Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 404 You and I can plan to win and reverse the situation

From Huang Zhong picking up his bow and shooting an arrow to Pang De falling from his horse, all this happened in just a few breaths.

No one knows what happened!

If Pang De, who was still roaring and shouting, suddenly became quiet, fell into a pool of blood with an arrow in his eyebrow, all the Wei soldiers might not have reacted, thinking that what they saw was an illusion.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the entire battlefield was silent.

——General, general...

——General Pang.

——General White Horse...

When the guards around Pang shouted out these shouts of exclamation and fear, the Wei soldiers on the periphery realized... what was happening in the rear?

Five hundred paces, more than five hundred paces away, their general Pound was killed by an arrow.


——Ten thousand armies take the lead!

And the enemy general who shot their white-horse general was standing majestically on the mountain of corpses, covered in blood, holding a powerful bow... like a god of war who could shoot through everything.

Kill... rush out from here——

Guan Ping was the first to react. He had no time to pick up his second brother Guan Xing, who had blocked the sword for him and General Huang. He pulled out his sword and asked the remaining soldiers to attack here.

Because of this arrow;

Because Pang De fell, the whole process happened too fast. Even Xu Huang was stunned and looked at Pang De in disbelief. He did not expect that at this time, he would have to personally support and block the gap there.

Although there are many legions of soldiers and horses gathered here, the side where Pound is guarding is mostly Pound's soldiers.

And from the moment Pound fell, these soldiers no longer had any fighting spirit...

Xu Huang only saw the Jingzhou army that was once again full of fighting spirit. Instead of fighting separately, it became gathered together again. Their military appearance was neat and their fighting spirit was high. They rushed towards the side where Pang De fell like a tide. .

There is no enemy along the way!

The Wei Jun who were originally guarding here had confused eyes... no longer fighting spirit, and were easily rushed over.


Xu Huang, who had taken a step back in a hurry, quickly stood up and planned to dispatch his troops to block the gap again.

However, when he looked at Huang Zhong who had retreated from the mountain of corpses, got on his horse and was looking at him!

Eight hundred steps apart, Xu Huang and Huang Zhong's eyes met at the same place.

When he saw Huang Zhong lifting the huge bow and aiming at Xu Huang.

Pound’s lessons learned from the past are still vivid in my mind…

Xu Huang suddenly felt that his legs were weak and his body staggered, as if he had been shot through by a divine arrow from heaven.

Where is the shield array? Shields, shields!

Originally Xu Huang should have shouted... and then commanded to attack and stop them, but he subconsciously called for the shield formation, which would only assemble in front of the general when faced with strong bows and crossbows.

Instinctively, Xu Huang thought not of blocking the gap, but of stopping the god-like and demonic arrow.

To save his own life!

If your life is gone, there is nothing left.

Xu Huang was timid...

This was the first time in so many years that he had shown timidity on the battlefield. In the past...even when facing Guan Yu, he had never shown any timidity.

Five hundred and twenty steps is still too far. This range is completely beyond the understanding of the ancients.

The ancients were always afraid of the unknown.

Like a god or a's not just words!

This sense of oppression is still too strong.

Above the sky, Liu Ye and Zhuge Ke in the hot air balloon seemed to have their breaths stagnated when they witnessed the shocking arrow.

After a long time...

Seeing that Pound could no longer stand up, Liu Ye gradually regained some of his expression. At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the discussion he and Huang Chengyan had about the range of the Mongolian bow.

Liu Ye remembered that at that time, he proposed that if he wanted to add another twenty steps to the five hundred-step range, there were only two possibilities.

First, the production of animal sinews, glue and different woods and silks must be completed in specific months. It takes three or even four years to complete the forging of a strong bow, achieving the ultimate in craftsmanship!

The second is to draw the bow string farther and gain more energy storage and power from the archer.

However, among these two points, Liu Ye prefers the first one, because no matter what, he cannot imagine that anyone can pull a bowstring that exceeds the limit of arm span...

As for...Huang Zhong's use of his legs and feet to draw the bow, Liu Ye subconsciously felt that it was outrageous...just as outrageous as the Mongolian bow designed by Yun Qi could shoot at a range of 500 steps!

However, regardless of whether it is outrageous or not!

Liu Ye felt that this must be unprecedented and unprecedented——

But, shooting such an arrow... what price would it cost?

Who knows?

Although Liu Ye had already seen Huang Zhong get on his horse and saw that he could still lift the sword, from the overlook, from a thousand miles away, under the light of the torch, Liu Ye could already feel Huang Zhong's whole body was shaking. trembling.

He...has reached his limit.


Liu Ye looked at Xu Huang again and saw numerous shield arrays erected densely around Xu Huang, as if he was quite afraid of Huang Zhong and the golden feather arrows under the fierce bow.

This prevented him from immediately receiving command of the battlefield on the other side, allowing the Jingzhou army to break out.


Liu Ye knew Xu Huang well. He knew that this was only temporary. When Xu Huang came to his senses, he would still send troops to pursue him...

At that time...

The situation is still not optimistic-

at this time.

Mr. Liu, look...what is that? Zhuge Ke suddenly reminded.

Under the night, a cluster of bright lights suddenly appeared in the Wei army's stronghold.

Then... the flames burst out, and the raging flames burned the entire Wei army camp for a while. Looking carefully, fire arrows were shooting out from the flanks.

These flames quickly ignited the Wei army camp. Although it did not cause too much damage, Pang De was killed by an arrow before, and now the camp is burned with fire...

It is difficult not to remind Wei Jun of the shocking scenes of the Battle of Jiangxia and the Battle of Feishui.

At that time, tens of thousands of Wei troops were buried in the sea of ​​fire and could never return!

This caused the Wei army, which still had the numerical advantage, to fall into chaos.

It's fire. Could it be like the fire in Jiangxia or the fire in Feishui Camp?

Run quickly, quickly...

Ah...this black smoke is...poisonous smoke!

Countless Wei troops began to shout, and then ran around disobediently. Even the soldiers in the shield formation in front of Xu Huang were about to escape immediately.

In the battle between Jiangxia and Feishui, the most terrifying thing was not the fire, but the poisonous smoke.

As long as it lasts a few breaths, then... even a god would be hard-pressed to save him.

What's even more frightening is that the power of this poisonous smoke has long been spread among the Wei army.

Haha, they mistakenly thought it was poisonous smoke! Liu Ye said in surprise: Master Yunqi's previous fire attack and poisonous smoke frightened them... They were in chaos, completely in disarray.

While shouting, Liu Ye began to look at the red-armored cavalry team... while using special arrows to fire arrows, using his voice to remind the supporting army... of the support position!

Reinforcements, reinforcements finally came, and they came just in time.

Zhuge Ke also noticed that they were friendly troops. They were the cavalry that Huang Zhong had specially sent to attack Magpiewei Slope and Chaoyang City in order to eliminate the ambush there.

However, the ambush that has been discovered from high altitude has lost its role.

...Soon, the Wei troops in Queweipo and Chaoyang City were wiped out by the cavalry led by Lu Yan and Wei Kai.

At this moment, the two cavalry groups had joined together.

As the deputy general of Nanyang Prefect Hou Yin, Wei Kai saw Lu Yan coming from the Magpiewei Slope in the distance and quickly called out: General Lu, I have set fire to the enemy's camp with fire arrows... The enemy's position is in chaos. !”

Lu Yan observed the battlefield keenly. He heard the sound of arrows emitted by the hot air balloon in the sky, several times in a row, and the sound was rapid and dense.

General Huang has rescued the soldiers of the Guan family in Xinye City. You and I cannot be reluctant to fight. Go and support General Huang——

With an order, Lu Yan took the lead and headed in the direction guided by the hot air balloon.

Wei Kai looked at the enemy troops in disarray and suddenly felt a pity. Killing them at this time... was enough to take away thousands of Wei army heads before retreating intact.

However, he also raised his head and looked at the hot air balloon in the sky.

He immediately raised his arms and shouted, All the troops are following me to support General Huang...

——The situation is in chaos!

Because we have to avoid the magic arrow, because of Pound's death, and because we have to avoid the poisonous smoke.

Fear begins to spread…

The entire Wei army was in chaos.

General, please leave here quickly. If the poisonous smoke comes over, the general's life may be at risk...

A soldier reminded Xu Huang.

When Xu Huang came back to his senses, he felt that the world was spinning. If he continued to chase, he would have to pass through the camp and the dense poisonous smoke.

If you don't chase, you will just...just watch these Jingzhou soldiers and horses...

After shooting Pound;

After rescuing these remnants of the Guan Family Army;

Just leave like that?

This is simply...a great shame and humiliation for Xu Huang and Da Wei.

Is it chasing?

Still not chasing?

Xu Huang was so drunk that he was almost drunk...

Finally, Xu Huang's heart changed: Send my military order, all armies must assemble, cover your nose with a cloth dipped in water, go...

He wanted to say, Put a cloth dipped in water on your nose and chase after him, but what was visible to the naked eye was that the poisonous smoke had already hit. The entire army was in panic, and all the soldiers were running around like headless flies.

There are countless people who trample on each other.

It was only at this time that Xu Huang realized that what he had under his command was a force composed of new soldiers and the defending army.

They had only been together for training for less than a month!

The so-called discipline can be guaranteed in the face of good times, but when adversity strikes, this motley army is simply vulnerable to fear.


Why did he need to order a pursuit?

Why should he bring shame upon himself?

At this time, another soldier came to report: The ambush at Quewei Slope and Chaoyang City was discovered by the enemy. Our army was raided by enemy cavalry on the two battlefields, and almost the entire army was wiped out. These two Jingzhou cavalry...had already fought with the fleeing enemy. The cavalry and Guan troops were defeated and reunited, heading south along Baishui.


This last report was like the last straw that broke Xu Huang's heart.

Now he no longer felt trance-like or fainting.

A huge feeling of powerlessness swept through my body.

How evil!

The entire battlefield is a capital Xiehu...

For a moment, Xu Huang felt that he was not fighting a person, but that he was fighting a god with a mortal body!

Otherwise...why? Their every move is clearly known to the enemy!

Drunk, numb.

Xu Huang was extremely speechless.

According to the intelligence, these cavalry from Jingzhou bypassed all ambushes and even annihilated the nearest ambush? So, Xu Huang wanted to ask, who ambushed whom?

What can be seen with the naked eye is that this cavalry took the lead and was fearless when facing an enemy that was several times their size. Even... their general Huang Zhong shot and killed Wei's general Pound five hundred steps away.

This... this arrow? Who is Xu Huang going to reason with?

Now, they have gathered together again, and they have rescued people... from under the eyes of their enemies who were heavily ambushed, heavily protected, and several times their size!

This... who believes it?

Humiliation, all Xu Huang felt was great humiliation.

Under this humiliation, he felt his blood surge, and with a pop sound, his legs staggered. Since it was a pop sound, he helplessly covered his chest.

He didn't vomit blood, but he vomited out deep sorrow!

The sorrow of Wei Dynasty!

The sorrow that belongs to him, Xu Huang.

General, please retreat quickly? The poisonous smoke...has...already attacked, and the soldiers have all run...almost!

The soldier's voice once again increased Xu Huang's sadness!

General... At this time, a deputy general with courage handed over his hand: General, are you still pursuing me?


Chasing? Xu Huang chanted the word tremblingly, but he suddenly laughed, The morale of the army is gone, and everyone has run away? How can we chase?

At this point, deep grief seemed to crush him.

He looked up to the sky and roared: I...I, Xu Huang, after tonight, I, Xu Huang, will soon become the laughing stock of the whole world! Ah...hahahaha...hahaha...

Xu Huang suddenly laughed out loud. This laugh was extremely crazy and extremely sad.

Looking at the Jingzhou soldiers on the battlefield again...

They have long since left.

Today's situation on the north bank of the Han River is changing, but Zhang Liao is the only one who remains firmly in the army as always.

At this moment, there were five scouts standing in front of Zhang Liao. The first of them reported: Guan Yu and the remnants of the Guan family are no more than twenty miles away from the joint camp here!

The second detective horse added: The ambushes of all the ministries are already in place. As long as Guan Yu is trapped in a tight siege, he will be unable to fly!

After the two messengers reported.

Zhang Liao was sitting on the commander's seat, calmly reading the Art of War left by Guan Yu, and comparing it with another book that had fallen into dust from time to time, The Biography of the Zuo Family in the Spring and Autumn Period.

I feel emotional from time to time.

——Yun Chang is still more suitable to read Spring and Autumn! 』

——The Spring and Autumn Period were more upright, but The Art of War was based on scheming, Yun Chang's scheming... Haha...

A haha in his heart shows that in Zhang Liao's world of experience, he still cannot associate Guan Yu with the rhetoric of playing tricks.

Zhang Liao always felt that Guan Yu was an upright and aboveboard person.

And such a person will definitely fall into the trap he has set.

Finally, Zhang Liao put down Sun Tzu's Art of War, picked up a bowl of water and drank it in one gulp, then glanced sideways at Tan Ma below.

Continue to report...

The third detective reported: Mr. Zhao Yan has arrived in Yancheng with 10,000 troops, filling the vacancy left by General Xu Huang's departure...

Before Tan Ma finished speaking, Zhang Liao was startled and asked quickly: Didn't I, the general, send him 20,000 troops?

I've asked about it before. Everyone here... is ambushing me. It's really impossible to get away! The detective said truthfully: Even if there are 10,000 soldiers, they can't be squeezed out...


For a moment, Zhang Liao couldn't help but feel a haze in his heart.

There are mostly new soldiers, so at this critical moment when ambushing Guan Yu, the ones who can be dispatched to Zhao Yan must also be new soldiers.

Can ten thousand new soldiers besiege Yancheng?

However, it was only for a moment that Zhang Liao exhaled softly and eliminated the doubt in his heart.

However, his deputy general Zhu Gai questioned, In this case... Yancheng's protection will be lax. If Guan Yu and his remaining soldiers join forces with the Guan family's army in Yancheng at this time, then... it is very possible to break out of the siege!

Yeah... Another deputy general, Yin Shu, also showed a sad look, but he only said in case... and shut his mouth.

He realized that now that an ambush had been laid and a war was imminent, he should not say such words at this time that would inflate other people's ambitions and destroy his own prestige.

He also realized that Guan Yu could not have known that Yancheng's protection had changed from Xu Huang to Zhao Yan, and that his military strength had also been reduced from 20,000 to 10,000!

Speaking of which, Zhu Gai and Yin Shu were also from Bingzhou. Because they were from the same hometown as Zhang Liao, they had always been Zhang Liao's lieutenants.

In the fourteenth year of Jian'an, Zhang Liao led two of them to attack Yuan Shu's generals. After defeating Shouchun, Luocao plundered Huainan's Chen Jian for the invaders.

Chen Jian was completely defeated in the first battle and completely helped Cao Cao secure the front line of the Jianghuai River.

Both men made great achievements in this battle.

Especially the Yin Department. In addition to Zhang Liao's great respect for him, Cao Cao also felt that he was a talented person who was difficult to become a general even when he was an official.

To show his respect, after Cao Cao defeated Ma Chao and Han Sui, he handed over the five thousand soldiers in Guanzhong to his command.

According to the original historical records, after Guan Yu flooded the Seventh Army, it was Zhu Gai and Yin Shu who led the 12 battalions of soldiers and horses as reinforcements to assist Xu Huang in defeating Guan Yu and relieving the siege of Fancheng.

Calculating this, these two people can be regarded as powerful generals.

(Ps: In the Song Dynasty edition of Three Kingdoms, Zhu Gai is called Niugai, and Yuan Shu's department calls Chen Jian Chen Lan. This article refers to Zhu Gai and Chen Jian.)

Sure enough, after hearing the voices of the two generals, Zhang Liao showed a little displeasure. He said softly: There are only five thousand remnant troops of the Guan family in Yancheng, and Zhou Cang led several breakouts before, and most of them have been injured...Now With Mr. Zhao Yan here, nothing will go wrong. As for Guan Yu... hum...

At this point, Zhang Liao snorted coldly and accentuated his tone, How many times have I said this, General, that Guan Yu will only attack the company's stronghold, and never Yancheng!


Hearing what Zhang Liao said, Yin Shu and Niu Gai lowered their heads one after another and said in unison: The general will finally be convicted——

However, they didn't know that Zhang Liao actually had some worries at first, but he relied on his understanding of Guan Yu's character.

He was certain that Guan Yu would take back what he had lost in an upright manner.

Continue... to play.

Seeing the two generals pleading guilty, Zhang Liao continued.

At this time, the fourth scout reported.

The general of the cavalry from Jingzhou is the veteran Huang Zhong. Seventy percent of his troops were trapped by our army's ambush at Quewei Slope and Chaoyang City. Now... Huang Zhong and the Guan army have joined together, but they have been captured. General Pang De, General Xu Huang, and other reinforcements are heavily surrounded, and the guards are impenetrable. There is absolutely no chance for the enemy to survive!

As soon as he said this, Okay... Zhang Liao burst out laughing, Hahahaha... I didn't expect that this battle actually lured out another tiger general under the big-eared thief!

Huang Zhong and Huang Hansheng, what a big fish!

At this point, Zhang Liao's lips widened, revealing a confident smile, Hahaha, I can't believe...this general gave Pang Lingming and Xu Gongming a great contribution in this battle!

Hahaha, in a few days, the news that the two generals killed the veteran Huang Zhong will spread all over the world, and the names of the two generals will also shock Jingzhou and the land of Bashu! Let the big-eared thief hear about it How timid! Hahahaha...what a big fish!

Speaking of this, Zhang Liao couldn't help laughing.

The laughter is full of determination and confidence!

It's like the situation is all under control.

At this time, the fifth detective reported: General, Wei Gong has sent Mr. Zijian and Mr. Li Miao to garrison in Wancheng with 20,000 troops... Now Mr. Zijian and Mr. Li Miao have arrived with 20,000 troops!


After blurting out this piece of information, Zhang Liao paused for a moment, then narrowed his eyes, shook his head, and sighed: Yun Chang is just a remnant of the army? There is no food and grass, how dare you go north to capture Wancheng?

Having said this, Zhang Liao shook his head a little harder and continued to mutter quietly.

My lord, I'm still too nervous——

Yancheng is safe, and Wancheng is even more safe.

The machine bird, this famous invention during the Gongshu Ban and Mozi periods, is actually... similar to the kite of later generations.

It's just that a special mechanism has been added, which can control the bird to walk on the ground through a line.

At this moment, Guan Yu's army stopped due to the appearance of a machine bird.

Also because of the guidance of this mechanism bird, Guan Yu successfully eliminated the surrounding Wei army's exploring horses.

In fact, these exploring horses are easy to spot. They often travel in small groups because they have to travel. Because the road is full of rocks and thorns... so torches must be lit.

And above the sky, this torch is the most eye-catching target!

After successfully clearing away the surrounding detective horses, Guan Yu suddenly became curious about this kind-hearted machine bird.

And his daughter Guan Yinping is Huang Yueying's female disciple. Guan Yu will inevitably think of Huang Yueying and the Mohist mechanism technique because of this organ bird!


On the body of this machine bird, Guan Yu found a sketch.

This sketch clearly shows...the dense ambush surrounding the original Guan Family Camp Dazhai.

Guan Yu did not dare to be careless. While letting the cavalry rest on the spot, he sent people to explore according to the directions on the map.

Sure enough, when these scouts reported back... Guan Yu was shocked!

At this time, he was shocked to find that a large net ambushed by tens of thousands of people had been opened long ago, just waiting for him, Guan Yu, to stupidly fall deep into it and become the turtle in the urn!

It was only then that Guan Yu realized how naive his idea of ​​counterattacking back to Lianying Dazhai was?

His face also turned from red to pale, then to blush...

Just thinking about it makes me scared.

It was also because of this map that Guan Yu realized that the big ball in the sky was inexplicably connected to the machine bird... It was a friend, not an enemy!

So, Guan Yu and a group of cavalry followed the guidance of the big ball and hid in an empty mountain.

Here, it is still twenty miles away from Zhang Liao's company camp...

Then, Guan Yu witnessed a huge sphere falling from the sky.

Use the flying hook to hook the boulders and trees on the ground, and then the huge sphere slowly descends.

Then, in Guan Yu's astonished eyes, he saw the person operating the big ball first. He couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, Huang Chengyan? Huang Chengyan from Mianshui Villa?

These words just came out of my mouth.

But I saw a middle-aged man with strong skills flipping out of the rattan basket of the big ball.

As the figure got closer and closer.

Guan Yu saw clearly...this...this...isn't this Xu Shu and Xu Yuanzhi?

The first person Guan Yu admired in his life was his eldest brother Liu Bei, and the second person he admired was Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi.

It was a wonderful chance meeting in Xinye City.

During that period of resisting the attack of Cao's thieves... a wonderful encounter!

In this part of the story, because of the appearance of Xu Yuanzhi, Guan Yu suddenly realized that there was a counselor strategizing, and the battle could be fought so easily, so twice the result with half the effort, so sure of victory!

There are not many people who can convince Guan Yu.

But Xu Shu and Xu Yuanzhi are definitely number one!

At this time, Xu Shu had already approached Guan Yu quickly.

Yun Chang, I never thought that you and I would meet under such circumstances...

Yuan... Yuan Zhi! Even after confirming the identity of the person who came, Guan Yu's voice was still a little stuttered and a little unbelievable...

He still couldn't believe it. A fly ball fell and then Xu Yuanzhi walked out of it.

This is God sending a top strategist to Guan Yu?

Give him a helping hand!

Give him some guidance!

How could Yuan Zhi fall from the sky?

Xu Shu did not explain this. He knew the situation at this time and how critical the situation was.

He kept the story short and got straight to the point: You must have seen the sketch of the joint alliance with the stronghold. There are many ambushes. If you attack by force, you will die...


Guan Yu groaned subconsciously, and when Xu Shu mentioned it again, he was particularly frightened.

Xu Shu's voice continued.

The top priority is to save Yancheng first, then take Wanluo, surround Wei and rescue Zhao, the situation can be broken!


Guan Yu's red phoenix eyes widened. He listened to Xu Shu's words in disbelief, save Yancheng first, and then take Wanluo... This... this is such a big tone!

However, Guan Yu didn't know that Xu Shu's battle planning was first-class. Now he came from the sky and saw the enemy's troop deployment. Under such circumstances, there were only four words for planning before the battle:


Xu Shu saw Guan Yu stunned, so he turned around and looked at the huge hot air balloon, as well as Huang Chengyan and Huang Yueying inside, and he only said lightly.

Yun Chang, please believe in me and your outstanding son Yun Qi...

Speaking of this, Xu Shu suddenly increased his tone, and his tone was even more meticulous: Get rid of your hostility and focus on breaking the situation. First save Yancheng, and then take Wanluo... You and I can plan to win and reverse the situation!


(Today I will start with this chapter. I will sort out the rest in detail tonight. I am too shy to write rashly, and I don’t want to be criticized again.)

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