Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 343 A father and a son cannot write two words in one stroke!

it's over.

The whole frightening day and night, the whole star-studded chess game set up by Guan Lin, finally ended with the death of 35,000 Cao soldiers, the death of Pang De's four sons, and the complete alienation of Xiangyang City.

Today's Xiangfan battlefield, in addition to the banners with the characters Lin, Mi and Fu hanging high in Xiangyang City, shouts and whistles of excitement, cheers and jump are constantly heard. Outside the sound, corresponding to the faint sighs and the sad scene in Fancheng.

Xiangfan is separated by a river, and the two cities have completely different moods.

Xiangfan is separated by a river, and with the forces behind the two cities, the situation on the battlefield in Xiangfan has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the Pangde camp in the southeast of Xiangyang, the fire was like the sun. The fire surrounded the entire camp as if it were alive and ignited the entire camp. The flames danced in the camp, turning every corpse ridden with holes The corpse was set on fire.

The raging fire was burning mercilessly, devouring everything without restraint.

Gradually, the red fire turned into an arrogant painter, using the brush in his hand to paint the entire camp black.

The cracking burning sound lasted for a long time...

It was as if the Jingzhou Army solemnly declared war on the Wei Army:

——Today for these people is the tomorrow for you traitors!

The most disturbing thing is that that night, the commander of more than 30,000 troops and the father of four children, Pang De, stood on the tower of Fancheng.

He stared in the direction of the fire. His fists were clenched so tightly that his nails were embedded in his hands, and the blood in his palms slowly flowed out.

He hates it!

The 35,000 soldiers who hated him and the four sons who hated him all died there, and even their bones would be burned by the fire.

After clenching his fist for several hours, his hand seemed to loosen again, and his clenched fist finally loosened.

At this moment, he could no longer hate it...

Did you lose this battle so miserably? Who is to blame? Isn't it his fault? Didn't it start when his poisonous arrow hit Guan Yu?

One poison arrow, in exchange for a million crossbow arrows, made Pang De completely lonely!

This deal... made Pang De heartbroken!

There was even a moment when Pang De deeply regretted that when Guan Yu wanted to run away, he... why did he shoot that poisonous arrow? Why did he want to provoke this God of War!


Suddenly, Pound coughed violently. His waist could no longer be straight, and his whole body bent over.

General, general...

There were dozens of personal guards beside them. They had escaped disaster because they followed Pound to Fancheng. They were also in a bad mood. Those who were burned in the fire were their comrades!


A guard helped Pound up, but saw blood in Pound's hands.

There is blood flowing from the nails embedded in the flesh, and there is also blood coughed up from the mouth...

At this time, the guard was frightened and shouted quickly: Hurry...send the general to the medical office quickly...send the general to the medical office quickly!

More than a dozen personal guards helped Pang De towards the medical office.

Under the torch, their shadows were stretched long and narrow...

And where Pang De stood just now, the ground was very sticky and wet. It was blood and tears——

It's too awful!

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the worst encounter that Pang De has encountered since his debut. How could he have thought that one day, he... Pang De would send people with white hair to people with black hair!

His Pang family...has no roots! I can't stand up anymore!

The fire at Pound's camp lasted the entire night.

The tents and fallen corpses in the camp are all the food for this fire. Such a fire cannot be extinguished at all. Many of the 30,000 recruits who originally arrived are widows who have just been assigned to one side and have never tasted the fierce fire of men and women. The taste.

Many of these people are thinking about... going back from this battle to fully demonstrate their majesty as a man.

But I never thought that they... and their majesty had been burned to ashes. The widows assigned to them would be reused under the Wei Zhengwu Order and distributed to the next batch of recruits!

An endless stream…

However, these owners, whose corpses were burned by the fire, probably didn't know how much trouble and impact the tragic death of 30,000 of them would bring to the Wei army in the future.

Even if it's...under the Order to Conquer Widows!

The next day, when the thin frost mist fell in the morning and covered the thin dust, the fire finally stopped.

There were bones everywhere, black debris floating everywhere... traces of burning everywhere.

At this moment, the Jingjiang River and Mingming converged at the end of the line, and a Cao army of 20,000 people came galloping over. They saw the fire here, so they rushed here first.

But seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but feel confused.

Especially General Yu Jin, who has 20,000 sergeants. At some point, he seems to have suffered from fire disease. This is a very strange disease. He is always worried about fires around him, but he can't help but be attracted by the fire. Move forward like a moth to a flame!

This contradictory and complicated mood has always permeated his heart since the fire outside Anlu City in Jiangxia.

Even, pouring into his nightmare!

Even if he was sleeping, he would wake up at least three or four times. Sometimes, he would run out of the military tent and check the trenches outside the military stronghold at night!

Speaking of which, the 20,000 troops and horses were temporarily allocated to him by Cao Cao. This all originated from Cao Cao's dream, the dream that Guan Yu was not dead!

Therefore, Cao Cao took out 20,000 of Shouchun's remaining 60,000 troops and handed them over to Yu Jin in Nanyang, so that he could support Xiangfan... to ensure the safety of Xiangfan's situation.

In fact, in Cao Cao's view, Xu Huang, Pang De, Cao Ren, Yu Jin... Xiangfan battlefield, this is already an all-star lineup that Cao Cao can put together.

In addition, there are more than 10,000 soldiers and horses in Xiangyang City;

Fancheng has more than 30,000 soldiers and horses, more than half of whom are cavalry;

There are also Pound's 30,000 new soldiers and 5,000 Xiliang cavalry;

It is precisely because of this that if Yu Jin's 20,000 soldiers and horses are added...Cao Cao feels that even if Guan Yu fakes his death, the situation in Xiangfan can still be stabilized.

However, things backfired... Before Yu Jin's army rushed to the Xiangfan battlefield, he heard the bad news that Pang De's army had been wiped out, and he heard the fact that the enemy's crossbow formation had millions of crossbow bolts falling from the sky and shooting down them continuously.

This is so scary…

Rather than turning around, he received news that Xiangyang City was being attacked.

He immediately ordered an emergency move, but it was still a step too late...

General, Xiangyang City has been captured - there was a report from a detective.

Yu Jin whispered: I saw it.

As the leader of the five good generals, Yu Jin has an extremely rich imagination. Based on the available intelligence, he can imagine what happened last night... here?

Last time, there were burning tanks over Jiangxia, and there was a huge fire;

This time, thousands of crossbows were fired, millions of crossbow bolts fell from the sky, and the impregnable Xiangyang City was captured... Yu Jin no longer dared to think about it anymore, he was afraid that his nightmare would be more serious in the future!

Let's go to Fancheng first, and we'll discuss it later when we see General Zixiao... Yu Jin's voice contained a hint of frustration.

Not only him, but even his troops could not contain the discussion...

Lost again?

Is this the fourth major defeat in the past few months?

Many generals are dead, many soldiers are also dead, this...what is going on.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came out, It seems, it seems that since the news of the discord between the Guan family and his son came out, our Wei Dynasty has not won any more battles. It was the great victory of shooting Guan Yu, but in the end It’s still a huge defeat! Da Wei…can Da Wei still win?”

Following this sound, the entire legion fell silent...

It's not so much the news about the discord between the Guan family and his son, but it's the news that the rebellious son Guan Lin doesn't make a sound, and if he makes a sound, it will soar to the sky!

General... The guard saw Yu Jin's hesitation and couldn't help but open his mouth.

Yu Jin waved his hand and said, Send me the military order to go to Fancheng...

This sound was more frustrated than the previous one.

Yes, the soldiers of the three armies are all frustrated, and Yu Jin is inevitable.

Having said that, in the past few months, all battlefields have been defeated, and troops and generals have been lost. can he understand this situation?


Isn't it Cao's advantage?

But how do you feel, suddenly, this advantage... I changed my surname to Guan. The Guan of Guan Yu is also the Guan of Guan Lin!

These are two pass characters that cannot be written in one sentence!

In Jiangling City, inside the official office, a map is placed on the table.

Guan Lin and Lu Xun were discussing the map, but it was obvious that Guan Lin was a little absent-minded. He was eagerly waiting for the battle report ahead.

Finally, Report—— As the messenger arrived, the battle report from the front finally came out: Xiangyang City has been captured...

While talking, the messenger also presented the battle report. After Fu Shiren captured Xiangyang, he immediately summarized the battle damage and sent it to Guan Lin.

Guan Lin glanced at the battle report and couldn't help but chi his mouth. His eyes became solemn, but in the end, he was relieved and said with emotion: Brother Boyan, look at this battle report, even if I deploy like this and attack the city like this , more than 6,000 people died even when Xiangyang City was captured!

Guan Lin’s implication…

This was due to the carelessness of Cao Ren, Xu Huang, and Pang De;

Thirty-five thousand soldiers outside Xiangyang City were annihilated first;

When Xu Huang was trapped in Fancheng and unable to return;

On the premise that at least 30% of Cao's soldiers were allowed to go home to visit relatives.

Even so, the capture of Xiangyang City resulted in the loss of more than 6,000 people...

Xiangyang is known as the number one military fortress running from north to south. It’s not just talk, it’s no joke!

Lu Xun also scanned the battle report. According to Fu Shiren's battle report, the defenders of Xiangyang City were less than 10,000 people. Even if the city was finally conquered, only more than 3,000 people were lost...

This shows how strong and rock-solid this city, which is surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side, is.

But... no matter what, we still captured it.

Although it paid an extremely heavy price!

And Xiangyang was captured, which was a new chapter for Jingzhou.

Lu Xun turned his attention to the map. He drew his hand from Jiangling to Xiangyang, and then from Xiangyang to Fancheng, which was separated by a river to the north of Jingjiang River. He sighed with emotion: If Xiangyang falls, then for Cao Cao, Wanluo will be the last. The only barrier is Fancheng. If Fancheng is lost, the land of Xudu and Wanluo will be completely exposed to the attack of the Jingzhou army, so...Cao Cao will definitely send heavy troops to support Fancheng.

That's right! Lu Xun's analysis made Guan Lin nod. It's so difficult to attack Xiangyang with less than 10,000 people, but there are tens of thousands of people in Fancheng where Cao Ren is stationed! Even if Cao Cao doesn't send troops to support, I'm afraid it won't be easy to attack...but, as Brother Boyan said, this the last barrier to Wanluo going north.

Frankly speaking, no matter which strategy Guan Lin follows, Fancheng must break through.

The most ideal situation is that Guan Lin breaks through Fancheng, and then directs his troops towards Xudu. Cao Cao is forced to move the capital, whether to Luoyang or to Yecheng. If the emperor makes such a move, opportunities will easily arise.

As long as the Emperor disappears from Cao Cao's hands, or even... puts the blame for the Emperor's disappearance on Cao Cao, the situation will be completely different.

In the Central Plains and the North, voices of rebellion are bound to arise one after another. Not to mention Cao Cao's nine and a half mines, even thirteen mines cannot stop this overwhelming voice. This is Guan Lin's most ideal united front and Total war” is also a “people’s war”!

At that time, dad Guan Yu and Guan Jiajun could march straight in, like entering an uninhabited land, and occupy the Central Plains in one fell swoop.

Of course, this is the ideal situation!

As for this most ideal strategic plan, the main premise that cannot be bypassed is still - Fancheng!

Fancheng was garrisoned by Cao Ren, a tortoise who was good at defending!

Destroy Fancheng? What are your thoughts? Lu Xun asked Guan Lin.

Guan Lin held his chin and looked at the map in deep thought for a long time.

Lu Xun didn't push him, just looked at him, patiently waiting for him to think.

After a full hundred breaths of time, Guan Lin suddenly stretched out his hand and moved it in the direction of Jingjiang River (Hanjiang River).

He said calmly, Brother Boyan said, is there a possibility? We can take advantage of the high water period to open the dam of the Jing River and then release the water to flood Fancheng?


Guan Lin's words made Lu Xun stunned.

The reason why Guan Lin said this was based on the historical story of his father Guan Yu flooding the seven armies.

Of course, this story... After being exaggerated by The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the version that more people know is that Guan Yu first stored water, then dug up the dam, diverted the Han River to pour back, launched a water attack, and directly led Yu Jin and Pang De The Seventh Army was flooded.

As for Fancheng where Cao Ren was, the water was flooded up to the towers... If Xu Huang hadn't made a surprise attack and killed Cao Ren, Fancheng would have been lost!

It seems that all this is because my father used astronomy and water conservancy to store water and divert water to pour back water, which made him famous in China!

In fact, if according to the records in Three Kingdoms, how could old man Guan Yu be so legendary?

It's just a blind cat encountering a dead mouse.

Who would have thought that in August three years later, it rained for more than ten days in a row, and the Han River surged and overflowed its banks...a huge natural flood occurred.

The flood flows along the old route of the Han River, and the low-lying areas of the river bed flow into the area from Zengkouchuan, Jizhangang, Yujiagang to Tuanshanpu in three directions.

Coupled with the water from flash floods in the Tang River, Baihe River, Xiaoqing River and Putuo Valley, Huanglong Valley, Heilong Valley and other places in the northwest, the area such as Zengkouchuan, Jiezhangang, Yujiagang and Tuanshanpu The level ground inside is five or six feet deep.

Of course, this is all nonsense.

There is only one's not nonsense, that is, the unlucky guys Pang De and Yu Jin happen to be stationed in these areas!

So here’s the problem? Why didn't dad Guan Yu get flooded?

Because daddy Guan Yu has a boat...

Guan Jiajun is a Marine Marine and can take a boat with him anytime and anywhere, but Guan Yu is not prepared in advance... He is far from that legendary!

After all, this is God's help, allowing Guan Yu to find a dead mouse as a blind cat, or to wait for the rabbit and pick up a ready-made rabbit... to shock China.

But it’s not like old man Guan Yu is really that awesome. He can store water and dig dams...

It can also lead the Han River to flow backwards and launch a water attack!

You need to know that even in later generations, water storage, flood discharge, and embankment digging... are all precision technical tasks, and related fields include astronomy, geography, meteorology... and so on!

It's not that Guan Lin is slandering his father, he feels that his father Guan Yu is not capable of this.

Of course, Guan Lin could also wait until three years later for the heavy rain that lasted for more than ten days, but... the time was too long, and things would change later. Guan Lin did not dare to wait, he had to take the initiative.


Since his father Guan Yu depends on the sky, then Guan Lin depends on his ability to make a living. He won't wait for the rain. He plans to study the water storage, flood discharge, and embankment digging in detail...

Study the astronomy, geography, weather...

See if we can take advantage of it.

In fact, the Jingzhou area has a rainy season from July to September every year, and it is a normal event for the Han River to rise.

Even according to the original text in Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Chapter 15, Five Elements Three, the Han River in the Jingzhou area overflowed and poured into Xiangfan... This happened three times in total.

They are:

——In September of the second year of Jian'an, the Han Dynasty water flowed and harmed the people. At that time, the world was in chaos. 』

——In June of the 18th year of Jian'an, there was a flood. 』

——In August of the 24th year of Jian'an, the Han River overflowed, harming the people. 』

In other words, there was a flood here three years ago, and there will be another flood three years later. And based on Guan Lin's experience... the six years in between, even though there were no floods, it was definitely not peaceful.


His train of thought: water attack, water attack, water attack!

We still have to flood Fancheng——

With this in mind, Guan Lin continued to ask Lu Xun: Brother Boyan, do you know anything about the climate in Xiangfan? It is said that there is a dry season and a high water period... So does the high water period correspond to the heavy rain period? In the past, floods in Xiangfan How terrible can a heavy rain in a year be? How high can the water level rise? What about a heavy rain in an ordinary year? How many percent can the water level reach that in a disaster year? Are there any subtle and detectable patterns between this disaster year and the heavy rain in ordinary years?

Guan Lin asked a lot of questions...

These, especially the climate in Xiangfan, are crucial to his plan.

However, these seemed to touch Lu Xun's knowledge blind spots.

Lu Xun could only shake his head helplessly: If you ask about the Yangtze River Basin, I can give you a reason, but if... here in Xiangfan, this Han River, the 'Jingjiang River' in the people's mouth, then...

He waved his hand quickly before he finished his sentence. His meaning was very clear. He was not proficient in these aspects of climate and water conservancy, let alone good at them.


Lu Xun suddenly thought of something. He blinked his eyes and said quickly: However, there are two people... Both of them live in seclusion in Xiangfan. They have lived here for decades and are proficient in astronomy and geography... If it is one of them... Someone like me may be able to give you reliable help in astronomy, meteorology, and water conservancy.

Lu Xun blurted out these words...

Guan Lin quickly asked: Who is it?

Lu Xun didn't hide it either: One is... Pang Degong who lives in seclusion in Xiangfan in Lumen Mountain...

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