitely be more restrained in the future.

From this perspective, Guan Lin actually tasted a bit of a blessing in disguise.

I'll go back to Jiangling...I won't worry if my dad is like this...

Guan Lin made a decision, and he immediately ordered the soldiers guarding him, Send my order to recruit the miraculous doctor Zhongjing to return to Jiangling with me. In addition, tell my elder brother Guan Ping about this...

Speaking of this, Guan Lin noticed Guan Suo's shoulder.

Just now Guan Suo spoke in a hurry, and Guan Lin listened in a hurry and didn't pay much attention. But now he discovered that there was a wound on Guan Suo's shoulder. The blood in the wound was still overflowing, and his clothes had turned bright red...

Fifth brother? Are you injured too? Who is it?

That... that Cao Ren! Guan Suo answered hesitantly.

At this moment, he didn't want his fourth brother to pay too much attention to him.

Come here, take my fifth brother to the official medical office... Guan Lin ordered.

Immediately, the guards came in and helped Guan Suo towards the medical office.

Guan Lin let out a long sigh again, thinking in his mind that even his fifth brother, who was always excited and always avoided dangerous positions on the battlefield, was injured!

This was enough to remind Guan Lin of the brutal battle in Fancheng.

--hateful! 』

——You're actually playing dirty tricks with me! 』

Guan Lin's eyes widened, and he ordered again, Let my fifth brother be treated well here, prepare the horse, and pass on the miracle doctor Zhongjing. I want to set off back to Jiangling immediately!

At this moment, a sharp edge suddenly appeared in Guan Lin's eyes.

In his opinion…

Guan Yu's son is just no longer in Jiangling, not no longer alive!

——You dare to hit me without asking who his son is?

——If you dare to hit me, your son will pay you back tenfold!

In Yanzhou, Langya Kingdom, Lingju was locked up in a wing room.

This was not house arrest or confinement, but because when Cao Cao came, Zang Ba was worried that she would do something outrageous, so he temporarily locked her up here.

Let her out after Cao Cao leaves.

After all, Zang Ba is a man who values ​​righteousness and he has an agreement with Cao Cao. Cao Cao did not implicate all the soldiers of Bingzhou because of Lu Bu. Zang Ba also led these old troops of Lu Bu for Cao Cao and lived an honest and law-abiding life in Langya Kingdom.


A gangster's white-soled boots embroidered with bird patterns kept stepping back and forth on the wooden floor.

Through the boarded-up window, Lingju looked from time to time at the main hall where Cao Cao and Uncle Zang Ba were talking.

Outside the main hall, a group of Huben sergeants stood solemnly, looking around vigilantly...

As for the strong man with big arms and round waist, Lingju knew that his name was Xu Chu.

He was named Tiger Marquis by Cao Cao...

Even though Lingju is the mistress of Parrot, she has strong martial arts skills and is better at assassination, but if she really wants to compete with this Tiger Marquis, she is sure that she will definitely win under the absolutely domineering one force defeats ten. Can't make a move.

Think about it this way…

By locking her up, Uncle Zang Ba wanted to protect him.

Finally, after two hours of chatting, Zang Ba sent Cao Cao out. Through the gap in the window, Lingju saw Cao Cao's face clearly.

There was still afterglow outside, and the hall was still illuminated by bright candles. Under the warm yellow light, the short Cao Cao was walking across the mirror-smooth terrazzo floor with his boots.

At this time, Cao Cao spoke to Zang Ba: I remember, this ground was the same one I sent to repair for you when I saw the messy courtyard last time I came here... I never thought that Xuan Gao rarely moved around!

If the terrazzo floor is used for a lot of time, it will inevitably have cracks and cracks...

But Cao Cao only felt that the bluestone floor seemed new.

This was also what he admired most about Zang Ba. He was righteous and simple. How could Cao Cao not love such a person?

As he turned his head and chanted this sound, Lingju took a clear look at his front and saw the long beard under his chin.

——It turns out that this is the current ruler of the Central Plains and the North!

——There are thirteen states in the world, and he alone controls half of nine states, Cao Cao!

This man, who is known as the capable minister in governing the world and the hero in troubled times, is now sixty years old. His figure looks a bit lumpy, and even his slender eyes and long beard give people the most intuitive feeling that he is not good-looking...

The opposite of handsome.

However, from top to bottom, from his cheeks to his feet, the aura and domineering power he exudes are intimidating.

The body shape is also maintained very well, with moderate fatness and thinness, strong and strong.


When he came to see Zang Ba, he was wearing an ordinary set of home clothes. Except for a jade belt around his waist, there were no other luxurious accessories.

It's not like a superior person visiting the inferior person's house, but more like a visit between brothers!

It gives people a sense of infinite closeness.

After Cao Cao sighed, Lingju didn't hear Zang Ba's answer, but she saw Zang Ba salute Cao Cao, and Cao Cao nodded to him, as if the matter was settled.

Finally, after another half an hour, Zang Ba sent Cao Cao out. Surrounded by a group of tiger soldiers, Cao Cao got into his carriage. With the sound of horse hooves, Lingju knew...Cao Cao had gone far.

That is, at the same time...

The door of Lingju was opened, and Zang Ba appeared in front of her.

What did you say?

Lingju's eyes were full of curiosity about the conversation between the two...

Zang Ba didn't intend to hide anything from Lingju. He found a bench to sit on and said truthfully: Cao Cao asked me to lead Taishan soldiers to guard Nanyang...

Ah... before Lingju could exclaim.

Zang Ba's voice continued, and his tone was quite serious, Nanyang was defeated. Thanks to you, Hou Yin, the prefect of Wancheng, betrayed Cao Cao before the battle. Twenty thousand troops surrendered, and the military plan was leaked... and the secrets of Shiro Guanjia were revealed. In a fire, 80,000 Cao Cao's troops died or surrendered. Now only Yu Jin brought a few thousand people back... Gathered from all directions, they only gathered 6,000 soldiers in Nanyang. Such a number of soldiers and horses are not enough to resist your Yun. Mr. Banner, therefore, Cao Cao specially came to invite me to come out!

Cao Cao also specifically mentioned that your Mr. Yunqi is amazing. When other people fight, they have fewer and fewer soldiers, but when he fights, he has more and more soldiers... In the past, Jiangxia only had more than 10,000 soldiers. Today's Jiangxia This force has quadrupled! There are more than 60,000 people! This Guan Linguan Yunqi has some extraordinary abilities!

I see…

Although Lingju was somewhat mentally prepared because of the scout's report, when he saw Cao Cao personally visiting Langya Kingdom in order to resist Guan Lin, Lingju was still in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, in just over a month, Master Yunqi has grown into a being that even Cao Cao is afraid of.

As for... the more soldiers we fight, the more we fight. Isn't it because of her Ling Ju's contribution?

When I thought of this, my heart felt inexplicably warm.

Then...Uncle Zang rejected Cao Cao? Lingju asked impatiently.

Why refuse? Zang Ba asked Lingju.

Ah... Lingju didn't expect that Uncle Zang Ba would ask this question. She quickly added: Did Uncle Zang Ba... agree to that thief Cao? Want to... make an enemy of Master Yunqi?

You will eat your salary, and you will worry about your worries... Zang Ba said lightly: I have no reason to reject Cao Cao either emotionally or rationally, let alone...

He paused, then raised his head with interest and looked meaningfully at Lingju, My precious niece almost blew the Guan Yun flag to the sky. As an uncle, I am always curious and want to try his. Depth! Let’s see if he is worthy of my precious niece...

Zang Ba wanted to say entrust him for life, but after all...because Lingju belonged to his daughter's family, he was an uncle, not a father, so he swallowed these four words back in his stomach.

As for curiosity…

Curiosity indeed.

First it was Lingju, and then it was Cao Cao. They all came to Langya Kingdom for the same purpose, for one person. This is so weird.

This also made Zang Ba extremely curious about Guan Lin.

Zang Ba is very interested in Guan Lin...

More than just wanting to test his depth, it was more like trying to see what kind of person could make Cao Cao so fearful, what kind of person could make the daughter of sworn brother Lu Bu admire so much...

Without gesticulating, Zang Ba really felt a little unmotivated.

Quan should be regarded as a check for the sworn brother!


Zang Ba's words made Lingju worried, and she quickly said: Uncle, you promised me before. If he can rescue the emperor from Xudu, then...

Before Lingju could finish speaking...

I, Zang Ba, have made my word, and it is hard to chase him back. Zang Ba patted his chest and promised: If he is really capable of saving the emperor, then I will seriously consider your proposal!

Lingju's suggestion was naturally that Zang Ba would lead the Taishan Army to surrender to Guan Lin and surrender to Jingzhou.

Zang Ba is a rigorous person. He always does what he says. If he can say consider, he has already made a 99% promise to Lingju. This is a bet!

This time...

Lingju couldn't help frowning...

Now, the situation suddenly became clear. Uncle Zang Ba led 30,000 Taishan troops to rescue Nanyang. The next problem was how Master Yunqi stole the emperor from Xudu City!

Finished talking about this topic...

Zang Ba curiously asked Lingju, I will leave for Nanyang tomorrow. Do you want to go with me? Let's see who is better at chess, your uncle or your Master Yunqi?

Hearing this, Lingju smiled, as if she had heard something funny. She sighed with a smile: Uncle is too worried... If Mr. Yunqi knows the bet between me and my uncle, he will definitely not confront him head-on. ?”


Because I know him... When talking about knowing Guan Lin, Lingju blinked his eyes and said with a smile: He will definitely steal the emperor and make his uncle and 30,000 Taishan troops surrender to him. He will definitely not let his brothers. Killing each other, causing trouble to Xiao Qiang... Under this bet, he will regard his uncle's thirty thousand Taishan soldiers as his own soldiers!


Isn't Lingju's statement a bit full?

Before Zang Ba could ask further, Ling Ju continued, My niece will no longer follow my uncle to Nanyang. My niece has to go to Xu Ducheng and help Mr. Yunqi steal the son of heaven!

Lingju's tone suddenly became serious.

Especially the last sentence, both the cheeks and the tone are completely serious and meticulous.

This also made Zang Ba deeply aware...

What does it mean to be a female college student?


——Fengxian, Fengxian, your daughter... I can't stand it for you! 』

Jiangxia, Anlu City…

Because this is located in the northwest of Jiangxia, it is not far from Jiangling. If you travel quickly by water, it will take less than two days. As the saying goes - a thousand miles to Jiangling in one day!

Following Guan Lin to Jiangling were Zhang Zhongjing, Lu Xun, Sun Ru, Sun Shao, Tai Shixiang, Shi Wu, Zhang Xingcai, Guan Ping...

Guan Lin and Guan Ping are caring fathers...

Zhang Zhongjing went to rescue Guan Yu.

Lu Xun was going to visit his mother-in-law, Da Qiao.

Those left behind in Anlu City include Liao Hua, Zhuge Ke, Jiang Qian, Wang Can, Ruan Yu, Mi Lu, Hou Yin, Lu Yan... Lu Jiajun and Nanyang Army both need to leave a backbone. For military and political affairs, Guan Lin's responsibility is Zhuge Ke is in charge of the inside, and Liao Hua is in charge of the outside!

At this moment... Guan Lin and a group of people were boarding the ship, and there was still half an hour before the planned voyage.

Except for the big ship Guan Lin was on...

There is also a small awning boat in the port.

The couple Lu Xun and Sun Ru are now saying goodbye to Tai Shixiang and Sun Shao on the shore...

Looking at the faces of Tai Shixiang and Sun Shao, Lu Xun was a little worried, and emphasized again and again: When we arrive in Jiangdong, we will follow Master Yunqi's instructions. We must first win over Zhou Yu's son Zhou Xun. The Zhou family still has ten thousand Buqu. This pair of You 'Hongyan' are very important.


When mentioning this matter, Tai Shixiang and Sun Shao looked at each other, and seemed to have some unspeakable secrets.

Lu Xun saw their mood and asked quickly: If you have anything to say, why don't you say it? Hongyan already has a backer, so why hide it and hold it back anymore?

Sun Shao and Tai Shixiang looked at each other again. Tai Shixiang was still straightforward and expressed his worries directly.

Master Yunqi said that he wanted to win over Zhou Xun and strengthen the Zhou family... This is understandable, but Brother Sun and I discussed it last night and felt that this matter was inappropriate...

Tai Shixiang said half of what he said.

Sun Shao added: Zhou Xun is Zhou Yu's son. If he wins it and even supports him, won't Sun Quan kill him? Just like he did to the Taishi family and the Zhou family... In this way, we Didn’t you waste so much experience and so many resources on a family that is destined to die, and complete a situation that is destined to die?

Sun Shao and Tai Shixiang dragged out all their worries...


Lu Xun pondered for a moment. He showed that he had a broader vision and a better overall view than Sun Shao and Tai Shixiang. He immediately explained.

I think you only heard Master Yunqi's original intention, but you didn't hear the underlying meaning and the brand-new mission he gave Hongyan!

Lu Xun suddenly became serious...

He solemnly told Sun Shao and Tai Shixiang about Guan Lin's good intentions towards Hongyan, towards the families in Soochow who should not have died under Sun Quan's knife, and towards Lu Xun... towards Sun Shao and Tai Shixiang!

Haven't you seen it yet?

Now the balance of the various factions in Soochow has shifted -


(I saw a reader who was humble enough to urge me to update!)

(This is completely impossible here!)

(Reader, please tell me directly, Milk Candy, please give me more! Otherwise, your monthly ticket will be torn off! Milk Candy will kneel down for you!)

(You are all readers, please be tough! The humble one should be cow water candy...ah no...the humble one should be milk candy!)

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