I see that everyone is extremely controversial about Zhao Yun's image and shaping.

A few simple explanations.

The reason why the Three Kingdoms is so controversial is that everyone has a unique opinion on each character. There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

Therefore, I have never dared to write about Zhao Yun among the Five Tiger Generals.

It is because Zhao Yun was portrayed so perfectly in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and generations of film and television works have rendered him so perfectly. In the eyes of readers, there is no room for him to make any mistakes or flaws. This is a completely different character creation from Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei.

When I wrote the last chapter, I was also hesitating, should I write about Bai Yueguang in the readers' minds?

In the end, I still didn't choose this way, because Zhao Yun in history was not perfect. The reason for imperfection was that he insisted on principles too much. Zhao Yun voted for Liu Bei when Liu Bei joined Yuan Shao's army, because Zhao Yun was pursuing a benevolent master.

When Liu Bei captured Chengdu, he generously awarded rewards and distributed the common people's fields to the heroes, but Zhao Yun also tried to stop him. The final result was not good, and the land was still divided...but not to Zhao Yun.

Liu Bei went to the West to avenge Guan Yu, and it was Zhao Yun's sharp opposition that made Liu Bei very unhappy.

From these angles, I roughly know why Zhao Yun has done a lot of credit, but his official rank has rarely been promoted. At first he was a tooth gate general, and later a general with various titles. In an era when feudal lords were very common, he was only promoted six years after his death. Adou was granted the title of Marquis, and he was the only one among the Five Tiger Generals who was not granted the title of Marquis.

This is strange, but not unexpected.

So what I saw was a brave and invincible general, but also a general who was excluded from the inner circle because of his persistence in principles, and eventually died of depression.

Let’s talk about intercepting the river to save Adou. Before writing this paragraph, I read The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and also the Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms, and consulted a lot of information. In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhao Yun directly cut off Zhou Shan's head. If you want to write like this, you must be very happy.

But there is no such figure as Zhou Shan in history. Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms exaggerated this fact in order to portray Zhao Yun, the protagonist of cutting the river to save Adou.

In fact, what is recorded in the Three Kingdoms is that Sun Shangxiang sneaked away with Adou, and Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei stopped him together (together, in no particular order). There was no such thing as throwing Zhou Shan's head in front of Sun Shangxiang to scare him.

Zhao Yun is such a principled person. Under the alliance, it is absolutely impossible to really kill the people of Soochow. At that time, Bashu was still undecided. Zhao Yun could not cause such trouble for Liu Bei. If he really killed him, it would be a pleasure to watch, but There are endless troubles.

Let’s talk about this book.

Isn't what Guan Lin has been doing to change the tragedies of these heroes? Guan Yu is like this, Zhang Fei is like this, Ma Chao is like this, Huang Zhong is like this.

The only difference is that readers can accept the imperfections of Guan, Zhang, Ma, and Huang, but they cannot accept the imperfections of Zhao Yun. He is too perfect in the readers' inherent impression. Perfection that cannot be blasphemed.

But such a perfect person? Have you followed Liu Bei for so long? Let’s not talk about the miscellaneous generals. He didn’t even seal a worthless marquis. It’s a bit unreasonable, right? Therefore, I thought about it for a long time and finally decided that when shaping Zhao Yun, I would start from his imperfection. Because of Guan Lin's factor, he could go from imperfect to perfect, from a miscellaneous general in history to a Shu Han. The first general, he deserves the title.

But it was just as I expected. I just showed off his imperfections and tried to shape his persistence in principles... and it caused huge controversy.

It was my fault last night for saying that readers were criticizing me, but just like anything you do, you will definitely receive a lot of criticism and controversy before you succeed.

But I was in the mountains recently, among the springs, and I had some new insights.

There will be many people around me in this life. As long as I continue to write books, there will definitely be more readers, but can I please every reader?


Readers, you must be able to see this because something has aroused your emotions. I can also accept some bad habits and poor writing skills in my writing.

Again, I cannot please every reader, and I may not be able to achieve the same level of success as selling newspapers and elbows in pleasing most readers in my lifetime, but for me, as long as I find a small group of readers who can be like me NMR readers will do.

As long as I have their support, I can continue on this path and stick to my own writing methods and ideas.

Finally, I would like to thank those readers who have given me opinions and even disputes. I love you deeply and hate you deeply. I can understand your feelings.

I would also like to thank those readers who followed the reading silently and voted silently without saying a word. From the first chapter to the present, the core of this book has not changed. It is not that the protagonist is showing off... but that it has changed.

Change those epic historical figures;

Change the regrettable and deplorable fate of those Three Kingdoms.

I will continue to write along this line of thinking.

Thank you!

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