Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1212: no one can avoid

  Chapter 1212 No one can avoid

  No matter where you are, the quiet night is always very seductive. When the evening wind blows on your body, you will feel a little bit of tranquility. However, after Fei Qian finished the dinner, although the night breeze was blowing, he couldn't calm down.

  Because the generals of Xiliang are near Tianshui, although the banquet was held, it was not an unlimited carnival.

  Fei Qian stood in front of the big tent, watching the camp spread out outside Shangyu City. The light of the torches in the camp seemed to reflect the galaxy in the sky, which was quite dreamy.

  The current situation is getting more and more complicated.

Of course, such a complicated situation actually had some signs at the beginning, but it just broke out now, like inflammation, maybe it was there at the beginning, but it was not obvious, and then the chicken soup that I accidentally ate and drank caused the inflammation The volcano erupted violently.

  Although he was somewhat prepared in his heart, when the real thing happened, Fei Qian still felt a little headache and depressed.

"Your Majesty, this matter is a certain fault..." Jia Xu returned the information in the bamboo tube, cupped his hands and said in a low voice, "Because of the implementation of the new law of land administration in Guanzhong, the Zheng family complained a lot. Therefore, a certain Yu Yuanzhi, Shi Yuan discussed and took advantage of the opportunity of the Junhou in Longyou to spread rumors in Guanzhong that the Junhou was defeated..."

  Li Ru let out a laugh from one side, and said half-jokingly: "...I wanted to put on a thin kneeling breast, but I bumped into Shu Fatty..."

  Jia Xu said with some embarrassment: "...That's it."

  Fei Qian generally understood that Jia Xu, Pang Tong, and Xu Shu originally thought to dig a hole for the Zheng family in Guanzhong and other jumping guys, but they didn't expect that the hole was too small, and a big guy jumped in instead.

  Hu Chuquan is here.

Some time ago, Feiqian took Guanzhong and Hanzhong. Diaoyin, a relatively important pass, was naturally replaced by Tongguan and Wuguan, which are more important in geographical location. Ma Yan guards Tongguan, Zhao Yun guards Wuguan, and Diaoyin is located in the hinterland. Naturally, no one was left on duty at the pass, and there were not many soldiers left. Only a hundred county soldiers were left to maintain normal operations. As a result, Huchuquan succeeded in a surprise attack and snatched Diaoyin.

"Is there any news about Pingyang?" Fei subconsciously asked, then shook his head immediately, and said, "Well, although Beiqu is small, the army stronghold is still there, and Huchuquan may not be able to attack it in a hurry...Chongzhong The most important thing is still Zuo Fengyi..." I was still a little worried about Pingyang, so I asked subconsciously. In fact, the news of Pingyang had already been cut off when Diaoyin was captured. No one is the Almighty God for a while, so who knows if there will be any changes.

Jia Xu nodded and said: "If you are in Pingyang, the strategy is insufficient, and the defense is not a big problem. What's more, Huchuquan's offensive is fierce, but then it is not strong enough. The only way to go south is Zuo Fengyi, and then conquer Tongguan, and Hongnong Yang's It can only be achieved when the inside and outside are in harmony. Therefore, the main force of Huchuquan should be in Guanzhong, and at most a small number of side troops should be sent out to feign an attack to contain Bei Qu Pingyang."

"The big family of the Zheng family in Guanzhong must guard the earth to protect themselves, and feed the Huchu spring to the yin. In order to see the follow-up, if we are unable to suppress it, we can have both sides..." Li Ru smiled and said, "Although Tongguan is closed, there is Pujin. Du Ye...Although the pontoon bridge has been destroyed, the iron chains still remain. Ha, in this case, the Prince of Hedong may not be able to get away with it."

  Tongguan is guarded by Mayan. Naturally, it is impossible to open the door without authorization to allow idlers to come and go freely. However, if people in Guanzhong want to get in touch with the Yang family of Hongnong, the nearest way is to take Pujin Ferry.

Pujin Ferry is an ancient crossing of the Yellow River since the Qin Dynasty. It is located in the north of Tongguan. Because the water level of the Yellow River varies greatly between the dry season and the wet season, Pujin Ferry has always been crossing the river in the form of an iron cable pontoon bridge. Of course, during the dry season, boats can also be used to cross, which is known as the key to the north gate of Tongguan.

  As early as the period of Emperor Hanling, the pontoon bridge at Pujindu was burned down to prevent the Qiang rebellion from spreading to the east of the river.

After passing Pujin Ferry, it is Hedong, and then from Hedong to Shanjin, and then through Shanjin to Hongnong. Although Shanjin is stationed by Zhang Liao, ordinary caravans and ordinary merchant ships are still allowed to pass, so pass this route If Guanzhong and Hongnong get in touch, there is naturally a great possibility.

Although both Li Ru and Jia Xu said that there should be no problems in Pingyang in general, but after all, it involves the relationship with their base camp, so Fei Qian is still a little uneasy, but these uneasy feelings have no effect on the situation in Pingyang at all. , so I had to hold back for the time being, and said: "For the current plan, how about the convenience?"

"Zuo Fengyi and the Zheng family, although the size of Wubao is nearly ten, and they employ six or seven thousand Hakka Ding private soldiers, but they don't go to battle, they don't know the art of war, and they are defeated very easily," Jia Xu said, "the current danger is the Huchuquan went south to Zuo Fengyi, joined forces with him, broke through Tongguan, and joined forces with the Hongnong Yang family to advance... Therefore, we should fight Huchuquan first, draw firewood, Zheng and others will be like boiling soup, and they will be free from worries..."

Li Ru also said: "Now that Han Wenyue has been captured, the battle of Longyou can come to an end for the time being... A certain and Kuanzhi led the troops to the west entrance of Fanxu Road, set up a stronghold in the street pavilion, united with the crowd, sold Jia Qiang Di, watched The situation in Longyou is waiting for an opportunity... The general and Wenhe can lead the cavalry eastward to Guanzhong and face Huchuquan, and then we can calm down."

  Fei Qian took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and said, "Good! Just do it like this!"

  The site is large, which has the advantages of a large site, but it also brings some troubles. A place has a situation in a place, and sometimes it is far away from the center, and this control becomes a problem. It's like when Fei Qian left Guanzhong, someone started to move around. Although this time it was indeed Jia Xu and others who made a game and dug a hole, which unexpectedly attracted Hu Chuquan, but it also shows that, in fact, don't Kanfei Qian has now expanded its territory, but it is actually not stable yet.

  Fei looked at the dark sky in the east, thoughtful.

  This problem seems to be unavoidable for anyone.


  It was because of the Xiqiang rebellion that Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty exhausted the last bit of bone marrow in the Han Dynasty. Then Yuan Shao also encountered the rebellion in Yecheng, Cao Cao also had the same experience of rebellion, Liu Bei did the same, and even Sun Biyan in the future would also jump in this circle...

What about me?

   Now that the Zheng family in Guanzhong is rebelling, who will it be in the future?


At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, if there is no wind in the house, the night is still quite stuffy, but in Luoyang City, in the recently restored Yang Mansion, Yang Biao is braving the heat, writing vigorously under the light of candles :

   "My good brother sees the letter like meeting:

  Brother's letter has been read.

  Brother is in a place of thorns, and my heart is for the light of the country, and my brother's heart is very comforting.

  Brother is in Guanzhong, people's hearts are ignorant, the situation is difficult, but with the help of all the sages, now the situation is broken. In Feng Yi's land, everyone knows the evil of the three colors, and the crowd is raging, and the attack can be expected. The public business was in Hedong, and Xiaowen was very righteous, which was quite effective, and he was aided to Pujin on the same day. Today, Southern Xiong also knows the world's great righteousness, great right, and great wrong. Even though it is in a barbaric land, it also has the desire to crusade against rebels, and its courage can be sold.

  Let the left and right work together, and the top and bottom are united. In addition to the new defeat of the three colors, the people are panicked, and they can burn their grain and grass in the warehouse, cut off their traffic at the pass, and trap their soldiers in the North, and it will become a big event. In this way, brother Ziyue has achieved great achievements and has made great achievements in the world. Brother is ashamed to say that he is the son of heaven, and brother Biaoxian is among the three.

  Although the current situation is clear, hidden dangers still exist. The army of Zhengxi was stationed in Tongguan to decide things; and Beiyin Mountain also had its soldiers; although it was heard that Zhengxi was awarded the head, but his corpse was not seen; However, it is not conducive to siege the city and pull out the stronghold, so all kinds of things still need to be considered by the virtuous brother. Now in Guanzhong, people are either slick or rough, and it is difficult to plan big things. Brother, you might as well discuss with the public, don't just sit and wait, no matter what the Southern Hungarians want, you must persuade them to go forward and fight the three-color flag majestically. The tripod will win the game.

  Brother Yu Heluo was first determined, and there are also those who have the same ambitions to help the country. He will immediately order heroes and warriors to send troops to Tongguan to help virtuous brothers break through Tongguan and sweep Guanzhong.

  Everything we do is for the prosperity of the great Han world and the peace of all living beings. We follow the will of God and the hope of the whole people. This feeling can be expressed to the heavens, and it can be shown to the sun and the moon.

  I hope that Brother Xian will deliver the good news soon.

  Brother Yu nodded.

  Not known. "

With the lights flickering, Yang Biao wrote the letter quickly on the small towel and silk, and then dried the ink carefully before carefully rolling it into the bamboo tube, sealing it with wax paint, and stamping it. Poked, called the guard, and after a few whispered instructions, he watched the guard disappear into the night with his hands behind his back.

  Fei Qian, the general who conquered the west, is really dead?

   Yang Biao frowned deeply, stood in front of the hall with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky.

  The night wind whimpered and passed through the front of the hall, tearing the trees in the courtyard to silence.

General Fei Qian of Zhengxi had no son, Yang Biao knew about this, if Fei Qian really died on the battlefield, then it is very possible that the entire territory of Zhengxi would fall apart immediately, so Zuo Feng in Guanzhong Yi's Zheng family, Zheng Gan, and Zheng Ziyue want to take this opportunity to find a way out, which is naturally a reasonable thing.


Yang Biao still remembers that when he merged with Pingyang in Beiping, he felt that he was very sure and could run Feiqian to Guanzhong to absorb the military, material and financial resources of Feiqian in Pingyang. , had to knock down his teeth and swallow blood, gritted his teeth and endured to return to Hongnong.

As a general, no one can avoid breaking the earthen pot without leaving the well. After all, there is a risk of death in battle. Fei Qian naturally cannot avoid it. However, he did not actually see Fei Qian's body, just some rumors, which inevitably made Yang Biao had doubts in his heart.

  Although those rumors have their noses and eyes, they are as detailed as what they saw with their own eyes.

Heluo extends in all directions, with Hanoi in the north, Jingxiang in the south, Yanzhou and Yuzhou in the east, and Chang'an in Guanzhong in the west. On behalf of absolute safety, Cao Pingdong's actions sounded the alarm for Yang Biao.

  Heluo must have a solid rear if it wants to succeed!

The reason why Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu was able to rule the world, pacify Guanzhong, and let Xiliang Dou Wei bow his head and proclaim his ministers, relied on the financial, material and manpower support of Jizhou and Yuzhou, coupled with the cavalry frontier army of Bingzhou, this has the ability to gather The capital of the world, and now a lonely land of Sili, can't last long at all.

  Before Tongguan was defeated, it had already cost a lot of wealth, and Luoyang had to be renovated, the royal family had to be supplied, and they had just experienced a plague of locusts...

  Thinking of that locust plague, Yang Biao shuddered.

  The locusts that covered the sky and the sun made everyone in it feel powerless when the end is coming.

   What is even more hateful are those court ministers, who are eating the salaries that Hongnong Yang's family can squeeze out to distribute, but turn their heads and criticize them, saying that the locust plague is a warning from God, that the ministers are incompetent, and that they are state-owned treacherous villains...

   Fortunately, Liu Xie did not listen to the lies of these mediocre people, nor did he convict him, otherwise Yang Biao would have prepared an apology memorial to advance by retreating. Of course, if it really came to that point, as long as Yang Biao was pinching the government's salary to provide it, it wouldn't be long before these crooked ministers couldn't help but put on the table again and recommend Yang Biao to be re-elected.

  Yang Biao didn't really care about these mediocre talents who swayed from side to side and had superficial thoughts. Instead, Yang Biao was deeply afraid of those few ministers who never said anything or expressed any inclination.

   Just like Yang Biao would receive the surrender from the Zheng family in Guanzhong, would these ministers who have not shown any inclination be related to a certain force?

  Er Yuan?

   Levy west?

  Even Jing Xiang? Cao Pingdong?

   are possible.

  This is also something that no one can avoid. We can’t close the city gate every day, or search the whole city every now and then, right?

  Among the people who came out of the city to collect firewood, there were a few individuals with aspirations mixed in, no matter how careful they were, it was basically impossible to eliminate them.

  At the moment, it can only be a fight for the time.

  Yuan Benchu ​​is attacking Yijing, and Gongsun has already shown a defeat. How long can he last?

  Yuan Gonglu turned to the southeast at this moment, and was attacking Yangzhou Jiangdong. Although he had no intention of turning around and heading north for a while, if Jiangdong was certain, he would definitely go north, and it would be difficult for him at that time.

  Cao Pingdong and Wen Hou were in a stalemate at this time, each had its own victory or defeat, and it was hard to say who would win and who would lose.

  If at this moment, I can really take advantage of the opportunity of Zheng Xifei's latent death, cross the east and west, close the pass, accept and merge with the north, then it is really a blessing!

  Yang Biao never believed in ghosts and gods, but at this moment he couldn't help bowing his head and silently praying to ghosts and gods, praying that Zheng Xifeiqian would really die and go to hell.

  As long as Zheng Xifeiqian is really dead, those generals and counselors under Zheng Xi's command, Yang Biao can let the past go, and they can keep their titles, as long as these people are willing to take refuge in themselves!

   God pity see you!

  Accept Zheng Xifei to dive...

  (end of this chapter)

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