Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 491 Life is for experience, death is for legacy!

Chapter 491 - Live for experience, die for legacy!

Why did Zhuge Ke save Soochow?

Is he just an envoy sent by Guan Lin?

This is the question that Cao Cao and Jia Xu are most concerned about, and it is also the doubt that Cheng Yu is answering.

Cheng Yu talks about...

It is precisely because Zhuge Ke is the envoy of Jingzhou and represents Guan Yu and Guan Lin. Therefore, if he signs an armistice agreement with Soochow and Wei, and announces this 'armistice agreement' to the world, it will be enough to The people of the world are convinced, and it is enough to end this war in advance... to end Guan Yu's surprise attack, to end the panic and unfavorable situation, this... this will be Soochow's only chance.


As Cheng Yu blurted out his words, Cao Cao and Jia Xu looked at each other. Cao Cao's eyes flickered, but Jia Xu stroked his beard in relief.

Yes, since Zhuge Ke is the envoy, his words and deeds represent Jingzhou, Guan Yu, and Guan Lin.

Based on this, the armistice agreement he signed was equivalent to that signed by Guan Yu and Guan Lin.

It is true that in this era of broken etiquette, so-called agreements are often torn up unilaterally. For example, the Sun-Liu Alliance announced that it was torn up and broken up by stabbing Soochow in the back.

But... undoubtedly, under this alliance agreement.

Soochow's backstabbing, no matter whether he wins or loses in the end, will make him drown in the whirlpool of public opinion and be drowned by the common people's complaints, and will also leave his name as despicable and rat in future records.

Therefore, Alliance Agreement and Armistice Agreement can be torn up unilaterally at any time, but the price... is extremely heavy.

Soochow was aware of this, so they used Zhuge Jin to play the family card to Zhuge Ke. If this step is taken well, Soochow will turn the corner.

In fact, from the eager eyes of Cao Cao and Jia Xu, it can be seen that it is not only Soochow who wants this truce agreement, both the Wei Dynasty and Cao Cao... are eager to see through this truce agreement !

Will the three parties stop fighting?

Cao Cao was pacing and chanting these words softly in his mouth. His steps became more and more rapid and heavy. In the end, his tiger eyes were raised, as if looking at Cheng Yu with great hope.

Then Zhuge Ke...did he agree?

No! Cheng Yu shook his head, but was not discouraged. He said truthfully: Such a decision is of great importance. Zhuge Ke only said that we should think about it carefully, weigh it, and consider it...

He didn't wait for Cheng Yu to finish speaking.

Jia Xu interjected: This matter is difficult to consider, and even more difficult to weigh...

He shook his head gently, as if trying to figure out Zhuge Ke's thoughts, while explaining, The left side is loyalty and the right side is filial piety. Is this like you can't have both fish and bear's paws? Mencius said, give up the fish and take the bear's paws. But who is the fish? Who is the bear's paw? Then Zhuge Ke... is still a young man, can he tell the difference clearly? Can he choose the right one?

Jia Xu analyzed and reminded Cao Cao.

Cao Cao's words were even colder. He was still asking Cheng Yu: Has he thought clearly in the past few days?

No! Cheng Yu could only answer honestly.

Haha... Cao Cao smiled, a sneer. He waved his right hand and said loudly: Gu Ke doesn't have that much time to figure out his thoughts!

Someone has come to tell Zhuge Ke, the envoy from Jingzhou, that I want his attitude today!

I will know today, what is a fish? What is a bear's paw? How will Zhuge Ke choose!

Xu Ducheng, the post house of Soochow officials.

Zhuge Jin wants to play the guqin. Although his face is as long and narrow as a donkey, he is a very particular person. Every time he plays the guqin, he has to bring in half a copper basin of water, then wash his hands three times and meditate for thirty breaths before he can start playing.

It's the same this time.

The sound of Zhuge Jin's guqin seems to have always had a magical power, which can make those who hear it quickly become quiet and immersed in the pure rhyme flowing out from the touch of Zhuge Jin's fingertips and the guqin.

The lingering sound lingers in my ears...

It infected everyone in the post house, but it also infected Zhuge Ke, who had just turned around the street and was about to enter the post house outside the post house.

Today, Zhuge Ke has been in...extreme struggle for five days. Still...that problem?

Soochow wanted to use the safety of his biological father Zhuge Jin and his family to threaten Zhuge Ke into submission, and signed a two-year armistice agreement with Soochow and Cao Wei on behalf of Jingzhou. In name, it was to benefit the people, but in fact it was delaying time and harboring evil intentions.

If you do, of course...

He, Zhuge Ke, will become the target of public criticism in Jingzhou and will fail Guan Lin's cultivation and respect.

If he doesn't, then... can he and Zhuge Jin ruthlessly let go of the love between his biological father and witness the destruction of his biological father's family?

to date…

Zhuge Ke has not yet met his stepfather Zhuge Liang. Perhaps because of this reason, the harder it is to let go of his love for his biological father Zhuge Jin, the more he thinks about it... The most complicated thing is that he is struggling in his heart.

left? Or the right?

Follow filial piety? Or follow righteousness?

Are you a traitor to Jingzhou who is despised by the people of the Han Dynasty? Still an unfilial son with a heart of steel.

For several days, Zhuge Ke struggled.

Struggling... struggling, he couldn't help but come here, to his father's post house.

He wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with his father alone and talk about his state of mind... just like the father-son conversations he had had many times when he was a child.

But he didn't knock on the door, and the sound of the piano... seemed to have some special meaning, making Zhuge Ke's steps suddenly stop.

Just stood quietly outside the door of the post house.

It was as if...the music played by his father reminded him of the earnest teachings his father Zhuge Jin gave him time and time again when he was a child.

That's a picture...

At the age of nine, Zhuge Ke, who had read hundreds of books and had a photographic memory, boasted that he had some understanding of the Four Books, Five Classics, Six Rites, Seven Religions and Eight Policies, so he Then he discussed it with his father Zhuge Jin.

——Hey, the deer roars, the grass-eating apple, I have a guest, the drums, the harp and the sheng...

This pair of father and son discussed loyalty and filial piety, from the Lu Ming and Four Animals in The Book of Songs·Xiaoya, to The Emperor's Beauty, to sacrifices...

The reason for the sacrifice…

Zhuge Ke was very curious about this, and this time, he understood... There is a lot of knowledge in sacrifice.

Family rituals honor and commemorate ancestors;

National sacrifices instill in the ministers awe and loyalty to the emperor and heaven and earth;

Students' sacrifices express their memory of the sages, respect for their teachers, and their observance of the Way of Heaven and Earth!

The teaching and research between father and son made both of them marvel at each other's talents, order not to make his son proud, Zhuge Jin asked Zhuge Ke a question:

--Why do people live?

Zhuge Ke immediately replied that it was to honor one's ancestors, to honor one's parents, to serve the court, and to serve the people as an official...

But Zhuge Jin shook his head and was not satisfied with these answers.

Zhuge Ke was all ears...

Zhuge Jin did not answer, but asked him to think carefully.

Later, for several days, Zhuge Ke was thinking about this question - people? Why live? only nine years old, he was unable to understand and explain such profound philosophical issues.

In the end, Zhuge Jin told him the answer. To be precise, it was not the answer, but his own perception.

——Life is actually an accidental beginning. We always think that we are the expectations of our parents, the glory of the family, and the future of the country, but...we only ignore ourselves...or ourselves!


In such an era, the awakening of self-awareness is downplayed. When a person is born, he will have the heaven and earth, gods, kings, relatives, and teachers on his head... As a result, self is ignored and downplayed!

The Zhuge family's family tradition is too majestic and well-established...

Precisely because they read too many books, received too many inheritances, and the discussions between Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang, their understanding of many issues transcended this era.

For example, Zhuge Liang's advanced ideas of governing the country and his vision of establishing an ideal peaceful state.

For example, Zhuge Jin's awareness of self-awakening and his guidance to his son.

Zhuge Ke has never forgotten the earnest teachings his father Zhuge Jin gave him on this topic.

When people come into the world, they are born and die. This process goes from being meaningful to eventually becoming meaningless due to the death of life. Death is a part of life. People must not only live a wonderful life, but also serve the world after death. Praise... So, according to my father's understanding, why people should live, eight words - life is to experience, death is to leave a legacy!

The image of his father's earnest words that day was deeply imprinted in Zhuge Ke's mind, especially the eight words he emphasized.

Life is for experience, death is for fragrance... Zhuge Ke murmured.

It was as if, with just the sound of the piano and the memory of this night, he suddenly understood and completely understood the adversity he was currently in.

Haha... Actually, this is not an adversity!

It's just Zhuge Ke's innocent moaning in his heart!

Thinking about life as an experience and death as a fragrance, thinking about things that transcend loyalty and filial piety, in an instant, Zhuge Ke seemed to understand clearly how he should make a choice.


Under the moonlight, Zhuge Ke's back was stretched into a long and narrow figure by the torch in front of the post house.

He raised his head and looked towards the second floor of the post house. The sound of the piano came from here, and Zhuge Ke's state of mind began to change from here.

Finally, he took a step back, and bowed deeply towards the attic room on the second floor where the sound of the piano came from. Zhuge Ke said lightly: Dad, you taught the child once again... Life is for experience. Death will last forever... And, dad... you have brought back more memories of you and my child, and my child suddenly knows what to do...

After that, Zhuge Ke saluted again and again, then turned around handsomely. He turned around and got on his carriage, accompanied by the horse's neighing Dede.

He was worried when he arrived, but he was confident when he left.

And his eyes...everything reveals determination and firmness.

the other side.

At the end of the sound of the piano, Zhuge Ke's playing speed suddenly accelerated.

What was originally a gentle piano music suddenly became violent and sonorous, just like water flowing peacefully in a small river, but in the end, it inevitably flows into the river and the sea.

Then... together with the surging tides in the river and sea, it surged... and became more and more exciting and sonorous!


With the last long and heavy ending, Zhuge Jin's piano sound suddenly stopped.

At this time, Wu Can, who was standing in front of the door, opened his mouth, Yuan Xun has just arrived.

I know... Zhuge Jin stood up, his brows twitching slightly, as if he was expecting, He will come sooner or later. He is my biological son. His temperament, what he will do... I know best.

He didn't come in, he didn't even knock on the door.

It was the sound of my piano that prevented him from entering... Zhuge Jin's voice was very low, At this time, it's better not to meet... At this time, Yuan Xun and I should not cause any more troubles because of each other.

Tzuyu... Looking at Zhuge Jin's appearance, Wu Chan shook his head helplessly, They say your son is a beautiful jade, a donkey, a genius... but who would have thought that you would adopt him? Go out, but who would have thought...this adopted son, now...he holds the lives of your whole family, Zhuge Ziyu...The world is impermanent, it really is impermanent!

Ha... Zhuge Jin smiled lightly and walked slowly to the window. The streets were quiet at night, except for the sound of the piano and the neighing of a horse interspersed with the sound of the piano.

In the music of the piano, while Zhuge Ke fell into memories, how could Zhuge Jin not fall into this memory?

Zhuge Ke recalled the scene on the topic of self when he was nine years old.

Zhuge Jin recalled that when his son was five years old... Zhuge Ke was at the beginning of his enlightenment at that time, and his appearance of being extremely curious about everything in the world was something he would never forget.

Dad? Is etiquette one of the six arts?

Of course it is etiquette, but my son must know that etiquette does not only refer to etiquette, but also includes auspicious etiquette, unlucky etiquette, military etiquette, guest etiquette, and honorable etiquette... If my son wants to become a man, he must first master the etiquette and etiquette, so that he can perform well on various occasions. Take it easy!”

What about...Dad? Where's Le?

Music is music, which includes blowing, playing, playing, singing, and composing...composing the written poems and poems into music and singing together. It can express one's heart directly, and can express emotions secretly, so as not to make human life seem too dull and boring. Sadness, sometimes... some words that cannot be said, obscure words, can also be expressed expressively and tactfully through 'le' to the people who want to express it.

Then...Dad? Shooting? Does it mean throwing pots? Does chastity...mean raising horses?

Haha, archery is not about throwing pots, and charioteering is not about raising horses. Archery is archery, which requires stability, accuracy, and ruthlessness, while charioteership is about the skill of driving a carriage and pays attention to balance... These are essential life skills for scholar-bureaucrats, not for you That thing of fun in your eyes!”

The other two items...are books and...and...and...what are they?

Books and numbers! Books are calligraphy. They are the second face of a person. The words are like the person they are. Often the words can reflect the accomplishment and identity of the person who wrote them... As for numbers, they are not only algorithms, but also the numbers of yin and yang, and the numbers of astrology. Numbers, legislative numbers, etc. To put it simply... Numbers can refer to a person's self-cultivation. The larger the number, the greater the capacity. Only by accumulating enough 'numbers' in daily life can you do it when encountering big events. I know it well...

Zhuge Jin's enlightenment to Zhuge Ke is like a stroke patient having all his blood vessels opened... so that he can flow freely.

Just like a babbling baby, it has mastered the methods of speaking, articulating, and pronunciation.

Zhuge Jin also told Zhuge Ke, It is impossible to learn music well without listening to the chirping of birds and natural sounds; it is impossible to learn poetry without learning rhythm; it is impossible to learn etiquette well without doing a good job of sweeping and dealing with daily things... These are all They complement each other.”

Memories come to this.

Zhuge Jin showed a faint smile.

He taught his son everything he could, and what Zhuge Ke gave him in return was the most outstanding sculpture created by a genius...

Thinking of this, tears welled up on Zhuge Jin's cheeks.

——Go, go...Father has already taught you everything you need to know! 』

——Now you are no longer the uncut jade from Lantian. You are no longer famous in Soochow because of adding words to get a donkey. Now you are destined to surpass your biological father, and maybe one day in the future... you will also surpass Your stepfather Kong Ming's people! You are a proud father! 』

The thought came to mind.

The tears in Zhuge Ke's eyes became more and more intense.

He slowly raised his head and looked towards the sky, towards the stars.

What he was looking at was the one that shone the brightest!

With this cry, he murmured and opened his mouth...

——The Langya Zhuge clan has a long family history, Yuan's time for your generation to carry forward the legacy!

This was Zhuge Ke's second visit to King Wei's palace.

The last time, he had a verbal battle with the ministers here, vividly displaying the image of a courageous, knowledgeable and sophist envoy from Jingzhou.

It is an exaggeration to say that he is an envoy from a great power, but there is no doubt that Zhuge Ke's performance impressed everyone here and made every civil and military officer in Cao Wei realize that this young envoy was difficult to deal with. If you want to humiliate him, then The final result must be - humiliating yourself!

But this time... Xu Chu was the only one in the huge palace. He stared eagerly at the young man in front of him who he didn't like.


Follow Zhuge Ke's solid steps into the palace.

Looking around, he couldn't find Cao Cao. Zhuge Ke asked doubtfully: Where is the King of Wei?

Xu Chu tried his best to suppress his dislike for Zhuge Ke, and reminded him in a calm tone, Follow me, King Wei has been waiting for you for a long time -

While talking, Xu Chu led Zhuge Ke into an apse and walked out of the main hall. Countless torches illuminated the room like daylight, and a staircase that looked like a staircase leading to the sky appeared in front of Zhuge Ke.

King Wei is above, please——

It was still Xu Chu's fierce voice.

Zhuge Ke took a deep breath and stepped out with his left foot first. This seemed to indicate that in the choice between the left and the right, he decisively chose the latter!

Wang Tian Terrace!

Standing on this high platform, which is ten feet high and covers an area of ​​more than fifty acres, you can have a panoramic view of the fertile fields for dozens of miles.

This was the platform built by Cao Cao when he adopted the suggestions of Zao Zhi and Han Hao and launched military settlements and civilian settlements in Xudu.

According to legend, since the Wangtian Terrace was built, military and civilian settlements in various places sprang up rapidly. In just one year... the most important food foundation was laid for Wei Wu to set sail for hegemony!

These days…

Every night, Cao Cao would stand on this high platform for some time, recalling the glorious past and looking forward to the future hegemony of the Wei Dynasty. Now, he was looking at the night scene alone.

Xu Chu stepped forward, and there was Zhuge Ke standing in the shadow beside the door... Although Cao Cao had his back turned to him, it was obvious that his arrival shocked Cao Cao's whole spirit.

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said, Your Majesty, we have brought them!

Cao Cao said: Okay, Marquis Hu, go down!

Xu Chu glanced at Zhuge Ke worriedly, Does the king want to be alone with him?

Cao Cao couldn't help but laugh, What do you think, Marquis Hu? Is Gu already too old to be unable to lift a sword? A mere young man who has not yet become a weakling is also Gu's opponent. Will Gu be afraid of him?

Xu Chu lowered his head in shame, I don't dare, I will stay at the fifty steps. If the Prime Minister needs anything, just call me...

While talking, Xu Chu slowly retreated.

Zhuge Ke stepped forward with steps that he didn't know whether to be heavy or brisk. He did not salute Cao Cao, but asked directly: Is the King of Wei so elegant? He summoned the Jingzhou envoy... but he chose this person who could cover dozens of miles in radius. Fertile fields, with a panoramic view, are you trying to show me the abundance of food in the Wei Dynasty?

Standing next to Cao Cao, Zhuge Ke's aura couldn't help but weaken a bit, but his attitude was calm and composed, neither humble nor arrogant, showing his courage and knowledge as always.

Cao Cao walked towards Zhuge Ke. Under countless torches, he pointed at the looming tens of thousands of acres of harvest fields in the dark night, also under this high platform.

His words then came out: I have experienced desperate situations in my life. When the eighteen princes attacked Dong, I pursued Dong Zhuo by myself. I didn't want to be ambushed in Xingyang, and almost the entire army was wiped out. Looking at the display of the eighteen princes, At the celebration banquet, Gu left behind the words It's not enough to make a plan and rushed to Danyang to recruit soldiers. However, he was betrayed by the recruits, and the achievements of several months were ruined... It was Yuan Shao who took Gu in when he was most desperate and separated Jizhou and Yanzhou. The east county at the intersection is handed over to Gu, and he is asked to defend him against the Black Mountain Army and the remnants of the Yellow Turbans here...

I don't know why, Cao Cao would tell such a young man, a hostile envoy from Jingzhou, his glorious past and the difficult story of setting sail.

Zhuge Ke was also surprised...

But the more Cao Cao talked about it, the more moved he became, Later, Yanzhou Shepherd Liu Dai was killed in a fight with the remnants of the Yellow Turbans. Gu's Taixue classmate Chen Liu, Grand Administrator Zhang Miao, and Gu's good brother Jibei Prime Minister Bao Xin invited Gu to take over. In Yanzhou, I was overjoyed and led my army to arrive... I never thought that this would be a hopeless stall!

With few soldiers and little food, the Black Mountain Army often looted, and the Yellow Turban Army from Qingzhou even more wantonly smashed, smashed, and looted... In addition, there were Yuan Shu in the south, Tao Qian in the east, and Yuan Shao in the north watching with eagerness. At that moment … Gu’s mood is desperate, and he is experiencing the same desperate situation as now! In fact, the despair that time was even worse than now!”


After hearing this, Zhuge Ke finally understood. Did Cao Cao want to tell him about his desperate situation?

But what is the meaning of these? Why bother?


Suddenly, Zhuge Ke thought of something and was about to think more deeply in this direction...

Cao Cao's words were chanted again, Yes, Gu has experienced desperate situations more than once. Yanzhou was more dangerous than it is now, but look? Did it defeat Gu? The remnants of the Yellow Turbans were fierce, but Gu still defeated them!

If it's just a defeat, it's nothing more than that. Haha, Gu can still put aside the old grudges with them and bring them under Gu's command. This is the earliest army of the Wei Dynasty, and it is the Qingzhou army that makes all the princes in the world fearful! There is no such thing in Yanzhou Food, when Gu was conquering Xuzhou, Qingzhou soldiers were forced to rob grain. Gu did not stop it, but he never thought that it would lead to the massacre in Xuzhou. People said that Gu ordered the massacre of the city, but Gu could not explain it! Gu was never afraid of what others said!

But Gu realized the importance of food, so he started to cultivate fields. If there was no land, he redistributed and exploited the unowned land. On one side, he counted cattle and grain, and on the other side, he built military camps. After only two years, The soldiers were well-prepared, and they served the emperor without giving orders. They farmed and weaved to store the army and supplies. From then on, they were invincible and had no rivals!

Look at each of Gu's opponents, Tao Qian, Yuan Shu, Lu Bu, Yuan Shao, Liu Biao, Ma Teng, Han Sui...including your lord Liu Bei in Shu. None of them were beaten by Gu. He was exterminated by Gu, or was forced to submit to Gu... If there were no Gu in the world, how many people would be called emperors and how many would be called kings? Therefore, the emperor personally decreed Gu to be the king of Wei, the lord of Wei...

Hahahaha... The Han Dynasty has thirteen states in the world, but he can only control nine states! Liu Bei has been running around and crying all his life, but he can't reach Yizhou and Jingzhou, and Soochow can only have Yangzhou. They want to fight with just three states. The territory of Jiuzhou in Gu? Even if Gu is exhausted, they will be completely exhausted, and they are exhausted... Messenger Zhuge, do you still think now? Can Gu and Gu's Wei be defeated?

That’s right…

Cao Cao said that there was such a big pile because he wanted to tell Zhuge Ke.

Desperate situations...he'd been through them.

The desperate situation in the past did not defeat him, and the desperate situation now cannot defeat him.

Maybe he will be at a disadvantage for a short time, but in the long run, Cao Cao will definitely turn the situation around again and make a comeback. This is what he has done countless times in the past twenty years. This is the reason why Cao Wei is invincible!


Zhuge Ke had no intention of catering to Cao Cao, he just sneered.

Just half a month ago, out of the thirteen states in the world, King Wei still occupied half of the nine states. This... After half a month, only the nine states are left... Maybe soon, all these will be gone, Runan , Nanyang is lost again... Hey, Yuzhou and Sili will also be gone. How many states will King Wei have left by then? Will he still be able to speak with such impassioned and heroic words now?


Zhuge Ke's words were like poisonous needles, stabbing Cao Cao's weakness one sentence after another, making his heart feel painful again and again.


Cao Cao wanted to refute Zhuge Ke loudly, but due to the current situation, he suppressed his mood.

He changed the subject, Did envoy Zhuge meet with envoy Soochow, your father Zhuge Jin, five days ago?

King Wei is wrong. It was my uncle Zhuge I met. Now I have been adopted by Zhuge Kongming, the strategist general in Shu. My uncle and Zhuge Ziyu are my uncles, not father and son! King Wei be careful!

Zhuge Ke's words seemed to express his attitude.

Cao Cao didn't take it seriously, So, you will watch dozens of your biological father's family being wiped out by Sun Quan because of you? The kindness of upbringing is greater than heaven... Just turn it over in such an understatement, and you are left to watch from a distance. Can you see a slope of loess?


Undoubtedly, Cao Cao's words made Zhuge Ke's heart flutter a little, and this is where he has been struggling these days.

Zhuge Ke was able to pinpoint Cao Cao's weaknesses. Similarly, Cao Cao was so good at attacking people's minds that he could also spy out Zhuge Ke's weaknesses.

These days, Zhuge's envoy must be in a lot of trouble... Cao Cao paced and said, 'Filial piety to your grandson is a blessing, and you will be blessed with blessings, and you will have a long life without borders.' 'Have filial piety and virtue, and you will have wings.' Yu Hu The Imperial Examination will forever restrain filial piety'... Haha, the Han Dynasty rules the world with filial piety, who can watch his biological father die because of him?

Gu's father died in Xuzhou back then. In anger, Gu Chongguan insisted on sending troops to attack Xuzhou even though there was no food and the rear was unstable! Perhaps Zhuge's envoy was different from Gu in many ways, but there was only one , we are all filial sons!

Cao Cao's words put Zhuge Ke on the fire.

It can also be seen from Zhuge Ke's troubled expression that Cao Cao's sharp words worked.


As Cao Cao's words paused, the entire atmosphere darkened.

However, Cao Cao seemed to deliberately give Zhuge Ke time to think. After a full thirty breaths, he continued.

There is only one way. You simply listen to your biological father. Now that you are the envoy of Jingzhou, the armistice agreement you signed is just like the one signed by Guan Yu and Guan Lin. It is announced to the world that the three parties have stopped their troops and rested. In this way, you Although you can no longer be a minister of Jingzhou and the son of Zhuge Liang, but blood is thicker than water, you can be the son of Zhuge Ziyu again! Although you will be a sinner of Jingzhou, you are the son of Wei and Soochow. A hero...

If you are willing to return to Soochow, I believe that the King of Wu will not hesitate to reward you. If you are worried about Sun Quan's evil deeds, you and your father will stay in Wei Dynasty. I will go and talk to Sun Quan on your behalf, and your whole family will be killed. Next, if you want to be a minister of Wei, Gu will give you the ultimate position of a minister. If you want to be a minister of Han, that's okay. Gu will be granted the title of Taifu, Taiwei, Sikong, Situ... whatever you want, Gu will Let the emperor grant you whatever title you want, and let your Zhuge family be dazzling and glorious because of you, and become famous throughout the ages in the Han Dynasty!

While talking, Cao Cao took out a piece of agreement from nowhere.

It was the three-party agreement to strike off the war...

At this time, Cheng Yu had signed on behalf of the Wei Dynasty, and Zhuge Jin had also signed on behalf of Soochow. The only thing missing was Zhuge Ke... the only thing missing was the envoy who could represent Jingzhou to sign the final touch.

Then Cao Cao will arrange for three parties to offer sacrifices to the sky... Under the witness of Liu Xie, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and in the witness of countless people, he announced that in order to avoid the loss of life, all parties will stop their troops, recuperate the people... and restore a peaceful world to thousands of people.

In this way, Guan Yu's attack on Jiangdong... will be unknown. If he takes another step forward, he will be regarded as treacherous by the world, violating the agreement before the emperor, and Jingzhou will also become the target of public criticism!

Zhuge Jin's family was also able to be saved, and was even sent to the Wei Dynasty, where he was promoted to a high official position and became a noble minister. He no longer had to worry about his head being killed!

Cao Cao can also gain precious two years to find a way to crack the flying ball, and then... wait for the counterattack moment with the power of Kyushu.

This is a conspiracy and a conspiracy——

The only sacrifice was Zhuge Ke's reputation... To be precise, it was Zhuge Ke's reputation in Jingzhou and Liu Bei's side!

Anyone who does great things does not stick to trivial matters... Cao Cao stared at Zhuge Ke deeply, Your name, Zhuge Ke, is only one step away from becoming a hero of Wei and a hero of Soochow. Zhuge Yuan Xun…why are you still hesitating?”

Cao Cao rarely spoke so much to others.

Although he is talkative, he will never use this eager tone to ask others to do something. This is inconsistent with his character and his identity.

But the current situation forced Cao Cao to spare no effort to give Wei a short rest... He must convince Zhuge Ke.


In Cao Cao's longing eyes, Zhuge Ke's serious expression suddenly changed. He grinned, and then laughed heartily, The King of Wei is completely filial to me, but I have to disappoint you.

Following these words, Zhuge Ke's expression turned cold, and a sharp light as sharp as a blade flashed in his eyes. He said coldly: Now I, Jingzhou, am Dao Zu, and you, Cao Wei, are fish meat. When will Dao Zu be afraid of fish meat? What about being threatened by fish and meat?”


Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Ke in disbelief.

And Zhuge Ke's voice continued, as cold as ever, as meticulous as ever, Now, on behalf of Jingzhou, I want to put forward brand new conditions!

King Wei... for the sake of your 30,000 soldiers trapped in Pinglu City and Xu Huang, one of the five good generals, will you listen to me? Otherwise... you will let the Wei army and people down!

When he said this, Zhuge Ke raised his head slightly and looked across the vast fields, staring at this land. It was dark and silent. It took a long time before he said the next words under Cao Cao's shocked eyes.

I want loyalty, and I also want filial piety... Because with all due respect, in the current situation, my young master Yunqi is holding a knife in his hand, while King Wei and Sun Quan, haha... you are just meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by him!

Two hours later, Wu Can exclaimed in Dongwu Posthouse, He...he Zhuge Yuanxun agreed? He agreed?

It was Cheng Yu who answered him... I agreed. The contract is written in black and white, and he signed it. It will be witnessed by the emperor ten days later, and it will be announced to the world at the Shelu Terrace! The three parties have ceased war for two years, rest and recuperate, and settle down the common people!


Wu Chan let out a long breath.

In the end, filial piety defeated loyalty. He is worthy of being the son of Zhuge Ziyu, who is like the uncut jade from the blue field, but also has the word donkey!


Excited, Wu Can burst out laughing.

But with a smile on his face, he suddenly felt puzzled. He quickly asked: Why do we have to wait ten days? For such a big event, we can just announce it to the world immediately! Change will happen if it is delayed...Change will happen if it is delayed...

Yes, who knows where Guan Yu is now?

Who knows where Guan Yu will hit again ten days later!

The armistice agreement, while the three parties stopped fighting, also meant that in the past two years... Soochow would have no chance to regain the land occupied by Guan Yu.

You can't backstab again, and, and, and again, right?

This should make you feel a little more excited!

Ten days... When this topic was mentioned, Cheng Yu hesitated for a moment, but it was only for a moment that he raised his head and looked directly at Wu Can's eager eyes.

Because Zhuge Yuanxun can't trust the King of Wu. This time the King of Wu can use the Zhuge family members to blackmail him, but what about next time?

What does Mr. Cheng mean?

Zhuge Yuanxun has conditions. He can sign and abandon Jingzhou, but he must bring his Zhuge clan members from Soochow to Xudu! At this point, Cheng Yu paused and said solemnly, You, understand, right...

Listen...I understand!

I nodded tremblingly...

But at this moment, Zhuge Jin was listening to the conversation between Wu Can and Cheng Yu in the back room.

Because of this sentence, the hesitant eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes changed slightly.


He smiled and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

It was as if at this moment, all the teachings he had given his son in the past poured into his heart.

——The six arts of a gentleman, etiquette does not exclusively refer to etiquette. 』

——It also includes auspicious etiquette, unlucky etiquette, military etiquette, guest etiquette, and honorable etiquette... If my son wants to become a man, he must first master the etiquette and etiquette, so that he can be calm and graceful in various occasions! 』

——Shooting is not a trick like throwing pots. Shooting is archery. It must be steady, accurate and ruthless. One hit will kill and one hit will hit! 』

——My son always can't remember this number. This refers to a person's self-cultivation. Only by accumulating enough numbers in daily life can you be aware of big events...

Hehe...hehe, haha, hahahaha——

For a moment, Zhuge Ke smiled very restrainedly, but as he smiled, tears slowly flowed down from his eyes.

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