Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 322: Don’t burn incense on weekdays, just make a last resort

Chapter 322: I don’t burn incense on weekdays, but I just improvise——

In the No. 2 Official Medical Office in Jingzhou, there is a courtyard in the deepest part of the medical office. The outside is heavily guarded, and inside is a secret silkworm house.

Normally, only Zhang Zhongjing and several of his direct disciples Wang Shuhe, Du Du, Wei Xun, and Diao Chan are allowed to enter here...

Because of this, neither doctors nor patients are allowed to enter the entire official medical office.

For this reason, this place has become the most mysterious place in the medical department mentioned by young doctors.

At this moment, Diao Chan was alone among them. In front of her, dozens of oranges had thick moss growing on their skins after more than ten days of drying.

Diao Chan carefully put the moss into the container, and then put the salt water into it, in order to separate the hyphae on the moss.

Sieve out the soaked debris through salt water and filter out the mycelium.

Next comes the most important step…

Diao Chan poured a bottle of red tar-like liquid into the container and quickly stirred it along with the moss.

This process is extremely cumbersome…

She stirred the incense for a full time, neither too fast nor too slow, always consistent.

The red tar-like liquid was nothing else but liquid extracted from wood in another process.

If you follow the step diagram left by Guan Lin, this liquid is called - wood tar!

Specific steps…

It is to put the wood into a closed environment and then roast it over a fire. This is called retorting of wood in the step diagram. At the end of the retorting, you can see red tar-like substances and charcoal. This red The substance is called - wood tar!

Diao Chan didn't know that the main component of wood tar was wood creosote and the thick smoke in the closed environment was wood gas. Whether it was liquid or gas, it contained this step map provided by Guan Lin. The most critical substance in the product - methanol!

The substance that Diao Chan drops into the moss and then stirs quickly is methanol.

As for the stirring of moss and methanol, it is to extract penicillin!

Needless to say, the importance of penicillin.

Especially in ancient times, if you encountered a bacterial infection, you had to leave it to fate.

If you can carry it down, you can escape, but the result for most people is often wound infection, bacterial attack, and death without treatment!

The emergence of penicillin solved this big problem of bacterial infection!

After completing the previous steps, Diao Chan has reached the last step. Thanks to her following Zhang Zhongjing for so many years, she has an in-depth understanding of medicine and pharmacology...

But even so, she still didn't dare to be careless in every step.

At this moment, Diao Chan gritted her teeth. She had already prepared a filter made of black carbon and sand net. She would thoroughly filter the last liquid in the moss with a layer of black carbon to remove mycelium and other solid matter, leaving behind The purest liquid.

It wasn't until this step was completed that she freed up her hands to wipe the sweat from her forehead...

Of course, this is not the complete process of penicillin extraction.

The final step is to pour the penicillin extract into a shallow basin and let it dry in the air.

The entire process took several weeks until at the end only dry penicillin was left.

However, this time took too long, so according to the guidelines on the step chart, Diao Chan first tried the liquid on small animals...

See if the sores infected by small animals get better.

Outside the door, Da Qiao has been waiting here for a long time.

Speaking of which, since Da Qiao settled in Jiangling, he has made a close friend like Diao Chan who had a similar experience and met his daughter whom he has missed for many years. He even heard that his son Sun Shao also defected to the Fourth Master Guan and fled. Soochow is a place of right and wrong.

My wish comes true...

So, it was quite boring to do nothing all day long, so I simply... studied medicine with Diao Chan. But medicine and pharmacology are profound and profound, and they can be learned in a short time.

It happened that Guan Lin left Diao Chan a volume of step-by-step diagrams and gave her a task of refining penicillin. Diao Chan asked Da Qiao to help because she was short of manpower.

Of course, Da Qiao doesn't know much about medicine, so she can't help much by refining penicillin, but... it would be relatively simple to let her try the refined penicillin on small animals.

However, in just one month, Da Qiao's hands were stained with the blood of little animals.

You must know that even if Guan Lin left specific steps for extracting penicillin by local methods, theory is theory and practice is practice. This cannot be generalized at all.

For example, along with penicillin, there is a substance called patulin. Patulin, like penicillin, is produced by mold that lives on the surface of fruits.

Penicillin is antibacterial, patulin is more antibacterial than it;

Penicillin is soluble in water and patulin is also soluble in water.

But the biggest difference between the two is that penicillin is an antibiotic, while patulin is a toxin. The final extraction results are actually impossible to distinguish with the naked eye.

Of course, according to Guan Lin's memory, the step chart has already mentioned the use of tangerine and tangerine fruits that patulin does not prefer. When selecting strains, try to choose greener strains.

Actually, there is another one…

The safest thing is to cultivate two generations...

But this was completely unrealistic in ancient times, and there were no conditions for hatching two generations.

The difference between penicillin and patulin is actually just one of the many pitfalls in the refining process of penicillin...

Otherwise, there wouldn't be a large number of large animals that died in Diao Chan's hands.

The three white rabbits from before are all dead... The medicine was applied yesterday, and just now... they all died... They look quite miserable.

Da Qiao took the latest container containing penicillin and reminded Diao Chan softly.

So fast? Diao Chan bit her lip slightly...

After trying a lot of rabbits, she discovered a serious problem.

If the penicillin is not used correctly, death will occur immediately.

This is because penicillin is never pure enough or mixed with impurities during the production process...

In case of infection, hard resistance is better than trying crude penicillin...

After all, there is still a chance to survive if you resist hard. Trying crude penicillin is undoubtedly a race against death!

Did you fail again? Diao Chan sighed helplessly.

In fact, she not only tried this method of refining penicillin, such as mixing moss with rapeseed oil, mixing it with black charcoal powder, then wrapping it in gauze and washing it with spring water.

Another example is grinding rice into juice and mixing it, using boiled taro juice as the culture medium, inserting penicillium and culturing it for seven days, then filtering it with cotton filter, adding rapeseed oil, using the water under the oil to dissolve the penicillin, and then filtering...

But no matter which method she used, it seemed that she failed.

In fact, not only can it not save people, it can also be fatal!

Alas... Thinking of this, Diao Chan felt that her work for more than a month had been in vain.

On the contrary, one red rabbit's wound has healed and there are no more abscesses...


Following Da Qiao's words, Diao Chan's originally depressed and annoyed mood completely changed over time...

What about the rabbit?

Here...still in the silkworm room! Just now I saw that he could already jump...

I'll go take a look... Diao Chan became excited, as if at this moment, everything she had done these days suddenly had meaning.

It also proves that the step map left by Mr. Yunqi is effective and it is possible to cure the extremely terrible abcess of this era!

Shouchun City, Cao Cao returns.

Except for Cao Zhen and a few cavalry, no one greeted him outside the city gate. No one even knew that Cao Cao was returning today.

Two rows of Huben sergeants lined up on both sides, and Cao Cao walked out of the carriage majestically.

However, after all the hard work along the way, the sixty-year-old man still felt a little unable to bear it.

He is no longer the Prime Minister Cao who once galloped on horseback with the ambition of conquering the West!

Cao Zhi supported his father, while Cheng Yu walked at the end.

Prime Minister.

Seeing Cao Cao, Cao Zhen immediately greeted him.

Cao Cao stopped and revealed a pair of tired eyes, Zidan, tell me, is Huainan okay?

Thanks to the power of the prime minister, the rats from Jiangdong dare not invade! Cao Zhen answered with his hands raised. At this point, he gently raised his eyes and glanced at Cao Zhi. He saw that although Cao Cao was very weak, he still cared and loved his son, even the weight of his body. Not even willing to press against Cao Zhi.

Such loving behavior made Cao Zhen feel great worry for Cao Pi.

However, this worry only lasted for a moment. He quickly raised his hand and said softly: There are still a few things to report to the Prime Minister.


Cao Cao sat on a tree stump and listened patiently to Cao Zhen's report.

Cao Zhen said truthfully: The first thing is that we have just received information that Zang Ba, the leader of Langya Kingdom, has led his troops to Nanyang. In addition, the family members of these brave soldiers are also moving to Nanyang in batches.

Although he was clarifying the facts, this incident made Cao Zhen feel a little worried in his eyes.

I don't plan to let Zang Ba become the leader of the Langya Kingdom anymore. As long as he can block the attack of Guan Jia Si Lang and stop the Jingzhou soldiers from the country's gate for me, I plan to seal the entire Nanyang to him... Let him do it Lord of Nandu!


Cao Cao's words made Cao Zhen subconsciously feel a deep compromise.

How can Langya, a small place, be compared with the vast Nanyang? Nanyang has rich acres of land and is the economic center of the north and the Central Plains. Emperor Guangwu started here!

——Nanyang...Nanyang, the Prime Minister actually gave in to such an extent. Is the Prime Minister afraid of that, Shiro Guan? 』

Without waiting for Cao Zhen to ponder...

Cao Cao's words came out again, Back then, Gu occupied Yanzhou and was at odds with Yuan Shu and Lu Bu, so he called Liu Bei to Xuzhou and asked him to stay in the military buffer zone in the middle. When both sides were hurt, Gu swept them all away. This is still Xun Lingjun taught me this...

Speaking of this, it seemed that suddenly, the voice and smile of an old friend appeared in Cao Cao's mind.

His sonorous and powerful words that helped Cao Cao dominate the Central Plains also emerged:

——This is a plan to drive away tigers and swallow wolves! 』

This made Cao Cao suddenly fascinated...

It turns out that the Prime Minister has already made arrangements... Cao Zhen continued, Just yesterday, General Xiahou sent another urgent message from the north. Under the order of levy, 30,000 new soldiers were recruited! Training is now being stepped up, and reinforcements will be sent within a month. Heading south…”

Hearing this, Cao Cao nodded slightly, not missing his joy or anger.

Thirty thousand soldiers, although a large number, are new recruits...

In today's current situation, what Cao Cao lacks most is veterans, experienced veterans...

Three thousand veterans, no matter how good each one is, can train a new army of 30,000 soldiers ready to fight in a short time. But without these three thousand veterans, the new soldiers are nothing more than a basin of loose sand.

But now...

Cao Cao's ace regiments Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and Runan Soldiers were burned to death, shot to death, surrendered, and rebelled. There were not many veterans under Cao Cao who could really entrust them with important tasks. !

Forget it... Cao Cao pondered for a moment, as if he had made a decision, and he immediately ordered: Tell Xiahou Yuanrang to hand over all the 30,000 new soldiers to Pang Lingming. I heard that Pang Lingming shot a poisonous arrow Zhong Guan Yu has made it impossible for Guan Yu to recover so far. This is his great contribution to protecting Xiangfan. He should be rewarded. In addition, he should be named General Zhennan and have two thousand soldiers! Tell him that as long as he can save Xiangfan, he still has a lot of money. I can give him all the canonizations!

Cao Cao conferred such a title on Pang De, who was originally a general with various titles, leapfrogged the Siping and Si'an generals, and directly became one of the four town generals. He was only one short of the Four Expeditions General of Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan. level.

This is enough to show that Cao Cao valued Pang De.

Not to mention the Lord of Nanyang!

This is a huge piece of pie!

But Cao Cao also had no choice but to do so.

After the deaths of Man Chong, Wenpin, and Yue Jin, Li Dian was captured, and Zhang Liao's whereabouts are unknown. The current situation is the right time to hire someone!


Cao Zhen quickly handed over his hand, The last general will send someone to pass on the Prime Minister's oral instructions, let the Chancellor's desk draft the canonization, and the emperor will seal it, and then ask General Xiahou to hand over all 30,000 recruits to General Pound.

Cao Cao squinted his eyes and pondered in his heart.

——Xu Gongming was defeated first and then won, and Zixiao just woke up. The situation in Xiangfan is entirely in the hands of Pang Lingming! Ling Ming, don’t let me down! 』

Cao Cao now highly values ​​and trusts Pound, just as he unconditionally trusted and valued Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan before.

Having said this, Cao Cao stood up slowly. He was almost rested and ready to go into the city.

Cao Zhen reported again, Prime Minister, there is one more thing, an important matter.


It's General Wenyuan, he's back! Cao Zhen quickly told Cao Cao about Zhang Liao's return.

With this sentence, Cao Cao, who was originally tired, suddenly became more energetic... He threw Cao Zhi away, and his eyes widened. If they were narrowed just now, then they are wide open now. The pupils of his eyes are the eyes of a tiger...

It seemed that Zhang Liao's safety made Cao Cao feel like he was reborn in an instant.

Where is Wenyuan? Cao Cao asked quickly.

General Zhang has many sores all over his body. According to what he said, he fell into the fat water... Cao Zhen explained carefully: However, General Zhang has treated these wounds himself and used a soldering iron to stop the bleeding.

Lead the way and take the orphan to see Wen Yuan... Cao Cao had no patience to continue listening and immediately ordered Cao Zhen. He was looking forward to Zhang Liao's return.

Cao Zhen quickly led the way...

But after only taking a few steps, Cao Zhen hesitated again and again, and couldn't help turning around and speaking to Cao Cao, Prime Minister, there is something that Zhen must tell the Prime Minister.

What's the matter? It's more important than seeing Wenyuan alone!

It's very important. Cao Zhen increased his tone and became more meticulous: General Wenyuan returned from injury. The general had a conversation with him and asked what happened to General Wenyuan and what happened. However, Wenyuan's three armies surrounded him three times. His mouth was open to both sides... Therefore, the general was a little worried, fearing that someone might deceive General Wen Yuan, so he sent someone to investigate on the way back from General Wen Yuan!

What's the result? Cao Cao paused. He was suspicious by nature. When he heard such words, it was inevitable that his doubts would be aroused.

The general found out that General Wenyuan went up to Bagong Mountain. Similarly... there was another person on Bagong Mountain. After the general inquired, he found out that it was the young general from Soochow - Ling Tong! The general felt that I The Wei Dynasty and Soochow Wu are in the same situation, so how could General Wenyuan...

When Cao Zhen said this, Cao Cao was furious. He subconsciously raised his hand and slapped Cao Zhen down.


Cao Zhen suddenly woke up. He knew that his words just now... probably made the prime minister aware of the provocation.

Facing the furious Cao Cao, Cao Zhen did not dare to explain at all, and retreated in a rolling manner.

After Cao Zhen left, Cao Cao's tiger eyes relaxed slightly, and the anger just now disappeared.

He glanced at Xu Chu, who approached Cao Cao.

Cao Cao whispered, Spread the news about Gu Shanzi Dan's slap...

Xu Chu understood immediately and quickly handed over his hand, Prime Minister, don't worry.

I was turning around to make arrangements.

However, Cao Cao quickly called him out again, Wait a minute. His voice continued, but it became softer and more cautious, and his tone also became more suspicious and hoarse.

Just now Cai Zidan said that Wen Yuan and Soochow General Ling Tong appeared together on Bagong Mountain. You should go and investigate this matter. Send trustworthy Huben soldiers to investigate, but you must do it secretly -

As soon as these words came out, Xu Chu was startled for a moment. He raised his head and looked at Cao Cao in surprise.

It was as if, in an instant, the one he was most familiar with, the suspicious Prime Minister Cao, was back again, as he once said, I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me!

Even if the target this time is Zhang Wenyuan, Cao Cao remains the same as always.

At this point, Cao Cao's face had turned to the other soldiers, and his tone returned to the most urgent concern for his subordinates.

Lead the way ahead, hurry up and lead me to see Wenyuan——

After saying these words, Cao Cao seemed to have thought of something again. He looked back at Cao Zhi again and added, Zijian, then Sima Zhongda, go and interrogate Sima Zhongda. Whether to kill or behead, it's all up to you——

Having said this, Cao Cao didn't hesitate anymore, got on his horse, and the horse took a non-recognizable step and galloped away.

Jiangling City, Jingzhou Second Official Medical Office.

Guan Lin just arrived here.

Without stopping, he took Zhang Xingcai, Shi Wu... and Zhang Zhongjing, who had arrived late, to the secret room in the back hall.

There were some poor rabbits in the courtyard. I don’t know who hurt them, and I don’t know how the wounds got infected!

Of course, in addition to the rabbits, there are a few dogs... as well.

They are the losers in penicillin extraction.

It looks pretty good...

Guan Lin was quite pleased to see the rabbits and dogs here, thinking... penicillin was a great success.

Who would have thought that at this moment, Diao Chan and Da Qiao hurried out of the house.

It was also a great success...

Diao Chan pointed to a red rabbit in the rabbit cage, Except for it, all the rabbits and dogs here are new and have never been treated with medicine...


Guan Lin was startled and asked quickly: What does Senior Sister Ren mean...what about the other rabbits and dogs?

They're all dead... Diao Chan said with some frustration and regret.

At this time, she pointed to the red rabbit again, But fortunately, it... seems to have come back to life, and the sore has been healed! This at least proves that this method is feasible!


Hearing this, Guan Lin realized a serious problem.

What’s so special about this is that “I don’t usually burn incense, but I just cram it in temporarily”…

Guan Lin found that he was still too naive. It only took one month to extract penicillin and use it to cure the wound infection. It was still unintentional and the time was still too hasty.

Thoughts on this…

Guan Lin raised his eyes and looked at the red rabbit that was jumping alive because of the wound healing, and couldn't help but sigh.

——‘As for penicillin, my father’s ‘face’ should not be so red, right? 』

——‘If this is the case, then we can only follow the second plan, and we have to use the ‘ultimate move’! After all... I still have to let 'you' show off! 』

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