Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2488: dark and light

  Chapter 2488 Darkness and Light

  The night is getting thinner, and the sky is getting brighter.

  Darkness will always pass, and light will always come.

   This is not wrong, but it can also be said the other way around, light will pass, and darkness will come, unless the earth stops rotating on that day.

  The alternation of day and night, the melody of darkness and light, and the mixture of advancing and retreating, seem to have become an almost eternal theme in this world.

  However, a fallen head cannot grow back.

  Otherwise it will become fantasy or Liaozhai...

  Cao Cao looked at the heads displayed in front of him with a sullen face, slightly squinted eyes, and a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

  The head at the front is a kind of macro.

   At the back are the heads of officials, large and small, in Yingyin County. Almost all the heads above the middle level were directly beheaded by Xiahou Dun and displayed here, all of them grinning and their faces blue and black.

   This time, although Xiahou Dun hesitated a little on the way, when he arrived at Yingyin County, he saw and heard Zhong Hong's words and deeds with his own eyes, and he never held back.

  A large county in Yingchuan, it can be said that it is on the side of Xudu, but it dares to deceive the upper and lower, and practice fraud!

   This made Xiahoudun extremely angry, but it also made Xiahoudun palpitate.

  This is Yingchuan!

   Yingchuan, known as the pillar of Cao Cao's regime!

  But Xiahou Dun didn't know that the transmission of information has been prone to loss and distortion since ancient times.

  Even in later generations, there will often be some distorted information flowing freely, just like the shadows in the night, when the light has not arrived, they will bark their teeth and claws...

  Especially when light and darkness meet, who can fully know which side is light and which side is darkness? In addition, what if this person's eyes are blindfolded and his ears are blocked? Or what the eyes see is drawn by others, and what the ear hears is told by others...

  The smell of blood emanating from more than twenty heads seems to be able to remind the current world that life and death are still at stake.

  Cao Cao was silent.

  Xiahou Dun was also silent.

  Actually, Cao Cao did not expect that he had become so corrupted in Yingyin.

  『Good kill! 』

  Cao Cao clapped his hands and smiled.

  After a while, Cao Cao stopped smiling, "It's just that it was too early to kill. 』

  Cao Cao had already made some psychological preparations for Yingyin, but he didn't expect the situation to be worse than he expected before!

  Xiahou Dun was silent for a while, "My lord, I'm worried...the killing is too late, and there will be more troubles..."


  If Xia Houdun hadn't killed Zhong Hong on the spot in the city, and frightened all the Yingyin officials, he might have to argue with these Yingyin officials, and maybe he didn't know how much things would be delayed.

  Of course, Zhong Hong probably didn't expect Xiahou Dun to attack directly...

  The original planting plan was just two words, "farming time".

  Farming season waits for no one. After three or two delays, everything can be ruined or ruined.

  As long as Xiahou Dun's hands are a little softer, as long as Xiahou Dun feels that he can take his time and ask carefully, then there will be nothing in the autumn harvest, and everything will rot in the ground!

  Will ordinary farmers know what caused it? Coupled with the intentional or unintentional guidance of some squires, it will turn into a menacing trend!

   When the time comes, Zhong Hong and the others will just flick their sleeves, saying that they have already said certain things and done certain things, but all of them are Xiahou Dun deliberately making things difficult and delaying the farming season!

  At that time, what will happen when the newly appointed Prime Minister Cao faces the overwhelming public opinion and infamy?

   so what?

   Is it possible that Cao Cao can also arrest and kill these ordinary people?

No, maybe at that time, these people will take the initiative to arrest these suffering people without Cao Cao's orders, and then find a way to let other people know, so as to accumulate public anger and resentment, and dump such a huge cauldron on Cao Cao go!

  『You untouchables, dare to talk about state affairs? ! 』

  『Boldly making trouble for the people, dare to criticize the prime minister? ! 』

  If Cao Cao had an order, just not to spread rumors, these people would order all the people to shut up, and even their breathing would be sealed with a needle and thread! Then paste different stickers, the seal at the county level, the seal at the county level, and the seal at the township level. When the little guy who does the specific work sees that there is nowhere to seal the seven orifices on the front, Just in a hurry...

  How can this work, if you don't seal it, it means you have nothing to do, and if you have nothing to do, it means that you are not important!

   After thinking about it, he yelled, come on, pull off his pants and seal his asshole!

   Conversely, if Cao Cao doesn’t issue an order to prohibit the people from discussing each other, these people will quietly send people to mix among the people and continue to spread rumors...

   and so on.

   At that time, whether there is **** in Cao Cao's crotch or not will no longer matter.

  『Good kill,』 Cao Cao narrowed his eyes, 『I just think it wasn’t enough! 』

  Xiahou Dun was silent.

  These heads are only the main personnel of the Yingyin incident, and they have not been implicated in any expansion.

  Cao Cao pinched his beard slightly, "Yuan Rang meant that this is the end of the matter?" 』

  Xiahou Dun was silent for a while, then cupped his hands and said, "My lord... the autumn harvest is coming..."

  『Autumn Harvest...』 Cao Cao repeated, and then said flatly, “You and I are still worried about the country and the people here, but if it’s just you and me, what’s the use? 』

  『My lord calm down. Xiahoudun said, "Now we should make a big plan first to ensure the autumn harvest." 』

  Cao Cao pondered for a moment, "Yuan Rang, if you take it under the supervision of soldiers, what should you do?" 』

  『Soldiers received it? 』Xiahou Dun was taken aback.

Cao Cao stood up, then walked down the hall, looked at the human heads placed in the courtyard, "This smell of decay fills the heavens and the earth... If you don't get rid of it at this time, tomorrow will come tomorrow, and year after year, year after year, what will you do?" What year and month can it be clean? Supervise it with soldiers, if there is adultery, it will be eliminated! 』

  Xiahoudun stood up, walked to Cao Cao's side, and pondered for a long time, "It's not difficult to get the soldiers in the front, but it's also difficult to follow...Do you have any arrangements, my lord?" 』

  Cao Cao looked up at the sky, "Man's calculation...sometimes it's not as good as the sky's calculation...Go ahead! 』

  Xiahou Dun didn't say much anymore, and arched his hands together, "Follow the order! 』

   Cao Cao looked at Xiahou Dun's figure and left, then signaled to the guards under the hall, "Throw all the pickled things into the mass burial mountain!" 』

  Hanging at the city gate? Cao Cao didn't think it would have much effect, so he didn't bother to bother. Killing chickens to scare monkeys requires monkeys to know how to be afraid. How can a group of monkeys be afraid when they are blinded by food?

   The guard responded, and then waved outward.

  The soldiers on duty outside the door filed in, and each of them walked out with a few heads, just like carrying bags of vegetables and fruits. No one felt any extra discomfort with these heads.

Chong Hong's head was also pulled up, and then coincidentally bumped into Guo Feng's head dangling, face bumped into face, turned around, bumped into each other, and left again, as if the two were still the same as they were before they were alive, from time to time The ones gathered together, whispering...


   On this day, Guo Jia got up early.

  Not long after the ugly time, he got up, washed and dressed...

  This is not usually the case.

   After all, Guo Jia has privileges, the privileges he got by pretending to be lazy, and Cao Cao granted Guo Jia that he can not participate in the court meeting, and he doesn't have to point his fingers.

  Of course, only Guo Jia has this privilege.

   It's like the piece of wood that Shang Yang erected at the gate of the city back then, so naturally it will only be erected once. It’s also like a lottery store saying that some people insist on buying every year and every month and finally win the lottery, but they won’t say how many people are still buying every year...

  If there is a log standing up every day, then the whole country will go to the city gate to carry the log, so why do they work? If you can win the lottery every time you buy a lottery ticket, what can you eat, live, play and play?

   Of course, Guo Jia has to perform this piece of wood well, so that he can always remind everyone, look and see, there is such a piece of wood that has won the lottery!

   As for whether it is a real person or not, that doesn't matter.

  Guo Jia is naturally not a piece of wood. He has been looking forward to this grand meeting for a long time.

  The reason is very simple, he just wants to see the excitement.

  In the past few days, Yingchuan has been extremely lively...

   Fighting up and down, making moves with each other, the streets and squares are simply brilliant!

  Ordinary people just watch the fun, but the upper-class people are not just having fun with each other, but more of a game between political levels. This is definitely not something that the public knows.

  Although Guo Jia is an upper-class figure in the Yingchuan court, he has a heart for the people. Of course, this is related to the fact that he basically belonged to the lower class before, and he is more inclined to the people.

  Well, it’s just a tendency, really let him be an ordinary person, without alcohol, uh, if Guo Jia is really allowed to live the life of ordinary people, Guo Jia will not be able to live it.

  In order to avoid suspicion, Guo Jia did not go out these two days. Although this would make Guo Jia's heart itch, but he knew that the more involved in the current situation, the more yellow mud would be stained on his body. If it accidentally fell into the crotch, it would be really unclear , can't you take it out and let people get closer and smell it?


  Guo Jia felt a little amused at his sudden thought.

  Go out the gate, bypass the square gate, and merge into the main road.

  Guo Jia obviously felt that the officials on the main road were not as active as before.

   This is also normal.

  The only ones who can still laugh at the moment are people like Guo Jia who have no emotional sustenance for Yingchuan. When Guo Jia hadn't made a fortune, Xun Yu was the only one in Yingchuan who spoke well of him. Everyone else said that Guo Jia was a waste, a useless snack, and so on. Even Guo's family He didn't give Guo Jia any good looks either.

   Well, of course, there may be some Qingxu officials, and people from Jizhou will laugh to themselves.

  Before, some counties and counties on the ground in Yingchuan threatened the autumn harvest. As a result, Lao Cao directly sent troops and led the people to **** Zhuanghe...

The local officials in Yingchuan could only stare at them, and then they were forced to start organizing autumn harvests in other places. After all, some of the autumn harvests organized by themselves could be kept in their own bags. Then you really won't get anything.

  Of course, then Yingchuan's counterattack came.

   For example, some people were encouraged to find soldiers to make trouble, or spread some rumors, and even sent people to other places to publicize some specious situations...

Guo Jia and his party walked slowly, following the flow of people, and suddenly turned their heads to see Chen Zhong not far away, also walking forward, so they patted the guardrail of the vehicle, signaling to slow down, and then raised their hands to fight Chen Zhong Hello.

  Chen Zhong is the son of Chen Chen.

  Same as Guo Jia, Chen Zhong is currently an offshoot of the Chen family. Chen Qun's branch is the main branch of the Yingchuan Chen family.

   are all side branches, so they have a common language.

  Guo Jia looked at Chen Zhong with a smile, "Brother Chen is also attending the meeting today? This...hasn't congratulated Brother Chen yet...』

  Chen Zhong is older than Guo Jia. Apart from being shorter, his appearance is not bad, and he is also somewhat refined and graceful.

Seeing Guo Jia slowing down to greet him, Chen Zhong didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried forward a few steps, cupped his hands in salute and said, "I'm laughing at the sacrificial wine... I'm sorry for not being able to glorify the lintel of the door... Jun En, I have to take up the post of doctor...」

  In fact, this is also one of Cao Cao's moves, promoting the inferior branch.

  So in the past two days, a large number of people like Chen Zhong have been promoted, and some even directly took up real positions.

Although most of these temporarily promoted officials are concentrated under four hundred stones, they have also brought a huge impact on the old officials. If it weren't for Chen Zhong, they would be considered Yingchuan Chen's His clansmen might attract malicious looks from those around him.

Chen Zhong is now a doctor, although he does not belong to the permanent official, he is only promoted, but he can participate in the meeting and stand in front of the hall, but he cannot enter the hall to participate in the ceremony. His status is high or low, very subtle.

   Moreover, the doctor can also discuss matters on the table and participate in government affairs. If there is any gap in the local area, he can fill it at any time. It can be regarded as a position of panacea.

  Guo Jia smiled and invited Chen Zhong to go with him.

  Chen Zhong couldn't refuse Guo Jia's enthusiasm, so the two merged into one place and followed the flow of people to Yujie.

  While walking forward, Guo Jia said: "The day before yesterday a certain wanted to visit the house, but he was afraid of being rude in a hurry, so he dared not take the liberty to visit the door. I wonder if Brother Chen has any free time recently?" 』

  Chen Zhong naturally agreed again and again, saying that he would definitely sprinkle water, remove dust, sweep the house and wait for Guo Jia to come.

  Guo Jia smiled and nodded.

   Are Guo Jia and Chen Zhong familiar?

   Not really.

But in the current situation, just like Cao Cao used Guo Jia to erect the wooden pole of the city gate, Guo Jia also expressed in this way that Chen Zhong should stand with him, and Chen Zhong obviously understood this meaning, not only I am willing to walk side by side with Guo Jia, and I also agree to Guo Jia's guest.

  Political figures, in fact, have hidden deep meaning in every move.

   Not long after, we arrived in front of Chongdedian Square.

  Chen Zhong bid farewell to Guo Jia, because his position could not be compared with Guo Jia, Guo Jia could enter the hall, while Chen Zhong could only stay outside the hall.

   After Guo Jia nodded, he walked slowly through the crowd. Although these small and small groups of officials kept their voices down as much as possible, Guo Jia still listened to it.

As the initiator of the whole incident, Guo Jia couldn't help but want to laugh when he heard these officials chattering, but it's a pity that it is impossible to express his highness to everyone at the moment. Cool, expressing the evil taste of a small belly.

   After all, I was out of the anger I received back then!

  Guo Jia is not a magnanimous person. It is impossible for the left cheek to be slapped and the right cheek to stick out.

  Guo Jia was walking forward, when suddenly a person came out in front of him, cupped his hands towards him and said: "Jijiu, you are also from Yingchuan, so you should share Yingchuan's worries!" Now Yingchuan is disturbed, soldiers are rampant everywhere, and the people of Li are miserable. Now at the court meeting, we should list the harm to His Majesty, so that the people of Yingchuan can return to Anping, it is our unshirkable responsibility! 』

  Guo Jia saw that it was Liu Yi.

  Hearing Liu Yi's remarks, Guo Jia couldn't help but lose his appetite. It's no wonder that this person is often criticized by others, and it really isn't necessarily groundless.

Guo Jia laughed, and said: "I am a military officer offering wine, in charge of the strategic plan for the enemy's attack and war... Is this what is said too often about Yingchuan? I don't know much about it, so I dare not speak nonsense... Excuse me, excuse me But, farewell, farewell...」

  Taichang Liu Yi obviously wanted to reach out to pull Guo Jia, but Guo Jia was not willing to be entangled by him, so he just flicked his sleeves, avoided Liu Yi's entanglement, and then stood behind Xun Yu who was close to the front.

  『Oh...Xun Lingjun...』Guo Jia poked his head to look at Xun Yu's face, teasingly said, "Brows are frowned, and the face is full of sorrow. I don't know, but why do the wives and concubines at home complain?" 』

   Xun Yu couldn't help grinding his teeth.

   But before Xun Yu could say anything, he heard a voice from the side, adding some negative energy to Guo Jia's heart.

  『Recently, I heard that in Yingyin County, all officials, big and small, were slaughtered? Can this matter? Among them were members of the Guo clan, a family of Confucian classics, but their homes were ransacked, the men were exiled, and the women were exiled in Goulan! Before coming down, I lived at home for a long time and rarely went out. Although I heard Fengying's words, although they were all passed down in the market, I was still shocked... But I don't know if there is anyone who knows, can you tell me a thing or two? 』

  This person's voice was not loud, but after hearing this, everyone turned to look at Guo Jia instead of the speaker.

  Another voice sounded, "I don't know what crimes are committed by the women and children of the Guo clan!" There is a saying that a doctor cannot be punished, and now not only a doctor is punished, but also old and young women and children. Is it the crime of treason? If the Yingyin Guo family is really a crime of treason, why not punish the nine clans? 』

  『Zhu Jiu Clan? How can it be so implicated in goodness? 』

  『Goodness? Aww baby, what's the crime? What's wrong with a weak woman? It is also heard that a murderer forcibly committed adultery, causing his concubine to crash and die in front of the hall...』

"oh oh? But is there such a thing? 』

   Everyone acted in horror, and then looked at Guo Jia.

   After several days of turmoil, this matter is no longer considered a secret among the current court officials.

  Xun Yu couldn't help but took a step forward and coughed: "Everyone, how can you believe all the rumors in the market?" You are all important members of the court, so you should be cautious in your words and deeds. 』

  『Hehe, yes, yes, what Ling Jun said is very true...』

  『Lingjun didn’t deny it, could it be true? It's unbelievable! 』

  『Someone thought that the land of Yuzhou, on the side of the emperor's township, should be stable and peaceful, and the people who go in and out should be safe. How could there be such a tragedy? Who is the perpetrator? Oh, oh... Alas, alas, I made a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue, I am an "outsider", so I really dare not speak nonsense...』

   Then the group of people shrank back. Although they stopped talking, they still kept looking at Guo Jia's face.

   Xun Yu turned to look at Guo Jia.

Xun Yu was a little worried, he was worried that Guo Jia could not help but be provoked, and then he would do something disrespectful, and even lead to some irreversible consequences, but Xun Yu didn't expect that he would see Guo Jia after he was stunned for a moment , just laughed out.

  Yes, Guo Jia laughed...

  (end of this chapter)

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