Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 472 He doesn’t want to kill people, but to kill people’s hearts

Chapter 472 He doesn’t want to kill people, but wants to kill people——

There is an endless stream of cars and BMWs on the street, and there is still a buzz of people.

The ridicule and ridicule of Zhuge Ke continued.

However, since Zhuge Jin stepped out of the carriage, all Zhuge Ke's attention was focused on his father.

Having said that, after the adoption, Zhuge Ke has not yet met Zhuge Liang, the nominal father, but he has met his biological father again and again.

Every time, it is under such a special environment, and things are really unpredictable.

Following Zhuge Ke's voice, Dad, why are you here?

It seems that the dialogue between this pair of father and son who are destined to be inseparable is about to begin.

Never thought...

When a rich man riding a horse passed by the carriage, the horse suddenly started, spread its front hooves and neighed, then ran and jumped.

People screamed and hurriedly got out of the way. Someone had been knocked down, and there was chaos on the field...

The rich young man was startled and tried to control the reins, but seeing that the horse was about to hit Zhuge Jin, the situation was critical.

Zhuge Ke jumped onto the mad horse, tightened the reins hard, and made the horse spin in circles several times. Finally... the rich young man patted the horse's neck and gently comforted it, and then it calmed down.

Zhuge Ke got off his horse...

Zhuge Jin let out a long sigh.

At this moment, in the distance, a young general dressed as a warrior came running quickly.

Brother Wei? Are you okay?

The person he called Brother Wei was naturally the rich young man. The rich young man replied, I'm fine...

He didn't bother to clean the dust on his clothes, and walked respectfully to Zhuge Ke, If it hadn't been for the help of the young master, I'm afraid this horse would have been difficult to control. Your Excellency is very skilled. I'm the Prime Minister of the State, Xi Cao. If you ask Wei Xi, I dare to ask the young master his name.

——Wei Xi, a native of Pei.

Records in ancient books and documents are: Outstanding eloquence and resourcefulness.

Because of his excellent reputation in Yecheng, he was valued by Prime Minister Zhong Yao and was conscripted into Xi Caoyu of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Of course, there is an episode in the middle.

Once, Liu Ye went to the Prime Minister's Mansion and met this young man. After a few words of conversation, Liu Ye turned around and whispered to Zhong Yao that this man had the talent to confuse people and would definitely rebel in the future if he moved Yecheng.

And Liu Ye was not the only one who said this.

Fu Xun was the great internal critic of Cao Wei who rated Pang Tong as an incomplete hero and Pei Qian as a man of pure integrity and well-known throughout the world.

He also once commented on Wei Xi that rebellion is a matter of time!

Zhuge Ke didn't know this. He only thought that the young master in front of him was quite polite.

However, after learning that he was Wei Xi, Zhuge Ke suddenly raised his head, as if he was paying special attention to the young master in front of him, but... this expression only happened overnight.

Soon, Zhuge Ke calmed down and solemnly returned the greeting, My dear, Zhuge Ke, the Zhuge clan of Langya, has a poor character. What I just did was just a simple effort. You don't need to take it to heart...

These words are neither far nor near, neither impatient nor impetuous.

Even if Zhuge Ke had some purpose in his heart, at least he didn't reveal it in his words.

Oh, it turns out to be Zhuge Yuanxun. Recently...Brother Yuanxun is very famous in Xudu City! I...Chen Yi, the Changle Guardsman, would like to thank Brother Zhuge for saving me, Brother Wei!

The person speaking this time was the warrior beside Wei Xi, named Chen Yi.

Logically speaking, both of them were on duty in Yecheng, the capital of Wei.

This time... I was ordered to bring Yecheng soldiers and horses to support Xu Ducheng.

Of course, they only brought 3,000 people, which was a small force among all the supporting troops.

If there is nothing else, then... I have something important to do, so I'll be rude and leave first. Zhuge Ke didn't talk too much to the two of them. As he spoke, he looked back at his father Zhuge Jin who was at the carriage.

Only then did Wei Xi and Chen Yi notice Zhuge Jin...

Naturally, they were no strangers to this envoy from Soochow to Xudu.

The two exchanged glances and immediately... said goodbye to Zhuge and his son, a pair of envoys belonging to different camps.

It seems that this is like an episode, Zhuge Ke accidentally met Wei Xi and Chen Yi.

Wei Xi and Chen Yi couldn't bear to put their hot faces on their cold buttocks.

Both sides maintain their unique tacit understanding and peace.


Zhuge Ke got on the carriage, and Wei Xi and Chen Yi drove away.

Chen Yi suddenly stopped his horse. He first looked around to make sure there was no one nearby, and then turned to look at Wei Xi, Brother Wei? Just now... I heard what you said, and you meant to get acquainted with the Langya Zhuge family. Young Master, if my guess is correct, is this related to Brother Wei's plan to capture and kill thieves?

You still heard it. Wei Xi did not hide it. In fact, in his consciousness, Changle Guardsman Chen Yi had long been a grasshopper in the same boat with him.


How did Wei Xi know?

Historically, in the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an, that is, two years later, it was because of Chen Yi... whom he firmly believed, and who he thought was betrayed by someone on a boat, that his plan to attack Yecheng, the capital of Wei, was leaked, and finally Killed, thousands of people were killed——

It is no exaggeration to say that Wei Xi's rebellion was the last time the Han court had power within Cao Wei...

It is also the most promising and vigorous resistance!

Only - what a pity!

Of course, these are historical records...

Now, the balance of fate has turned.

After hearing Wei Xi's words, Chen Yi reminded, Recently, people in Xu Ducheng are talking about Mr. Zhuge's shameless words! He must have been ridiculed and ridiculed!

Wei Xi didn't seem to mind these popular words at all. He just said lightly, Zhuge Ke is from Jingzhou. Behind the Guan Lin who cheated to death. Our plan...cannot be separated from this Guan family son!

Speaking of which…

Wei Xi turned his head and looked at Zhuge Jin's carriage that was slowly walking away.

For a moment, a strong thought came to my mind.

I still have to find other ways to get acquainted with Mr. Zhuge——

Here, Wei Xi and Chen Yi have gone far.

Over there, Zhuge Ke got on Zhuge Jin's carriage.

As a father, Zhuge Jin gently patted Zhuge Ke on the shoulder, You are pretty good at it. It seems... In Jingzhou, after some experience, in addition to earning a lot of merit, my courage and kung fu also improved a lot. Only then did I This is what a jade should look like!”

just like…

As a biological son and the eldest son, Zhuge Jin's love for Zhuge Ke was far beyond the standpoints of Soochow and Jingzhou.

He is very happy to see his son now...

Seeing this son who has grown and matured a lot.

Even if this son is no longer his son in name.

Father hasn't answered my question yet? Zhuge Ke raised his eyes. It was obvious that he valued his position more than family ties, and he was also very attached to the current situation.

The envoy from seems that no matter what...shouldn't appear here.

There are also carriages and servants!

This kind of treatment that is completely different from that of Zhuge Ke is very meaningful!

Of course Zhuge Jin could understand his son's words.

He pondered for a moment, but then asked: Then let me ask you? Jingzhou... knowing clearly that Gan Xingba is a national thief in Soochow? But why did Gan Xingba appear in Jingzhou? To protect the national thief... Then the Guan family and his son put Sun Liu and his alliance under control Where?

This... Zhuge Jin undoubtedly answered Zhuge Ke's words in another way.

It means... don’t make certain things clear. Is the Sun-Liu Alliance of today still the Sun-Liu Alliance of the past?


Zhuge Ke let out a long sigh, how could he not know... The Sun-Liu alliance has always been fragile.

Today's alliance is even more like a piece of window paper that can be broken with just one poke.

This is a decision of the moment and there is no going back.

Thoughts on this…

Zhuge Ke coughed lightly and said, In that case, I shouldn't get in my father's car...

Zhuge Jin's voice sounded a little old, You should call me uncle! Or... call me the Soochow Envoy.

Yes... It's my fault that this junior has been negligent. Zhuge Ke respectfully handed over his hand, If uncle has nothing else to do, then this junior will leave first... After all, in Xudu, with a Jingzhou envoy and a Soochow envoy, our meeting... will inevitably cause trouble. People criticize!”

It seemed that Zhuge Ke successfully opened the distance between him and his biological father with just one word.


Before Zhuge Jin could respond, Zhuge Ke shouted loudly, and the groom hurriedly stopped the horse.

Zhuge Ke took one last look at his biological father, and then resolutely got off the carriage.

But the moment he got off the car, Zhuge Jin spoke.


Well... Zhuge Ke did not look back, but his steps were still. He answered in a businesslike tone: Does the Soochow envoy have anything else to explain?

Zhuge Jin was slightly startled by these words that were so repulsive to people thousands of miles away.

Then, he sighed with a sigh, and then said softly: Yuan Xun, I have heard a little bit about your negotiation with the King of Wei as the envoy of Jingzhou... I don't know why you made such unbelievable and... The conditions for talking shamelessly...I don't know if this is your improvisation or Guan Lin's instruction, but I want to remind you...

At this point, Zhuge Jin paused and said, Jingzhou is about to be in disaster. Take back your conditions, otherwise...both you and Guan Jiashiro will become the laughing stock of the world!


Zhuge Jin's words were harsh, but inexplicably... harsh but also seemed to be... kind like clouds.

Just like in the past, as a father's respectful teaching to his son, or a severe reprimand...

These words made Zhuge Ke open his lips slightly, and he seemed to have something to say.

But in the end, he still suppressed the throbbing in his heart and resisted...the task that Yun Qi hidden in his heart gave him.

He only left two words lightly: Thank you!

Then he walked away without looking back.

Just as Zhuge Ke was walking away, a follower of Zhuge Jin stepped up to Zhuge Jin and said, Sir...sir, don't worry about this... My child, if you adopt me, your position will change... and your heart will be far away!

Zhuge Jin shook his head, and his tone became a bit harsh: How could I... worry and work hard because of him!


The entourage was silent for a moment, and then followed Zhuge Jin. Looking at Zhuge Ke's retreating figure, he reminded lightly: It seems...according to the agreed date, tomorrow will be General Lu Meng's raid on Jingzhou...and it is also the true identity of the Guan family father and son. In a sense, when you are attacked from both sides!


He let out a deep sigh, how could Zhuge Jin forget this, but... he was more worried about Ke'er.

He asked Cao Cao to cede the territory south of Xudu. Now... he has been ridiculed and ridiculed countless times.

Haha... I really can't wait until tomorrow when Jingzhou will be attacked from both sides!


Ke'ercai will be completely reduced to a joke!

Become a joke of the Thirteen States of Han Dynasty!

Pinglu City, this city is connected to the Hekou River, Jiezhangang, Yujiagang and Tuanshanpu, as well as the Tang River, Baihe River, Xiaoqing River and Putuo Valley, Huanglong Valley and Heilong Valley in the northwest.

This is also the city where Guan Yu flooded seven armies and captured Pang De and Yu Jin in history.

Speaking of which, this place is not as strong as Fancheng. It is very close to the Han River. When a flood comes... it can easily break down the city wall.

But because this place is too close to the reservoir dug by Cao Wei, this reservoir is the key to this battle.

Therefore, even though the city was extremely dangerous, Xu Huang resolutely led 30,000 people to garrison here.

The entire interior of the city is filled with sandbags...

Almost sandbagging a new wall.


Xu Huang never dreamed that the flood did not come...but it seemed like there was a wild bombardment from the outside.


A deputy general guarding the city pointed at the fire outside.

This is already the fourth city that Xu Huang has walked through overnight.

Because... there was no fire inside the city, Xu Huang had time and space to direct the soldiers to remove the sandbags and rush to the top of the city tower. What he could see was - shocking!


Oh my gosh!

Even when Xu Huang climbed to the top of the city for the fourth time, he saw the same fire at the east, west, south and north gates. The fire was almost close to the city... There were weak spots in the outer city wall, and they had all been burned down.

Every time Xu Huang saw this scene, he couldn't help but exclaim in his heart.

Oh my god——

In this case, the fire on the periphery almost isolated the entire Pinglu City from the outside world. Xu Huang didn't know what was happening with Fancheng and Yancheng, but he knew...he would definitely not be able to get out.

General... I don't understand. The enemy launched such a powerful air and fire attack, and it was also a surprise attack... why not... not just set fire to Pinglu City? Why... why bother on the outside? Is... the enemy is not merciful?

When facing the deputy general...Xu Huangpo cursed: Be kind ass...

He had fought against Guan Lin, experienced the battle in Jingzhou, and almost captured Guan Yu...

He is too familiar with Guan Lin... This guy is very bad at heart.

Those who died in his hands... no... died in his fire attack and in his rain of arrows. If not one hundred thousand, there would be 80,000!

How can he be merciful? He is so merciful!

So...why didn't he bombard Pinglu City indiscriminately, but instead burned the surrounding areas to the greatest extent possible to destroy the morale here and make the soldiers here despair?

Xu Huang didn't know the reason...but he was sure that this brat Guan Lin wasn't holding back a good fart!

It just so happens that the unknown is what scares the most.

General, then...then we...are we just here in this city, letting others slaughter us?

The deputy generals' voices were filled with infinite frustration.

They looked at Xu Huang with great longing, while Xu Huang frowned, and he murmured heavily, I am a swordsman, and I am a fish. Do we have any choice? Besides throwing ourselves into the sea of ​​​​purgatory fire, we have... other choices. What?

In one sentence, it is full of helplessness, confusion, hesitation, loss, frustration...

Xu Huang's whole body was about to collapse as Zongzong's emotions aggravated him. He had been fighting for half his life... He had never fought anyone so aggrieved, never fought someone so helpless and at the mercy of others.


Shut your mother's stinking mouth——

Faced with the deputy general's doubts, Xu Huang's response was extremely sharp.

It was as if he wanted to release all his anger and pain at the moment...


Shut your grandma's stinky mouth to me too——

Xu Huang's cold tone and frosty cheeks were in stark contrast to the scorching temperature. His expression was like that of a dead father.

Still a child...the kind who lost his father, was lonely, alone, and slept in the open air!

The morning light is dim, far away from Pinglu City, the reservoir that Cao Wei dug for four months...

That night…

The Jingzhou soldiers descending from the sky rushed here like hungry tigers attacking wolves.

Cao Wei's defenders in the reservoir just heard the news from Tanma. The four states of Pinglu City were on fire... The entire Pinglu City was completely cut off from the reservoir here.

At this time, these Wei troops were shocked.

An even more explosive piece of information came...

It was Fancheng and Yancheng that were hit by a sea of ​​fire from the sky, and the entire city was ignited by fire. All Wei soldiers were trapped in it and could not escape.



At this time, the Wei troops stationed at the reservoir were completely stunned. There were only more than 3,000 of them. What were they going to do now? The key is...even if the floodgates are opened and the water is released now, the water level is not enough to save Pinglu City, let alone Yancheng and Fancheng.

What's more, without the orders of generals Cao Ren and Xu Huang... who would dare to open the floodgates and release the water?

Just when they were confused...

Just when they were worried that the fire that fell that day would burn to them.


A Jingzhou regiment sharpened their swords and slashed wildly with their swords like crazy, destroying everything.

They didn't expect it at all...

At this time, there will be an enemy surprise attack!

It seems... with the help of the fire, this raid is reasonable, right?

But why? No one thought about it, no one took precautions?

Is it...concern that leads to chaos?

When they came back to their senses, these Jingzhou soldiers with green eyes were already approaching...destroying the ancients and disembowelling them!

The murderous faces show no trace of mercy.

When the light of dawn shone down and the sky was dark, all the reservoirs here had been occupied by the Jingzhou Army.

A middle-aged man and a young man slowly walked out of the crowd.

The middle-aged man is Lu Xun, and the young man is his son Lu Yan...

Dad... we have successfully captured this reservoir, but... I don't understand. Mr. Yunqi deliberately spared the three Wei troops in Pinglu City. At this time, we should not lead the Lu family's army to surround Pinglu City. What if the fire dissipates and they escape?

It was Lu Yan who spoke, and it seemed that he still had some worries.

Lu Xun glanced at his son, and then explained to him: Pinglu City cannot escape, not to mention how the outside of Pinglu City will be burned, the remaining poisonous smoke alone will not dissipate in ten days and a half. Go, at this time, if anyone escapes from Pinglu City, it is tantamount to death...

On the contrary, in this reservoir, Cao Ren and Xu Huang thought that by setting up a sentry tower, they could spy on the hot-air balloon in the sky. Little did they know... that the height of the hot-air balloon can transcend the clouds. Where can it be seen from below? Because of this , In fact, from the beginning, all the deployments of the Wei army have been under our noses...

I see…

Lu Yan finally understood. Now...the Jingzhou Army that has mastered the air is invincible, and the only thing that can break it is water...water can extinguish fire!

Therefore, they must seize the reservoir first...

According to Guan Lin, if the reservoir is dug, it will divert water for reverse irrigation, but if it is not dug, it will have a flood control effect!

Equivalent to…

Early in the morning... Guan Lin was sure that Xiangfan's final destination must be his side, so he let Wei Jun work for him for four months in vain to complete this flood control!

——How brilliant! 』

Thinking of this, Lu Yan couldn't help but sigh!

However, Lu Yan is a person who loves to think. When his father said this, he thought of Wei Jun doing coolies, and then... he had a new question.

He quickly asked, Dad...Actually, I still have a question. Do you think...Master Yunqi used so much hard work to cheat his death, and to use the second general to dig a reservoir to cover...this...why? Woolen cloth?

When he said the words Why bother?, Lu Yan's expression was full of doubts.

Lu Xun looked at him and motioned for him to continue.

Lu Yan expressed all the questions in his mind, The sky is filled with flying balls, the sea of ​​hellfire, and the city is surrounded by beacons... This is almost crushing, right? It's shown directly... The flying balls are in front, the army is behind, and they are pressing hard. , not to mention a small Fancheng, Xudu, Luoyang, Yecheng, it’s no big deal, right? Throughout the ages, whether it’s the Emperor of Qin or Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, whether it’s Wei Qing, the lord, or the champion Hou Huo Qubing, Or is it the murderous Bai Qi? Who of them... can deal with this hot air balloon? Can he guard against this sea of ​​​​purgatory fire... so...

At the end of the sentence, Lu Yan raised his eyes and said, I was thinking... Master Yunqi, there is no need to spend so much effort. It's obvious... that the army can just suppress the situation!

After listening to my son’s opinions…

Lu Xun nodded first, then shook his head, The fact that you can think of these proves that you have used your brain and thought... But you only think of these, which proves that your vision is not enough. As a father, I ask you? Do you think this hot air balloon is... Are they invincible? Can Xudu and Luoyang be recaptured just by flying balls all over the sky?

Can't it be possible? Lu Yan asked quickly.

This hot air balloon has a weakness. Undoubtedly, Lu Xun's vision and experience are far better than his son Lu Yan.

At this moment, he looked at his son solemnly, and then asked him, What if you knew in advance that someone used a hot air balloon and used this sea of ​​​​purgatory fire to deal with our Lu family army? What would you do?

I... Lu Yan thought about this for the first time. He thought about it for a moment, and then said slowly: I will ask the soldiers to disperse... Pay close attention to Tianqiong. Once he sees the flying ball, he will immediately disperse the formation. Divided into parts, and so on... No matter how powerful the flying ball's sea of ​​​​purgatory fire is, it cannot burn the Lu family army...

Isn't that the answer? Lu Xunxin looked at his son happily and changed his tone: So... do you think that the cloud flags are only covering the sky with flying balls and the fact that Mianshui Villa is mass-producing hot air balloons? No...

Lu Xun's words became serious, You all know that you can break the hot-air balloon attack by breaking it into parts. Don't Cao Cao know? Don't Cao Ren know! In fact... Yunqi compiled a system for Cao Cao and Cao Ren. Set up a net, trap them step by step, lure them into the cage, and then gather all the Wei troops in Jingxiang into this cage...

At this point, Lu Xun's words became quite harsh, Ten thousand steps back, the flying ball can burn Fancheng because there are no people here, but do you think Yunqi can let the flying ball burn Xuchang? Burn Luoyang? Burn Ye City? You know... In addition to Cao Jun, there are millions of living beings there... He just ignores the infamy behind him and insists on being a murderous demon king. But will Guan Yunchang ignore his son's reputation? Can Yun Qi live up to Liu Xuande's reputation? Is it the first level of virtue?

Cao Cao, Sun Quan, and Liu Bei...are three pillars. What Liu Bei relies on for survival is benevolence, which is benevolence to the people!

Lu Xun’s voice became louder and louder.

Lu Yan's eyes grew wider and wider.

Finally, after the extreme emotion, Lu Xun's voice slowed down and he said calmly, So, this is why Guan Lin kept Xu Huang and the 30,000 Wei troops. He threw the problem to Cao Cao and exchanged Xuchang for These 30,000 Wei troops...the pressure, military morale, and popularity are all on Cao Cao's side!

And this is the final part of Yun Qi's plan. He doesn't want to kill people, he wants to kill people -

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