Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2457: budding rebellion

  Chapter 2457 Germinated rebellion

  『All donated? 』

  Even though Zhen Mi nodded for sure, Xin Xianying still couldn't believe it, and pointed at the various exquisite objects in the green gauze tent with a look of reluctance.

Zhen Mi's face was still calm, as if facing some dispensable utensils, "That's right, basically they will be donated...on the one hand, it's less troublesome, and it's also for my **** brother... On the other hand, it can be regarded as an advanced stage...」

  Wang Zhen was at the side, playing with a gold-painted fan in his hand, and said: "However, it is not a smooth journey to go to this Zhiyin prison..."

  Zhen Mi nodded slightly, remained silent for a moment, followed by a sigh, "But after all, is she better than a merchant's daughter?" 』

  Wang Ying seemed to want to say something, but her lips moved slightly, and finally said nothing. What she originally wanted to say was that being a woman in an official's family is also uncomfortable, but she was not from a big family, if it weren't for all the men in Wang Yun's family...

   And similarly, the reason why Wang Ying is not willing to return to Taiyuan, to return to her own home, is it because there is no comfort in Chang'an at home? If it wasn't for Wang Yun's accident, and then several males in a row died unexpectedly, Wang Ying would probably stay in Taiyuan in obscurity, become a family transaction, betroth to someone, and then reach a certain transaction.

  Under such circumstances, what qualifications does she have to give advice to Zhen Mi?

   What's more, Wang Ying is not very good at communication and communication. Although she is studying hard, she has missed the best time when she was young, and it is very difficult to learn now.

  As for Xin Xianying, she understands a little bit, but not completely. As someone who came out of an aristocratic family, he lacked nothing but experience and age. After all, at her current age, there are still many people in future generations who just want to eat, drink, have fun and show off their self. It is already rare to be able to think about human relationships like Xin Xianying.

  So besides Zhen Mi, Wang Zhen is the only one who can truly understand and understand the reason why Zhen Mi did what she did.

  Wang Zhen himself had ambitions...

   Moreover, Wang Zhen's original identity was once even more unpopular than a businessman.

  Wang Zhen can understand Zhen Mi's thoughts, and to be honest, it's not easy to pick it up, and it's even more difficult to put it down. Therefore, Wang Zhen didn't try to persuade him much, but just said lightly: "You have to think about it... this matter, you can't go back on it just because you can say it..."

  Zhen Mi gave Wang Zhen the look of a sister who understands me, and then sighed slightly, "I am willing... Maybe I still have my life, but I am not willing... Maybe I even have my life gone..."

  Wang Zhen thought of something for some reason, he also sighed while accompanying Zhen Mi, and stopped talking.

  Xin Xianying clicked his tongue a few times, obviously he didn't have much real feelings for Zhen Mi's emotion, but felt sorry for these things that Zhen Mi would give up.

  Wang Ying was silent for a long time, raised her eyes, and looked at Zhen Mi, "In what name are you going to donate it?" 』

   Zhen Mi smiled, blooming like thousands of flowers, "Isn't this the second son's full moon approaching? 』

  The other three people were either suddenly or dumb, and Wang Zhen laughed and clapped his hands without thinking it was a big deal...

  Zhen Mi still smiled lightly, but there was a bit more determination in her eyes.

   This time, in full view of the public, he wanted to completely cut off his businessman attributes and the connection with the Zhen family!

  Why do you have to listen to other people's arrangements all your life?

  Merchants, in the Han Dynasty, played an unglamorous role most of the time.

   Then Zhen Mi is still a smaller part of businessmen, businesswomen.

Feiqian's preferential policies and relaxed attitude towards businessmen can't change ordinary people's feelings and perceptions of businessmen. The words "no profiteering, no business" are curses that will never go away in the bones of businessmen, and they will explode sooner or later .

  Because starting from the Han Dynasty, people in almost all social classes did not have much favor for merchants. This kind of situation is not just as simple as the suppression of the so-called "scholars, farmers, businessmen" in Confucianism, but has more profound factors...

   Can those who are praised to heaven every day be able to go to heaven?

   It’s like shouting the slogan of "emphasis on agriculture" every day, but in the feudal dynasty, how much time is really caring for and caring for the hard-working people in Everbright?

  So propaganda is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is caused by the actions of the businessmen themselves. As a result, in many cases, killing a "profiteer" is like killing a "corrupt official". No explanation is needed, and there will be applause. This relatively semi-solid thinking mode is formed in the In the long river of history, it was defined by the businessmen themselves.

  The businessman of the big man originally grew up with the big man. Just like a sapling, at the stage of sprouting and breaking through the ground, no one would have thought that it would grow crookedly.

At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, following the disadvantages of the Qin Dynasty, the husband was transferred from the army, the old and the weak to pay for food. The weak productivity and the large reduction in the population led to an extreme shortage of materials in the whole society. Even the emperor could not find four horses of the same color. As a ceremonial vehicle, let alone ordinary people, it is even poorer.

   In such a situation, the businessman became rich. Under the premise that many people in the big man are small-scale peasants, when the people are poor, the treasury is empty, and the technology is lacking, some businessmen of the big man suddenly fly up and become rich.

  However, among these businessmen, many people have forgotten one thing...

In order to develop the economy, the Han Dynasty opened up the ban on mountains and rivers, implemented a certain degree of free trade policy, promoted the development of various manufacturing industries including salt and iron, and exempted commercial taxes on the passes , giving merchants the right to buy and use slaves.

Therefore, these merchants quickly accumulated a large amount of capital by using almost free resources such as land, forestry, mining, etc., coupled with almost free slave labor. They have acquired tens of millions of wealth, known as "three thousand families", that is, cattle and horses and other livestock can count a thousand hooves, sheep and pigs can count a thousand pairs, servants can lift a thousand fingers, extravagant and absurd, fighting for wealth and other strange behaviors emerge in endlessly.

People's hearts are like this, it doesn't matter if everyone is poor, and they can still live in harmony, but once someone becomes rich, it does not bring benefits to others, but instead brings a worse impact, and the psychological imbalance is second. The turbulent impact of social order is the most deadly problem!

Especially businessmen, although most people are smart and know how to restrain themselves, don't show off, and don't show off their wealth, but they can't help those rich second generations who have their brains flooded, and there is no way to avoid some rat **** born among businessmen. After all, such things as mouse feces are normally distributed with the population base, and it is impossible to avoid...

Some businessmen make a fortune through a lot of speculation and hoarding, and use natural disasters to frequently cause price fluctuations to exploit ordinary people. Those who are openly ridiculed and exploited are all pariahs, idiots, and slobs. They deserve to be exploited, and they deserve to never stand up. They don’t care about whether such remarks and behaviors will have any impact or hidden dangers on social development.

Interestingly, in the early days of the Han Dynasty, most of the merchants and gentry were untouchables under the mouth of the old aristocrats. They once hated this title very much, but after the merchants and gentry developed separately, they gave this name to others .

  Especially the businessmen who suddenly became rich in the countryside, they really don’t treat ordinary people as human beings, thinking that everything can be settled with money...

   Being able to make money is a very good ability, but being able to spend money is a more important talent, even talent.

  Of course, spending money here is not about reckless prodigal and squandering, but knowing how to use money in the right place, such as Feiqian. Those who can't understand this are basically Chinese New Year pigs. When this kind of businessman with no sense of social responsibility feels that he can use natural disasters, information asymmetry in the Han society, and unbalanced social development to carry out cruel economic squeeze on the people at the grassroots level, and turn a blind eye to the bad consequences caused by it. Under such circumstances, if this kind of Chinese New Year pig is not killed, is it still reserved for the next year to kill?

  But many merchants don't understand this point. This is also a curse in the merchant's own bones. After all, from the beginning, it has been accumulated little by little, so how can it be easy to let go?

  Earning by ability, how could it be a crime?

  Deng Tong yelled like this, Dong Xian yelled like this, and when Shi Chong came, there was no change, even in later generations, people still yelled like this. Because these people couldn't figure out what it meant to be a pig standing on the air outlet until their death. The real reason for flying was not the pig, but the wind blowing at a specific time and place.

In the face of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's determination to fight against foreigners, these merchants still relied on their own money to ignore the wishes of the court and the people. The land feuded the country, so it was called "Su Feng" by Sima Qian.

   Such a person should not die, who should die?

  And in order to maintain their excess income, merchants will also bribe officials in addition to their commercial behavior. After all, do ordinary people have spare money to bribe officials? So much so that at that time, the officials of the government and the county and county were all vying for extravagance. They bought houses, cars and luxury clothes and jewelry without restraint. Those who do not avoid the punishment of the knife and saw are not as rich as they are.”

  This kind of behavior naturally attracted the sanctions of the ruler.

But some businessmen couldn’t figure it out. They didn’t know, or pretended not to know, all commercial behaviors were based on their country and citizens, even in the era of great navigation that went beyond the national territory. Large-scale trade is also supported by the strength of its country, otherwise the sea coachman should have unified the world long ago, instead of the two big dies.

  When these businessmen are sanctioned and their death is imminent, it is these officials who accept bribes who work hardest. After all, on the one hand, they can destroy the original evidence of bribery, and on the other hand, they can use their heads for performance, not to mention how happy they are.

As a result, some businessmen have learned from the painful experience, but they have not thought about what they should do, but decided that they want to gain power, fight against the country, and even sell the interests of the country as a bridge to another country, but there is another place Will traitors be welcome?

  At the beginning, Zhen Mi couldn't figure it out, but as time went by, after silently observing some of Fei Qian's actions, especially after the Zhen family sent someone here...

   When I feel chilled, I can see it more clearly.

  Did Zhen Yao come to Chang'an to help Zhen Mi?

   Obviously not.

  What do businessmen focus on? commodity? That's the practice of ordinary businessmen, but in the current Zhen family, it's more about connections.

When Zhen Mi brought the gold-painting fan business to Jizhou, although she had the original connections through Zhen's family, she also made a big bet on Yuan Shao's side, and then injected new talents into the Zhen family who was hit hard. vitality.

   Later, the Western Region sachets and other things operated by Zhen Mi completely disrupted the balance in the Zhen family.

The Zhen family also has industries in Jizhou, and there are quite a lot of them, covering a wide range of areas, covering almost all areas of people's livelihood and military affairs, so that Yuan Shao at that time had to throw his son out in exchange for Zhen's logistics. Full support.

  Under such circumstances, how could the arrogant Yuan Xi have a good attitude towards Zhen Mi who was just a business gift?

   Well, yes, Zhen Mi is not even Yuan Xi's wife, but just a concubine.

  The word "na" is also used in history books instead of "marry".

  Yuan Xi himself has a wife, the serious Wu family. Even when Yuan Xi went to Youzhou to take office, he left Zhen Mi casually and let Zhen Mi go to "keep a foster aunt" like a servant. Of course, there may be a little bit of Zhen Mi's relationship with Zhen Mi in the past, after all, isn't everyone like Zhang Sanye?

  However, these are not the key points, but Zhen Mi tasted the class gap under the suppression of power for the first time.

   Zhen Mi, who was known as the fate of wealth since she was a child, did not really become "rich" after she really entered Yuan's family. Because no one will take Zhen Mi's so-called "destiny of wealth" seriously. After all, from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period, to the Qin and Han Dynasties, from the old nobles to the new aristocratic families, from cutting thighs to serving the master to lying on ice Carp casts himself, only has unexpected names, and there is nothing he can't boast about, so what is Zhen Mi's "destiny of wealth"?

  It's just a country bumpkin's self-boasting, and no one including Yuan Xi will take it seriously.

  The noble lady and little princess who was originally at home became a servant at Yuan's house...

  Even if she is a wife, she will be suppressed by Mrs. Yuan Shao's many mother-in-laws in Yuan's family, so that she dare not fart. It’s almost like in the post-war period, when the crown prince’s daughter-in-law wears an inappropriate glove and leaks an elbow less than three inches long, she will rise to the height of the royal family, and then she will kneel down to apologize, and be criticized for several hours. Just like writing a review letter, the rules in a big family like the Yuan family, which has four generations and three princes, are far beyond Zhen Mi's imagination.

   But this is the first blow.

Just like the old woman in Yuan's mansion in history sold Zhen Mi to please Boss Cao in exchange for avoiding death, Zhen Mi was sent to Chang'an to please Fei early on like a pet dog thrown out by Yuan Shang. latent…

  The key is that everyone in the Zhen family, including Zhen Mi's brothers, really cooperated and didn't think there was any problem at all.

   And now, it was the third blow, and it was the most painful one for Zhen Mi.

Although said to be born smart, but the first time I was young, I didn't know enough about the world, I just thought that those blames and making things difficult were justified, but I didn't put my mind on personal emotions, just cautious Serving the in-laws.

  The second time, I was full of fantasies of self-sacrifice, thinking that I had grown up and could take care of Zhen Shi...

  Therefore, with such spiritual support, Zhen Mi tried her best to show her personal charm in front of Fei Qian, but failed to hit the stone wall. In terms of appearance, maybe Zhen Mi is better, but other than appearance, she is almost useless.

   And Zhen Mi, who has grown up a bit, also realizes that appearance will fade with time. How many years are you young? If you don't have any skills, will you be thrown away like an old dog when your beauty fades away? That is, when did Zhen Mi start to do these business things seriously.

Watching the people I brought, develop and develop in Chang'an little by little, and then grow bigger and bigger, recruit people, expand the caravan, develop new products, and in turn sell them to Jizhou, Zhen Mi found herself in it The meaning of existence, not just just relying on a face.

  In the end, the meaning that Zhen Mi found by herself will be deprived by her own people.

   Family is everything.

  So you should dedicate everything to the family without complaint or regret?

  Perhaps a few years earlier, Zhen Mi would have really thought so. After all, in the area of ​​Jizhou, such thoughts were circulated and such arguments were discussed.

  Zhen Mi sometimes thinks that if she is still in Jizhou, she must not have the courage now!

Because I came to Chang'an, because I came to Sanfu, because I met more different people, because I had all kinds of novel thoughts on Qinglong Temple, and the most important thing is because I left the base camp of the Zhen family. Everything depends on myself. It was only after I built it little by little that I suddenly discovered the joy of controlling my life by myself!

   Don't be deliberate, just open your eyes carefully every day to see if someone's face is good, and then you can decide whether the weather today is cloudy or sunny!

  But now, Zhen Yao is here.

  With the orders within the clan, there is no negotiation, no mercy orders.

   After all, Zhen Mi is a woman...

   And if you can't get the Hussar General, who will be cheaper? If Zhen Mi was in a daze that day, she found a pretty boy or something, and then posted something upside down, wouldn't she lose a lot of money?

Don't worry about it before, it was Zhen Mi's small trouble, and there was still some gap with the base camp of the Zhen family in Jizhou. Later, when Feiqian opened the Western Regions, all kinds of spices and products surged in like a shocking wave, and the Zhen family of Jizhou was immediately The only sense of superiority in the base camp was in pieces.

Think about it, an ordinary wooden box can only earn five baht, if you paint it, you can earn thirty cash, if you put silk on the mat, you can earn about a hundred cash, and such an empty box goes around a circle. , and then returned to Jizhou with spices from the Western Regions from Chang'an, the price was tens of thousands!

   This difference in price naturally makes people crazy!

  In the face of excessive profits, many businessmen accidentally lost people, leaving only businessmen, only pure business, what humanity and family affection?

But Zhen Yao never imagined that Zhen Mi, who was pushed around by them before, like an exquisite commodity, without emotion or complaint, seemed to be obedient to everything, would also burst into rebellion now. And it's the craziest rebound ever!

  (end of this chapter)

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