Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 345 The biggest problem in the Wei Dynasty is Guan Lin!

In the middle of Shu, Chengdu, the residence of the military advisor general.

Xia Houjuan's pear blossoms were covered with rain, and his hesitant figure was cast on the window of Huang Yueying's room.

She has told Huang Yueying all her grievances.

Huang Yueying pursed her lips slightly, not knowing whether to comfort or what to do. She pondered for a moment and then opened her mouth: So...this is your worry? Are you worried that the three generals will leave Miss Xingcai with Guan Yunqi? Are you also worried about Xingxing? Miss Cai married Na Guan Yunqi...and then...

At the end, Huang Yueying stopped talking. Although she was married, matters between men and women were still kept secret even between two women.

Sister Huang... Xia Houjuan pursed his lips, I...I...I really hate my husband to death. He and Xingcai were fine when they went to Jingzhou, but...but now, now he is back, Xingcai But...he disappeared. I wanted to argue with him, but he went off to war again. What's going on!

... He... He didn't even discuss with me, he decided to marry Xing Cai and Na Guan Yun Qi, and left Xing Cai with Yun Qi in advance. Sister Huang... tell me, this boy and girl, at this age, so young Those who are full of energy and have a strong fire are always together, so...then...can anything good happen?

It is no longer easy for a graceful woman like Xia Houjuan to pronounce words like dry wood and fierce fire.

After all, the reason why she cried so much was because of her precious daughter.

This is what the parents ordered the matchmaker to say, but even if they are engaged girls, they often stay with their husbands-to-be who are not yet engaged. If something happens to this, what will happen to the daughter's family in the future? To see people?

Xia Houjuan was already very worried...

Of course, she is more sensitive than ordinary women about this kind of thing.

Because, back then...she just went to Rangshan on the outskirts of Xudu to collect firewood, and was inexplicably kidnapped by a black-faced man.

Then...the black-faced man insisted on letting her, Xia Houjuan, give birth to his child.

Xia Houjuan is just picking up firewood!

But for no apparent reason, he was young and energetic, and had a strong firepower. He had a son and a daughter for no apparent reason, and he married Zhang Fei for no apparent reason...

In fact, her uncle and Zhang Fei are mortal enemies!

In these years, she has had a very difficult time between her uncle and her husband!

It is precisely because of this that Xia Houjuan knows how to make firewood and fire. She can't wait to fly to her daughter, for fear that her daughter Zhang Xingcai will imitate her and have a baby before she gets married!

What's more... this Guan Lin seems to have a bad reputation.

Although he has won several battles and has some abilities,... he is recognized by everyone in Jingzhou as a rebellious son and is always at odds with his father Guan Yu.

This man who rules the world with filial piety is simply treasonous!

He even went so far as to lay charges against the cattle and then stewed them in one pot, without any regard for the help of the cattle to the farmers. This... is too much to describe, right?

Xia Houjuan really couldn't understand why such a... such a young master, her husband Zhang Fei was so determined to marry his daughter to him?

He even left his daughter with him in advance!

——Is Xingcai so hostile to marriage? 』

Here, the more Xia Houjuan thought about it, the more he became filled with sadness and anger, and the more he couldn't stop his sadness...

On the other hand, Huang Yueying, because the other party was Guan Lin, she actually looked at Zhang Fei with admiration.

——As expected of the third general, he is usually very carefree, but his vision in choosing his son-in-law is very vicious! 』

Yes, Huang Yueying is the one who has witnessed many of Guan Lin's incredible and strange weapons!

Precisely because of this, she regretted that she and her husband Zhuge Liang did not have a daughter, otherwise... Xia Houjuan was very worried about such a talented man, and Huang Yueying was eager to accept him as his new uncle!

At this time...

Tell me, what are all these things? Gentleman Qianqian, my sister...I am really worried about Xingcai, worried about her...worried that she will meet someone unkind, worried that she will be deceived at such a young age!

Before Xia Houjuan could finish speaking, Huang Yueying finally opened her mouth: Ajuan, this is your family matter. There are some things I shouldn't say, but seeing you look like this, I can't help but want to tell you...

Huang Yueying patted Xia Houjuan's back. Xia Houjuan stopped crying and raised his head to look at Huang Yueying. What showed in those watery eyes were three words - she wanted to hear.

Huang Yueying's words came out again: For so many years, Kong Ming and I have had no heirs. Kong Ming's only son was adopted from his eldest brother Zhuge Ziyu. For this reason... there is no shortage of rumors and criticism in my ears. My words of criticism include slander against Kong Ming, but I don’t believe all these rumors, slanders, and criticisms, and throw them all away like dregs. I know Kong Ming just as Kong Ming knows me... This is not a rumor that can cause a rift between us!

Speaking of this, Huang Yueying's eyes slowly looked at Xia Houjuan, The same goes for Xingcai and Guan Yunqi. Now they are not together yet, but the rumors have already spread to your mother's ears. Why are you young and energetic? What...reckless temper, what kind of treasonous traitor, what is not destined to be a gentleman, these are all what you have heard? But have you really seen that Guan Yunqi?

What if not like the rumors? What if he is a relegated son with long sleeves and fluttering sleeves, the hope of reviving the Han Dynasty, and the beloved husband of countless girls in the boudoir? What if Xingcai treats him in all kinds of ways? What about admiration? Could it be that... you are going to break up this marriage just because you heard some rumors? If Xingcai really likes her, she will definitely hate you as a mother!


Huang Yueying's words successfully caused a huge change in Xia Houjuan's mood. .

She looked at Huang Yueying full of doubts, can I see this Guan Yunqi? How can I see it with my own eyes?

This is simple... Huang Yueying continued to persuade: It's okay, I'll go to Jingzhou with you, you go and take a look at your prospective son-in-law, and I'll go and take a look too...

Speaking of this, Huang Yueying glanced at the dismantled sidecars, wooden oxen and stray horses in the courtyard, as well as the crossbow...

She wanted to say that she would also go and see this young man who could draw all kinds of fantastic drawings, this genius in the world of craftsmanship, this young man who made her and Huang Yueying's father look at him.

But Huang Yueying still swallowed all these words.

She changed the subject. But I need to tell my husband about this! This trip can't just be you and me!

Since sister is helping me, then I will go with my sister to see the military advisor. Xia Houjuan suddenly clenched his fists and made a decision in his heart.

Yes, she shouldn't deny Shiro Kwan just because of rumors and rumors, she should see it as she sees it.

Go and verify with your own eyes the prospective son-in-law chosen by his reckless husband!

Let’s go and test his husband’s virtuous vision!

A huge map hangs.

On the map, Jiangxia, Hefei, and Xiangyang that originally belonged to Cao Cao have been marked with enemy symbols.

In the past few months, from Xiangfan to Huainan, Cao Wei had been fighting very hard, losing consecutive battles, losing troops and generals, and falling into the city.

On the map, the specially marked Jiangxia, Hefei, and Xiangyang make every Cao Jun's civil and military personnel very eye-catching.

It was as if the names of the civil and military people who died among them stood out.

——Cao Chun, Wenpin, Man Chong, Le Jin, Lu Chang, Niu Jin...

If we include Zhang Liao and Xu Huang who were injured, Li Dian who was captured, and Pang De who lost four of his sons...

This huge map is simply scratching the hearts of every Cao Jun civil and military officer.

At this time, Cao Cao could no longer care about the dull pain in his forehead. He endured the headache and discussed military matters with the generals.

Cao Zhi, Cao Zhen, Cheng Yu, Zhang Liao, Jia Kui and others stood near the front.

Sima Yi stayed far behind the crowd.

Cheng Yu first pointed at the map and introduced: In the current situation, Xiangyang has been lost. Separated by a river, Fancheng is bound to have a violent conflict with Xiangyang! If it comes to the flood period...then the water war between Xiangfan and Xiangyang will start. The situation in Fancheng will be extremely dangerous! In addition to Xiangfan, Jiangxia, Nanyang, and the Huainan battlefield will also face huge tests...

Speaking of this, Cheng Yu reminded: Now that we are facing so many annihilation battles, General Xiahou's recruitment of troops in the rear will inevitably be hindered. Shouchun only has 40,000 troops... Xiangfan also has 40,000, including Zang Ba Taishan's army. Thirty thousand, there are only 110,000 soldiers and horses left in the entire southern battlefield, and the Jingzhou soldiers are now no less than 70,000 in a rough calculation... plus the soldiers and horses of Soochow, our army no longer has an advantage in terms of numbers !”

Cheng Yu didn't hide anything. The time was right now and there was no need to hide anything.

He explained the current situation clearly and analyzed it clearly.

Hearing this, Ahem... Zhang Liao coughed suddenly, but he didn't mind. He knelt down on one knee and raised his hands to ask for battle: The last general is willing to support Xiangfan, lead troops to occupy Jingzhou, and recapture Xiangyang City!

Cao Zhen also knelt down and handed over his hands: The last general also invites me to fight.

As Zhang Liao and Cao Zhen asked for battle, even Xu Chu's son Xu Yi and Dian Wei's son Dianman also saluted and asked for battle, The generals are also willing to go!

Cao Cao looked at several generals who were working hard. Instead of being excited, he frowned and looked at the map: What's going on in Hefei and Jiangxia?

Jia Kui replied: So far, I have not received any news from Sun Quan of Hefei or Jiangxia troops responding to Guan Yu, but I cannot rule out that they will take advantage of the situation to send troops. Therefore...I think that if more troops are sent to support the Xiangfan battlefield, in case Jiangxia and If Hefei sends troops, the Huainan battlefield and the Nanyang battlefield will be greatly threatened, and... The Guan family and his son have newly captured Xiangyang, and their morale is strong. Our army has just experienced a defeat, and its morale is low. It has little hope of victory! Otherwise! After abandoning Fancheng, we should now send heavy troops to garrison Xudu. This is where the Guan family and his son are going to fight!

Cao Zhen said: Fan City is a fortress that blocks Jingzhou. Once it is abandoned, it will expose Xudu to the enemy. How can we defend it in the future?

Listening to the arguments among the civil servants and generals, Cao Cao said nothing. He just drew a line from Xiangyang City to Jiangxia, to Huainan, and then went around a bend to connect the entire southern battlefield with the city of Bashu.

Guan Yu's goal is the Emperor. Liu Bei knows that Shu is lonely and weak. Only by controlling the Emperor can he have the capital to compete with Gu. If Guan Yu is not defeated during the dry season and Xiangyang is recaptured, then the flood battle will begin during the high water period. The three-pronged advance will be a nightmare for the Wei Dynasty. By that time, the whole country will be in great danger... I have been serving the emperor alone for so many years, and they have finally understood and become jealous!

at this time.

Report... A scout rushed into the camp. The scout knelt down and said, Prime Minister, there are riots in many places near Luoyang, Xudu, Nanyang... It seems that they were inspired by Guan Yu and are attacking the county to respond to the Jingzhou army!

Cao Cao sat down slowly, What a Guan Yu, what a Han Shoutinghou. He cheated his death and earned more than 30,000 soldiers and the entire city of Xiangyang! Now he has to rely on the power of this battle to draw fuel from the bottom of the cauldron and end the war. My great Wei’s escape route!”

Cao Zhen suddenly became anxious, There can be no chaos in the Central Plains. These rebels also need to be pacified. The crux is the Xiangfan battlefield. As the Prime Minister said, our army must fight back during the dry season. Only in this way can morale and morale be restored. The intimidation of the Great Wei suppressed the arrogance of those small rebels!

The words came out of my mouth...

Cao Cao looked around and saw that all the civil and military officials were worried, except Cao Zhi and Sima Yi. They seemed neither anxious nor worried...

Cao Cao realized that they must have something to say. Immediately, Cao Cao waved his hand and said, I want to think about it again. Everyone, please step aside. In the evening, I will beat the drum again and make a decision!

Although everyone was impatient, in this precarious situation, no matter how urgent it was, they really did not dare to make a hasty decision. They could only bow and retreat.

Cao Cao said: Zijian, Zhongda, you two stay!

Cao Zhi and Sima Yi cupped their hands, Here!

After a while, everyone retreated, and only Cao Cao, Cao Zhi, and Sima Yi were left in the entire hall.

Inside the tent, Cao Zhi stood solemnly, but Sima Yi frowned.

Cao Cao asked: Zijian and Zhongda both seem to have something to say...


Cao Zhi replied resolutely, while Sima Yi's tone contained a different kind of evasion.

It was their frankness that made Cao Cao somewhat admired. Cao Cao smiled: Are you going to tell me alone? Or should you tell me here together?

The child wants to report it alone... Cao Zhi handed over.

Sima Yi said knowingly: Then, please wait outside...

As he spoke, Sima Yi slowly withdrew. Cao Cao looked at his most cherished son lovingly, Zijian, you can say it now!

Cao Zhi straightened up. In this atmosphere, he could feel that if he could solve his father's current predicament, he would definitely be one step closer to the crown prince and his sister Zhen... no, many steps closer. !

——‘For Sister Zhen! 』

Thinking of this, Cao Zhi's heart surged with courage.

He looked at his father Cao Cao with firm and confident eyes: Father, the situation has changed now. For several months and several battles in a row, the energy displayed by the Guan family father and son has been beyond imagination! Now, can There is only one way to repel the Guan father and son...that is to join forces with Soochow and attack the Guan father and son! If Soochow takes the retreat from Jingzhou, the current predicament can be solved...

Cao Cao took a deep breath and looked at Cao Zhi with piercing eyes, Sun and Liu have been in alliance for eight years? How can Soochow send troops for Gu?

Cao Zhi analyzed: Soldiers are impermanent, and water is impermanent. In the past, the reason for the alliance between Sun and Liu was because his father's army was pressing down on the country. But now it is different. The father and son of the Guan family... no... to be precise, it was Guan Lin, the fourth son of the Guan family. , he showed a sense of oppression that was no less than when his father’s army was pressing down on the situation...

Imagine, facing my father's powerful army, Guan Lin's tricks and brand-new ordnance are constantly emerging, including repeating crossbows, sidecars, mirror armor, and burning tanks, and now they are replicas of the Qin crossbows from back then. , and killed 35,000 Wei soldiers in one hour! It even made a huge bed crossbow that could penetrate the city wall...

Having said this, Cao Zhi paused for a moment and continued: Is such a terrifying Guan Lin only a threat to my father? Isn't he... not a threat to Soochow? My father's army of one hundred thousand can defeat Guan Lin overnight because of him. All the tricks and ordnance were wiped out, how many hundreds of thousands of troops does Soochow have? So... the child feels that Sun Quan of Soochow is now afraid of his father, but he must have quietly begun to fear Guan Lin in his heart!

Cao Zhi's thinking is very clear. Cao Wei has lost consecutive battles against Guan Lin. If there is no more Cao Wei in the future, will Soochow have good results against Guan Lin?

The biggest threat to Cao Wei and Soochow has appeared!

Cao Zhi's voice continued, his tone rising.

If at this time, my father invites Sun Quan to attack the Guan family father and son together, allowing them to take advantage of their retreat, if Jiangling can be defeated, then the supplies will be cut off, Xiangyang City will become an isolated city, and Fan City will be in danger. Explanation... If this is the case, after the matter is completed, my father promises to grant Jingzhou to Sun Quan and cede the land south of the Yangtze River and Huainan, so why not? At least... the threat Sun Quan brings to his father is far less than the threat from the Guan family and his son. become!

Hearing this, Cao Cao fell into deep contemplation!

No wonder Zijian could think of this step...

The sound of Guan Jia Shiro and Guan Lin's Guan Yun flag soaring into the sky was still too much of a deterrent to them.

Cao Cao has already begun to be afraid of this name, let alone the rat Sun Quan?

It's just... Cao Cao said calmly: If we really return Jingzhou to Soochow and grant Sun Quan the land south of the Yangtze River and Huainan, it will be difficult for the Wei Dynasty to unify it again!

Gu knows that it is difficult for Gu's generation to complete the great cause of unification, but Zijian, you... you have to think clearly, it is also difficult for your generation, and even your son's generation, to find opportunities to unify the world!

My child knows... Cao Zhi's eyes were bright, but what he was actually thinking of was.

——What I want is not unity. What I want has always been Sister Zhen! 』

But he said: Conquering unification is not something that happens overnight. The child does not covet that. The child only hopes to solve problems for his father and to solve problems for the Wei Dynasty. The biggest problem for the Wei Dynasty now is... the Guan family father and son, no... Da Wei Wei's biggest problem is just Guan Lin! As long as he dies, the situation can still become peaceful!

just like…

Whether it is Cao Cao or Cao Zhi, along with their huge fear of Guan Lin, there is also deep fear and - targeting!

How could Cao Cao not understand Cao Zhi's plan...


He exhaled deeply and pondered for the last time.

Cao Zhi was still handing over his hand: If the father acts according to the child's plan, then the child is willing to be the envoy! Send an envoy to Soochow!

Are you a messenger?

Only when a child becomes an envoy can Sun Quan trust his father, and then Sun Quan can sincerely work together with his father to attack Jingzhou!

I have to say that some people tend to become extremely confused because of women;

But in order to get the woman he loves, his mind and intelligence can improve by leaps and bounds!

As for Cao Zhi, he is both the former and the latter...

For his sister Zhen, he has spared no effort, even if he is in danger alone, he doesn't care anymore!

He was about to launch a final sprint, and he tried his best——

I want to think about it again. Cao Cao waved his hands weakly, his eyes lowered, like an old man who was getting older and only thinking about his beloved son. Let me think about it again...

Yes! Cao Zhi resigned...

As he went out, Cao Cao's loud voice chanted again.

——Pass, Sima Zhongda!

Sima Yi, who was kneeling outside the door, immediately stood up. The moment he walked in and stood side by side with Cao Zhi, who walked out, Sima Yi realized that his real test had come!

In this step, he has to mediate between Cao Cao, Cao Pi, and Guan Lin. He is truly walking on thin ice——


(Three updates are completed on Saturday, and theoretically there are still three updates on Sunday!)

(Looking at your question, Cao Cao said impossible, why didn't I post the picture? I did... the key person for review will get off work at 9 o'clock. If you have pictures after 9 o'clock, you can only see them the next day.)

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