Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 468 Is this your plan to cheat yourself to death?

Chapter 468: Is this... your plan to hide it by pretending to die?

——Died before leaving the army.

This is a sentence written by Du Fu during the Tang Dynasty when he was thinking about Zhuge Liang.

In this situation, it is no exaggeration to say that Lu Meng is probably feeling like this now.

Although he is not dead, he is destined to fail when he leaves the army!

What's going on?

what's the situation?

Here, under the background that both Soochow Wu and Cao Wei have agreed on the date of attack.

In the past four months, Lu Meng had led a group of elite navy troops, training day and night to infiltrate and break through, and worked hard to find and practice strategies to crack the Beacon Tower.

But... everything, with the emergence of... such a piece of information, seems to be useless!

——There are no eggs left!

The beacon tower is burning!

Not three beacon towers, but all the beacon towers were burned down, which undoubtedly made Lu Meng confused.

At this moment, his expression was like:

There is a confused soul under the confused tree, and a confused person among the confused soul——

Each person is confused, and confusion is the most ecstatic thing in life——

Lu Meng was also drunk, extremely drunk!

Suddenly he didn't know, how should Jingzhou launch a surprise attack? His plan... seems to have been cracked before it even started! Japan…his uncle’s!

Who...who burned it?

In shock, Lu Meng opened his mouth to ask in disbelief.

The scout also looked puzzled, but he still had the courage to report: No...I don't know! But...according to local villagers, it seems that yesterday...some merchants in white clothes were burned, and one of them was not tall and long. The extremely fat young man was finally caught by the officers and soldiers because he couldn't escape, but... I never thought that just one day later, the entire beacon tower would... be burned down!

White clothes?



Lu Meng looked surprised and at a loss.

You know, crossing the river in white clothes was his plan. This was the ultimate plan that this elite Jiangdong navy had prepared for four months to destroy Jingzhou.

But...but...I never thought, but...someone got there first, and this beacon tower...was burned down first!

This damn thing...isn't it just a warning?

So? The problem? Who is it?

Except him Lu Meng? Who else knows...this plan of crossing the river in white clothes?

Just to take a step back, let’s put aside the matter of the white-clothed merchants burning the beacon tower for the time being, but... the key question is, how come the other beacon towers were also burned?

This thing was so weird, so weird that it was obviously a beacon tower burning, but it gave Lu Meng a feeling like a light on his back and a lump in his throat.

Detect... quickly find out who set the fire? You must find out for me!

Following Lu Meng's words, a group of soldiers quickly went to investigate.

Zhu Zhi, who was sharpening his sword because he had finally waited for the day when he could sharpen Gan Ning's sword, heard such news inexplicably and couldn't help frowning.

But, after all...the hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable.

Zhu Zhi asked Lu Meng eagerly: In my opinion, it's probably the Guan family and his son who are playing tricks. Why should we be afraid of him? We can attack in any way, attack from two directions, no matter what... Jingzhou can't resist it! The agreed date cannot be changed. ! won’t be easy to explain whether it’s Cao Cao or the Lord!”

Zhu Zhi originally wanted to use Sun Quan to put pressure on Lu Meng...

But what was rare was that Lu Meng waved his hand and spoke resolutely.


An unusually firm word no made Zhu Zhi startled. Lu Meng continued, Until the investigation is clear, the navy cannot attack rashly, let alone attack Changsha and Jiangling!

Why is this? Zhu Zhi was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, sweat dripping from his head.

Because our opponents are the Guan family and his son... Lu Meng showed extreme meticulousness and caution, In the past, many generals of the Wei State fell into the trap of this boy because of a small negligence, and his body and head were in different places. This is a lesson learned from the past!”

But... Zhu Zhi was as eager as ever, If we don't send troops on time, the flood period in Xiangfan has already arrived. According to Yan Zhen's letter... the Han River pours into Xiangfan. If we miss the attack on Jingzhou at this time, then... Even if there is no such good opportunity again!”

Facing Zhu Zhi's doubts, Lu Meng showed unusual persistence: That won't work either!

Just because... Zhu Zhi became anxious, Just because of Guan Lin?

Facing Zhu Zhi's words, Lu Meng's eyes flashed with coldness, but...this coldness was not so much intimidation as fear, deep fear!

Guan Lin, even just by his name, is enough to influence my general's decision to delay sending troops. As General Zhu said, he, Guan Lin, is the reason——

Having said this, Lu Meng strode away and stopped entangled with Zhu Zhi.

As he walked, he gave instructions, Send more detective horses and scouts to inquire about the burning of the beacon tower. At the same time...immediately send a messenger to report to the lord that the situation has changed! Hold off on marching until the situation becomes clear!

In Changsha County, Liu Chan, who had just chewed a big chicken leg until only the bones were left, raised his head in shock.

The chicken in his mouth fell entirely onto the dining table due to extreme nervousness.

Along his chin, saliva and meat foam...remained on his mouth, Liu Chan looked extremely rude.

As for...the reason.

It's because just now, his Uncle Zilong... told him a big event that could be called shaking the world and making ghosts and gods cry.

——Your second uncle did not scold or punish you at all for the three beacon towers you burned! Instead, the next day, he burned down the entire beacon towers leading to Jiangling and the banks of the Changsha River. Not a single one was left!

When Zhao Yun told Liu Chan this sentence.

Liu Chan was stunned, as if he had heard some hallucination.

I...I'll go, it turns out that what Fourth Brother Guan all...all true!


Zhao Yun couldn't understand what Liu Chan meant for a while, whether it was... true or false!

Before Zhao Yun could ask more questions, Liu Chan asked first, Second uncle...Second uncle really didn't file a complaint against me to father?

As he spoke, Liu Chan still had some doubts, as if...from the bottom of his heart, he felt that this was outrageous.

Complain, haha... Zhao Yun smiled, smiled lightly, and replied: As far as I know, the second general sent a letter to your father, but it was not a complaint!

What is that? Liu Chan asked curiously.

It tells your dad that you have grown up, that you are prepared for danger in times of peace, that you are aware of the dangers hidden under the calm surface, and that you dare to break the rules and stick to your own opinions!

Zhao Yun talked about Guan Yu's letter to Liu Bei and told Liu Chan. In fact, this letter... Guan Yu did not hide it, but took the initiative to inform the three armies.


This is tantamount to Guan Yu openly admitting his mistake regarding the beacon tower.

But now Guan Yu is no longer the arrogant and arrogant Guan Yu of the past. He can already admit his mistakes in front of the three armies calmly!

It can also be said that in the repeated games with his son Guan Lin, face... seems to have become worthless and not so important long ago!

Guan Yu has a more important perseverance in his heart!


On the other hand, Liu Chan could hardly believe his ears at this moment.

First he buried his head deeply in surprise, then... hesitantly paced left and right, and finally, he jumped three feet. His eyes were not directed towards Zhao Yun, but towards his companion Yu Hua...

he shouted in surprise.

Xiaoyu, have you seen it? This is the power of the 'treasonous son'... We burned the beacon tower, and no one scolded us. Instead, we were praised everywhere... This feeling is so good... It's so exciting!

Yugao also had a look of astonishment on his face...

At first he thought it would be over this time.

Got into such a big trouble.

But I never thought... Not only did I not pass it, but I also received a commendation, a huge commendation.

Yugao was in a trance. He couldn't help but recall... the scene when Guan Lin ordered Liu Chan to do this as a child.

It was still a sunny morning.

Liu Chan and Yu Huan were going to study. According to the curriculum, in the morning... they studied The Heroes of the Late Han Dynasty narrated by Master Wang Can, and in the afternoon they studied Journey to the West narrated by Master Ruan Yu...

Yu Chou remembers…

Master Ruan Yu specifically mentioned that this Journey to the West is a masterpiece written by Guan Si Gongzi. The story is simple and easy to understand, but it contains great truths.

Don't say...

Whether it is The Heroes of the Late Han Dynasty or Journey to the West, Liu Chan and Yugao are extremely interested in them.

Especially in Journey to the West, in the previous chapter, Master Ruan Yu talked about Sun Wukong causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace and being pinned down by Tathagata Buddha under the Five Elements Mountain.

Liu Chan was so curious, could this monkey come out? Can you break free from the prison caused by this rebellion!

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I can finally come to class again...

Who would have thought that what was waiting for them was not Master Ruan Yu and Master Wang Can, but... Guan Lin!

Liu Chan was quite surprised to see Guan Lin.

Brother Guan Fourth? This is wrong. Didn't you cheat your own death? Coming out so blatantly... Aren't you afraid of exposing your secret?

Liu Chan asked with a playful tone.

Guan Lin replied seriously: Because I'm cheating my death, it's not so convenient to do some things! I to help me!

What's going on? So mysterious?

Liu Chan was curious...

In fact, following Guan Lin, Liu Chan was quite happy.

During the day, I don’t study the “Four Books and Five Classics” that I can’t understand, but I study stories one by one…

For example, in Heroes of the Late Han Dynasty... the story of Cao Cao, a good wife, the story of Liu Bei, the crybaby father, and... the story of Sun Quan, who was really bad at heart, all of which aroused Liu Chan's strong interest.

He may even realize it.

It turns out... Dad relied on crying and running to get where he is now! seems that he doesn't do any odd jobs either!

It turns out that when Cao Cao was young, he believed in the emperor's assistant and the pillar of the country. In the end... he was forced by reality and turned evil!

It turns out that Sun Quan was an old bastard who did not hesitate to kill countless heroes in order to maintain his rule!

It turns out that when Master Zhuge was in Wollongong, he was a down-and-out scholar with no talent. Before he went to Liu Bei, he met Liu Biao, but Liu Biao was not interested in this young scholar at all!

Like a fish in water, it turns out it’s not all about his father Liu Bei!

Master Zhuge, how could he not be like a fish in water?

turn out to be……

There are so many of these stories, one after another, and the growth experience of each hero, hero, and bear can often give Liu Chan a lot of insights.

These are real stories that happen around us and in this era...

This is incomparable to those Four Books and Five Classics and those stories of the ancients...

Speak the truth.

Liu Chan doesn't want to help Guan Lin, he wants to study...

He wanted to know more stories... more regrets!

He also wanted to know, how did the monkey come out from under Wuzhi Mountain in Journey to the West?

He even wanted to know if anyone could cure that Tathagata Buddha...

Young people are always a little rebellious in their hearts.

But looking at Guan Lin's serious expression, Liu Chan didn't dare to disobey him, for fear that...if he rejected Guan Lin this time, there would be no news about the monkey in the future!

Do you know the beacon tower? Go and burn the beacon tower for me...


Following Guan Lin's instructions, Liu Chan wanted to jump three feet high. Being in Jingzhou, of course he knew about the beacon tower... More than just knowing, in his opinion, this beacon tower is very important to prevent attacks from Soochow...


Liu Chan felt that Guan Lin was joking...

Guan Lin blocked Liu Chan's mouth with one sentence and made Yuhuan remain silent, Adou, please ask me, what did I, Guan Lin, do that is not incredible? Didn't I put myself to death and survive? You are not I keep asking, why is it that I, Guan Lin, am the rebellious son of the Guan family? My father can’t do anything to me! The whole Jingzhou can’t do anything to me! But what about you? In Bashu, before you even have the slightest sign of rebellion, your father will beat you with don’t have it. Think about the reason for this?

Undoubtedly, Guan Lin's words frightened Liu Chan.

He continued to pat Liu Chan's shoulder solemnly, If you always do things that others can predict, then you will not be treated as a traitor in this life! This traitor will only get a stick! Listen to me and do something. An ingenious thing to do, let you experience the joy of being a 'traitor'! Let's burn this beacon tower, and my dad, your dad... we all have to thank you!


This beacon tower was burned down by Liu Chan!

And then…

At this moment, Yugao gradually takes back the memories of the past...

Seeing Liu Chan jumping three feet, he was filled with emotion and kept muttering in his heart.

——Master Yunqi...what kind of person is he? 』

——He is undoubtedly successful as a traitor...but does he want Young Master Liu Chan to imitate him in being a traitor? 』

—— seems that in the end, none of them were punished. This...traitor? Is he really a traitor again? 』

Do you want to ask questions at university?

Even when I was a child, I was often very stubborn... Once I had an idea in my mind, I would frantically want to verify it!

Desperately wanting answers.

Thinking of this, Yu Bo couldn't help but raise his eyes and look at Liu Chan.

He was suddenly curious about the future of Mr. Liu Chan!

Liu Chan was still excited, Sure enough, Fourth Brother Guan will not deceive me. I will definitely listen to Fourth Brother Guan... Haha!

Hahaha... Okay, I am also a traitor. Fourth brother Guan is the traitor of the Guan family, so from now on, I am the traitor of the Liu family. You should not call me Liu Chan anymore. From now on, I He is the famous 'Liu family traitor'!

He's obviously doing something bad...

But he was so praised!

This feeling can be described in just two words - it feels so good!

Xiangyang City, above the city head.

Fu Shiren was looking at the night sky alone, feeling emotional from time to time.

The rising water period is almost here. Why does God seem to be reluctant to shed a single tear... Will the Han River stop rising?

Fu Shiren knew about Guan Yu's plan...

Divert water into Fancheng!

Even in Guan Yu's plan, Fu Shiren needed to lead the navy to attack in warships after Fancheng, Yancheng, and Pinglu City were submerged, and the Wei army... all the fish and shrimps in the water would be caught.

He was thinking...why doesn't it rain? Is the Han River still rising?


Suddenly, a crisp voice came from behind Fu Shiren. Fu Shiren was very familiar with this voice. He turned around quickly, and it turned out to be Guan Lin.

He was a little surprised and at a loss, and subconsciously said, Third brother, why are you here?

Guan Lin's words came out one after another, with a gentle smile: This Xiangyang City belongs to our three brothers, why... the eldest brother doesn't welcome me?

I...that's not what I meant! Fu Shiren said quickly, I mean, you...didn't you fake your death to cover up your father's diversion of water into Fancheng? At this critical moment of integrity, when you come out...isn't this... Doesn’t this reveal everything?”

Fu Shiren spoke, his forehead full of worry...

It can be said that since he got acquainted with Guan Lin, his mediocre abilities in the past seemed to have suddenly changed.

Capturing Xiangyang in one fell swoop was a great feeling!

Even Liu Bei personally sent a letter to congratulate Fu Shiren, and even mentioned that... Fu Shiren is Liu Bei's fourth brother after Guan Yu and Zhang Fei!

——Brothers from Zhuojun

This kind of treatment, this kind of sincere words... Fu Shiren has never experienced this after following Liu Bei for more than 20 years...

It is no exaggeration to say that 80% of these are due to Guan Lin!

This also made Fu Shiren even more full of fighting spirit!

In the past six months, Fu Shiren has also proved his ability with practical actions.

Perhaps his military command and bravery are not outstanding, but... the close relationship he has established with northern merchants by selling arms for so many years is also an important reason why Jingzhou can obtain a series of scarce resources, including iron and iron!

It can be said that... Guan Lin's soldiers and horses, Fu Shiren's soldiers and horses, Mi Fang's soldiers and horses, and Mianshui Villa...

Just relying on some small business, money paid to the Zhoushi family, and Fu Shiren's relationship, they were armed and well-equipped.

Because of this, the rising water period in July is approaching, and Fu Shiren wants to show off his skills!

He is Guan Lin's eldest brother.

He is Liu Bei's fourth brother.

This could he not be on the credit list?

But at this critical moment...

Guan Lin is here!

——It came so suddenly!

At this moment, facing Fu Shiren's nervous inquiry, Guan Lin still showed his harmless smile. His eyes were faint, looking down at Fancheng across the water.

He spoke calmly.

After today, it won't mean much whether I cheated my death!


Guan Lin's words made Fu Shiren startled. He was a little confused.

——What, what do you mean...

Seeing Fu Shiren's confused expression, Guan Lin squinted and raised his eyes slightly. He smiled and continued to speak, After tonight, I no longer need to pretend to die to hide anything...but...

Guan Lin seemed to have let it slip by accident.

This made Fu Shiren anxious. He opened his mouth impatiently: What the hell... Third brother, don't stop talking. Are you going to worry your elder brother to death?

On the contrary... Guan Lin opened his mouth calmly, with a gentle and steady tone, After tonight, the entire situation in Xiangfan will be firmly in our hands...


Fu Shiren feels that he is still older and there is a generation gap with young people like Guan Lin!

He still couldn't understand it, but...he looked shocked.

After all... As for the third brother, Fu Shiren is not surprised at all by his shocking behavior.

Then...what can I do?

Order your troops! Guan Lin said with a smile, will be very tragic and inhumane north of the Han River...Brother Lao will clean up the battlefield for me!

Speaking of which…

Shiwu hurriedly climbed onto the tower and handed a note into Guan Lin's hand. Guan Lin slowly unfolded it...

Fu Shiren was curious and came over.

All I can see is that it says:

——To prevent the intrusion of the Han River, the north of the Han River must be built with strong walls and clear fields! There are tons of sandbags for boats and rafts! Piles piled up! 』

——All the Wei troops are deployed in the three cities! The city gate is closed! Sandbags stand up! 』

The three cities here refer to Fancheng, Pinglu City, and Yancheng...

In addition, there is a Xinye City between Xiangyang and Wancheng, but this Xinye City has escaped the scope of the Han River intrusion.

And the existing information…

These four cities were garrisoned by Cao Ren, Zhao Yan, Xu Huang, Yin Shu, and Niugai respectively.

The total number of soldiers and horses in the four cities exceeds 100,000...

Except for the Yin Shu in Yancheng and Niugai in Xinye City, which only have 10,000 troops stationed there, the entire Fancheng and Pinglu City can be said to be heavily protected.


This is what Guan Lin wants.

After reading the note, he quickly tore it into pieces, holding the scraps of paper in his hand. Fu Shiren was curious, Third brother? What kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd? You can't wait to's the flood season. There are only three to five days to go. As long as the dams are dug and the water is diverted, the Wei army in Fancheng will be completely reduced to nothing more than fish and turtles! At this time...why order troops, why send troops...what are you talking about being inhumane and cleaning up the battlefield?

Having said this, Fu Shiren shook his head, If we really want to clean up the battlefield, I should take the boat to clean up the battlefield after the water is poured back in!

While talking, Fu Shiren scratched his head.

He couldn't understand it at all!

I even felt that Guan Lin's visit this time seemed to disrupt the plan, and it was purely a sense of déjà vu.

Never thought...

Guan Lin didn't answer, but just threw all the confetti in his hand into the air. The wind was strong at night, and all the confetti suddenly flew all over the sky.

Fu Shiren was attracted by the confetti in the sky and couldn't help but raise his head and look at the sky.

But just looking at it like this...

He was shocked...

Even in the dark night, he could clearly see that the entire sky was densely packed with hundreds... no... more than a thousand flying balls, slowly flying towards the Han River... towards Fancheng!

The speed was not very fast, but... it flew all over the sky, covering the entire moon and the entire starry sky.

This scene…

If it were daytime, it would be blocking the sky, but in the dark night... they were just black dots in the field of vision, and they continued to fly upward... until they flew into the clouds and disappeared from Fu Shiren's sight.

For a moment...

Fu Shiren suddenly understood something.

Third this your plan to cheat your death and hide it?

Fu Shiren was even more surprised when he blurted out these words.

His tone became extremely horrifying, and his cheeks looked as if he had seen a ghost, Your father...your father diverted water to pour water back, also to confuse Wei Jun, to cover up...the fact that Mianshui Villa manufactured these flying balls in large quantities?

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